use editSelectedGoalie for all goalie editing
This commit is contained in:
@ -39,13 +39,12 @@ module Mtlstats.Prompt.EditGoalie
, editGoalieLtTiesPrompt
) where
import Control.Monad.Extra (whenJustM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (gets, modify)
import Lens.Micro ((^.), (.~), (%~))
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (modify)
import Lens.Micro ((.~))
import Mtlstats.Actions
import Mtlstats.Prompt
import Mtlstats.Types
import Mtlstats.Util
-- | Prompt to select a 'Goalie' for editing
goalieToEditPrompt :: Prompt
@ -62,7 +61,7 @@ editGoalieNamePrompt :: Prompt
editGoalieNamePrompt = namePrompt "Goalie name: " $ \name ->
if null name
then goto EGMenu
else editGoalie EGMenu $ gName .~ name
else doEdit EGMenu $ gName .~ name
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's YTD games played
@ -213,13 +212,12 @@ editNum
-> Prompt
editNum pStr mode f = numPromptWithFallback pStr
(goto mode)
(editGoalie mode . f)
(doEdit mode . f)
editGoalie :: EditGoalieMode -> (Goalie -> Goalie) -> Action ()
editGoalie mode f =
whenJustM (gets (^.progMode.editGoalieStateL.egsSelectedGoalie)) $ \gid -> do
modify $ database.dbGoalies %~ modifyNth gid f
goto mode
doEdit :: EditGoalieMode -> (Goalie -> Goalie) -> Action ()
doEdit mode f = do
modify $ editSelectedGoalie f
goto mode
goto :: EditGoalieMode -> Action ()
goto = modify . (progMode.editGoalieStateL.egsMode .~)
Reference in New Issue
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