set rookie flag appropriately on goalie creation
This commit is contained in:
@ -175,10 +175,12 @@ addPlayer s = fromMaybe s $ do
addGoalie :: ProgState -> ProgState
addGoalie s = fromMaybe s $ do
let cgs = s^.progMode.createGoalieStateL
num <- cgs^.cgsNumber
num <- cgs^.cgsNumber
rFlag <- cgs^.cgsRookieFlag
name = cgs^.cgsName
goalie = newGoalie num name
& gRookie .~ rFlag
Just $ s & database.dbGoalies
%~ (++[goalie])
@ -347,27 +347,38 @@ addPlayerSpec = describe "addPlayer" $ mapM_
& cpsRookieFlag .~ rf
addGoalieSpec :: Spec
addGoalieSpec = describe "addGoalie" $ do
g1 = newGoalie 2 "Joe"
g2 = newGoalie 3 "Bob"
db = newDatabase
& dbGoalies .~ [g1]
s pm = newProgState
& database .~ db
& progMode .~ pm
addGoalieSpec = describe "addGoalie" $ mapM_
(\(label, expectation, pm, goalies) -> context label $
it expectation $ let
ps = newProgState
& progMode .~ pm
& database.dbGoalies .~ [joe]
ps' = addGoalie ps
in ps'^.database.dbGoalies `shouldBe` goalies)
context "data available" $
it "should create the goalie" $ let
s' = addGoalie $ s $ CreateGoalie $ newCreateGoalieState
& cgsNumber ?~ 3
& cgsName .~ "Bob"
in s'^.database.dbGoalies `shouldBe` [g1, g2]
-- label, expectation, progMode, expected goalies
[ ( "wrong mode", failure, MainMenu, [joe] )
, ( "no number", failure, noNum, [joe] )
, ( "no rookie flag", failure, noRookie, [joe] )
, ( "rookie", success, mkRookie, [joe, rookie] )
, ( "normal goalie", success, mkNormal, [joe, normal] )
context "data unavailable" $
it "should not create the goalie" $ let
s' = addGoalie $ s MainMenu
in s'^.database.dbGoalies `shouldBe` [g1]
failure = "should not create the goalie"
success = "should create the goalie"
noNum = cgs Nothing (Just False)
noRookie = cgs (Just 3) Nothing
mkRookie = cgs (Just 3) (Just True)
mkNormal = cgs (Just 3) (Just False)
joe = newGoalie 2 "Joe"
rookie = bob True
normal = bob False
bob r = newGoalie 3 "Bob" & gRookie .~ r
cgs n rf = CreateGoalie $ newCreateGoalieState
& cgsNumber .~ n
& cgsName .~ "Bob"
& cgsRookieFlag .~ rf
resetCreatePlayerStateSpec :: Spec
resetCreatePlayerStateSpec = describe "resetCreatePlayerState" $ let
Reference in New Issue
Block a user