Merge pull request #68 from mtlstats/new-goalie-lifetime
Automatically set lifetime stats on new goalie creation
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Changelog for mtlstats
## current
- Edit lifetime stats on new player creation
- Edit lifetime stats on new player/goalie creation
## 0.11.0
- Added active flag to players/goalies
@ -21,20 +21,15 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
module Mtlstats.Control (dispatch) where
import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (gets, modify)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Lens.Micro ((^.))
import qualified UI.NCurses as C
import Mtlstats.Actions
import Mtlstats.Control.CreateGoalie
import Mtlstats.Control.CreatePlayer
import Mtlstats.Control.EditGoalie
import Mtlstats.Control.EditPlayer
import Mtlstats.Control.EditStandings
import Mtlstats.Control.NewGame
import Mtlstats.Control.TitleScreen
import Mtlstats.Handlers
import Mtlstats.Menu
import Mtlstats.Prompt
import Mtlstats.Types
@ -49,10 +44,7 @@ dispatch s = case s^.progMode of
NewGame gs -> newGameC gs
EditMenu -> editMenuC
CreatePlayer cps -> createPlayerC cps
CreateGoalie cgs
| null $ cgs^.cgsNumber -> getGoalieNumC
| null $ cgs^.cgsName -> getGoalieNameC
| otherwise -> confirmCreateGoalieC
CreateGoalie cgs -> createGoalieC cgs
EditPlayer eps -> editPlayerC eps
EditGoalie egs -> editGoalieC egs
(EditStandings esm) -> editStandingsC esm
@ -69,41 +61,3 @@ newSeasonC True = menuController newSeasonMenu
editMenuC :: Controller
editMenuC = menuController editMenu
getGoalieNumC :: Controller
getGoalieNumC = Controller
{ drawController = drawPrompt goalieNumPrompt
, handleController = \e -> do
promptHandler goalieNumPrompt e
return True
getGoalieNameC :: Controller
getGoalieNameC = Controller
{ drawController = drawPrompt goalieNamePrompt
, handleController = \e -> do
promptHandler goalieNamePrompt e
return True
confirmCreateGoalieC :: Controller
confirmCreateGoalieC = Controller
{ drawController = \s -> do
let cgs = s^.progMode.createGoalieStateL
C.drawString $ unlines
[ "Goalie number: " ++ show (fromJust $ cgs^.cgsNumber)
, " Goalie name: " ++ cgs^.cgsName
, ""
, "Create goalie: are you sure? (Y/N)"
return C.CursorInvisible
, handleController = \e -> do
case ynHandler e of
Just True -> do
modify addGoalie
join $ gets (^.progMode.createGoalieStateL.cgsSuccessCallback)
Just False ->
join $ gets (^.progMode.createGoalieStateL.cgsFailureCallback)
Nothing -> return ()
return True
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
{- |
Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 2019, 2020 Rhéal Lamothe
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
module Mtlstats.Control.CreateGoalie (createGoalieC) where
import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (gets, modify)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Lens.Micro ((^.), (.~), (?~), (%~), to)
import qualified UI.NCurses as C
import Mtlstats.Actions
import Mtlstats.Handlers
import Mtlstats.Prompt
import Mtlstats.Types
-- | Handles goalie creation
createGoalieC :: CreateGoalieState -> Controller
createGoalieC cgs
| null $ cgs^.cgsNumber = getGoalieNumC
| null $ cgs^.cgsName = getGoalieNameC
| otherwise = confirmCreateGoalieC
getGoalieNumC :: Controller
getGoalieNumC = Controller
{ drawController = drawPrompt goalieNumPrompt
, handleController = \e -> do
promptHandler goalieNumPrompt e
return True
getGoalieNameC :: Controller
getGoalieNameC = Controller
{ drawController = drawPrompt goalieNamePrompt
, handleController = \e -> do
promptHandler goalieNamePrompt e
return True
confirmCreateGoalieC :: Controller
confirmCreateGoalieC = Controller
{ drawController = \s -> do
let cgs = s^.progMode.createGoalieStateL
C.drawString $ unlines
[ "Goalie number: " ++ show (fromJust $ cgs^.cgsNumber)
, " Goalie name: " ++ cgs^.cgsName
, ""
, "Create goalie: are you sure? (Y/N)"
return C.CursorInvisible
, handleController = \e -> do
case ynHandler e of
Just True -> do
gid <- gets (^ length)
cb <- gets (^.progMode.createGoalieStateL.cgsSuccessCallback)
$ (progMode.editGoalieStateL
%~ (egsSelectedGoalie ?~ gid)
. (egsMode .~ EGLtGames True)
. (egsCallback .~ cb))
. addGoalie
Just False ->
join $ gets (^.progMode.createGoalieStateL.cgsFailureCallback)
Nothing -> return ()
return True
@ -39,13 +39,14 @@ import Mtlstats.Util
editGoalieC :: EditGoalieState -> Controller
editGoalieC egs
| null $ egs^.egsSelectedGoalie = selectC
| otherwise = editC $ egs^.egsMode
| otherwise = editC (egs^.egsCallback) (egs^.egsMode)
selectC :: Controller
selectC = promptController goalieToEditPrompt
editC :: EditGoalieMode -> Controller
editC = \case
editC :: Action () -> EditGoalieMode -> Controller
editC cb =
( \case
EGMenu -> menuC
EGNumber -> numberC
EGName -> nameC
@ -65,63 +66,76 @@ editC = \case
EGLtWins b -> ltWinsC b
EGLtLosses b -> ltLossesC b
EGLtTies -> ltTiesC
) <*> return cb
menuC :: Controller
menuC = menuControllerWith header editGoalieMenu
menuC :: Action () -> Controller
menuC _ = menuControllerWith header editGoalieMenu
numberC :: Controller
numberC = promptController editGoalieNumberPrompt
numberC :: Action () -> Controller
numberC = promptController . editGoalieNumberPrompt
nameC :: Controller
nameC = promptController editGoalieNamePrompt
nameC :: Action () -> Controller
nameC = promptController . editGoalieNamePrompt
ytdMenuC :: Controller
ytdMenuC = menuControllerWith header editGoalieYtdMenu
ytdMenuC :: Action () -> Controller
ytdMenuC _ = menuControllerWith header editGoalieYtdMenu
lifetimeMenuC :: Controller
lifetimeMenuC = menuControllerWith header editGoalieLtMenu
lifetimeMenuC :: Action () -> Controller
lifetimeMenuC _ = menuControllerWith header editGoalieLtMenu
ytdGamesC :: Bool -> Controller
ytdGamesC = promptController . editGoalieYtdGamesPrompt
ytdGamesC :: Bool -> Action () -> Controller
ytdGamesC = curry $ promptController .
uncurry editGoalieYtdGamesPrompt
ytdMinsC :: Bool -> Controller
ytdMinsC = promptController . editGoalieYtdMinsPrompt
ytdMinsC :: Bool -> Action () -> Controller
ytdMinsC = curry $ promptController .
uncurry editGoalieYtdMinsPrompt
ytdGoalsC :: Bool -> Controller
ytdGoalsC = promptController . editGoalieYtdGoalsPrompt
ytdGoalsC :: Bool -> Action () -> Controller
ytdGoalsC = curry $ promptController .
uncurry editGoalieYtdGoalsPrompt
ytdShutoutsC :: Bool -> Controller
ytdShutoutsC = promptController . editGoalieYtdShutoutsPrompt
ytdShutoutsC :: Bool -> Action () -> Controller
ytdShutoutsC = curry $ promptController .
uncurry editGoalieYtdShutoutsPrompt
ytdWinsC :: Bool -> Controller
ytdWinsC = promptController . editGoalieYtdWinsPrompt
ytdWinsC :: Bool -> Action () -> Controller
ytdWinsC = curry $ promptController .
uncurry editGoalieYtdWinsPrompt
ytdLossesC :: Bool -> Controller
ytdLossesC = promptController . editGoalieYtdLossesPrompt
ytdLossesC :: Bool -> Action () -> Controller
ytdLossesC = curry $ promptController .
uncurry editGoalieYtdLossesPrompt
ytdTiesC :: Controller
ytdTiesC = promptController editGoalieYtdTiesPrompt
ytdTiesC :: Action () -> Controller
ytdTiesC = promptController . editGoalieYtdTiesPrompt
ltGamesC :: Bool -> Controller
ltGamesC = promptController . editGoalieLtGamesPrompt
ltGamesC :: Bool -> Action () -> Controller
ltGamesC = curry $ promptController .
uncurry editGoalieLtGamesPrompt
ltMinsC :: Bool -> Controller
ltMinsC = promptController . editGoalieLtMinsPrompt
ltMinsC :: Bool -> Action () -> Controller
ltMinsC = curry $ promptController .
uncurry editGoalieLtMinsPrompt
ltGoalsC :: Bool -> Controller
ltGoalsC = promptController . editGoalieLtGoalsPrompt
ltGoalsC :: Bool -> Action() -> Controller
ltGoalsC = curry $ promptController .
uncurry editGoalieLtGoalsPrompt
ltShutoutsC :: Bool -> Controller
ltShutoutsC = promptController . editGoalieLtShutoutsPrompt
ltShutoutsC :: Bool -> Action () -> Controller
ltShutoutsC = curry $ promptController .
uncurry editGoalieLtShutoutsPrompt
ltWinsC :: Bool -> Controller
ltWinsC = promptController . editGoalieLtWinsPrompt
ltWinsC :: Bool -> Action () -> Controller
ltWinsC = curry $ promptController .
uncurry editGoalieLtWinsPrompt
ltLossesC :: Bool -> Controller
ltLossesC = promptController . editGoalieLtLossesPrompt
ltLossesC :: Bool -> Action () -> Controller
ltLossesC = curry $ promptController .
uncurry editGoalieLtLossesPrompt
ltTiesC :: Controller
ltTiesC = promptController editGoalieLtTiesPrompt
ltTiesC :: Action () -> Controller
ltTiesC = promptController . editGoalieLtTiesPrompt
header :: ProgState -> C.Update ()
header s = C.drawString $ fromMaybe "" $ do
@ -52,85 +52,119 @@ goalieToEditPrompt = selectGoaliePrompt "Goalie to edit: " $
modify . (progMode.editGoalieStateL.egsSelectedGoalie .~)
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's number
editGoalieNumberPrompt :: Prompt
:: Action ()
-- ^ Action to perform on completion
-> Prompt
editGoalieNumberPrompt = editNum "Goalie number: " EGMenu
(gNumber .~)
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's name
editGoalieNamePrompt :: Prompt
editGoalieNamePrompt = namePrompt "Goalie name: " $ \name ->
:: Action ()
-- ^ Action to perform on completion
-> Prompt
editGoalieNamePrompt cb = namePrompt "Goalie name: " $ \name -> do
if null name
then goto EGMenu
else doEdit EGMenu $ gName .~ name
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's YTD games played
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Action ()
-- ^ Action to perform on completion
-> Prompt
editGoalieYtdGamesPrompt batchMode =
editGoalieYtdGamesPrompt batchMode cb =
editNum "Year-to-date games played: " mode
(gYtd.gsGames .~)
(gYtd.gsGames .~) cb'
mode = if batchMode then EGYtdMins True else EGYtd
(mode, cb') = if batchMode
then (EGYtdMins True, return ())
else (EGYtd, cb)
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's YTD minutes played
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Action ()
-- ^ Action to perform on completion
-> Prompt
editGoalieYtdMinsPrompt batchMode =
editGoalieYtdMinsPrompt batchMode cb =
editNum "Year-to-date minutes played: " mode
(gYtd.gsMinsPlayed .~)
(gYtd.gsMinsPlayed .~) cb'
mode = if batchMode then EGYtdGoals True else EGYtd
(mode, cb') = if batchMode
then (EGYtdGoals True, return ())
else (EGYtd, cb)
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's YTD goales allowed
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Action ()
-- ^ Action to perform on completion
-> Prompt
editGoalieYtdGoalsPrompt batchMode =
editGoalieYtdGoalsPrompt batchMode cb =
editNum "Year-to-date goals allowed: " mode
(gYtd.gsGoalsAllowed .~)
(gYtd.gsGoalsAllowed .~) cb'
mode = if batchMode then EGYtdShutouts True else EGYtd
(mode, cb') = if batchMode
then (EGYtdShutouts True, return ())
else (EGYtd, cb)
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's YTD shutouts
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Action ()
-- ^ Action to perform on completion
-> Prompt
editGoalieYtdShutoutsPrompt batchMode =
editGoalieYtdShutoutsPrompt batchMode cb =
editNum "Year-to-date shutouts: " mode
(gYtd.gsShutouts .~)
(gYtd.gsShutouts .~) cb'
mode = if batchMode then EGYtdWins True else EGYtd
(mode, cb') = if batchMode
then (EGYtdWins True, return ())
else (EGYtd, cb)
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's YTD wins
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Action ()
-- ^ Action to perform on completion
-> Prompt
editGoalieYtdWinsPrompt batchMode =
editGoalieYtdWinsPrompt batchMode cb =
editNum "Year-to-date wins: " mode
(gYtd.gsWins .~)
(gYtd.gsWins .~) cb'
mode = if batchMode then EGYtdLosses True else EGYtd
(mode, cb') = if batchMode
then (EGYtdLosses True, return ())
else (EGYtd, cb)
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's YTD losses
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Action ()
-- ^ Action to perform on completion
-> Prompt
editGoalieYtdLossesPrompt batchMode =
editGoalieYtdLossesPrompt batchMode cb =
editNum "Year-to-date losses: " mode
(gYtd.gsLosses .~)
(gYtd.gsLosses .~) cb'
mode = if batchMode then EGYtdTies else EGYtd
(mode, cb') = if batchMode
then (EGYtdTies, return ())
else (EGYtd, cb)
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's YTD ties
editGoalieYtdTiesPrompt :: Prompt
:: Action ()
-- ^ Action to perform on completion
-> Prompt
editGoalieYtdTiesPrompt = editNum "Year-to-date ties: " EGYtd
(gYtd.gsTies .~)
@ -138,70 +172,97 @@ editGoalieYtdTiesPrompt = editNum "Year-to-date ties: " EGYtd
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Action ()
-- ^ Action to perform on completion
-> Prompt
editGoalieLtGamesPrompt batchMode =
editGoalieLtGamesPrompt batchMode cb =
editNum "Lifetime games played: " mode
(gLifetime.gsGames .~)
(gLifetime.gsGames .~) cb'
mode = if batchMode then EGLtMins True else EGLifetime
(mode, cb') = if batchMode
then (EGLtMins True, return ())
else (EGLifetime, cb)
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's lifetime minutes played
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Action ()
-- ^ Action to perform on completion
-> Prompt
editGoalieLtMinsPrompt batchMode =
editGoalieLtMinsPrompt batchMode cb =
editNum "Lifetime minutes played: " mode
(gLifetime.gsMinsPlayed .~)
(gLifetime.gsMinsPlayed .~) cb'
mode = if batchMode then EGLtGoals True else EGLifetime
(mode, cb') = if batchMode
then (EGLtGoals True, return ())
else (EGLifetime, cb)
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's lifetime goals allowed
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Action ()
-- ^ Action to perform on completion
-> Prompt
editGoalieLtGoalsPrompt batchMode =
editGoalieLtGoalsPrompt batchMode cb =
editNum "Lifetime goals allowed: " mode
(gLifetime.gsGoalsAllowed .~)
(gLifetime.gsGoalsAllowed .~) cb'
mode = if batchMode then EGLtShutouts True else EGLifetime
(mode, cb') = if batchMode
then (EGLtShutouts True, return ())
else (EGLifetime, cb)
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's lifetime shutouts
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Action ()
-- ^ Action to perform on completion
-> Prompt
editGoalieLtShutoutsPrompt batchMode =
editGoalieLtShutoutsPrompt batchMode cb =
editNum "Lifetime shutouts: " mode
(gLifetime.gsShutouts .~)
(gLifetime.gsShutouts .~) cb'
mode = if batchMode then EGLtWins True else EGLifetime
(mode, cb') = if batchMode
then (EGLtWins True, return ())
else (EGLifetime, cb)
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's lifetime wins
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Action ()
-- ^ Action to perform on completion
-> Prompt
editGoalieLtWinsPrompt batchMode =
editGoalieLtWinsPrompt batchMode cb =
editNum "Lifetime wins: " mode
(gLifetime.gsWins .~)
(gLifetime.gsWins .~) cb'
mode = if batchMode then EGLtLosses True else EGLifetime
(mode, cb') = if batchMode
then (EGLtLosses True, return ())
else (EGLifetime, cb)
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's lifetime losses
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Action ()
-- ^ Action to perform on completion
-> Prompt
editGoalieLtLossesPrompt batchMode =
editGoalieLtLossesPrompt batchMode cb =
editNum "Lifetime losses: " mode
(gLifetime.gsLosses .~)
(gLifetime.gsLosses .~) cb'
mode = if batchMode then EGLtTies else EGLifetime
(mode, cb') = if batchMode
then (EGLtTies, return ())
else (EGLifetime, cb)
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's lifetime ties
editGoalieLtTiesPrompt :: Prompt
:: Action ()
-- ^ Action to perform on completion
-> Prompt
editGoalieLtTiesPrompt = editNum "Lifetime ties: " EGLifetime
(gLifetime.gsTies .~)
@ -209,10 +270,13 @@ editNum
:: String
-> EditGoalieMode
-> (Int -> Goalie -> Goalie)
-> Action ()
-> Prompt
editNum pStr mode f = numPromptWithFallback pStr
(goto mode)
(doEdit mode . f)
editNum pStr mode f cb = numPromptWithFallback pStr
(goto mode >> cb)
(\num -> do
doEdit mode $ f num
doEdit :: EditGoalieMode -> (Goalie -> Goalie) -> Action ()
doEdit mode f = do
@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ module Mtlstats.Types (
-- ** EditGoalieState Lenses
-- ** Database Lenses
@ -376,6 +377,9 @@ data EditGoalieState = EditGoalieState
{ _egsSelectedGoalie :: Maybe Int
-- ^ The index number of the 'Goalie' being edited
, _egsMode :: EditGoalieMode
-- ^ The editing mode
, _egsCallback :: Action ()
-- ^ The action to perform when the edit is complete
-- | 'Goalie' editing mode
@ -829,6 +833,7 @@ newEditGoalieState :: EditGoalieState
newEditGoalieState = EditGoalieState
{ _egsSelectedGoalie = Nothing
, _egsMode = EGMenu
, _egsCallback = return ()
-- | Constructor for a 'Database'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user