2019-12-02 15:08:18 -05:00

269 lines
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{- |
Copyright (C) 2019 Rhéal Lamothe
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
module Mtlstats.Report (report, gameDate) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Lens.Micro ((^.))
import Mtlstats.Config
import Mtlstats.Format
import Mtlstats.Types
import Mtlstats.Util
-- | Generates the report
:: Int
-- ^ The number of columns for the report
-> ProgState
-- ^ The program state
-> [String]
report width s
= standingsReport width s
++ [""]
++ gameStatsReport width s
++ [""]
++ yearToDateStatsReport width s
++ [""]
++ lifetimeStatsReport width s
standingsReport :: Int -> ProgState -> [String]
standingsReport width s = fromMaybe [] $ do
db = s^.database
gs = s^.progMode.gameStateL
gNum = db^.dbGames
date = gameDate gs
hTeam = homeTeam gs
aTeam = awayTeam gs
hStats = db^.dbHomeGameStats
aStats = db^.dbAwayGameStats
tStats = addGameStats hStats aStats
hScore <- gs^.homeScore
aScore <- gs^.awayScore
rHeader =
[ overlay
("GAME NUMBER " ++ padNum 2 gNum)
(centre width
$ aTeam ++ " " ++ show aScore ++ " AT "
++ hTeam ++ " " ++ show hScore)
, date
, centre width "STANDINGS"
, ""
tHeader =
[ CellText myTeam
, CellText " G"
, CellText " W"
, CellText " L"
, CellText " OT"
, CellText " GF"
, CellText " GA"
, CellText " P"
rowCells stats =
[ CellText $ show $ gmsGames stats
, CellText $ show $ stats^.gmsWins
, CellText $ show $ stats^.gmsLosses
, CellText $ show $ stats^.gmsOvertime
, CellText $ show $ stats^.gmsGoalsFor
, CellText $ show $ stats^.gmsGoalsAgainst
, CellText $ show $ gmsPoints stats
body =
[ CellText "HOME" : rowCells hStats
, CellText "ROAD" : rowCells aStats
separator = CellText "" : replicate 7 (CellFill '-')
totals = CellText "TOTALS" : rowCells tStats
table = map (centre width) $
(left : repeat right)
(tHeader : body ++ [separator, totals])
Just $ rHeader ++ table
gameStatsReport :: Int -> ProgState -> [String]
gameStatsReport width s = let
gs = s^.progMode.gameStateL
db = s^.database
playerStats = mapMaybe
(\(pid, stats) -> do
p <- nth pid $ db^.dbPlayers
Just (p, stats))
(M.toList $ gs^.gamePlayerStats)
goalieStats = mapMaybe
(\(gid, stats) -> do
g <- nth gid $ db^.dbGoalies
Just (g, stats))
(M.toList $ gs^.gameGoalieStats)
criteria (_, ps) = psPoints ps > 0
in filteredPlayerReport width "GAME" criteria playerStats
++ [""]
++ goalieReport width goalieStats
yearToDateStatsReport :: Int -> ProgState -> [String]
yearToDateStatsReport width s = let
db = s^.database
playerStats = map (\p -> (p, p^.pYtd))
$ filter playerIsActive
$ db^.dbPlayers
goalieStats = map (\g -> (g, g^.gYtd))
$ filter goalieIsActive
$ db^.dbGoalies
in playerReport width "YEAR TO DATE" playerStats
++ [""]
++ goalieReport width goalieStats
lifetimeStatsReport :: Int -> ProgState -> [String]
lifetimeStatsReport width s = let
db = s^.database
playerStats = map (\p -> (p, p^.pYtd))
$ db^.dbPlayers
goalieStats = map (\g -> (g, g^.gYtd))
$ db^.dbGoalies
in playerReport width "LIFETIME" playerStats
++ [""]
++ goalieReport width goalieStats
gameDate :: GameState -> String
gameDate gs = fromMaybe "" $ do
y <- show <$> gs^.gameYear
m <- month <$> gs^.gameMonth
d <- padNum 2 <$> gs^.gameDay
Just $ m ++ " " ++ d ++ " " ++ y
playerReport :: Int -> String -> [(Player, PlayerStats)] -> [String]
playerReport width label ps =
filteredPlayerReport width label (const True) ps
:: Int
-> String
-> ((Player, PlayerStats) -> Bool)
-> [(Player, PlayerStats)]
-> [String]
filteredPlayerReport width label criteria ps = let
tStats = foldl addPlayerStats newPlayerStats $ map snd ps
fps = filter criteria ps
rHeader =
[ centre width (label ++ " STATISTICS")
, ""
tHeader =
[ CellText "NO."
, CellText "Player"
, CellText " G"
, CellText " A"
, CellText " P"
, CellText " PM"
statsCells stats =
[ CellText $ show $ stats^.psGoals
, CellText $ show $ stats^.psAssists
, CellText $ show $ psPoints stats
, CellText $ show $ stats^.psPMin
body = map
(\(p, stats) ->
[ CellText $ show (p^.pNumber) ++ " "
, CellText $ p^.pName
] ++ statsCells stats)
separator = replicate 2 (CellText "") ++ replicate 4 (CellFill '-')
totals =
[ CellText ""
, CellText ""
] ++ statsCells tStats
table = overlayLast (label ++ " TOTALS")
$ map (centre width)
$ complexTable ([right, left] ++ repeat right)
$ tHeader : body ++ [separator, totals]
in rHeader ++ table
goalieReport :: Int -> [(Goalie, GoalieStats)] -> [String]
goalieReport width goalieData = let
tData = foldl addGoalieStats newGoalieStats
$ map snd goalieData
header =
[ CellText "NO."
, CellText $ left (length olayText) "GOALTENDER"
, CellText "GP"
, CellText " MIN"
, CellText " GA"
, CellText " SO"
, CellText "AVE"
rowCells stats =
[ CellText $ show $ stats^.gsGames
, CellText $ show $ stats^.gsMinsPlayed
, CellText $ show $ stats^.gsGoalsAllowed
, CellText $ show $ stats^.gsShutouts
, CellText $ showFloating $ gsAverage stats
body = map
(\(goalie, stats) ->
[ CellText $ show (goalie^.gNumber) ++ " "
, CellText $ goalie^.gName
] ++ rowCells stats)
= replicate 2 (CellText "")
++ replicate 5 (CellFill '-')
summary = replicate 2 (CellText "") ++ rowCells tData
in map (centre width)
$ overlayLast olayText
$ complexTable ([right, left] ++ repeat right)
$ header : body ++ [separator, summary]