fixed pedantic warnings and hlint stuff
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ import System.Console.HCL (Request, reqFail, reqIO, runRequest)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.Random (getStdGen)
import Password
import Types
import UI
import Util
@ -22,12 +22,10 @@ License along with this program. If not, see
module UI (getMasterPass, mainMenu) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Lens (over, set, view, (^.))
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
import Data.Maybe (maybe)
import System.Console.HCL
( Request
, prompt
@ -39,7 +37,6 @@ import System.Console.HCL
, reqPassword
, reqResp
, required
, runRequest
import Password
@ -215,19 +212,20 @@ showPass x = do
withService x
(lift $ putStrLn "The service could not be found in the database.") $
\d -> do
pw <- S.gets $ view masterPass
lift $ putStrLn $ case pwGenerate pw d of
mp <- S.gets $ view masterPass
lift $ putStrLn $ case pwGenerate mp d of
Nothing -> "The password data were not valid."
Just pw -> "password for " ++ x ++ ": " ++ pw
-- TODO: refactor this monstrosity
editPolicy :: PWPolicy -> Request PWPolicy
editPolicy p = do
p <- edit "length" (p^.pwLength) pwLength p
p <- edit "min upper case" (p^.pwUpper) pwUpper p
p <- edit "min lower case" (p^.pwLower) pwLower p
p <- edit "min digits" (p^.pwDigits) pwDigits p
p <- special p
editPolicy policy = do
p <-
edit "length" (policy^.pwLength) pwLength policy >>=
edit "min upper case" (policy^.pwUpper) pwUpper >>=
edit "min lower case" (policy^.pwLower) pwLower >>=
edit "min digits" (policy^.pwDigits) pwDigits >>=
if validatePWPolicy p
then return p
else do
@ -237,9 +235,9 @@ editPolicy p = do
edit l v t p = do
v <- reqDefault
v' <- reqDefault
(prompt ("new " ++ l ++ " (default " ++ show v ++ "): ") reqInt) v
return $ set t v p
return $ set t v' p
special p = do
reqIO $ putStrLn $ "Special characters are currently " ++
(case p^.pwSpecial of
@ -38,14 +38,13 @@ import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
import Data.Aeson (decodeFileStrict, encodeFile)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import System.Console.HCL
( Request
, prompt
, reqAgree
, reqChar
, reqDefault
, reqIf
, reqIO
, reqMenu
, required
@ -79,9 +78,7 @@ withService
-> S.StateT Status IO a
withService srv fb act = do
db <- S.gets $ view database
case pwGetService srv db of
Nothing -> fb
Just x -> act x
maybe fb act $ pwGetService srv db
:: String
@ -109,9 +106,7 @@ confirm x = prompt (x ++ " (y/n): ") $ reqAgree Nothing $ fmap return reqChar
loadFrom :: FilePath -> Request PWDatabase
loadFrom path = reqDefault
(reqIO (decodeFileStrict path))
(Just newPWDatabase) >>= maybe
(return newPWDatabase)
(Just newPWDatabase) >>= (return . fromMaybe newPWDatabase)
save :: S.StateT Status IO ()
save = do
@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ dependencies:
- lens
- random
- -Wall
source-dirs: src
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ License along with this program. If not, see
module Password (
-- * Data Types
PWDatabase, PWData(..), PWPolicy (..), PWSalt,
PWDatabase, PWData(..), PWPolicy (..), PWSalt (..),
-- ** Lenses
-- $lenses
-- *** PWData
@ -47,11 +47,10 @@ module Password (
pwHasService, pwSetService, pwGetService, pwRemoveService, pwSearch
) where
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, over, set, (^.))
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, over, set, to, (^.))
import Data.Aeson
( FromJSON (parseJSON)
, Value (String)
, object
, withObject
, withText
@ -97,7 +96,8 @@ data PWPolicy = PWPolicy
} deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | the "salt" used to generate a password
type PWSalt = B.ByteString
newtype PWSalt = PWSalt { runPWSalt :: B.ByteString }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- $lenses The following functions are automatically generated by
-- @makeLenses@. See the
@ -120,11 +120,11 @@ instance FromJSON PWPolicy where
<*> v .: "min_digits"
<*> v .: "min_special"
instance FromJSON B.ByteString where
parseJSON = withText "ByteString" $ \v ->
instance FromJSON PWSalt where
parseJSON = withText "PWSalt" $ \v ->
case B64.decode $ toUTF8 $ T.unpack v of
Left x -> fail x
Right x -> return x
Right x -> return $ PWSalt x
instance ToJSON PWData where
toJSON d = object
@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ instance ToJSON PWPolicy where
, "min_special" .= (p^.pwSpecial)
instance ToJSON B.ByteString where
toJSON = toJSON . toB64
instance ToJSON PWSalt where
toJSON = toJSON . toB64 . runPWSalt
-- | default (empty) password database
newPWDatabase :: PWDatabase
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ newPWSalt
-> (PWSalt, g)
-- ^ the result and new random generator
newPWSalt g = (result, g2) where
result = B.pack $ take 32 $ randoms g1
result = PWSalt $ B.pack $ take 32 $ randoms g1
(g1, g2) = split g
-- | validates a password database
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ validatePWData
-- ^ @"True"@ if valid; @"False"@ otherwise
validatePWData x =
validatePWPolicy (x^.pwPolicy) &&
B.length (x^.pwSalt) > 0
B.length (x^ runPWSalt) > 0
-- | validates a password policy
@ -336,8 +336,8 @@ mkPool = toB64 . raw where
raw x = let x' = mkHash x in
x' `B.append` raw x'
mkSeed :: String -> PWData -> B.ByteString
mkSeed pw d = toUTF8 pw `B.append` (d^.pwSalt)
mkSeed :: String -> PWData ->B.ByteString
mkSeed pw d = toUTF8 pw `B.append` (d^ runPWSalt)
mkHash :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
mkHash = fst . B16.decode . toUTF8 . show . sha256
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ toB64 = B8.unpack . B64.encode
contains :: String -> String -> Bool
_ `contains` "" = True
"" `contains` _ = False
xs@(x:xs') `contains` ys
xs@(_:xs') `contains` ys
| xs `startsWith` ys = True
| otherwise = xs' `contains` ys
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# This file was autogenerated by Stack.
# You should not edit this file by hand.
# For more information, please see the documentation at:
- completed:
hackage: HCL-1.7.1@sha256:7bc617fbc9ba4b1f9c10d9b3e195042c1f031629f86d08253eec87660492d646,1627
size: 1223
sha256: 5dd9d6b52e85caae6e47d8686be92873e00de14791c4e2c2753492ff288454fe
hackage: HCL-1.7.1@sha256:7bc617fbc9ba4b1f9c10d9b3e195042c1f031629f86d08253eec87660492d646
- completed:
size: 508406
sha256: 609dd00c32f59e11bb333b9113d9d2e54269627de1268cbb3cc576af8c7b6237
original: lts-12.21
@ -41,11 +41,13 @@ import qualified Spec.ValidatePWData as ValidatePWData
import qualified Spec.ValidatePWDatabase as ValidatePWDatabase
import qualified Spec.ValidatePWPolicy as ValidatePWPolicy
main :: IO ()
main = do
counts <- runTestTT tests
when (failures counts > 0 || errors counts > 0)
tests :: Test
tests = TestList
[ NewPWDatabase.tests
, NewPWData.tests
@ -25,31 +25,41 @@ module Spec.JSON (tests) where
import Data.Aeson (eitherDecode, encode, decode)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.Random (mkStdGen)
import System.Random (mkStdGen, StdGen)
import Test.HUnit (Test (..), (~?=))
import Password
tests :: Test
tests = TestLabel "JSON" $ TestList [success, failure]
success :: Test
success = TestLabel "succeasful encoding/decoding" $
eitherDecode (encode db) ~?= Right db
failure :: Test
failure = TestLabel "decoding failure" $
(decode B.empty :: Maybe PWDatabase) ~?= Nothing
db :: M.Map String PWData
db = M.fromList
[ ( "foo", foo )
, ( "bar", bar )
, ( "baz", baz )
foo :: PWData
g' :: StdGen
(foo, g') = newPWData g
bar :: PWData
g'' :: StdGen
(bar, g'') = newPWData g'
baz :: PWData
(baz, _) = newPWData g''
g :: StdGen
g = mkStdGen 1
@ -23,23 +23,27 @@ License along with this program. If not, see
module Spec.NewPWData (tests) where
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import System.Random (mkStdGen)
import System.Random (mkStdGen, StdGen)
import Test.HUnit (Test (..), (~?=))
import Password
tests :: Test
tests = TestLabel "newPData" $ TestList
[ testSalt x
, testPolicy x
] where (x, _) = newPWData g
testSalt :: PWData -> Test
testSalt x = TestLabel "pwSalt" $
x^.pwSalt ~?= salt where
(salt, _) = newPWSalt g
testPolicy :: PWData -> Test
testPolicy x = TestLabel "pwPolicy" $
x^.pwPolicy ~?= newPWPolicy
g :: StdGen
g = mkStdGen 1
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import Test.HUnit (Test (..), (~?=))
import Password
tests :: Test
tests = TestLabel "newPWDatabase" $
length newPWDatabase ~?= 0
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import Test.HUnit (Test(..), (~?=))
import Password
tests :: Test
tests = TestLabel "PWPolicy" $ TestList $ map test'
[ ( "pwLength", newPWPolicy^.pwLength ~?= 16 )
, ( "pwUpper", newPWPolicy^.pwUpper ~?= 0 )
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ tests = TestLabel "PWPolicy" $ TestList $ map test'
, ( "pwSpecial", newPWPolicy^.pwSpecial ~?= Just 0 )
test' :: (String, Test) -> Test
test' (label, x) = TestLabel label x
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import Test.HUnit (Test(..), assertBool, (~?=))
import Password
tests :: Test
tests = TestLabel "newPWSalt" $ TestList
[ testLength salt
, testDiff salt salt'
@ -36,9 +37,12 @@ tests = TestLabel "newPWSalt" $ TestList
(salt', _) = newPWSalt g'
g = mkStdGen 1
testLength x = TestLabel "salt length" $ B.length x ~?= 32
testLength :: PWSalt -> Test
testLength x = TestLabel "salt length" $
B.length (runPWSalt x) ~?= 32
testDiff x y = TestLabel "different generators" $ TestCase $
testDiff :: PWSalt -> PWSalt -> Test
testDiff x y = TestLabel "different salts" $ TestCase $
assertBool "salts match" $ x /= y
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module Spec.PWGenerate (tests) where
import Control.Lens (set, (^.))
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import System.Random (mkStdGen)
import System.Random (mkStdGen, StdGen)
import Test.HUnit
(Test (..)
, assertBool
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import Test.HUnit
import Password
tests :: Test
tests = TestLabel "pwGenerate" $ TestList
[ defaultData
, invalidPolicy
@ -43,15 +44,18 @@ tests = TestLabel "pwGenerate" $ TestList
, differentMaster
defaultData :: Test
defaultData = TestLabel "default data" $ TestCase $
case pwGenerate "foo" validData of
Nothing -> assertFailure "no password generated"
Just x -> assertEqual "incorrect password length"
(validData^.pwPolicy.pwLength) (length x)
invalidPolicy :: Test
invalidPolicy = TestLabel "invalid policy" $
pwGenerate "foo" invalidPolicy' ~?= Nothing
constraints :: Test
constraints = TestLabel "strict constraints" $ TestCase $
case pwGenerate "foo" constraints' of
Nothing -> assertFailure "no password generated"
@ -67,6 +71,7 @@ constraints = TestLabel "strict constraints" $ TestCase $
assertEqual "incorrect number of special characters"
(fromJust $ constraints'^.pwPolicy.pwSpecial) (pwCountSpecial x)
noSpecial :: Test
noSpecial = TestLabel "no special chars" $ TestCase $
case pwGenerate "foo" noSpecial' of
Nothing -> assertFailure "no password generated"
@ -75,25 +80,31 @@ noSpecial = TestLabel "no special chars" $ TestCase $
(noSpecial'^.pwPolicy.pwLength) (length x)
assertEqual "special characters found" 0 $ pwCountSpecial x
differentMaster :: Test
differentMaster = TestLabel "different master passwords" $ TestCase $
assertBool "passwords match" $
fromJust (pwGenerate "foo" validData) /=
fromJust (pwGenerate "bar" validData)
validData :: PWData
(validData, _) = newPWData g
invalidPolicy' :: PWData
invalidPolicy' = set (pwPolicy.pwLength) (-1) validData
constraints' :: PWData
constraints' = set (pwPolicy.pwUpper) 4 $
set (pwPolicy.pwLower) 4 $
set (pwPolicy.pwDigits) 4 $
set (pwPolicy.pwSpecial) (Just 4)
noSpecial' :: PWData
noSpecial' = set (pwPolicy.pwLength) 256 $
set (pwPolicy.pwSpecial) Nothing
g :: StdGen
g = mkStdGen 1
@ -23,35 +23,46 @@ License along with this program. If not, see
module Spec.PWGetService (tests) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.Random (mkStdGen)
import System.Random (mkStdGen, StdGen)
import Test.HUnit (Test (..), (~?=))
import Password
tests :: Test
tests = TestLabel "pwGetService" $ TestList
[ empty, found, notFound ]
empty :: Test
empty = TestLabel "empty database" $
pwGetService "foo" newPWDatabase ~?= Nothing
found :: Test
found = TestLabel "service found" $
pwGetService "foo" db ~?= Just foo
notFound :: Test
notFound = TestLabel "service not found" $
pwGetService "quux" db ~?= Nothing
db :: M.Map String PWData
db = M.fromList
[ ( "foo", foo )
, ( "bar", bar )
, ( "baz", baz )
foo :: PWData
g' :: StdGen
(foo, g') = newPWData g
bar :: PWData
g'' :: StdGen
(bar, g'') = newPWData g'
baz :: PWData
(baz, _) = newPWData g''
g :: StdGen
g = mkStdGen 1
@ -23,32 +23,41 @@ License along with this program. If not, see
module Spec.PWHasService (tests) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.Random (mkStdGen)
import System.Random (mkStdGen, StdGen)
import Test.HUnit (Test (..), (~?=))
import Password
tests :: Test
tests = TestLabel "pwHasService" $ TestList $ map test'
[ ( "empty database", "foo", newPWDatabase, False )
, ( "in database", "foo", db, True )
, ( "not found", "quux", db, False )
, ( "in database", "foo", database, True )
, ( "not found", "quux", database, False )
test' :: (String, String, PWDatabase, Bool) -> Test
test' (label, x, db, expect) = TestLabel label $
pwHasService x db ~?= expect
db = M.fromList
database :: M.Map String PWData
database = M.fromList
[ ( "foo", foo )
, ( "bar", bar )
, ( "baz", baz )
foo :: PWData
g' :: StdGen
(foo, g') = newPWData g
bar :: PWData
g'' :: StdGen
(bar, g'') = newPWData g'
baz :: PWData
(baz, _) = newPWData g''
g :: StdGen
g = mkStdGen 1
@ -23,26 +23,31 @@ License along with this program. If not, see
module Spec.PWRemoveService (tests) where
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as M
import System.Random (mkStdGen)
import System.Random (mkStdGen, StdGen)
import Test.HUnit (Test (..), assertBool, (~?=))
import Password
tests :: Test
tests = TestLabel "pwRemoveService" $ TestList
[ emptyDB
, existingService
, missingService
emptyDB :: Test
emptyDB = TestLabel "empty database" $
pwRemoveService "foo" newPWDatabase ~?= newPWDatabase
existingService :: Test
existingService = TestLabel "existing service" $
test' "foo" ["bar", "baz"]
missingService :: Test
missingService = TestLabel "missing service" $
test' "quux" ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
test' :: String -> [String] -> Test
test' serv keys = let db' = pwRemoveService serv db in
TestList $
TestLabel "key count" (length keys ~?= length (M.keys db')) :
@ -50,18 +55,25 @@ test' serv keys = let db' = pwRemoveService serv db in
(\x -> TestLabel x $ TestCase $ assertBool "service missing" $ pwHasService x db')
db :: M.Map String PWData
db = M.fromList
[ ( "foo", foo )
, ( "bar", bar )
, ( "baz", baz )
foo :: PWData
g' ::StdGen
(foo, g') = newPWData g
bar :: PWData
g'' :: StdGen
(bar, g'') = newPWData g'
baz :: PWData
(baz, _) = newPWData g''
g :: StdGen
g = mkStdGen 1
@ -23,35 +23,44 @@ License along with this program. If not, see
module Spec.PWSearch (tests) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.Random (mkStdGen)
import System.Random (mkStdGen, StdGen)
import Test.HUnit (Test (..), assertBool, (~?=))
import Password
tests :: Test
tests = TestLabel "pwSearch" $ TestList $ map test'
[ ( "no results", "quux", [] )
, ( "some results", "A", ["bar", "baz"] )
, ( "all results", "", ["foo", "bar", "baz"] )
test' :: (String, String, [String]) -> Test
test' (label, str, expect) = TestLabel label $ TestList $
TestLabel "length" (length result ~?= length expect) :
map (\x -> TestLabel ("has " ++ x) $ TestCase $
assertBool "not found" $ elem x expect) result
where result = pwSearch str db
db :: M.Map String PWData
db = M.fromList
[ ( "foo", foo )
, ( "bar", bar )
, ( "baz", baz )
foo :: PWData
g' :: StdGen
(foo, g') = newPWData g
bar :: PWData
g'' :: StdGen
(bar, g'') = newPWData g'
baz :: PWData
(baz, _) = newPWData g''
g :: StdGen
g = mkStdGen 1
@ -23,51 +23,68 @@ License along with this program. If not, see
module Spec.PWSetService (tests) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.Random (mkStdGen)
import System.Random (mkStdGen, StdGen)
import Test.HUnit (Test (..), (~?=))
import Password
tests :: Test
tests = TestLabel "pwSetService" $ TestList
[ addToEmpty, addToNonEmpty, addToExisting ]
addToEmpty :: Test
addToEmpty = tests' "empty database" newPWDatabase 1
addToNonEmpty :: Test
addToNonEmpty = tests' "non-empty database" nonEmpty 3
addToExisting :: Test
addToExisting = tests' "existing database" existing 3
tests' :: String -> PWDatabase -> Int -> Test
tests' label db size = TestLabel label $ TestList
[ dbSize result size
, find result
] where
result = pwSetService "foo" foo db
dbSize :: M.Map String PWData -> Int -> Test
dbSize db expect = TestLabel "database size" $
length db ~?= expect
find :: M.Map String PWData -> Test
find db = TestLabel "record" $
M.lookup "foo" db ~?= Just foo
nonEmpty :: M.Map String PWData
nonEmpty = M.fromList
[ ( "bar", bar )
, ( "baz", baz )
existing :: M.Map String PWData
existing = M.fromList
[ ( "foo", foo' )
, ( "bar", bar )
, ( "baz", baz )
foo :: PWData
g1 :: StdGen
(foo, g1) = newPWData g
foo' :: PWData
g2 :: StdGen
(foo', g2) = newPWData g1
bar :: PWData
g3 :: StdGen
(bar, g3) = newPWData g2
baz :: PWData
(baz, _) = newPWData g3
g :: StdGen
g = mkStdGen 1
@ -24,26 +24,32 @@ module Spec.ValidatePWData (tests) where
import Control.Lens (set)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import System.Random (mkStdGen)
import System.Random (mkStdGen, StdGen)
import Test.HUnit (Test (..), (~?=))
import Password
tests :: Test
tests = TestLabel "validatePWData" $ TestList $ map test'
[ ( "valid", new, True )
, ( "invalid policy", invalidPolicy, False )
, ( "invalid salt", invalidSalt, False )
test' :: (String, PWData, Bool) -> Test
test' (label, x, expect) = TestLabel label $
validatePWData x ~?= expect
new :: PWData
(new, _) = newPWData g
invalidPolicy :: PWData
invalidPolicy = set (pwPolicy.pwLength) (-1) new
invalidSalt = set pwSalt B.empty new
invalidSalt :: PWData
invalidSalt = set pwSalt (PWSalt B.empty) new
g :: StdGen
g = mkStdGen 1
@ -24,11 +24,12 @@ module Spec.ValidatePWDatabase (tests) where
import Control.Lens (set)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.Random (mkStdGen)
import System.Random (mkStdGen, StdGen)
import Test.HUnit (Test (..), (~?=))
import Password
tests :: Test
tests = TestLabel "validatePWDatabase" $ TestList $ map test'
[ ( "empty", newPWDatabase, True )
, ( "valid", validDB, True )
@ -36,19 +37,26 @@ tests = TestLabel "validatePWDatabase" $ TestList $ map test'
, ( "bar invalid", barInvalid, False )
test' :: (String, PWDatabase, Bool) -> Test
test' (label, x, expect) = TestLabel label $
validatePWDatabase x ~?= expect
validDB :: M.Map String PWData
validDB = M.fromList [("foo", validData), ("bar", validData)]
fooInvalid :: M.Map String PWData
fooInvalid = M.insert "foo" invalidData validDB
barInvalid :: M.Map String PWData
barInvalid = M.insert "bar" invalidData validDB
validData :: PWData
(validData, _) = newPWData g
invalidData :: PWData
invalidData = set (pwPolicy.pwLength) (-1) validData
g :: StdGen
g = mkStdGen 1
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import Test.HUnit (Test(..), (~?=))
import Password
tests :: Test
tests = TestLabel "validatePWPolicy" $ TestList $ map test'
[ ( "default", id, True )
, ( "no special chars", set pwSpecial Nothing, True )
@ -45,18 +46,24 @@ tests = TestLabel "validatePWPolicy" $ TestList $ map test'
, ( "negative special", set pwSpecial (Just (-1)), False )
test' :: (String, PWPolicy -> PWPolicy, Bool) -> Test
test' (label, f, expect) = TestLabel label $
validatePWPolicy x ~?= expect where
x = f newPWPolicy
validMins :: PWPolicy -> PWPolicy
validMins = setAll 1
excessive :: PWPolicy -> PWPolicy
excessive = setAll 5
shortValid :: PWPolicy -> PWPolicy
shortValid = set pwLength 8 . setAll 2
shortInvalid :: PWPolicy -> PWPolicy
shortInvalid = set pwLength 8 . set pwUpper 9
setAll :: Int -> PWPolicy -> PWPolicy
setAll x = set pwUpper x .
set pwLower x .
set pwDigits x .
Reference in New Issue
Block a user