update awardAssist
This commit is contained in:
@ -193,13 +193,16 @@ awardAssist
-> ProgState
-> ProgState
awardAssist n ps = ps
& database.dbPlayers
%~ map
(\(i, p) -> if i == n
then p
& pYtd.psAssists %~ succ
& pLifetime.psAssists %~ succ
else p) . zip [0..]
& progMode.gameStateL.gamePlayerStats %~
(\m -> let
stats = M.findWithDefault newPlayerStats n m
in M.insert n (stats & psAssists %~ succ) m)
& database.dbPlayers %~ map
(\(i, p) -> if i == n
then p
& pYtd.psAssists %~ succ
& pLifetime.psAssists %~ succ
else p) . zip [0..]
-- | Resets the entered data for the current goal
resetGoalData :: ProgState -> ProgState
@ -477,45 +477,34 @@ awardAssistSpec = describe "awardAssist" $ do
= newPlayer 2 "Bob" "defense"
& pYtd.psAssists .~ 3
& pLifetime.psAssists .~ 4
= newPlayerStats
& psAssists .~ 1
= newProgState
& progMode.gameStateL.gamePlayerStats .~ M.singleton 0 joeStats
& database.dbPlayers .~ [joe, bob]
context "Joe" $ do
ps' = awardAssist 0 ps
joe' = head $ ps'^.database.dbPlayers
bob' = last $ ps'^.database.dbPlayers
(\(pName, pid, ytd, lt, game) ->
context pName $ do
ps' = awardAssist pid ps
player = (ps'^.database.dbPlayers) !! pid
gStats = (ps'^.progMode.gameStateL.gamePlayerStats) M.! pid
it "should increment Joe's year-to-date assists" $
joe'^.pYtd.psAssists `shouldBe` 2
it ("should increment " ++ pName ++ "'s year-to-date assists") $
player^.pYtd.psAssists `shouldBe` ytd
it "should increment Joe's lifetime assists" $
joe'^.pLifetime.psAssists `shouldBe` 3
it ("should increment " ++ pName ++ "'s lifetime assists") $
player^.pLifetime.psAssists `shouldBe` lt
it "should leave Bob's year-to-date assists alone" $
bob'^.pYtd.psAssists `shouldBe` 3
it "should leave Bob's lifetime assists alone" $
bob^.pLifetime.psAssists `shouldBe` 4
context "Bob" $ do
ps' = awardAssist 1 ps
joe' = head $ ps'^.database.dbPlayers
bob' = last $ ps'^.database.dbPlayers
it "should leave Joe's year-to-date assists alone" $
joe'^.pYtd.psAssists `shouldBe` 1
it "should leave Joe's lifetime assists alone" $
joe'^.pLifetime.psAssists `shouldBe` 2
it "should increment Bob's year-to-date assists" $
bob'^.pYtd.psAssists `shouldBe` 4
it "should increment Bob's lifetime assists" $
bob'^.pLifetime.psAssists `shouldBe` 5
it ("should increment " ++ pName ++ "'s game assists") $
gStats^.psAssists `shouldBe` game)
-- player name, player id, ytd assists, lifetime assists, game assists
[ ( "Joe", 0, 2, 3, 2 )
, ( "Bob", 1, 4, 5, 1 )
context "invalid index" $ let
ps' = awardAssist (-1) ps
Reference in New Issue
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