2019-10-31 03:42:07 -04:00

312 lines
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{- |
Copyright (C) 2019 Rhéal Lamothe
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Mtlstats.Actions
( startNewSeason
, resetYtd
, startNewGame
, addChar
, removeChar
, overtimeCheck
, updateGameStats
, validateGameDate
, createPlayer
, createGoalie
, addPlayer
, addGoalie
, resetCreatePlayerState
, resetCreateGoalieState
, recordGoalAssists
, awardGoal
, awardAssist
, resetGoalData
, assignPMins
, recordGoalieStats
, backHome
, scrollUp
, scrollDown
) where
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (modify)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Time.Calendar (fromGregorianValid)
import Lens.Micro (over, (^.), (&), (.~), (?~), (%~), (+~))
import Mtlstats.Types
import Mtlstats.Util
-- | Starts a new season
startNewSeason :: ProgState -> ProgState
startNewSeason = (progMode .~ NewSeason) . (database . dbGames .~ 0)
-- | Resets all players year-to-date stats
resetYtd :: ProgState -> ProgState
= (database . dbPlayers %~ map (pYtd .~ newPlayerStats))
. (database . dbGoalies %~ map (gYtd .~ newGoalieStats))
-- | Starts a new game
startNewGame :: ProgState -> ProgState
= (progMode .~ NewGame newGameState)
. (database . dbGames %~ succ)
-- | Adds a character to the input buffer
addChar :: Char -> ProgState -> ProgState
addChar c = inputBuffer %~ (++[c])
-- | Removes a character from the input buffer (if possible)
removeChar :: ProgState -> ProgState
removeChar = inputBuffer %~ \case
"" -> ""
str -> init str
-- | Determines whether or not to perform a check for overtime
overtimeCheck :: ProgState -> ProgState
overtimeCheck s
| fromMaybe False $ gameTied $ s^.progMode.gameStateL =
s & progMode.gameStateL
%~ (homeScore .~ Nothing)
. (awayScore .~ Nothing)
| fromMaybe False $ gameWon $ s^.progMode.gameStateL =
s & progMode.gameStateL.overtimeFlag ?~ False
| otherwise = s
-- | Adjusts the game stats based on the results of the current game
updateGameStats :: ProgState -> ProgState
updateGameStats s = fromMaybe s $ do
let gs = s^.progMode.gameStateL
gType <- gs^.gameType
won <- gameWon gs
lost <- gameLost gs
ot <- gs^.overtimeFlag
tScore <- teamScore gs
oScore <- otherScore gs
hw = if gType == HomeGame && won then 1 else 0
hl = if gType == HomeGame && lost then 1 else 0
hot = if gType == HomeGame && ot then 1 else 0
hgf = if gType == HomeGame then tScore else 0
hga = if gType == HomeGame then oScore else 0
aw = if gType == AwayGame && won then 1 else 0
al = if gType == AwayGame && lost then 1 else 0
aot = if gType == AwayGame && ot then 1 else 0
agf = if gType == AwayGame then tScore else 0
aga = if gType == AwayGame then oScore else 0
Just $ s
& database.dbHomeGameStats
%~ (gmsWins +~ hw)
. (gmsLosses +~ hl)
. (gmsOvertime +~ hot)
. (gmsGoalsFor +~ hgf)
. (gmsGoalsAgainst +~ hga)
& database.dbAwayGameStats
%~ (gmsWins +~ aw)
. (gmsLosses +~ al)
. (gmsOvertime +~ aot)
. (gmsGoalsFor +~ agf)
. (gmsGoalsAgainst +~ aga)
-- | Validates the game date
validateGameDate :: ProgState -> ProgState
validateGameDate s = fromMaybe s $ do
y <- toInteger <$> s^.progMode.gameStateL.gameYear
m <- s^.progMode.gameStateL.gameMonth
d <- s^.progMode.gameStateL.gameDay
Just $ if null $ fromGregorianValid y m d
then s & progMode.gameStateL
%~ (gameYear .~ Nothing)
. (gameMonth .~ Nothing)
. (gameDay .~ Nothing)
else s
-- | Starts player creation mode
createPlayer :: ProgState -> ProgState
createPlayer = let
callback = modify $ progMode .~ MainMenu
cps = newCreatePlayerState
& cpsSuccessCallback .~ callback
& cpsFailureCallback .~ callback
in progMode .~ CreatePlayer cps
-- | Starts goalie creation mode
createGoalie :: ProgState -> ProgState
createGoalie = let
callback = modify $ progMode .~ MainMenu
cgs = newCreateGoalieState
& cgsSuccessCallback .~ callback
& cgsFailureCallback .~ callback
in progMode .~ CreateGoalie cgs
-- | Adds the entered player to the roster
addPlayer :: ProgState -> ProgState
addPlayer s = fromMaybe s $ do
let cps = s^.progMode.createPlayerStateL
num <- cps^.cpsNumber
name = cps^.cpsName
pos = cps^.cpsPosition
player = newPlayer num name pos
Just $ s & database.dbPlayers
%~ (++[player])
-- | Adds the entered goalie to the roster
addGoalie :: ProgState -> ProgState
addGoalie s = fromMaybe s $ do
let cgs = s^.progMode.createGoalieStateL
num <- cgs^.cgsNumber
name = cgs^.cgsName
goalie = newGoalie num name
Just $ s & database.dbGoalies
%~ (++[goalie])
-- | Resets the 'CreatePlayerState' value
resetCreatePlayerState :: ProgState -> ProgState
resetCreatePlayerState = progMode.createPlayerStateL
%~ (cpsNumber .~ Nothing)
. (cpsName .~ "")
. (cpsPosition .~ "")
-- | Resets the 'CreateGoalieState' value
resetCreateGoalieState :: ProgState -> ProgState
resetCreateGoalieState = progMode.createGoalieStateL
%~ (cgsNumber .~ Nothing)
. (cgsName .~ "")
-- | Awards the goal and assists to the players
recordGoalAssists :: ProgState -> ProgState
recordGoalAssists ps = fromMaybe ps $ do
let gs = ps^.progMode.gameStateL
goalId <- gs^.goalBy
let assistIds = gs^.assistsBy
Just $ ps
& awardGoal goalId
& (\s -> foldr awardAssist s assistIds)
& progMode.gameStateL
%~ (goalBy .~ Nothing)
. (assistsBy .~ [])
. (pointsAccounted %~ succ)
. (confirmGoalDataFlag .~ False)
-- | Awards a goal to a player
:: Int
-- ^ The player's index number
-> ProgState
-> ProgState
awardGoal n ps = ps
& progMode.gameStateL.gamePlayerStats %~
(\m -> let
stats = M.findWithDefault newPlayerStats n m
in M.insert n (stats & psGoals %~ succ) m)
& database.dbPlayers %~ map
(\(i, p) -> if i == n
then p
& pYtd.psGoals %~ succ
& pLifetime.psGoals %~ succ
else p) . zip [0..]
-- | Awards an assist to a player
:: Int
-- ^ The player's index number
-> ProgState
-> ProgState
awardAssist n ps = ps
& progMode.gameStateL.gamePlayerStats %~
(\m -> let
stats = M.findWithDefault newPlayerStats n m
in M.insert n (stats & psAssists %~ succ) m)
& database.dbPlayers %~ map
(\(i, p) -> if i == n
then p
& pYtd.psAssists %~ succ
& pLifetime.psAssists %~ succ
else p) . zip [0..]
-- | Resets the entered data for the current goal
resetGoalData :: ProgState -> ProgState
resetGoalData ps = ps & progMode.gameStateL
%~ (goalBy .~ Nothing)
. (assistsBy .~ [])
. (confirmGoalDataFlag .~ False)
-- | Adds penalty minutes to a player
:: Int
-- ^ The number of minutes to add
-> ProgState
-> ProgState
assignPMins mins s = fromMaybe s $ do
n <- s^.progMode.gameStateL.selectedPlayer
Just $ s
& database.dbPlayers %~ modifyNth n
(((pYtd.psPMin) +~ mins) . ((pLifetime.psPMin) +~ mins))
& progMode.gameStateL
%~ ( gamePlayerStats %~ updateMap n newPlayerStats
(psPMin +~ mins)
. (selectedPlayer .~ Nothing)
-- | Records the goalie's game stats
recordGoalieStats :: ProgState -> ProgState
recordGoalieStats s = fromMaybe s $ do
let gs = s^.progMode.gameStateL
gid <- gs^.gameSelectedGoalie
goalie <- nth gid $ s^.database.dbGoalies
mins <- gs^.goalieMinsPlayed
goals <- gs^.goalsAllowed
bumpStats gs = gs
& gsMinsPlayed +~ mins
& gsGoalsAllowed +~ goals
Just $ s
& progMode.gameStateL
%~ (gameGoalieStats %~ updateMap gid newGoalieStats bumpStats)
. (gameSelectedGoalie .~ Nothing)
. (goalieMinsPlayed .~ Nothing)
. (goalsAllowed .~ Nothing)
& database.dbGoalies
%~ modifyNth gid (\goalie -> goalie
& gYtd %~ bumpStats
& gLifetime %~ bumpStats)
-- | Resets the program state back to the main menu
backHome :: ProgState -> ProgState
= (progMode .~ MainMenu)
. (inputBuffer .~ "")
. (scrollOffset .~ 0)
-- | Scrolls the display up
scrollUp :: ProgState -> ProgState
scrollUp = scrollOffset %~ max 0 . pred
-- | Scrolls the display down
scrollDown :: ProgState -> ProgState
scrollDown = scrollOffset %~ succ