partial implementation of password adding
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,24 +24,29 @@ License along with this program. If not, see
module Main where
module Main where
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, set, view)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, over, set, view, (^.))
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Monad (join, when)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Foldable (mapM_)
import Data.Foldable (mapM_)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import System.Console.HCL
import System.Console.HCL
( Request (..)
( Request (..)
, prompt
, prompt
, reqAgree
, reqDefault
, reqDefault
, reqFail
, reqFail
, reqIf
, reqInt
, reqIO
, reqIO
, reqMenu
, reqMenu
, reqPassword
, reqPassword
, reqResp
, required
, required
, runRequest
, runRequest
import System.Random (StdGen, getStdGen)
import System.Random (RandomGen (..), StdGen, getStdGen)
import Password
import Password
@ -53,6 +58,17 @@ data Status = Status
makeLenses ''Status
makeLenses ''Status
instance RandomGen Status where
next s = (x, s') where
(x, g') = next g
s' = set gen g' s
g = s^.gen
split s = (s1, s2) where
s1 = set gen g1 s
s2 = set gen g2 s
(g1, g2) = split g
g = s^.gen
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = runRequest setup >>= mapM_ (S.evalStateT mainMenu)
main = runRequest setup >>= mapM_ (S.evalStateT mainMenu)
@ -75,11 +91,27 @@ getMasterPass = do
mainMenu :: S.StateT Status IO ()
mainMenu :: S.StateT Status IO ()
mainMenu =
mainMenu =
menu "Main Menu"
menu "Main Menu"
[ ( "change master password", changeMasterPass )
[ ( "add a password", addPassword )
, ( "change master password", changeMasterPass )
, ( "lock session", lockSession )
, ( "lock session", lockSession )
, ( "quit", quit )
, ( "quit", quit )
addPassword :: S.StateT Status IO ()
addPassword = do
svc <- req $ prompt "service name: " reqResp
db <- S.gets $ view database
if pwHasService svc db
then req (confirm "service exists - overwrite?") >>= flip when (addPassword' svc)
else addPassword' svc
addPassword' :: String -> S.StateT Status IO ()
addPassword' x = do
d <- buildData
S.modify $ over database $ pwSetService x d
showPass x
changeMasterPass :: S.StateT Status IO ()
changeMasterPass :: S.StateT Status IO ()
changeMasterPass = do
changeMasterPass = do
oldP <- S.gets $ view masterPass
oldP <- S.gets $ view masterPass
@ -101,6 +133,61 @@ lockSession = do
quit :: S.StateT Status IO ()
quit :: S.StateT Status IO ()
quit = return ()
quit = return ()
showPass :: String -> S.StateT Status IO ()
showPass x = do
db <- S.gets $ view database
case pwGetService x db of
Nothing -> lift $ putStrLn "service not found"
Just d -> do
pw <- S.gets $ view masterPass
lift $ putStrLn $ case pwGenerate pw d of
Nothing -> "invalid password data"
Just pw -> "password for " ++ x ++ ": " ++ pw
buildData :: S.StateT Status IO PWData
buildData = do
d <- S.StateT $ return . newPWData
req $ reqIf (confirm "would you like to change the default policy?")
let p = d^.pwPolicy
p <- editPolicy p <|> do
reqIO $ putStrLn "invalid password policy - using default"
return p
return $ set pwPolicy p d)
(return d)
editPolicy :: PWPolicy -> Request PWPolicy
editPolicy p = if validatePWPolicy p
then do
p <- edit "length" (p^.pwLength) pwLength p
p <- edit "min upper case" (p^.pwUpper) pwUpper p
p <- edit "min lower case" (p^.pwLower) pwLower p
p <- edit "min digits" (p^.pwDigits) pwDigits p
p <- special p
if validatePWPolicy p
then return p
else reqFail
else reqFail
edit l v t p = reqIf
(confirm $ l ++ " is " ++ show v ++ "\nchange?")
x <- required $ prompt ("new " ++ l ++ ": ") reqInt
return $ set t v p)
(return p)
special p = do
reqIO $ putStrLn $ "special chars are currently " ++
(case p^.pwSpecial of
Nothing -> "not "
Just _ -> "") ++ "allowed"
reqIf (confirm "allow special chars?")
(case p^.pwSpecial of
Nothing -> do
x <- required $ prompt "min special chars: " reqInt
return $ set pwSpecial (Just x) p
Just x -> edit "min special chars" x (pwSpecial.traverse) p)
(return $ set pwSpecial Nothing p)
:: String
:: String
-> [(String, S.StateT Status IO a)]
-> [(String, S.StateT Status IO a)]
@ -117,4 +204,10 @@ reqState = join . req
req :: Request a -> S.StateT s IO a
req :: Request a -> S.StateT s IO a
req = lift . fmap fromJust . runRequest . required
req = lift . fmap fromJust . runRequest . required
tryReq :: Request a -> S.StateT s IO (Maybe a)
tryReq = lift . runRequest
confirm :: String -> Request Bool
confirm x = required $ prompt (x ++ " (y/n): ") $ reqAgree Nothing reqResp
@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ module Password (
-- ** Password Generator
-- ** Password Generator
-- ** Password Checkers
-- ** Password Checkers
pwCountUpper, pwCountLower, pwCountDigits, pwCountSpecial
pwCountUpper, pwCountLower, pwCountDigits, pwCountSpecial,
-- ** Database Functions
pwHasService, pwSetService, pwGetService
) where
) where
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, over, set, (^.))
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, over, set, (^.))
@ -203,6 +205,39 @@ pwCountSpecial
-- ^ the count
-- ^ the count
pwCountSpecial = length . filter isSpecial
pwCountSpecial = length . filter isSpecial
-- | checks to see if a service is in the database
:: String
-- ^ the service name
-> PWDatabase
-- ^ the database to check
-> Bool
-- ^ returns @"True"@ if found; @"False"@ otherwise
pwHasService = undefined
-- | adds a service to the database, or overwrites an existing one
:: String
-- ^ the service name
-> PWData
-- ^ the password data for the service
-> PWDatabase
-- ^ the database to add to
-> PWDatabase
-- ^ the resulting database
pwSetService = undefined
-- | attempts to get a service from the database
:: String
-- ^ the service name
-> PWDatabase
-- ^ the database to check
-> Maybe PWData
-- ^ the service's password data, or @"Nothing"@ if the service is
-- not found
pwGetService = undefined
isSpecial :: Char -> Bool
isSpecial :: Char -> Bool
isSpecial x = not $ isUpper x || isLower x || isDigit x
isSpecial x = not $ isUpper x || isLower x || isDigit x
Reference in New Issue
Block a user