split Main modulw apart
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,54 +20,18 @@ License along with this program. If not, see
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, over, set, view, (^.))
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
import Control.Monad (join, when)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Foldable (mapM_)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import System.Console.HCL
( Request (..)
, prompt
, reqAgree
, reqDefault
, reqFail
, reqIf
, reqInt
, reqIO
, reqMenu
, reqPassword
, reqResp
, required
, runRequest
import System.Random (RandomGen (..), StdGen, getStdGen)
import Control.Monad (mapM_)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
import System.Console.HCL (Request, reqIO, runRequest)
import System.Random (getStdGen)
import Password
data Status = Status
{ _gen :: StdGen
, _masterPass :: String
, _database :: PWDatabase
makeLenses ''Status
instance RandomGen Status where
next s = (x, s') where
(x, g') = next g
s' = set gen g' s
g = s^.gen
split s = (s1, s2) where
s1 = set gen g1 s
s2 = set gen g2 s
(g1, g2) = split g
g = s^.gen
import Types
import UI
import Util
main :: IO ()
main = runRequest setup >>= mapM_ (S.evalStateT mainMenu)
@ -78,169 +42,4 @@ setup = do
mp <- getMasterPass
return $ Status g mp newPWDatabase
getMasterPass :: Request String
getMasterPass = do
p1 <- required $ prompt "master password: " reqPassword
p2 <- required $ prompt "confirm master password: " reqPassword
if p1 /= p2
then do
reqIO $ putStrLn "passwords do not match"
else return p1
mainMenu :: S.StateT Status IO ()
mainMenu =
menu "Main Menu"
[ ( "add a password", addPassword )
, ( "view/edit a password", viewEditPass )
, ( "change master password", changeMasterPass )
, ( "lock session", lockSession )
, ( "quit", quit )
addPassword :: S.StateT Status IO ()
addPassword = do
svc <- req $ prompt "service name: " reqResp
db <- S.gets $ view database
if pwHasService svc db
then req (confirm "service exists - overwrite?") >>= flip when (addPassword' svc)
else addPassword' svc
addPassword' :: String -> S.StateT Status IO ()
addPassword' x = do
d <- buildData
S.modify $ over database $ pwSetService x d
showPass x
viewEditPass :: S.StateT Status IO ()
viewEditPass = menu "View/Edit Password"
[ ( "search services", searchServ )
, ( "list services", listServ )
, ( "cancel", mainMenu )
searchServ :: S.StateT Status IO ()
searchServ = do
svc <- req $ prompt "service name: " reqResp
db <- S.gets $ view database
case pwSearch svc db of
[] -> do
lift $ putStrLn "\nservice not found"
[x] -> viewEdit x
xs -> selectServ xs
listServ :: S.StateT Status IO ()
listServ = S.gets (view database) >>= selectServ . pwSearch ""
selectServ :: [String] -> S.StateT Status IO ()
selectServ xs = menu "Select Service" $
("cancel", mainMenu) :
map (\x -> (x, viewEdit x)) xs
viewEdit :: String -> S.StateT Status IO ()
viewEdit x = menu x
[ ( "show password", showPass x >> viewEdit x )
, ( "cancel", mainMenu )
changeMasterPass :: S.StateT Status IO ()
changeMasterPass = do
oldP <- S.gets $ view masterPass
newP <- req $ reqDefault getMasterPass oldP
S.modify $ set masterPass newP
lockSession :: S.StateT Status IO ()
lockSession = do
lift $ putStrLn "\nsession locked"
pass <- S.gets $ view masterPass
mx <- lift $ runRequest $ prompt "password: " reqPassword
case mx of
Nothing -> lockSession
Just x -> if x == pass
then mainMenu
else lockSession
quit :: S.StateT Status IO ()
quit = return ()
showPass :: String -> S.StateT Status IO ()
showPass x = do
lift $ putStrLn ""
db <- S.gets $ view database
case pwGetService x db of
Nothing -> lift $ putStrLn "service not found"
Just d -> do
pw <- S.gets $ view masterPass
lift $ putStrLn $ case pwGenerate pw d of
Nothing -> "invalid password data"
Just pw -> "password for " ++ x ++ ": " ++ pw
buildData :: S.StateT Status IO PWData
buildData = do
d <- S.StateT $ return . newPWData
req $ reqIf (confirm "would you like to change the default policy?")
let p = d^.pwPolicy
p <- editPolicy p <|> do
reqIO $ putStrLn "invalid password policy - using default"
return p
return $ set pwPolicy p d)
(return d)
-- TODO: refactor this monstrosity
editPolicy :: PWPolicy -> Request PWPolicy
editPolicy p = if validatePWPolicy p
then do
p <- edit "length" (p^.pwLength) pwLength p
p <- edit "min upper case" (p^.pwUpper) pwUpper p
p <- edit "min lower case" (p^.pwLower) pwLower p
p <- edit "min digits" (p^.pwDigits) pwDigits p
p <- special p
if validatePWPolicy p
then return p
else reqFail
else reqFail
edit l v t p = do
v <- reqDefault
(prompt ("new " ++ l ++ " (default " ++ show v ++ "): ") reqInt) v
return $ set t v p
special p = do
reqIO $ putStrLn $ "special chars are currently " ++
(case p^.pwSpecial of
Nothing -> "not "
Just _ -> "") ++ "allowed"
reqIf (confirm "allow special chars?")
(case p^.pwSpecial of
Nothing -> do
x <- required $ prompt "min special chars: " reqInt
return $ set pwSpecial (Just x) p
Just x -> edit "min special chars" x (pwSpecial.traverse) p)
(return $ set pwSpecial Nothing p)
:: String
-> [(String, S.StateT Status IO a)]
-> S.StateT Status IO a
menu title = reqState . prompt ("\n*** " ++ title ++ " ***") .
reqMenu . map menuItem
menuItem :: (String, a) -> (String, Request a)
menuItem (str, x) = (str, return x)
reqState :: Request (S.StateT s IO a) -> S.StateT s IO a
reqState = join . req
req :: Request a -> S.StateT s IO a
req = lift . fmap fromJust . runRequest . required
tryReq :: Request a -> S.StateT s IO (Maybe a)
tryReq = lift . runRequest
confirm :: String -> Request Bool
confirm x = required $ prompt (x ++ " (y/n): ") $ reqAgree Nothing reqResp
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
Copyright (C) 2018 Jonathan Lamothe
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this program. If not, see
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Types (Status (Status), gen, masterPass, database) where
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, set, (^.))
import System.Random (RandomGen (next, split), StdGen)
import Password
data Status = Status
{ _gen :: StdGen
, _masterPass :: String
, _database :: PWDatabase
makeLenses ''Status
instance RandomGen Status where
next s = (x, s') where
(x, g') = next g
s' = set gen g' s
g = s^.gen
split s = (s1, s2) where
s1 = set gen g1 s
s2 = set gen g2 s
(g1, g2) = split g
g = s^.gen
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
Copyright (C) 2018 Jonathan Lamothe
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this program. If not, see
module UI (getMasterPass, mainMenu) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Lens (over, set, view, (^.))
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
import System.Console.HCL
( Request
, prompt
, reqDefault
, reqFail
, reqIf
, reqInt
, reqIO
, reqPassword
, reqResp
, required
, runRequest
import Password
import Types
import Util
getMasterPass :: Request String
getMasterPass = do
p1 <- required $ prompt "master password: " reqPassword
p2 <- required $ prompt "confirm master password: " reqPassword
if p1 /= p2
then do
reqIO $ putStrLn "passwords do not match"
else return p1
mainMenu :: S.StateT Status IO ()
mainMenu =
menu "Main Menu"
[ ( "add a password", addPassword )
, ( "view/edit a password", viewEditMenu )
, ( "change master password", changeMasterPass )
, ( "lock session", lockSession )
, ( "quit", quit )
addPassword :: S.StateT Status IO ()
addPassword = do
svc <- req $ prompt "service name: " reqResp
db <- S.gets $ view database
if pwHasService svc db
then req (confirm "service exists - overwrite?") >>= flip when (addPassword' svc)
else addPassword' svc
addPassword' :: String -> S.StateT Status IO ()
addPassword' x = do
d <- buildData
S.modify $ over database $ pwSetService x d
showPass x
viewEditMenu :: S.StateT Status IO ()
viewEditMenu = menu "View/Edit Password"
[ ( "search services", searchServ )
, ( "list services", listServ )
, ( "cancel", mainMenu )
searchServ :: S.StateT Status IO ()
searchServ = do
svc <- req $ prompt "service name: " reqResp
db <- S.gets $ view database
case pwSearch svc db of
[] -> do
lift $ putStrLn "\nservice not found"
[x] -> viewEditServ x
xs -> selectServ xs
listServ :: S.StateT Status IO ()
listServ = S.gets (view database) >>= selectServ . pwSearch ""
selectServ :: [String] -> S.StateT Status IO ()
selectServ xs = menu "Select Service" $
map (\x -> (x, viewEditServ x)) xs ++
[("(cancel)", mainMenu)]
viewEditServ :: String -> S.StateT Status IO ()
viewEditServ x = menu x
[ ( "show password", showPass x >> viewEditServ x )
, ( "cancel", mainMenu )
changeMasterPass :: S.StateT Status IO ()
changeMasterPass = do
oldP <- S.gets $ view masterPass
newP <- req $ reqDefault getMasterPass oldP
S.modify $ set masterPass newP
lockSession :: S.StateT Status IO ()
lockSession = do
lift $ putStrLn "\nsession locked"
pass <- S.gets $ view masterPass
mx <- lift $ runRequest $ prompt "password: " reqPassword
case mx of
Nothing -> lockSession
Just x -> if x == pass
then mainMenu
else lockSession
quit :: S.StateT Status IO ()
quit = return ()
showPass :: String -> S.StateT Status IO ()
showPass x = do
lift $ putStrLn ""
db <- S.gets $ view database
case pwGetService x db of
Nothing -> lift $ putStrLn "service not found"
Just d -> do
pw <- S.gets $ view masterPass
lift $ putStrLn $ case pwGenerate pw d of
Nothing -> "invalid password data"
Just pw -> "password for " ++ x ++ ": " ++ pw
buildData :: S.StateT Status IO PWData
buildData = do
d <- S.StateT $ return . newPWData
req $ reqIf (confirm "would you like to change the default policy?")
let p = d^.pwPolicy
p <- editPolicy p <|> do
reqIO $ putStrLn "invalid password policy - using default"
return p
return $ set pwPolicy p d)
(return d)
-- TODO: refactor this monstrosity
editPolicy :: PWPolicy -> Request PWPolicy
editPolicy p = if validatePWPolicy p
then do
p <- edit "length" (p^.pwLength) pwLength p
p <- edit "min upper case" (p^.pwUpper) pwUpper p
p <- edit "min lower case" (p^.pwLower) pwLower p
p <- edit "min digits" (p^.pwDigits) pwDigits p
p <- special p
if validatePWPolicy p
then return p
else reqFail
else reqFail
edit l v t p = do
v <- reqDefault
(prompt ("new " ++ l ++ " (default " ++ show v ++ "): ") reqInt) v
return $ set t v p
special p = do
reqIO $ putStrLn $ "special chars are currently " ++
(case p^.pwSpecial of
Nothing -> "not "
Just _ -> "") ++ "allowed"
reqIf (confirm "allow special chars?")
(case p^.pwSpecial of
Nothing -> do
x <- required $ prompt "min special chars: " reqInt
return $ set pwSpecial (Just x) p
Just x -> edit "min special chars" x (pwSpecial.traverse) p)
(return $ set pwSpecial Nothing p)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
Copyright (C) 2018 Jonathan Lamothe
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this program. If not, see
module Util (menu, req, tryReq, confirm) where
import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import System.Console.HCL
( Request
, prompt
, reqAgree
, reqIf
, reqMenu
, reqResp
, required
, runRequest
import Types
:: String
-> [(String, S.StateT Status IO a)]
-> S.StateT Status IO a
menu title = reqState . prompt ("\n*** " ++ title ++ " ***") .
reqMenu . map menuItem
menuItem :: (String, a) -> (String, Request a)
menuItem (str, x) = (str, return x)
reqState :: Request (S.StateT s IO a) -> S.StateT s IO a
reqState = join . req
req :: Request a -> S.StateT s IO a
req = lift . fmap fromJust . runRequest . required
tryReq :: Request a -> S.StateT s IO (Maybe a)
tryReq = lift . runRequest
confirm :: String -> Request Bool
confirm x = required $ prompt (x ++ " (y/n): ") $ reqAgree Nothing reqResp
Reference in New Issue
Block a user