* on small/smartphone-screens show "reply to" link above the posting and an eventual "shared by" link in a second line. * on middle/tablet-screens show "reply-to" and "shared-by" link in one line above the posting, divided by a dot. * on large screens show reply-to-link next to the time/date-link when posting was posted. the first to positions are better for users with thick fingers on smartphones. (like me) Change "in reply to" to "is reply to". Sounds better.
A bootstrap based theme for friendica
This Theme was started as an experiment to give the user a good looking and modern theme for friendica.
I concentrated on 3 topics:
- A Modern, mobile friendly UI with bootstrap and awesome font
- Try to get a new UX for friendica (e.g. use modals where it seems to be useful)
- Give the user a powerfull (but easy) possibilities for customization to personalize the theme and give it a own note.
Installation Requirements:
- modern Browser with JS enabled (Chrome/Chromium is recommended)
- if you update the theme you should disable and enable the theme again from the admin panel (to apply possible new hooks)
Note: While Frio is doing its job very well in most cases, there still is some work to do. Some templates are still missing and will be added in future versions.
Some insights into my motivation for starting coding this theme: This theme should be the start of a discussion in the friendica community (users and developers) about UI/UX in friendica. What frameworks do we want to use? How should default friendica look like? And how do we want to use friendica? What do we need in the core code (At the present time some stuff this is done with ugly javascript hacks and own php code)?
Coding a theme is much work but you will get a really good insight of the limitations of friendica and can start a discussion about doing things differently. So join the discussion at the friendica groups ;-)
If anyone wants to contribute to this theme he/she is welcome to do this.
PS: Don't blame me too much for ugly code and hacks. Fix it ;-)
frio on mobile
HumHub - Social Network Kit - https://github.com/humhub/humhub
Hubzilla - Community Server - https://github.com/redmatrix/hubzilla/
Michael Vogel (Vier Theme) - https://github.com/annando
StefOfficiel (Friendiboot Theme) - https://github.com/StefOfficiel/Friendiboot