partial implementation of pwGenerate
This commit is contained in:
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ module Password (
pwCountUpper, pwCountLower, pwCountDigits, pwCountSpecial
) where
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, (^.))
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, over, (^.))
import Data.Char (isUpper, isLower, isDigit, isAlphaNum)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -162,7 +162,10 @@ pwGenerate
-> Maybe String
-- ^ the resulting password, if possible; @"Nothing"@ if the data is
-- invalid
pwGenerate = undefined
pwGenerate pw d = if validatePWData d
then Just $ mkPass (mkPool seed) (d^.pwPolicy)
else Nothing
where seed = mkSeed pw d
-- | counts lower case characters in a password
@ -196,4 +199,37 @@ pwCountUpper
-- ^ the count
pwCountUpper = undefined
mkPass :: String -> PWPolicy -> String
mkPass (x:xs) p = let p' = nextPolicy x p in
if p^.pwLength <= 0
then ""
else if validatePWPolicy p'
then x : mkPass xs p'
else mkPass xs p
mkPool :: B.ByteString -> String
mkPool s = toB64 hash ++ mkPool hash where
hash = mkHash s
mkSeed :: String -> PWData -> B.ByteString
mkSeed pw d = toUTF8 pw `B.append` (d^.pwSalt)
mkHash :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
mkHash = undefined
nextPolicy :: Char -> PWPolicy -> PWPolicy
nextPolicy x p = over pwLength pred $
over lens pred p where
| isUpper x = pwUpper
| isLower x = pwLower
| isDigit x = pwDigits
| otherwise = pwSpecial . traverse
toUTF8 :: String -> B.ByteString
toUTF8 = undefined
toB64 :: B.ByteString -> String
toB64 = undefined
Reference in New Issue
Block a user