@ -7,6 +7,21 @@ Please refer to the linked documentation for further information.
## Implemented API calls
### General
#### HTTP Method
API endpoints can restrict the method used to request them.
Using an invalid method results in HTTP error 405 "Method Not Allowed".
In this document, the required method is listed after the endpoint name. "*" means every method can be used.
#### Auth
Friendica supports basic http auth and OAuth 1 to authenticate the user to the api.
OAuth settings can be added by the user in web UI under /settings/oauth/
In this document, endpoints which requires auth are marked with "AUTH" after endpoint name
#### Unsupported parameters
* cursor: Not implemented in GNU Social
* trim_user: Not implemented in GNU Social
@ -54,19 +69,20 @@ xml:
### account/rate_limit_status
### account/rate_limit_status (*; AUTH)
### account/verify_credentials
### account/verify_credentials (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* skip_status: Don't show the "status" field. (Default: false)
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
### conversation/show
### conversation/show (*; AUTH)
Unofficial Twitter command. It shows all direct answers (excluding the original post) to a given id.
#### Parameters
#### Parameter
* id: id of the post
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
@ -80,7 +96,7 @@ Unofficial Twitter command. It shows all direct answers (excluding the original
* contributor_details
### direct_messages
### direct_messages (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
@ -93,7 +109,7 @@ Unofficial Twitter command. It shows all direct answers (excluding the original
* skip_status
### direct_messages/all
### direct_messages/all (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
@ -102,7 +118,7 @@ Unofficial Twitter command. It shows all direct answers (excluding the original
* getText: Defines the format of the status field. Can be "html" or "plain"
### direct_messages/conversation
### direct_messages/conversation (*; AUTH)
Shows all direct messages of a conversation
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
@ -113,7 +129,7 @@ Shows all direct messages of a conversation
* uri: URI of the conversation
### direct_messages/new
### direct_messages/new (POST,PUT; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* user_id: id of the user
* screen_name: screen name (for technical reasons, this value is not unique!)
@ -122,7 +138,7 @@ Shows all direct messages of a conversation
* title: Title of the direct message
### direct_messages/sent
### direct_messages/sent (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
@ -132,7 +148,7 @@ Shows all direct messages of a conversation
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
### favorites
### favorites (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
@ -144,22 +160,23 @@ Shows all direct messages of a conversation
* user_id
* screen_name
Favorites aren't displayed to other users, so "user_id" and "screen_name". So setting this value will result in an empty array.
Favorites aren't displayed to other users, so "user_id" and "screen_name" are unsupported.
Set this values will result in an empty array.
### favorites/create
### favorites/create (POST,PUT; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* id
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
### favorites/destroy
### favorites/destroy (POST,DELETE; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* id
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
### followers/ids
### followers/ids (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* stringify_ids: Should the id numbers be sent as text (true) or number (false)? (default: false)
@ -170,6 +187,245 @@ Favorites aren't displayed to other users, so "user_id" and "screen_name". So se
Friendica doesn't allow showing followers of other users.
### friends/ids (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* stringify_ids: Should the id numbers be sent as text (true) or number (false)? (default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* user_id
* screen_name
* cursor
Friendica doesn't allow showing friends of other users.
### help/test (*)
### media/upload (POST,PUT; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* media: image data
### oauth/request_token (*)
#### Parameters
* oauth_callback
#### Unsupported parameters
* x_auth_access_type
### oauth/access_token (*)
#### Parameters
* oauth_verifier
#### Unsupported parameters
* x_auth_password
* x_auth_username
* x_auth_mode
### statuses/destroy (POST,DELETE; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* id: message number
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* trim_user
### statuses/followers (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
### statuses/friends (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
### statuses/friends_timeline (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimal id
* max_id: maximum id
* exclude_replies: don't show replies (default: false)
* conversation_id: Shows all statuses of a given conversation.
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* include_rts
* trim_user
* contributor_details
### statuses/home_timeline (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimal id
* max_id: maximum id
* exclude_replies: don't show replies (default: false)
* conversation_id: Shows all statuses of a given conversation.
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* include_rts
* trim_user
* contributor_details
### statuses/mentions (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimal id
* max_id: maximum id
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* include_rts
* trim_user
* contributor_details
### statuses/public_timeline (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimal id
* max_id: maximum id
* exclude_replies: don't show replies (default: false)
* conversation_id: Shows all statuses of a given conversation.
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* trim_user
### statuses/replies (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimal id
* max_id: maximum id
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* include_rts
* trim_user
* contributor_details
### statuses/retweet (POST,PUT; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* id: message number
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* trim_user
### statuses/show (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* id: message number
* conversation: if set to "1" show all messages of the conversation with the given id
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* include_my_retweet
* trim_user
### statuses/update, statuses/update_with_media
#### Parameters
* title: Title of the status
* status: Status in text format
* htmlstatus: Status in HTML format
* in_reply_to_status_id
* lat: latitude
* long: longitude
* media: image data
* source: Application name
* group_allow
* contact_allow
* group_deny
* contact_deny
* network
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
* media_ids: (By now only a single value, no array)
#### Unsupported parameters
* trim_user
* place_id
* display_coordinates
### statuses/user_timeline (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* user_id: id of the user
* screen_name: screen name (for technical reasons, this value is not unique!)
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimal id
* max_id: maximum id
* exclude_replies: don't show replies (default: false)
* conversation_id: Shows all statuses of a given conversation.
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* include_rts
* trim_user
* contributor_details
### statusnet/config (*)
### statusnet/version (*)
#### Unsupported parameters
* user_id
* screen_name
* cursor
Friendica doesn't allow showing followers of other users.
### users/search (*)
#### Parameters
* q: name of the user
#### Unsupported parameters
* page
* count
* include_entities
### users/show (*)
#### Parameters
* user_id: id of the user
* screen_name: screen name (for technical reasons, this value is not unique!)
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* user_id
* screen_name
* cursor
Friendica doesn't allow showing friends of other users.
## Implemented API calls (not compatible with other APIs)
### friendica/activity/<verb>
#### parameters
@ -177,6 +433,7 @@ Friendica doesn't allow showing followers of other users.
Add or remove an activity from an item.
'verb' can be one of:
- like
- dislike
- attendyes
@ -200,7 +457,130 @@ On error:
HTTP 400 BadRequest
### friendica/photo
### friendica/group_show (*; AUTH)
Return all or a specified group of the user with the containing contacts as array.
#### Parameters
* gid: optional, if not given, API returns all groups of the user
#### Return values
Array of:
* name: name of the group
* gid: id of the group
* user: array of group members (return from api_get_user() function for each member)
### friendica/group_delete (POST,DELETE; AUTH)
delete the specified group of contacts; API call need to include the correct gid AND name of the group to be deleted.
#### Parameters
* gid: id of the group to be deleted
* name: name of the group to be deleted
#### Return values
Array of:
* success: true if successfully deleted
* gid: gid of the deleted group
* name: name of the deleted group
* status: „deleted“ if successfully deleted
* wrong users: empty array
### friendica/group_create (POST,PUT; AUTH)
Create the group with the posted array of contacts as members.
#### Parameters
* name: name of the group to be created
#### POST data
JSON data as Array like the result of "users/group_show":
* gid
* name
* array of users
#### Return values
Array of:
* success: true if successfully created or reactivated
* gid: gid of the created group
* name: name of the created group
* status: „missing user“ | „reactivated“ | „ok“
* wrong users: array of users, which were not available in the contact table
### friendica/group_update (POST)
Update the group with the posted array of contacts as members (post all members of the group to the call; function will remove members not posted).
#### Parameters
* gid: id of the group to be changed
* name: name of the group to be changed
#### POST data
JSON data as array like the result of „users/group_show“:
* gid
* name
* array of users
#### Return values
Array of:
* success: true if successfully updated
* gid: gid of the changed group
* name: name of the changed group
* status: „missing user“ | „ok“
* wrong users: array of users, which were not available in the contact table
### friendica/notifications (GET)
Return last 50 notification for current user, ordered by date with unseen item on top
#### Parameters
#### Return values
Array of:
* id: id of the note
* type: type of notification as int (see NOTIFY_* constants in boot.php)
* name: full name of the contact subject of the note
* url: contact's profile url
* photo: contact's profile photo
* date: datetime string of the note
* timestamp: timestamp of the node
* date_rel: relative date of the note (eg. "1 hour ago")
* msg: note message in bbcode
* msg_html: note message in html
* msg_plain: note message in plain text
* link: link to note
* seen: seen state: 0 or 1
### friendica/notifications/seen (POST)
Set note as seen, returns item object if possible
#### Parameters
id: id of the note to set seen
#### Return values
If the note is linked to an item, the item is returned, just like one of the "statuses/*_timeline" api.
If the note is not linked to an item, a success status is returned:
* "success" (json) | "<status>success</status>" (xml)
### friendica/photo (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* photo_id: Resource id of a photo.
* scale: (optional) scale value of the photo
@ -210,14 +590,14 @@ If 'scale' isn't provided, returned data include full url to each scale of the p
If 'scale' is set, returned data include image data base64 encoded.
possibile scale value are:
0: original or max size by server settings
1: image with or height at <= 640
2: image with or height at <= 320
3: thumbnail 160x160
4: Profile image at 175x175
5: Profile image at 80x80
6: Profile image at 48x48
* 0: original or max size by server settings
* 1: image with or height at <= 640
* 2: image with or height at <= 320
* 3: thumbnail 160x160
* 4: Profile image at 175x175
* 5: Profile image at 80x80
* 6: Profile image at 48x48
An image used as profile image has only scale 4-6, other images only 0-3
@ -269,7 +649,7 @@ xml
### friendica/photos/list
### friendica/photos/list (*; AUTH)
Returns a list of all photo resources of the logged in user.
@ -302,310 +682,6 @@ xml
### friends/ids
#### Parameters
* stringify_ids: Should the id numbers be sent as text (true) or number (false)? (default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* user_id
* screen_name
* cursor
Friendica doesn't allow showing friends of other users.
### help/test
### media/upload
#### Parameters
* media: image data
### oauth/request_token
#### Parameters
* oauth_callback
#### Unsupported parameters
* x_auth_access_type
### oauth/access_token
#### Parameters
* oauth_verifier
#### Unsupported parameters
* x_auth_password
* x_auth_username
* x_auth_mode
### statuses/destroy
#### Parameters
* id: message number
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* trim_user
### statuses/followers
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
### statuses/friends
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
### statuses/friends_timeline
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimal id
* max_id: maximum id
* exclude_replies: don't show replies (default: false)
* conversation_id: Shows all statuses of a given conversation.
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* include_rts
* trim_user
* contributor_details
### statuses/home_timeline
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimal id
* max_id: maximum id
* exclude_replies: don't show replies (default: false)
* conversation_id: Shows all statuses of a given conversation.
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* include_rts
* trim_user
* contributor_details
### statuses/mentions
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimal id
* max_id: maximum id
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* include_rts
* trim_user
* contributor_details
### statuses/public_timeline
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimal id
* max_id: maximum id
* exclude_replies: don't show replies (default: false)
* conversation_id: Shows all statuses of a given conversation.
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* trim_user
### statuses/replies
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimal id
* max_id: maximum id
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* include_rts
* trim_user
* contributor_details
### statuses/retweet
#### Parameters
* id: message number
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* trim_user
### statuses/show
#### Parameters
* id: message number
* conversation: if set to "1" show all messages of the conversation with the given id
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* include_my_retweet
* trim_user
### statuses/update, statuses/update_with_media
#### Parameters
* title: Title of the status
* status: Status in text format
* htmlstatus: Status in HTML format
* in_reply_to_status_id
* lat: latitude
* long: longitude
* media: image data
* source: Application name
* group_allow
* contact_allow
* group_deny
* contact_deny
* network
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
* media_ids: (By now only a single value, no array)
#### Unsupported parameters
* trim_user
* place_id
* display_coordinates
### statuses/user_timeline
#### Parameters
* user_id: id of the user
* screen_name: screen name (for technical reasons, this value is not unique!)
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimal id
* max_id: maximum id
* exclude_replies: don't show replies (default: false)
* conversation_id: Shows all statuses of a given conversation.
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* include_rts
* trim_user
* contributor_details
### statusnet/config
### statusnet/version
#### Unsupported parameters
* user_id
* screen_name
* cursor
Friendica doesn't allow showing followers of other users.
### users/search
#### Parameters
* q: name of the user
#### Unsupported parameters
* page
* count
* include_entities
### users/show
#### Parameters
* user_id: id of the user
* screen_name: screen name (for technical reasons, this value is not unique!)
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* user_id
* screen_name
* cursor
Friendica doesn't allow showing friends of other users.
## Implemented API calls (not compatible with other APIs)
### friendica/group_show
Return all or a specified group of the user with the containing contacts as array.
#### Parameters
* gid: optional, if not given, API returns all groups of the user
#### Return values
Array of:
* name: name of the group
* gid: id of the group
* user: array of group members (return from api_get_user() function for each member)
### friendica/group_delete
delete the specified group of contacts; API call need to include the correct gid AND name of the group to be deleted.
### Parameters
* gid: id of the group to be deleted
* name: name of the group to be deleted
#### Return values
Array of:
* success: true if successfully deleted
* gid: gid of the deleted group
* name: name of the deleted group
* status: „deleted“ if successfully deleted
* wrong users: empty array
### friendica/group_create
Create the group with the posted array of contacts as members.
#### Parameters
* name: name of the group to be created
#### POST data
JSON data as Array like the result of „users/group_show“:
* gid
* name
* array of users
#### Return values
Array of:
* success: true if successfully created or reactivated
* gid: gid of the created group
* name: name of the created group
* status: „missing user“ | „reactivated“ | „ok“
* wrong users: array of users, which were not available in the contact table
### friendica/group_update
Update the group with the posted array of contacts as members (post all members of the group to the call; function will remove members not posted).
#### Parameters
* gid: id of the group to be changed
* name: name of the group to be changed
#### POST data
JSON data as array like the result of „users/group_show“:
* gid
* name
* array of users
#### Return values
Array of:
* success: true if successfully updated
* gid: gid of the changed group
* name: name of the changed group
* status: „missing user“ | „ok“
* wrong users: array of users, which were not available in the contact table
## Not Implemented API calls
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
* @file include/NotificationsManager.php
* @brief Read and write notifications from/to database
class NotificationsManager {
private $a;
public function __construct() {
$this->a = get_app();
* @brief set some extra note properties
* @param array $notes array of note arrays from db
* @return array Copy of input array with added properties
* Set some extra properties to note array from db:
* - timestamp as int in default TZ
* - date_rel : relative date string
* - msg_html: message as html string
* - msg_plain: message as plain text string
private function _set_extra($notes) {
$rets = array();
foreach($notes as $n) {
$local_time = datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$n['date']);
$n['timestamp'] = strtotime($local_time);
$n['date_rel'] = relative_date($n['date']);
$n['msg_html'] = bbcode($n['msg'], false, false, false, false);
$n['msg_plain'] = explode("\n",trim(html2plain($n['msg_html'], 0)))[0];
$rets[] = $n;
return $rets;
* @brief get all notifications for local_user()
* @param array $filter optional Array "column name"=>value: filter query by columns values
* @param string $order optional Space separated list of column to sort by. prepend name with "+" to sort ASC, "-" to sort DESC. Default to "-date"
* @param string $limit optional Query limits
* @return array of results or false on errors
public function getAll($filter = array(), $order="-date", $limit="") {
$filter_str = array();
$filter_sql = "";
foreach($filter as $column => $value) {
$filter_str[] = sprintf("`%s` = '%s'", $column, dbesc($value));
if (count($filter_str)>0) {
$filter_sql = "AND ".implode(" AND ", $filter_str);
$aOrder = explode(" ", $order);
$asOrder = array();
foreach($aOrder as $o) {
$dir = "asc";
if ($o[0]==="-") {
$dir = "desc";
$o = substr($o,1);
if ($o[0]==="+") {
$dir = "asc";
$o = substr($o,1);
$asOrder[] = "$o $dir";
$order_sql = implode(", ", $asOrder);
if ($limit!="") $limit = " LIMIT ".$limit;
$r = q("SELECT * FROM `notify` WHERE `uid` = %d $filter_sql ORDER BY $order_sql $limit",
if ($r!==false && count($r)>0) return $this->_set_extra($r);
return false;
* @brief get one note for local_user() by $id value
* @param int $id
* @return array note values or null if not found
public function getByID($id) {
$r = q("SELECT * FROM `notify` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
if($r!==false && count($r)>0) {
return $this->_set_extra($r)[0];
return null;
* @brief set seen state of $note of local_user()
* @param array $note
* @param bool $seen optional true or false, default true
* @return bool true on success, false on errors
public function setSeen($note, $seen = true) {
return q("UPDATE `notify` SET `seen` = %d WHERE ( `link` = '%s' OR ( `parent` != 0 AND `parent` = %d AND `otype` = '%s' )) AND `uid` = %d",
* @brief set seen state of all notifications of local_user()
* @param bool $seen optional true or false. default true
* @return bool true on success, false on error
public function setAllSeen($seen = true) {
return q("UPDATE `notify` SET `seen` = %d WHERE `uid` = %d",
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
@ -680,6 +681,34 @@
* @brief transform $data array in xml without a template
* @param array $data
* @return string xml string
function api_array_to_xml($data, $ename="") {
if (count($data)==1 && !is_array($data[0])) {
$ename = array_keys($data)[0];
$v = $data[$ename];
return "<$ename>$v</$ename>";
foreach($data as $k=>$v) {
if (!is_array($v)) {
$attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', $k, $v);
} else {
if (is_numeric($k)) $k=trim($ename,'s');
$childs.=api_array_to_xml($v, $k);
$res = $childs;
if ($ename!="") $res = "<$ename $attrs>$res</$ename>";
return $res;
* load api $templatename for $type and replace $data array
@ -692,6 +721,9 @@
case "rss":
case "xml":
$data = array_xmlify($data);
if ($templatename==="<auto>") {
$ret = api_array_to_xml($data);
} else {
$tpl = get_markup_template("api_".$templatename."_".$type.".tpl");
if(! $tpl) {
header ("Content-Type: text/xml");
@ -699,6 +731,7 @@
$ret = replace_macros($tpl, $data);
case "json":
$ret = $data;
@ -3386,6 +3419,64 @@
api_register_func('api/friendica/activity/unattendno', 'api_friendica_activity', true, API_METHOD_POST);
api_register_func('api/friendica/activity/unattendmaybe', 'api_friendica_activity', true, API_METHOD_POST);
* @brief Returns notifications
* @param App $a
* @param string $type Known types are 'atom', 'rss', 'xml' and 'json'
* @return string
function api_friendica_notification(&$a, $type) {
if (api_user()===false) throw new ForbiddenException();
if ($a->argc!==3) throw new BadRequestException("Invalid argument count");
$nm = new NotificationsManager();
$notes = $nm->getAll(array(), "+seen -date", 50);
return api_apply_template("<auto>", $type, array('$notes' => $notes));
* @brief Set notification as seen and returns associated item (if possible)
* POST request with 'id' param as notification id
* @param App $a
* @param string $type Known types are 'atom', 'rss', 'xml' and 'json'
* @return string
function api_friendica_notification_seen(&$a, $type){
if (api_user()===false) throw new ForbiddenException();
if ($a->argc!==4) throw new BadRequestException("Invalid argument count");
$id = (x($_REQUEST, 'id') ? intval($_REQUEST['id']) : 0);
$nm = new NotificationsManager();
$note = $nm->getByID($id);
if (is_null($note)) throw new BadRequestException("Invalid argument");
if ($note['otype']=='item') {
// would be really better with an ItemsManager and $im->getByID() :-P
$r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `id`=%d AND `uid`=%d",
if ($r!==false) {
// we found the item, return it to the user
$user_info = api_get_user($a);
$ret = api_format_items($r,$user_info);
$data = array('$statuses' => $ret);
return api_apply_template("timeline", $type, $data);
// the item can't be found, but we set the note as seen, so we count this as a success
return api_apply_template('<auto>', $type, array('status' => "success"));
api_register_func('api/friendica/notification/seen', 'api_friendica_notification_seen', true, API_METHOD_POST);
api_register_func('api/friendica/notification', 'api_friendica_notification', true, API_METHOD_GET);
[pagename] => api/1.1/statuses/lookup.json
@ -1,43 +1,34 @@
function notify_init(&$a) {
if(! local_user())
if(! local_user()) return;
$nm = new NotificationsManager();
if($a->argc > 2 && $a->argv[1] === 'view' && intval($a->argv[2])) {
$r = q("select * from notify where id = %d and uid = %d limit 1",
if(count($r)) {
q("update notify set seen = 1 where ( link = '%s' or ( parent != 0 and parent = %d and otype = '%s' )) and uid = %d",
$note = $nm->getByID($a->argv[2]);
if ($note) {
// The friendica client has problems with the GUID. this is some workaround
if ($a->is_friendica_app()) {
$urldata = parse_url($r[0]['link']);
$urldata = parse_url($note['link']);
$guid = basename($urldata["path"]);
$itemdata = get_item_id($guid, local_user());
if ($itemdata["id"] != 0)
$r[0]['link'] = $a->get_baseurl().'/display/'.$itemdata["nick"].'/'.$itemdata["id"];
$note['link'] = $a->get_baseurl().'/display/'.$itemdata["nick"].'/'.$itemdata["id"];
if($a->argc > 2 && $a->argv[1] === 'mark' && $a->argv[2] === 'all' ) {
$r = q("update notify set seen = 1 where uid = %d",
$r = $nm->setAllSeen();
$j = json_encode(array('result' => ($r) ? 'success' : 'fail'));
echo $j;
@ -45,21 +36,18 @@ function notify_init(&$a) {
function notify_content(&$a) {
if(! local_user())
return login();
if(! local_user()) return login();
$nm = new NotificationsManager();
$notif_tpl = get_markup_template('notifications.tpl');
$not_tpl = get_markup_template('notify.tpl');
$r = q("SELECT * from notify where uid = %d and seen = 0 order by date desc",
if (count($r) > 0) {
$r = $nm->getAll(array('seen'=>0));
if ($r!==false && count($r) > 0) {
foreach ($r as $it) {
$notif_content .= replace_macros($not_tpl,array(
'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/notify/view/'. $it['id'],
@ -74,7 +62,7 @@ function notify_content(&$a) {
$o .= replace_macros($notif_tpl, array(
'$notif_header' => t('System Notifications'),
'$tabs' => '', // $tabs,
'$tabs' => false, // $tabs,
'$notif_content' => $notif_content,
@ -205,8 +205,8 @@ function ping_init(&$a) {
$local_time = datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$n['date']);
call_hooks('ping_xmlize', $n);
$notsxml = '<note href="%s" name="%s" url="%s" photo="%s" date="%s" seen="%s" timestamp="%s" >%s</note>'."\n";
return sprintf ( $notsxml,
$notsxml = '<note id="%d" href="%s" name="%s" url="%s" photo="%s" date="%s" seen="%s" timestamp="%s" >%s</note>'."\n";
return sprintf ( $notsxml, intval($n['id']),
xmlify($n['href']), xmlify($n['name']), xmlify($n['url']), xmlify($n['photo']),
xmlify(relative_date($n['date'])), xmlify($n['seen']), xmlify(strtotime($local_time)),
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
{{include file="common_tabs.tpl"}}
{{if $tabs }}{{include file="common_tabs.tpl"}}{{/if}}
<div class="notif-network-wrapper">
Reference in New Issue
Block a user