applied hlint suggestions
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import Control.Lens (makeLenses, set, view)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Foldable (mapM_)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified System.Console.HCL as R
@ -38,11 +39,7 @@ data Status = Status
makeLenses ''Status
main :: IO ()
main = do
ms <- R.runRequest setup
case ms of
Nothing -> return ()
Just s -> S.evalStateT mainMenu s
main = R.runRequest setup >>= mapM_ (S.evalStateT mainMenu)
setup :: R.Request Status
setup = fmap Status getMasterPass
@ -58,7 +55,7 @@ getMasterPass = do
else return p1
mainMenu :: S.StateT Status IO ()
mainMenu = do
mainMenu =
menu "Main Menu"
[ ( "change master password", changeMasterPass )
, ( "lock session", lockSession )
@ -76,7 +73,7 @@ lockSession :: S.StateT Status IO ()
lockSession = do
lift $ putStrLn "\nsession locked"
pass <- S.gets $ view masterPass
mx <- lift $ R.runRequest $ R.prompt "password: " $ R.reqPassword
mx <- lift $ R.runRequest $ R.prompt "password: " R.reqPassword
case mx of
Nothing -> lockSession
Just x -> if x == pass
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ validatePWPolicy
-- ^ the policy being validated
-> Bool
-- ^ indicates whether or not the policy is valid
validatePWPolicy x = all id
validatePWPolicy x = and
[ needed <= x^.pwLength
, x^.pwLength >= 0
, x^.pwUpper >= 0
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ applyPWPolicy
-- ^ the policy
-> Bool
-- ^ @"True"@ if the password meets the policy, @"False"@ otherwise
applyPWPolicy pw policy = all id
applyPWPolicy pw policy = and
[ length pw <= policy^.pwLength
, length (filter isUpper pw) >= policy^.pwUpper
, length (filter isLower pw) >= policy^.pwLower
@ -28,18 +28,18 @@ import Test.HUnit (Test(..), (~?=))
import Password
tests = TestLabel "applyPWPolicy" $ TestList $ map test'
[ ( "default pass", "password", id, True )
, ( "too long", take 99 $ repeat 'x', id, False )
, ( "insufficient upper", "password", set pwUpper 1, False )
, ( "sufficient upper", "Password", set pwUpper 1, True )
, ( "insufficient lower", "PASSWORD", set pwLower 1, False )
, ( "sufficient lower", "password", set pwLower 1, True )
, ( "insufficient digits", "password", set pwDigits 1, False )
, ( "sufficient digits", "password1", set pwDigits 1, True )
, ( "insufficient special", "Password1", spec (Just 1), False )
, ( "sufficient special", "Password1/", spec (Just 1), True )
, ( "illegal special", "Password1/", spec Nothing, False )
, ( "bad policy", "password", badPolicy, False )
[ ( "default pass", "password", id, True )
, ( "too long", replicate 99 'x', id, False )
, ( "insufficient upper", "password", set pwUpper 1, False )
, ( "sufficient upper", "Password", set pwUpper 1, True )
, ( "insufficient lower", "PASSWORD", set pwLower 1, False )
, ( "sufficient lower", "password", set pwLower 1, True )
, ( "insufficient digits", "password", set pwDigits 1, False )
, ( "sufficient digits", "password1", set pwDigits 1, True )
, ( "insufficient special", "Password1", spec (Just 1), False )
, ( "sufficient special", "Password1/", spec (Just 1), True )
, ( "illegal special", "Password1/", spec Nothing, False )
, ( "bad policy", "password", badPolicy, False )
test' (label, pw, f, expect) = TestLabel label $
Reference in New Issue
Block a user