Merge pull request #3202 from Hypolite/issue/#3107
Delete frio obsolete Colors.php library
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
class colors {
/* Convert hexdec color string to rgb(a) string */
function hex2rgba($color, $opacity = false) {
$default = 'rgb(0,0,0)';
//Return default if no color provided
return $default;
//Sanitize $color if "#" is provided
if ($color[0] == '#' ) {
$color = substr( $color, 1 );
//Check if color has 6 or 3 characters and get values
if (strlen($color) == 6) {
$hex = array( $color[0] . $color[1], $color[2] . $color[3], $color[4] . $color[5] );
} elseif ( strlen( $color ) == 3 ) {
$hex = array( $color[0] . $color[0], $color[1] . $color[1], $color[2] . $color[2] );
} else {
return $default;
//Convert hexadec to rgb
$rgb = array_map('hexdec', $hex);
//Check if opacity is set(rgba or rgb)
if(abs($opacity) > 1)
$opacity = 1.0;
$output = 'rgba('.implode(",",$rgb).','.$opacity.')';
} else {
$output = 'rgb('.implode(",",$rgb).')';
//Return rgb(a) color string
return $output;
function hex2rgb( $colour ) {
if ( $colour[0] == '#' ) {
$colour = substr( $colour, 1 );
if ( strlen( $colour ) == 6 ) {
list( $r, $g, $b ) = array( $colour[0] . $colour[1], $colour[2] . $colour[3], $colour[4] . $colour[5] );
} elseif ( strlen( $colour ) == 3 ) {
list( $r, $g, $b ) = array( $colour[0] . $colour[0], $colour[1] . $colour[1], $colour[2] . $colour[2] );
} else {
return false;
$r = hexdec( $r );
$g = hexdec( $g );
$b = hexdec( $b );
return array( 'red' => $r, 'green' => $g, 'blue' => $b );
function rgbToHsl( $r, $g, $b ) {
$oldR = $r;
$oldG = $g;
$oldB = $b;
$r /= 255;
$g /= 255;
$b /= 255;
$max = max( $r, $g, $b );
$min = min( $r, $g, $b );
$l = ( $max + $min ) / 2;
$d = $max - $min;
if( $d == 0 ){
$h = $s = 0; // achromatic
} else {
$s = $d / ( 1 - abs( 2 * $l - 1 ) );
switch( $max ){
case $r:
$h = 60 * fmod( ( ( $g - $b ) / $d ), 6 );
if ($b > $g) {
$h += 360;
case $g:
$h = 60 * ( ( $b - $r ) / $d + 2 );
case $b:
$h = 60 * ( ( $r - $g ) / $d + 4 );
return array( round( $h, 2 ), round( $s, 2 ), round( $l, 2 ) );
function hslToRgb( $h, $s, $l ){
$r = "";
$g = "";
$b = "";
$c = ( 1 - abs( 2 * $l - 1 ) ) * $s;
$x = $c * ( 1 - abs( fmod( ( $h / 60 ), 2 ) - 1 ) );
$m = $l - ( $c / 2 );
if ( $h < 60 ) {
$r = $c;
$g = $x;
$b = 0;
} else if ( $h < 120 ) {
$r = $x;
$g = $c;
$b = 0;
} else if ( $h < 180 ) {
$r = 0;
$g = $c;
$b = $x;
} else if ( $h < 240 ) {
$r = 0;
$g = $x;
$b = $c;
} else if ( $h < 300 ) {
$r = $x;
$g = 0;
$b = $c;
} else {
$r = $c;
$g = 0;
$b = $x;
$r = ( $r + $m ) * 255;
$g = ( $g + $m ) * 255;
$b = ( $b + $m ) * 255;
return array( floor( $r ), floor( $g ), floor( $b ) );
* Som more example code - this needs to be deletet if we don't need it in
* the future
function HTMLToRGB($htmlCode)
if($htmlCode[0] == '#')
$htmlCode = substr($htmlCode, 1);
if (strlen($htmlCode) == 3)
$htmlCode = $htmlCode[0] . $htmlCode[0] . $htmlCode[1] . $htmlCode[1] . $htmlCode[2] . $htmlCode[2];
$r = hexdec($htmlCode[0] . $htmlCode[1]);
$g = hexdec($htmlCode[2] . $htmlCode[3]);
$b = hexdec($htmlCode[4] . $htmlCode[5]);
return $b + ($g << 0x8) + ($r << 0x10);
function RGBToHTML($RGB)
$r = 0xFF & ($RGB >> 0x10);
$g = 0xFF & ($RGB >> 0x8);
$b = 0xFF & $RGB;
$r = dechex($r);
$g = dechex($g);
$b = dechex($b);
return "#" . str_pad($r, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad($g, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad($b, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
function ChangeLuminosity($RGB, $LuminosityPercent)
$NewHSL = (int)(((float)$LuminosityPercent / 100) * 255) + (0xFFFF00 & $HSL);
return HSLToRGB($NewHSL);
function RGBToHSL($RGB)
$r = 0xFF & ($RGB >> 0x10);
$g = 0xFF & ($RGB >> 0x8);
$b = 0xFF & $RGB;
$r = ((float)$r) / 255.0;
$g = ((float)$g) / 255.0;
$b = ((float)$b) / 255.0;
$maxC = max($r, $g, $b);
$minC = min($r, $g, $b);
$l = ($maxC + $minC) / 2.0;
if($maxC == $minC)
$s = 0;
$h = 0;
if($l < .5)
$s = ($maxC - $minC) / ($maxC + $minC);
$s = ($maxC - $minC) / (2.0 - $maxC - $minC);
if($r == $maxC)
$h = ($g - $b) / ($maxC - $minC);
if($g == $maxC)
$h = 2.0 + ($b - $r) / ($maxC - $minC);
if($b == $maxC)
$h = 4.0 + ($r - $g) / ($maxC - $minC);
$h = $h / 6.0;
$h = (int)round(255.0 * $h);
$s = (int)round(255.0 * $s);
$l = (int)round(255.0 * $l);
$HSL = $l + ($s << 0x8) + ($h << 0x10);
return $HSL;
function HSLToRGB($HSL)
$h = 0xFF & ($HSL >> 0x10);
$s = 0xFF & ($HSL >> 0x8);
$l = 0xFF & $HSL;
$h = ((float)$h) / 255.0;
$s = ((float)$s) / 255.0;
$l = ((float)$l) / 255.0;
if($s == 0)
$r = $l;
$g = $l;
$b = $l;
if($l < .5)
$t2 = $l * (1.0 + $s);
$t2 = ($l + $s) - ($l * $s);
$t1 = 2.0 * $l - $t2;
$rt3 = $h + 1.0/3.0;
$gt3 = $h;
$bt3 = $h - 1.0/3.0;
if($rt3 < 0) $rt3 += 1.0;
if($rt3 > 1) $rt3 -= 1.0;
if($gt3 < 0) $gt3 += 1.0;
if($gt3 > 1) $gt3 -= 1.0;
if($bt3 < 0) $bt3 += 1.0;
if($bt3 > 1) $bt3 -= 1.0;
if(6.0 * $rt3 < 1) $r = $t1 + ($t2 - $t1) * 6.0 * $rt3;
elseif(2.0 * $rt3 < 1) $r = $t2;
elseif(3.0 * $rt3 < 2) $r = $t1 + ($t2 - $t1) * ((2.0/3.0) - $rt3) * 6.0;
else $r = $t1;
if(6.0 * $gt3 < 1) $g = $t1 + ($t2 - $t1) * 6.0 * $gt3;
elseif(2.0 * $gt3 < 1) $g = $t2;
elseif(3.0 * $gt3 < 2) $g = $t1 + ($t2 - $t1) * ((2.0/3.0) - $gt3) * 6.0;
else $g = $t1;
if(6.0 * $bt3 < 1) $b = $t1 + ($t2 - $t1) * 6.0 * $bt3;
elseif(2.0 * $bt3 < 1) $b = $t2;
elseif(3.0 * $bt3 < 2) $b = $t1 + ($t2 - $t1) * ((2.0/3.0) - $bt3) * 6.0;
else $b = $t1;
$r = (int)round(255.0 * $r);
$g = (int)round(255.0 * $g);
$b = (int)round(255.0 * $b);
$RGB = $b + ($g << 0x8) + ($r << 0x10);
return $RGB;
Reference in New Issue
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