allow batch editing of goalie YTD/lifetime stats
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,23 +46,23 @@ selectC = promptController goalieToEditPrompt
editC :: EditGoalieMode -> Controller
editC = \case
EGMenu -> menuC
EGNumber -> numberC
EGName -> nameC
EGYtd -> ytdMenuC
EGLifetime -> lifetimeMenuC
EGYtdGames -> ytdGamesC
EGYtdMins -> ytdMinsC
EGYtdGoals -> ytdGoalsC
EGYtdWins -> ytdWinsC
EGYtdLosses -> ytdLossesC
EGYtdTies -> ytdTiesC
EGLtGames -> ltGamesC
EGLtMins -> ltMinsC
EGLtGoals -> ltGoalsC
EGLtWins -> ltWinsC
EGLtLosses -> ltLossesC
EGLtTies -> ltTiesC
EGMenu -> menuC
EGNumber -> numberC
EGName -> nameC
EGYtd -> ytdMenuC
EGLifetime -> lifetimeMenuC
EGYtdGames b -> ytdGamesC b
EGYtdMins b -> ytdMinsC b
EGYtdGoals b -> ytdGoalsC b
EGYtdWins b -> ytdWinsC b
EGYtdLosses b -> ytdLossesC b
EGYtdTies -> ytdTiesC
EGLtGames b -> ltGamesC b
EGLtMins b -> ltMinsC b
EGLtGoals b -> ltGoalsC b
EGLtWins b -> ltWinsC b
EGLtLosses b -> ltLossesC b
EGLtTies -> ltTiesC
menuC :: Controller
menuC = menuControllerWith header editGoalieMenu
@ -79,38 +79,38 @@ ytdMenuC = menuControllerWith header editGoalieYtdMenu
lifetimeMenuC :: Controller
lifetimeMenuC = menuControllerWith header editGoalieLtMenu
ytdGamesC :: Controller
ytdGamesC = promptController editGoalieYtdGamesPrompt
ytdGamesC :: Bool -> Controller
ytdGamesC = promptController . editGoalieYtdGamesPrompt
ytdMinsC :: Controller
ytdMinsC = promptController editGoalieYtdMinsPrompt
ytdMinsC :: Bool -> Controller
ytdMinsC = promptController . editGoalieYtdMinsPrompt
ytdGoalsC :: Controller
ytdGoalsC = promptController editGoalieYtdGoalsPrompt
ytdGoalsC :: Bool -> Controller
ytdGoalsC = promptController . editGoalieYtdGoalsPrompt
ytdWinsC :: Controller
ytdWinsC = promptController editGoalieYtdWinsPrompt
ytdWinsC :: Bool -> Controller
ytdWinsC = promptController . editGoalieYtdWinsPrompt
ytdLossesC :: Controller
ytdLossesC = promptController editGoalieYtdLossesPrompt
ytdLossesC :: Bool -> Controller
ytdLossesC = promptController . editGoalieYtdLossesPrompt
ytdTiesC :: Controller
ytdTiesC = promptController editGoalieYtdTiesPrompt
ltGamesC :: Controller
ltGamesC = promptController editGoalieLtGamesPrompt
ltGamesC :: Bool -> Controller
ltGamesC = promptController . editGoalieLtGamesPrompt
ltMinsC :: Controller
ltMinsC = promptController editGoalieLtMinsPrompt
ltMinsC :: Bool -> Controller
ltMinsC = promptController . editGoalieLtMinsPrompt
ltGoalsC :: Controller
ltGoalsC = promptController editGoalieLtGoalsPrompt
ltGoalsC :: Bool -> Controller
ltGoalsC = promptController . editGoalieLtGoalsPrompt
ltWinsC :: Controller
ltWinsC = promptController editGoalieLtWinsPrompt
ltWinsC :: Bool -> Controller
ltWinsC = promptController . editGoalieLtWinsPrompt
ltLossesC :: Controller
ltLossesC = promptController editGoalieLtLossesPrompt
ltLossesC :: Bool -> Controller
ltLossesC = promptController . editGoalieLtLossesPrompt
ltTiesC :: Controller
ltTiesC = promptController editGoalieLtTiesPrompt
@ -51,13 +51,14 @@ editGoalieMenu = Menu "*** EDIT GOALTENDER ***" () $ map
editGoalieYtdMenu :: Menu ()
editGoalieYtdMenu = editMenu "*** EDIT GOALTENDER YEAR-TO-DATE ***"
-- key, label, value
[ ( '1', "Edit YTD games", EGYtdGames )
, ( '2', "Edit YTD minutes", EGYtdMins )
, ( '3', "Edit YTD goals", EGYtdGoals )
, ( '4', "Edit YTD wins", EGYtdWins )
, ( '5', "Edit YTD losses", EGYtdLosses )
, ( '6', "Edit YTD ties", EGYtdTies )
, ( 'R', "Return to edit menu", EGMenu )
[ ( '1', "Edit all YTD stats", EGYtdGames True )
, ( '2', "Edit YTD games", EGYtdGames False )
, ( '3', "Edit YTD minutes", EGYtdMins False )
, ( '4', "Edit YTD goals", EGYtdGoals False )
, ( '5', "Edit YTD wins", EGYtdWins False )
, ( '6', "Edit YTD losses", EGYtdLosses False )
, ( '7', "Edit YTD ties", EGYtdTies )
, ( 'R', "Return to edit menu", EGMenu )
-- | The 'Goalie' lifetime edit menu
@ -65,13 +66,14 @@ editGoalieLtMenu :: Menu ()
editGoalieLtMenu = editMenu
-- key, label, value
[ ( '1', "Edit lifetime games", EGLtGames )
, ( '2', "Edit lifetime minutes", EGLtMins )
, ( '3', "Edit lifetime goals", EGLtGoals )
, ( '4', "Edit lifetime wins", EGLtWins )
, ( '5', "Edit lifetime losses", EGLtLosses )
, ( '6', "Edit lifetime ties", EGLtTies )
, ( 'R', "Return to edit menu", EGMenu )
[ ( '1', "Edit all lifetime stats", EGLtGames True )
, ( '2', "Edit lifetime games", EGLtGames False )
, ( '3', "Edit lifetime minutes", EGLtMins False )
, ( '4', "Edit lifetime goals", EGLtGoals False )
, ( '5', "Edit lifetime wins", EGLtWins False )
, ( '6', "Edit lifetime losses", EGLtLosses False )
, ( '7', "Edit lifetime ties", EGLtTies )
, ( 'R', "Return to edit menu", EGMenu )
editMenu :: String -> [(Char, String, EditGoalieMode)] -> Menu ()
@ -63,29 +63,59 @@ editGoalieNamePrompt = namePrompt "Goalie name: " $ \name ->
else editGoalie EGMenu $ gName .~ name
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's YTD games played
editGoalieYtdGamesPrompt :: Prompt
editGoalieYtdGamesPrompt = editNum "Year-to-date games played: " EGYtd
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Prompt
editGoalieYtdGamesPrompt batchMode =
editNum "Year-to-date games played: " mode
(gYtd.gsGames .~)
mode = if batchMode then EGYtdMins True else EGYtd
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's YTD minutes played
editGoalieYtdMinsPrompt :: Prompt
editGoalieYtdMinsPrompt = editNum "Year-to-date minutes played: " EGYtd
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Prompt
editGoalieYtdMinsPrompt batchMode =
editNum "Year-to-date minutes played: " mode
(gYtd.gsMinsPlayed .~)
mode = if batchMode then EGYtdGoals True else EGYtd
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's YTD goales allowed
editGoalieYtdGoalsPrompt :: Prompt
editGoalieYtdGoalsPrompt = editNum "Year-to-date goals allowed: " EGYtd
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Prompt
editGoalieYtdGoalsPrompt batchMode =
editNum "Year-to-date goals allowed: " mode
(gYtd.gsGoalsAllowed .~)
mode = if batchMode then EGYtdWins True else EGYtd
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's YTD wins
editGoalieYtdWinsPrompt :: Prompt
editGoalieYtdWinsPrompt = editNum "Year-to-date wins: " EGYtd
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Prompt
editGoalieYtdWinsPrompt batchMode =
editNum "Year-to-date wins: " mode
(gYtd.gsWins .~)
mode = if batchMode then EGYtdLosses True else EGYtd
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's YTD losses
editGoalieYtdLossesPrompt :: Prompt
editGoalieYtdLossesPrompt = editNum "Year-to-date losses: " EGYtd
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Prompt
editGoalieYtdLossesPrompt batchMode =
editNum "Year-to-date losses: " mode
(gYtd.gsLosses .~)
mode = if batchMode then EGYtdTies else EGYtd
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's YTD ties
editGoalieYtdTiesPrompt :: Prompt
@ -93,29 +123,59 @@ editGoalieYtdTiesPrompt = editNum "Year-to-date ties: " EGYtd
(gYtd.gsTies .~)
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's lifetime games played
editGoalieLtGamesPrompt :: Prompt
editGoalieLtGamesPrompt = editNum "Lifetime games played: " EGLifetime
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Prompt
editGoalieLtGamesPrompt batchMode =
editNum "Lifetime games played: " mode
(gLifetime.gsGames .~)
mode = if batchMode then EGLtMins True else EGLifetime
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's lifetime minutes played
editGoalieLtMinsPrompt :: Prompt
editGoalieLtMinsPrompt = editNum "Lifetime minutes played: " EGLifetime
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Prompt
editGoalieLtMinsPrompt batchMode =
editNum "Lifetime minutes played: " mode
(gLifetime.gsMinsPlayed .~)
mode = if batchMode then EGLtGoals True else EGLifetime
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's lifetime goals allowed
editGoalieLtGoalsPrompt :: Prompt
editGoalieLtGoalsPrompt = editNum "Lifetime goals allowed: " EGLifetime
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Prompt
editGoalieLtGoalsPrompt batchMode =
editNum "Lifetime goals allowed: " mode
(gLifetime.gsGoalsAllowed .~)
mode = if batchMode then EGLtWins True else EGLifetime
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's lifetime wins
editGoalieLtWinsPrompt :: Prompt
editGoalieLtWinsPrompt = editNum "Lifetime wins: " EGLifetime
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Prompt
editGoalieLtWinsPrompt batchMode =
editNum "Lifetime wins: " mode
(gLifetime.gsWins .~)
mode = if batchMode then EGLtLosses True else EGLifetime
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's lifetime losses
editGoalieLtLossesPrompt :: Prompt
editGoalieLtLossesPrompt = editNum "Lifetime losses: " EGLifetime
:: Bool
-- ^ Indicates whether or not we're in batch mode
-> Prompt
editGoalieLtLossesPrompt batchMode =
editNum "Lifetime losses: " mode
(gLifetime.gsLosses .~)
mode = if batchMode then EGLtTies else EGLifetime
-- | Prompt to edit a goalie's lifetime ties
editGoalieLtTiesPrompt :: Prompt
@ -369,17 +369,17 @@ data EditGoalieMode
| EGName
| EGYtd
| EGLifetime
| EGYtdGames
| EGYtdMins
| EGYtdGoals
| EGYtdWins
| EGYtdLosses
| EGYtdGames Bool
| EGYtdMins Bool
| EGYtdGoals Bool
| EGYtdWins Bool
| EGYtdLosses Bool
| EGYtdTies
| EGLtGames
| EGLtMins
| EGLtGoals
| EGLtWins
| EGLtLosses
| EGLtGames Bool
| EGLtMins Bool
| EGLtGoals Bool
| EGLtWins Bool
| EGLtLosses Bool
| EGLtTies
deriving (Eq, Show)
Reference in New Issue
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