refactored playerReport

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Lamothe 2019-11-28 04:00:33 -05:00
parent 4941e0e64f
commit 5979856578
3 changed files with 78 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ module Mtlstats.Format
, numTable
, tableWith
, complexTable
, overlayLast
) where
import Data.List (transpose)
@ -172,3 +173,15 @@ complexTable pFuncs tData = let
in map
(bFunc . zip3 pFuncs colWidths)
-- | Places an overlay on the last line of an report
:: String
-- ^ The text to overlay
-> [String]
-- ^ The report to modify
-> [String]
-- ^ The resulting report
overlayLast _ [] = []
overlayLast str [l] = [overlay str l]
overlayLast str (l:ls) = l : overlayLast str ls

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@ -118,42 +118,50 @@ gameDate gs = fromMaybe "" $ do
playerReport :: Int -> String -> [(Player, PlayerStats)] -> [String]
playerReport width label ps = let
nameWidth = playerNameColWidth $ map fst ps
tStats = foldr (addPlayerStats . snd) newPlayerStats ps
tStats = foldl addPlayerStats newPlayerStats $ map snd ps
rHeader =
[ centre width (label ++ " STATISTICS")
, ""
, centre width
$ "NO. "
++ left nameWidth "PLAYER"
++ right 3 "G"
++ right 6 "A"
++ right 6 "P"
++ right 6 "PM"
] ++ map
(\(p, stats) -> centre width
$ right 2 (show $ p^.pNumber)
++ " "
++ left nameWidth (p^.pName)
++ right 3 (show $ stats^.psGoals)
++ right 6 (show $ stats^.psAssists)
++ right 6 (show $ psPoints stats)
++ right 6 (show $ stats^.psPMin))
ps ++
[ centre width
$ replicate (4 + nameWidth) ' '
++ replicate (3 + 3 * 6) '-'
, overlay
(label ++ " TOTALS")
( centre width
$ replicate (4 + nameWidth) ' '
++ right 3 (show $ tStats^.psGoals)
++ right 6 (show $ tStats^.psAssists)
++ right 6 (show $ psPoints tStats)
++ right 6 (show $ tStats^.psPMin)
tHeader =
[ CellText "NO."
, CellText "Player"
, CellText " G"
, CellText " A"
, CellText " P"
, CellText " PM"
statsCells stats =
[ CellText $ show $ stats^.psGoals
, CellText $ show $ stats^.psAssists
, CellText $ show $ psPoints stats
, CellText $ show $ stats^.psPMin
body = map
(\(p, stats) ->
[ CellText $ show (p^.pNumber) ++ " "
, CellText $ p^.pName
] ++ statsCells stats)
separator = replicate 2 (CellText "") ++ replicate 4 (CellFill '-')
totals =
[ CellText ""
, CellText ""
] ++ statsCells tStats
table = overlayLast (label ++ " TOTALS")
$ map (centre width)
$ complexTable ([right, left] ++ repeat right)
$ tHeader : body ++ [separator, totals]
in rHeader ++ table
playerNameColWidth :: [Player] -> Int
playerNameColWidth = foldr
(\player current -> max current $ succ $ length $ player^.pName)

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@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ spec = describe "Mtlstats.Format" $ do
padNumSpec :: Spec
padNumSpec = describe "padNum" $ do
@ -201,3 +202,27 @@ complexTableSpec = describe "complexTable" $ mapM_
overlayLastSpec :: Spec
overlayLastSpec = describe "overlayLast" $ let
text = "foo"
sample =
[ "line 1"
, "line 2"
edited =
[ "line 1"
, "fooe 2"
in mapM_
(\(label, input, expected) -> context label $
it ("should be " ++ show expected) $
overlayLast text input `shouldBe` expected)
-- label, input, expected
[ ( "empty list", [], [] )
, ( "non-empty list", sample, edited )