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Config values that can only be set in config/local.ini.php

Friendica's configuration is done in two places: in INI configuration files and in the config database table. Database config values overwrite the same file config values.

File configuration

WARNING: some characters ?{}|&~![()^" should not be used in the keys or values. If one of those character is required put the value between double quotes (eg. password = "let&me&in") The configuration format for file configuration is an INI string returned from a PHP file. This prevents your webserver from displaying your private configuration it interprets the configuration files and displays nothing.

A typical configuration file looks like this:

<?php return <<<INI

; Comment line

key = value
empty_key =

array[] = value0
array[] = value1
array[] = value2

// Keep this line

Configuration location

The config directory holds key configuration files:

  • config.ini.php holds the default values for all the configuration keys that can only be set in local.ini.php.
  • settings.ini.php holds the default values for some configuration keys that are set through the admin settings page.
  • local.ini.php holds the current node custom configuration.
  • addon.ini.php is optional and holds the custom configuration for specific addons.

Addons can define their own default configuration values in addon/[addon]/config/[addon].ini.php which is loaded when the addon is activated.

Migrating from .htconfig.php to config/local.ini.php

The legacy .htconfig.php configuration file is still supported, but is deprecated and will be removed in a subsequent Friendica release.

The migration is pretty straightforward: If you had any addon-specific configuration in your .htconfig.php, just copy config/addon-sample.ini.php to config/addon.ini.php and move your configuration values. Afterwards, copy config/local-sample.ini.php to config/local.ini.php, move the remaining configuration values to it according to the following conversion chart, then rename your .htconfig.php to check your node is working as expected before deleting it.


$a->config["section"]["key"] = "value";


$a->config["section"]["key"] = array( "value1", "value2", "value3" );


$a->config["key"] = "value";


$a->path = "value";


$default_timezone = "value";


$pidfile = "value";


$lang = "value";

.htconfig.php config/local.ini.php
$db_host = 'localhost';
$db_user = 'mysqlusername';
$db_pass = 'mysqlpassword';
$db_data = 'mysqldatabasename';
$a->config["system"]["db_charset"] = 'utf8mb4';
hostname = localhost
username = mysqlusername
password = mysqlpassword
database = mysqldatabasename
charset = utf8mb4
key = value
key[] = value1
key[] = value2
key[] = value3
key = value
urlpath = value
default_timezone = value
pidfile = value
language = value

Database Settings

The configuration variables database.hostname, database.username, database.password, database.database and database.charset are holding your credentials for the database connection. If you need to specify a port to access the database, you can do so by appending ":portnumber" to the database.hostname variable.

hostname = your.mysqlhost.com:123456

If all of the following environment variables are set, Friendica will use them instead of the previously configured variables for the db:


Config values that can only be set in config/local.ini.php

There are some config values that haven't found their way into the administration page. This has several reasons. Maybe they are part of a current development that isn't considered stable and will be added later in the administration page when it is considered safe. Or it triggers something that isn't expected to be of public interest. Or it is for testing purposes only.

Attention: Please be warned that you shouldn't use one of these values without the knowledge what it could trigger. Especially don't do that with undocumented values.

These configurations keys and their default value are listed in config/config.ini.php and should be ovewritten in config/local.ini.php.

Administrator Options

Enabling the admin panel for an account, and thus making the account holder admin of the node, is done by setting the variable

admin_email = someone@example.com

Where you have to match the email address used for the account with the one you enter to the config/local.ini.php file. If more then one account should be able to access the admin panel, separate the email addresses with a comma.

admin_email = someone@example.com,someoneelse@example.com

If you want to have a more personalized closing line for the notification emails you can set a variable for the admin_name.

admin_name = Marvin