@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ module Mtlstats.Actions.NewGame
, awardAssist
, resetGoalData
, assignPMins
, awardShutouts
) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -171,3 +172,20 @@ assignPMins mins s = fromMaybe s $ do
(psPMin +~ mins)
. (gameSelectedPlayer .~ Nothing)
-- | Awards a shutout to any 'Goalie' who played and didn't allow any
-- goals
awardShutouts :: ProgState -> ProgState
awardShutouts s = foldl
(\s' (gid, stats) -> if stats^.gsGoalsAllowed == 0
then s'
& database.dbGoalies %~ modifyNth gid
( ( gYtd.gsShutouts %~ succ )
. ( gLifetime.gsShutouts %~ succ )
& progMode.gameStateL.gameGoalieStats %~ M.adjust
(gsShutouts %~ succ)
else s')
(M.toList $ s^.progMode.gameStateL.gameGoalieStats)
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ dispatch :: ProgState -> Controller
dispatch s = case s^.progMode of
MainMenu -> mainMenuC
NewSeason -> newSeasonC
NewGame _ -> newGameC s
NewGame gs -> newGameC gs
CreatePlayer cps
| null $ cps^.cpsNumber -> getPlayerNumC
| null $ cps^.cpsName -> getPlayerNameC
@ -39,95 +39,43 @@ import Mtlstats.Types
import Mtlstats.Util
-- | Dispatcher for a new game
newGameC :: ProgState -> Controller
newGameC s = let
gs = s^.progMode.gameStateL
in if null $ gs^.gameYear then gameYearC
else if null $ gs^.gameMonth then gameMonthC
else if null $ gs^.gameDay then gameDayC
else if null $ gs^.gameType then gameTypeC
else if null $ gs^.otherTeam then otherTeamC
else if null $ gs^.homeScore then homeScoreC
else if null $ gs^.awayScore then awayScoreC
else if null $ gs^.overtimeFlag then overtimeFlagC
else if not $ gs^.dataVerified then verifyDataC
else if fromJust (unaccountedPoints gs) then goalInput gs
else if isJust $ gs^.gameSelectedPlayer then getPMinsC
else if not $ gs^.gamePMinsRecorded then pMinPlayerC
else if not $ gs^.gameGoalieAssigned then goalieInputC s
else reportC
newGameC :: GameState -> Controller
newGameC gs
| null $ gs^.gameYear = gameYearC
| null $ gs^.gameMonth = gameMonthC
| null $ gs^.gameDay = gameDayC
| null $ gs^.gameType = gameTypeC
| null $ gs^.otherTeam = otherTeamC
| null $ gs^.homeScore = homeScoreC
| null $ gs^.awayScore = awayScoreC
| null $ gs^.overtimeFlag = overtimeFlagC
| not $ gs^.dataVerified = verifyDataC
| fromJust (unaccountedPoints gs) = goalInput gs
| isJust $ gs^.gameSelectedPlayer = getPMinsC
| not $ gs^.gamePMinsRecorded = pMinPlayerC
| not $ gs^.gameGoalieAssigned = goalieInputC gs
| otherwise = reportC
gameYearC :: Controller
gameYearC = Controller
{ drawController = \s -> do
header s
drawPrompt gameYearPrompt s
, handleController = \e -> do
promptHandler gameYearPrompt e
return True
gameYearC = promptControllerWith header gameYearPrompt
gameMonthC :: Controller
gameMonthC = Controller
{ drawController = \s -> do
header s
drawMenu gameMonthMenu
, handleController = \e -> do
menuHandler gameMonthMenu e
return True
gameMonthC = menuControllerWith header gameMonthMenu
gameDayC :: Controller
gameDayC = Controller
{ drawController = \s -> do
header s
drawPrompt gameDayPrompt s
, handleController = \e -> do
promptHandler gameDayPrompt e
modify validateGameDate
return True
gameDayC = promptControllerWith header gameDayPrompt
gameTypeC :: Controller
gameTypeC = Controller
{ drawController = \s -> do
header s
drawMenu gameTypeMenu
, handleController = \e -> do
menuHandler gameTypeMenu e
return True
gameTypeC = menuControllerWith header gameTypeMenu
otherTeamC :: Controller
otherTeamC = Controller
{ drawController = \s -> do
header s
drawPrompt otherTeamPrompt s
, handleController = \e -> do
promptHandler otherTeamPrompt e
return True
otherTeamC = promptControllerWith header otherTeamPrompt
homeScoreC :: Controller
homeScoreC = Controller
{ drawController = \s -> do
header s
drawPrompt homeScorePrompt s
, handleController = \e -> do
promptHandler homeScorePrompt e
return True
homeScoreC = promptControllerWith header homeScorePrompt
awayScoreC :: Controller
awayScoreC = Controller
{ drawController = \s -> do
header s
drawPrompt awayScorePrompt s
, handleController = \e -> do
promptHandler awayScorePrompt e
modify overtimeCheck
return True
awayScoreC = promptControllerWith header awayScorePrompt
overtimeFlagC :: Controller
overtimeFlagC = Controller
@ -146,19 +94,22 @@ verifyDataC = Controller
let gs = s^.progMode.gameStateL
header s
C.drawString "\n"
C.drawString $ " Date: " ++ gameDate gs ++ "\n"
C.drawString $ " Game type: " ++ show (fromJust $ gs^.gameType) ++ "\n"
C.drawString $ "Other team: " ++ gs^.otherTeam ++ "\n"
C.drawString $ "Home score: " ++ show (fromJust $ gs^.homeScore) ++ "\n"
C.drawString $ "Away score: " ++ show (fromJust $ gs^.awayScore) ++ "\n"
C.drawString $ " Overtime: " ++ show (fromJust $ gs^.overtimeFlag) ++ "\n\n"
C.drawString "Is the above information correct? (Y/N)"
C.drawString $ unlines $ labelTable
[ ( "Date", gameDate gs )
, ( "Game type", show $ fromJust $ gs^.gameType )
, ( "Other team", gs^.otherTeam )
, ( "Home score", show $ fromJust $ gs^.homeScore )
, ( "Away score", show $ fromJust $ gs^.awayScore )
, ( "Overtime", show $ fromJust $ gs^.overtimeFlag )
C.drawString "\nIs the above information correct? (Y/N)"
return C.CursorInvisible
, handleController = \e -> do
case ynHandler e of
Just True -> do
modify $ progMode.gameStateL.dataVerified .~ True
modify updateGameStats
Just True -> modify
$ (progMode.gameStateL.dataVerified .~ True)
. updateGameStats
. awardShutouts
Just False -> modify $ progMode.gameStateL .~ newGameState
Nothing -> return ()
return True
@ -33,16 +33,12 @@ import Mtlstats.Types
import Mtlstats.Util
-- | The dispatcher for handling goalie input
goalieInputC :: ProgState -> Controller
goalieInputC s = let
gs = s^.progMode.gameStateL
in if gs^.gameGoaliesRecorded
then selectGameGoalieC s
else if null $ gs^.gameSelectedGoalie
then selectGoalieC
else if null $ gs^.gameGoalieMinsPlayed
then minsPlayedC
else goalsAllowedC
goalieInputC :: GameState -> Controller
goalieInputC gs
| gs^.gameGoaliesRecorded = selectGameGoalieC
| null $ gs^.gameSelectedGoalie = selectGoalieC
| null $ gs^.gameGoalieMinsPlayed = minsPlayedC
| otherwise = goalsAllowedC
selectGoalieC :: Controller
selectGoalieC = promptController selectGameGoaliePrompt
@ -53,8 +49,8 @@ minsPlayedC = promptControllerWith header goalieMinsPlayedPrompt
goalsAllowedC :: Controller
goalsAllowedC = promptControllerWith header goalsAllowedPrompt
selectGameGoalieC :: ProgState -> Controller
selectGameGoalieC = menuController . gameGoalieMenu
selectGameGoalieC :: Controller
selectGameGoalieC = menuStateController gameGoalieMenu
header :: ProgState -> C.Update ()
header s = C.drawString $ unlines
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Mtlstats.Format
( padNum
, left
@ -29,10 +31,15 @@ module Mtlstats.Format
, labelTable
, numTable
, tableWith
, complexTable
, overlayLast
, showFloating
) where
import Data.List (transpose)
import Mtlstats.Types
-- | Pad an 'Int' with leading zeroes to fit a certain character width
:: Int
@ -138,12 +145,52 @@ tableWith
-> [[String]]
-- ^ The cells
-> [String]
tableWith func tdata = let
widths = map (map length) tdata
tableWith pFunc tData = complexTable
(repeat pFunc)
(map (map CellText) tData)
-- | Creates a complex table
:: [Int -> String -> String]
-- ^ The padding function for each column
-> [[TableCell]]
-- ^ The table cells (an array of rows)
-> [String]
complexTable pFuncs tData = let
widths = map
(map $ \case
CellText str -> length str
CellFill _ -> 0)
colWidths = map maximum $ transpose widths
fitted = map
(\row -> map
(\(str, len) -> func len str) $
zip row colWidths)
in map unwords fitted
bFunc = \case
[] -> ""
[(f, len, CellText str)] -> f len str
[(_, len, CellFill ch)] -> replicate len ch
(f, len, CellText str) : cells -> f len str ++ " " ++ bFunc cells
(_, len, CellFill ch) : cells -> replicate (succ len) ch ++ bFunc cells
in map
(bFunc . zip3 pFuncs colWidths)
-- | Places an overlay on the last line of an report
:: String
-- ^ The text to overlay
-> [String]
-- ^ The report to modify
-> [String]
-- ^ The resulting report
overlayLast _ [] = []
overlayLast str [l] = [overlay str l]
overlayLast str (l:ls) = l : overlayLast str ls
-- | Converts a non-integer into a string
showFloating :: RealFrac n => n -> String
showFloating n = let
i = round $ n * 100
whole = i `div` 100
fraction = i `mod` 100
in show whole ++ "." ++ padNum 2 fraction
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ module Mtlstats.Menu (
-- * Menu Functions
-- * Menus
@ -76,6 +77,21 @@ menuControllerWith header menu = Controller
return True
-- | Generate and create a controller for a menu based on the current
-- 'ProgState'
:: (ProgState -> Menu ())
-- ^ The function to generate the menu
-> Controller
-- ^ The resulting controller
menuStateController menuFunc = Controller
{ drawController = drawMenu . menuFunc
, handleController = \e -> do
menu <- gets menuFunc
menuHandler menu e
return True
-- | The draw function for a 'Menu'
drawMenu :: Menu a -> C.Update C.CursorMode
drawMenu m = do
@ -65,8 +65,9 @@ homeScorePrompt = numPrompt "Home score: " $
-- | Prompts for the away score
awayScorePrompt :: Prompt
awayScorePrompt = numPrompt "Away score: " $
modify . (progMode.gameStateL.awayScore ?~)
awayScorePrompt = numPrompt "Away score: " $ \score -> modify
$ overtimeCheck
. (progMode.gameStateL.awayScore ?~ score)
-- | Prompts for the player who scored the goal
@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
module Mtlstats.Report (report, gameDate, playerNameColWidth) where
module Mtlstats.Report (report, gameDate) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Lens.Micro ((^.))
import Mtlstats.Config
@ -60,54 +60,104 @@ standingsReport width s = fromMaybe [] $ do
tStats = addGameStats hStats aStats
hScore <- gs^.homeScore
aScore <- gs^.awayScore
[ overlay
("GAME NUMBER " ++ padNum 2 gNum)
(centre width
$ aTeam ++ " " ++ show aScore ++ " AT "
++ hTeam ++ " " ++ show hScore)
, date
, centre width "STANDINGS"
, ""
, centre width
$ left 11 myTeam
++ right 2 "G"
++ right 4 "W"
++ right 4 "L"
++ right 4 "OT"
++ right 4 "GF"
++ right 4 "GA"
++ right 4 "P"
, centre width
$ left 11 "HOME"
++ showStats hStats
, centre width
$ left 11 "ROAD"
++ showStats aStats
, centre width
$ replicate 11 ' '
++ replicate (2 + 4 * 6) '-'
, centre width
$ left 11 "TOTALS"
++ showStats tStats
rHeader =
[ overlay
("GAME NUMBER " ++ padNum 2 gNum)
(centre width
$ aTeam ++ " " ++ show aScore ++ " AT "
++ hTeam ++ " " ++ show hScore)
, date
, centre width "STANDINGS"
, ""
tHeader =
[ CellText myTeam
, CellText " G"
, CellText " W"
, CellText " L"
, CellText " OT"
, CellText " GF"
, CellText " GA"
, CellText " P"
rowCells stats =
[ CellText $ show $ gmsGames stats
, CellText $ show $ stats^.gmsWins
, CellText $ show $ stats^.gmsLosses
, CellText $ show $ stats^.gmsOvertime
, CellText $ show $ stats^.gmsGoalsFor
, CellText $ show $ stats^.gmsGoalsAgainst
, CellText $ show $ gmsPoints stats
body =
[ CellText "HOME" : rowCells hStats
, CellText "ROAD" : rowCells aStats
separator = CellText "" : replicate 7 (CellFill '-')
totals = CellText "TOTALS" : rowCells tStats
table = map (centre width) $
(left : repeat right)
(tHeader : body ++ [separator, totals])
Just $ rHeader ++ table
gameStatsReport :: Int -> ProgState -> [String]
gameStatsReport width s = playerReport width "GAME" $
fromMaybe [] $ mapM
gameStatsReport width s = let
gs = s^.progMode.gameStateL
db = s^.database
playerStats = mapMaybe
(\(pid, stats) -> do
p <- nth pid $ s^.database.dbPlayers
p <- nth pid $ db^.dbPlayers
Just (p, stats))
(M.toList $ s^.progMode.gameStateL.gamePlayerStats)
(M.toList $ gs^.gamePlayerStats)
goalieStats = mapMaybe
(\(gid, stats) -> do
g <- nth gid $ db^.dbGoalies
Just (g, stats))
(M.toList $ gs^.gameGoalieStats)
in playerReport width "GAME" playerStats
++ [""]
++ goalieReport width goalieStats
yearToDateStatsReport :: Int -> ProgState -> [String]
yearToDateStatsReport width s = playerReport width "YEAR TO DATE" $
map (\p -> (p, p^.pYtd)) $
filter playerIsActive $ s^.database.dbPlayers
yearToDateStatsReport width s = let
db = s^.database
playerStats = map (\p -> (p, p^.pYtd))
$ filter playerIsActive
$ db^.dbPlayers
goalieStats = map (\g -> (g, g^.gYtd))
$ filter goalieIsActive
$ db^.dbGoalies
in playerReport width "YEAR TO DATE" playerStats
++ [""]
++ goalieReport width goalieStats
lifetimeStatsReport :: Int -> ProgState -> [String]
lifetimeStatsReport width s = playerReport width "LIFETIME" $
map (\p -> (p, p^.pLifetime)) $ s^.database.dbPlayers
lifetimeStatsReport width s = let
db = s^.database
playerStats = map (\p -> (p, p^.pYtd))
$ db^.dbPlayers
goalieStats = map (\g -> (g, g^.gYtd))
$ db^.dbGoalies
in playerReport width "LIFETIME" playerStats
++ [""]
++ goalieReport width goalieStats
gameDate :: GameState -> String
gameDate gs = fromMaybe "" $ do
@ -118,53 +168,89 @@ gameDate gs = fromMaybe "" $ do
playerReport :: Int -> String -> [(Player, PlayerStats)] -> [String]
playerReport width label ps = let
nameWidth = playerNameColWidth $ map fst ps
tStats = foldr (addPlayerStats . snd) newPlayerStats ps
tStats = foldl addPlayerStats newPlayerStats $ map snd ps
rHeader =
[ centre width (label ++ " STATISTICS")
, ""
, centre width
$ "NO. "
++ left nameWidth "PLAYER"
++ right 3 "G"
++ right 6 "A"
++ right 6 "P"
++ right 6 "PM"
] ++ map
(\(p, stats) -> centre width
$ right 2 (show $ p^.pNumber)
++ " "
++ left nameWidth (p^.pName)
++ right 3 (show $ stats^.psGoals)
++ right 6 (show $ stats^.psAssists)
++ right 6 (show $ psPoints stats)
++ right 6 (show $ stats^.psPMin))
ps ++
[ centre width
$ replicate (4 + nameWidth) ' '
++ replicate (3 + 3 * 6) '-'
, overlay
(label ++ " TOTALS")
( centre width
$ replicate (4 + nameWidth) ' '
++ right 3 (show $ tStats^.psGoals)
++ right 6 (show $ tStats^.psAssists)
++ right 6 (show $ psPoints tStats)
++ right 6 (show $ tStats^.psPMin)
playerNameColWidth :: [Player] -> Int
playerNameColWidth = foldr
(\player current -> max current $ succ $ length $ player^.pName)
tHeader =
[ CellText "NO."
, CellText "Player"
, CellText " G"
, CellText " A"
, CellText " P"
, CellText " PM"
showStats :: GameStats -> String
showStats gs
= right 2 (show $ gmsGames gs)
++ right 4 (show $ gs^.gmsWins)
++ right 4 (show $ gs^.gmsLosses)
++ right 4 (show $ gs^.gmsOvertime)
++ right 4 (show $ gs^.gmsGoalsFor)
++ right 4 (show $ gs^.gmsGoalsAgainst)
++ right 4 (show $ gmsPoints gs)
statsCells stats =
[ CellText $ show $ stats^.psGoals
, CellText $ show $ stats^.psAssists
, CellText $ show $ psPoints stats
, CellText $ show $ stats^.psPMin
body = map
(\(p, stats) ->
[ CellText $ show (p^.pNumber) ++ " "
, CellText $ p^.pName
] ++ statsCells stats)
separator = replicate 2 (CellText "") ++ replicate 4 (CellFill '-')
totals =
[ CellText ""
, CellText ""
] ++ statsCells tStats
table = overlayLast (label ++ " TOTALS")
$ map (centre width)
$ complexTable ([right, left] ++ repeat right)
$ tHeader : body ++ [separator, totals]
in rHeader ++ table
goalieReport :: Int -> [(Goalie, GoalieStats)] -> [String]
goalieReport width goalieData = let
tData = foldl addGoalieStats newGoalieStats
$ map snd goalieData
header =
[ CellText "NO."
, CellText $ left (length olayText) "GOALTENDER"
, CellText "GP"
, CellText " MIN"
, CellText " GA"
, CellText " SO"
, CellText "AVE"
rowCells stats =
[ CellText $ show $ stats^.gsGames
, CellText $ show $ stats^.gsMinsPlayed
, CellText $ show $ stats^.gsGoalsAllowed
, CellText $ show $ stats^.gsShutouts
, CellText $ showFloating $ gsAverage stats
body = map
(\(goalie, stats) ->
[ CellText $ show (goalie^.gNumber) ++ " "
, CellText $ show $ goalie^.gName
] ++ rowCells stats)
= replicate 2 (CellText "")
++ replicate 5 (CellFill '-')
summary = replicate 2 (CellText "") ++ rowCells tData
in map (centre width)
$ overlayLast olayText
$ complexTable ([right, left] ++ repeat right)
$ header : body ++ [separator, summary]
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ module Mtlstats.Types (
GameStats (..),
Prompt (..),
SelectParams (..),
TableCell (..),
-- * Lenses
-- ** ProgState Lenses
@ -120,6 +121,7 @@ module Mtlstats.Types (
@ -168,7 +170,11 @@ module Mtlstats.Types (
-- ** Goalie Helpers
-- ** GoalieStats Helpers
) where
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT)
@ -182,6 +188,8 @@ import Data.Aeson
, toJSON
, withObject
, (.:)
, (.:?)
, (.!=)
, (.=)
import Data.List (isInfixOf)
@ -513,6 +521,8 @@ data GoalieStats = GoalieStats
-- ^ The number of minutes played
, _gsGoalsAllowed :: Int
-- ^ The number of goals allowed
, _gsShutouts :: Int
-- ^ The number of shutouts the goalie has accumulated
, _gsWins :: Int
-- ^ The number of wins
, _gsLosses :: Int
@ -523,26 +533,29 @@ data GoalieStats = GoalieStats
instance FromJSON GoalieStats where
parseJSON = withObject "GoalieStats" $ \v -> GoalieStats
<$> v .: "games"
<*> v .: "mins_played"
<*> v .: "goals_allowed"
<*> v .: "wins"
<*> v .: "losses"
<*> v .: "ties"
<$> v .:? "games" .!= 0
<*> v .:? "mins_played" .!= 0
<*> v .:? "goals_allowed" .!= 0
<*> v .:? "shutouts" .!= 0
<*> v .:? "wins" .!= 0
<*> v .:? "losses" .!= 0
<*> v .:? "ties" .!= 0
instance ToJSON GoalieStats where
toJSON (GoalieStats g m a w l t) = object
toJSON (GoalieStats g m a s w l t) = object
[ "games" .= g
, "mins_played" .= m
, "goals_allowed" .= a
, "shutouts" .= s
, "wins" .= w
, "losses" .= l
, "ties" .= t
toEncoding (GoalieStats g m a w l t) = pairs $
toEncoding (GoalieStats g m a s w l t) = pairs $
"games" .= g <>
"mins_played" .= m <>
"goals_allowed" .= a <>
"shutouts" .= s <>
"wins" .= w <>
"losses" .= l <>
"ties" .= t
@ -614,6 +627,14 @@ data SelectParams a = SelectParams
-- ^ The function to call when the selection doesn't exist
-- | Describes a table cell
data TableCell
= CellText String
-- ^ A cell with text
| CellFill Char
-- ^ A cell filled with the given character
deriving (Eq, Show)
makeLenses ''ProgState
makeLenses ''GameState
makeLenses ''CreatePlayerState
@ -786,6 +807,7 @@ newGoalieStats = GoalieStats
{ _gsGames = 0
, _gsMinsPlayed = 0
, _gsGoalsAllowed = 0
, _gsShutouts = 0
, _gsWins = 0
, _gsLosses = 0
, _gsTies = 0
@ -966,3 +988,24 @@ goalieSearchExact sStr goalies = let
-- | Provides a description string for a 'Goalie'
goalieSummary :: Goalie -> String
goalieSummary g = g^.gName ++ " (" ++ show (g^.gNumber) ++ ")"
-- | Determines whether or not a goalie has been active in the current
-- season
goalieIsActive :: Goalie -> Bool
goalieIsActive g = g^.gYtd.gsMinsPlayed /= 0
-- | Adds two sets of 'GoalieStats'
addGoalieStats :: GoalieStats -> GoalieStats -> GoalieStats
addGoalieStats g1 g2 = GoalieStats
{ _gsGames = g1^.gsGames + g2^.gsGames
, _gsMinsPlayed = g1^.gsMinsPlayed + g2^.gsMinsPlayed
, _gsGoalsAllowed = g1^.gsGoalsAllowed + g2^.gsGoalsAllowed
, _gsShutouts = g1^.gsShutouts + g2^.gsShutouts
, _gsWins = g1^.gsWins + g2^.gsWins
, _gsLosses = g1^.gsLosses + g2^.gsLosses
, _gsTies = g1^.gsTies + g2^.gsTies
-- | Determines a goalie's average goals allowed per game.
gsAverage :: GoalieStats -> Rational
gsAverage gs = fromIntegral (gs^.gsGoalsAllowed) / fromIntegral (gs^.gsGames)
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ spec = describe "NewGame" $ do
overtimeCheckSpec :: Spec
@ -481,3 +482,45 @@ assignPMinsSpec = describe "assignPMins" $ let
, ( Just 2, 4, 3, 2, 6, 5, 0 )
, ( Nothing, 4, 3, 2, 6, 5, 0 )
awardShutoutsSpec :: Spec
awardShutoutsSpec = describe "awardShutouts" $ let
joe = newGoalie 2 "Joe"
& gYtd.gsShutouts .~ 1
& gLifetime.gsShutouts .~ 2
bob = newGoalie 3 "Bob"
& gYtd.gsShutouts .~ 3
& gLifetime.gsShutouts .~ 4
steve = newGoalie 5 "Steve"
& gYtd.gsShutouts .~ 5
& gLifetime.gsShutouts .~ 6
ps = newProgState
& database.dbGoalies .~ [joe, bob, steve]
& progMode.gameStateL.gameGoalieStats .~ M.fromList
[ ( 0, newGoalieStats & gsGoalsAllowed .~ 1 )
, ( 1, newGoalieStats )
& awardShutouts
in mapM_
(\(name, gid, expectedGame, expectedYtd, expectedLt) -> context name $ let
game = M.findWithDefault newGoalieStats gid $
goalie = (ps^.database.dbGoalies) !! gid
in mapM_
(\(label, actual, expected) -> context label $
it ("should be " ++ show actual) $
actual `shouldBe` expected)
-- label, actual, expected
[ ( "Game", game^.gsShutouts, expectedGame )
, ( "YTD", goalie^.gYtd.gsShutouts, expectedYtd )
, ( "lifetime", goalie^.gLifetime.gsShutouts, expectedLt )
-- goalie, goalie ID, Game, YTD, lifetime
[ ( "Joe", 0, 0, 1, 2 )
, ( "Bob", 1, 1, 4, 5 )
, ( "Steve", 2, 0, 5, 6 )
@ -21,9 +21,11 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
module FormatSpec (spec) where
import Data.Ratio ((%))
import Test.Hspec (Spec, context, describe, it, shouldBe)
import Mtlstats.Format
import Mtlstats.Types
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "Mtlstats.Format" $ do
@ -36,6 +38,9 @@ spec = describe "Mtlstats.Format" $ do
padNumSpec :: Spec
padNumSpec = describe "padNum" $ do
@ -174,3 +179,60 @@ tableWithSpec = describe "tableWith" $ let
complexTableSpec :: Spec
complexTableSpec = describe "complexTable" $ mapM_
(\(label, pFuncs, cells, expected) -> context label $
it "should format correctly" $
complexTable pFuncs cells `shouldBe` expected)
[ ( "no fill"
, [left, right]
, [ [ CellText "foo", CellText "bar" ]
, [ CellText "baaz", CellText "quux" ]
, [ "foo bar"
, "baaz quux"
, ( "with fill"
, [left, left, left]
, [ [ CellText "foo", CellText "bar", CellText "baz" ]
, [ CellText "quux", CellFill '-', CellFill '@' ]
, [ "foo bar baz"
, "quux ----@@@"
overlayLastSpec :: Spec
overlayLastSpec = describe "overlayLast" $ let
text = "foo"
sample =
[ "line 1"
, "line 2"
edited =
[ "line 1"
, "fooe 2"
in mapM_
(\(label, input, expected) -> context label $
it ("should be " ++ show expected) $
overlayLast text input `shouldBe` expected)
-- label, input, expected
[ ( "empty list", [], [] )
, ( "non-empty list", sample, edited )
showFloatingSpec :: Spec
showFloatingSpec = describe "showFloating" $ let
input = 3 % 2 :: Rational
expected = "1.50"
in it ("should be " ++ expected) $
showFloating input `shouldBe` expected
@ -28,9 +28,8 @@ import Mtlstats.Report
import Mtlstats.Types
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "Mtlstats.Report" $ do
spec = describe "Mtlstats.Report"
gameDateSpec :: Spec
gameDateSpec = describe "gameDate" $ do
@ -46,20 +45,3 @@ gameDateSpec = describe "gameDate" $ do
context "invalid date" $
it "should return an empty string" $
gameDate newGameState `shouldBe` ""
playerNameColWidthSpec :: Spec
playerNameColWidthSpec = describe "playerNameColWidth" $ do
short1 = newPlayer 1 "short" "foo"
short2 = newPlayer 2 "shorty" "bar"
long = newPlayer 3 "123456789012345" "baz"
(\(label, players, expected) -> context label $
it ("should be " ++ show expected) $
playerNameColWidth players `shouldBe` expected)
-- label, players, expected
[ ( "empty list", [], 10 )
, ( "short names", [short1, short2], 10 )
, ( "long name", [short1, long], 16 )
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON, decode, encode, toJSON)
import Data.Aeson.Types (Value (Object))
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.Ratio ((%))
import Lens.Micro (Lens', (&), (^.), (.~), (?~))
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, context, describe, it, shouldBe)
@ -78,6 +79,9 @@ spec = describe "Mtlstats.Types" $ do
playerSpec :: Spec
@ -310,18 +314,20 @@ goalieStats n = newGoalieStats
& gsGames .~ n
& gsMinsPlayed .~ n + 1
& gsGoalsAllowed .~ n + 2
& gsWins .~ n + 3
& gsLosses .~ n + 4
& gsTies .~ n + 5
& gsShutouts .~ n + 3
& gsWins .~ n + 4
& gsLosses .~ n + 5
& gsTies .~ n + 6
goalieStatsJSON :: Int -> Value
goalieStatsJSON n = Object $ HM.fromList
[ ( "games", toJSON n )
, ( "mins_played", toJSON $ n + 1 )
, ( "goals_allowed", toJSON $ n + 2 )
, ( "wins", toJSON $ n + 3 )
, ( "losses", toJSON $ n + 4 )
, ( "ties", toJSON $ n + 5 )
, ( "shutouts", toJSON $ n + 3 )
, ( "wins", toJSON $ n + 4 )
, ( "losses", toJSON $ n + 5 )
, ( "ties", toJSON $ n + 6 )
gameStats :: Int -> GameStats
@ -751,6 +757,72 @@ goalieSummarySpec = describe "goalieSummary" $
it "should provide a summary string" $
goalieSummary (newGoalie 2 "Joe") `shouldBe` "Joe (2)"
goalieIsActiveSpec :: Spec
goalieIsActiveSpec = describe "goalieIsActive" $ mapM_
(\(label, input, expected) -> context label $
it ("should be " ++ show expected) $
goalieIsActive input `shouldBe` expected)
-- label, input, expected
[ ( "inactive", inactive, False )
, ( "active", active, True )
inactive = newGoalie 1 "Joe"
& gLifetime.gsMinsPlayed .~ 1
active = inactive
& gYtd.gsMinsPlayed .~ 1
addGoalieStatsSpec :: Spec
addGoalieStatsSpec = describe "addGoalieStats" $ let
g1 = GoalieStats
{ _gsGames = 1
, _gsMinsPlayed = 2
, _gsGoalsAllowed = 3
, _gsShutouts = 4
, _gsWins = 5
, _gsLosses = 6
, _gsTies = 7
g2 = GoalieStats
{ _gsGames = 8
, _gsMinsPlayed = 9
, _gsGoalsAllowed = 10
, _gsShutouts = 11
, _gsWins = 12
, _gsLosses = 13
, _gsTies = 14
expected = GoalieStats
{ _gsGames = 9
, _gsMinsPlayed = 11
, _gsGoalsAllowed = 13
, _gsShutouts = 15
, _gsWins = 17
, _gsLosses = 19
, _gsTies = 21
actual = g1 `addGoalieStats` g2
in it ("should be " ++ show expected) $
actual `shouldBe` expected
gsAverageSpec :: Spec
gsAverageSpec = describe "gsAverage" $ let
gs = newGoalieStats
& gsGames .~ 2
& gsGoalsAllowed .~ 3
expected = 3 % 2
in it ("should be " ++ show expected) $
gsAverage gs `shouldBe` expected
joe :: Player
joe = newPlayer 2 "Joe" "center"
@ -793,7 +865,7 @@ makeGoalieStats = GoalieStats
<*> makeNum
<*> makeNum
<*> makeNum
<*> makeNum
makeNum :: IO Int
makeNum = randomRIO (1, 10)
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