Merge pull request #656 from fabrixxm/master

phpdocs for include/text.php
This commit is contained in:
friendica 2013-03-27 19:44:24 -07:00
commit 74954e6c68

View File

@ -12,6 +12,15 @@ require_once("include/template_processor.php");
if(! function_exists('replace_macros')) {
* This is our template processor
* @global Template $t
* @param string|FriendicaSmarty $s the string requiring macro substitution,
* or an instance of FriendicaSmarty
* @param array $r key value pairs (search => replace)
* @return string substituted string
function replace_macros($s,$r) {
global $t;
@ -59,6 +68,7 @@ function random_string($size = 64,$type = RANDOM_STRING_HEX) {
if(! function_exists('notags')) {
* This is our primary input filter.
@ -73,9 +83,9 @@ function random_string($size = 64,$type = RANDOM_STRING_HEX) {
* They will be replaced with safer brackets. This may be filtered further
* if these are not allowed either.
* @param string $string Input string
* @return string Filtered string
if(! function_exists('notags')) {
function notags($string) {
return(str_replace(array("<",">"), array('[',']'), $string));
@ -84,10 +94,15 @@ function notags($string) {
// return(str_replace(array("<",">","\xBA","\xBC","\xBE"), array('[',']','','',''), $string));
// use this on "body" or "content" input where angle chars shouldn't be removed,
// and allow them to be safely displayed.
if(! function_exists('escape_tags')) {
* use this on "body" or "content" input where angle chars shouldn't be removed,
* and allow them to be safely displayed.
* @param string $string
* @return string
function escape_tags($string) {
return(htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false));
@ -98,6 +113,12 @@ function escape_tags($string) {
// used to generate initial passwords
if(! function_exists('autoname')) {
* generate a string that's random, but usually pronounceable.
* used to generate initial passwords
* @param int $len
* @return string
function autoname($len) {
if($len <= 0)
@ -173,6 +194,11 @@ function autoname($len) {
// returns escaped text.
if(! function_exists('xmlify')) {
* escape text ($str) for XML transport
* @param string $str
* @return string Escaped text.
function xmlify($str) {
/* $buffer = '';
@ -218,10 +244,12 @@ function xmlify($str) {
// undo an xmlify
// pass xml escaped text ($s), returns unescaped text
if(! function_exists('unxmlify')) {
* undo an xmlify
* @param string $s xml escaped text
* @return string unescaped text
function unxmlify($s) {
// $ret = str_replace('&amp;','&', $s);
// $ret = str_replace(array('&lt;','&gt;','&quot;','&apos;'),array('<','>','"',"'"),$ret);
@ -233,9 +261,12 @@ function unxmlify($s) {
return $ret;
// convenience wrapper, reverse the operation "bin2hex"
if(! function_exists('hex2bin')) {
* convenience wrapper, reverse the operation "bin2hex"
* @param string $s
* @return number
function hex2bin($s) {
if(! (is_string($s) && strlen($s)))
return '';
@ -247,17 +278,23 @@ function hex2bin($s) {
// Automatic pagination.
// To use, get the count of total items.
// Then call $a->set_pager_total($number_items);
// Optionally call $a->set_pager_itemspage($n) to the number of items to display on each page
// Then call paginate($a) after the end of the display loop to insert the pager block on the page
// (assuming there are enough items to paginate).
// When using with SQL, the setting LIMIT %d, %d => $a->pager['start'],$a->pager['itemspage']
// will limit the results to the correct items for the current page.
// The actual page handling is then accomplished at the application layer.
if(! function_exists('paginate')) {
* Automatic pagination.
* To use, get the count of total items.
* Then call $a->set_pager_total($number_items);
* Optionally call $a->set_pager_itemspage($n) to the number of items to display on each page
* Then call paginate($a) after the end of the display loop to insert the pager block on the page
* (assuming there are enough items to paginate).
* When using with SQL, the setting LIMIT %d, %d => $a->pager['start'],$a->pager['itemspage']
* will limit the results to the correct items for the current page.
* The actual page handling is then accomplished at the application layer.
* @param App $a App instance
* @return string html for pagination #FIXME remove html
function paginate(&$a) {
$o = '';
$stripped = preg_replace('/(&page=[0-9]*)/','',$a->query_string);
@ -314,6 +351,12 @@ function paginate(&$a) {
if(! function_exists('alt_pager')) {
* Alternative pager
* @param App $a App instance
* @param int $i
* @return string html for pagination #FIXME remove html
function alt_pager(&$a, $i) {
$o = '';
$stripped = preg_replace('/(&page=[0-9]*)/','',$a->query_string);
@ -338,9 +381,14 @@ function alt_pager(&$a, $i) {
return $o;
// Turn user/group ACLs stored as angle bracketed text into arrays
if(! function_exists('expand_acl')) {
* Turn user/group ACLs stored as angle bracketed text into arrays
* @param string $s
* @return array
function expand_acl($s) {
// turn string array of angle-bracketed elements into numeric array
// e.g. "<1><2><3>" => array(1,2,3);
@ -357,9 +405,11 @@ function expand_acl($s) {
return $ret;
// Used to wrap ACL elements in angle brackets for storage
if(! function_exists('sanitise_acl')) {
* Wrap ACL elements in angle brackets for storage
* @param string $item
function sanitise_acl(&$item) {
$item = '<' . intval(notags(trim($item))) . '>';
@ -368,14 +418,18 @@ function sanitise_acl(&$item) {
// Convert an ACL array to a storable string
// Normally ACL permissions will be an array.
// We'll also allow a comma-separated string.
if(! function_exists('perms2str')) {
* Convert an ACL array to a storable string
* Normally ACL permissions will be an array.
* We'll also allow a comma-separated string.
* @param string|array $p
* @return string
function perms2str($p) {
$ret = '';
$tmp = $p;
@ -388,10 +442,16 @@ function perms2str($p) {
return $ret;
// generate a guaranteed unique (for this domain) item ID for ATOM
// safe from birthday paradox
if(! function_exists('item_new_uri')) {
* generate a guaranteed unique (for this domain) item ID for ATOM
* safe from birthday paradox
* @param string $hostname
* @param int $uid
* @return string
function item_new_uri($hostname,$uid) {
do {
@ -412,6 +472,12 @@ function item_new_uri($hostname,$uid) {
// safe from birthday paradox
if(! function_exists('photo_new_resource')) {
* Generate a guaranteed unique photo ID.
* safe from birthday paradox
* @return string
function photo_new_resource() {
do {
@ -427,12 +493,17 @@ function photo_new_resource() {
// wrapper to load a view template, checking for alternate
// languages before falling back to the default
// obsolete, deprecated.
if(! function_exists('load_view_file')) {
* @deprecated
* wrapper to load a view template, checking for alternate
* languages before falling back to the default
* @global string $lang
* @global App $a
* @param string $s view name
* @return string
function load_view_file($s) {
global $lang, $a;
if(! isset($lang))
@ -462,6 +533,14 @@ function load_view_file($s) {
if(! function_exists('get_intltext_template')) {
* load a view template, checking for alternate
* languages before falling back to the default
* @global string $lang
* @param string $s view path
* @return string
function get_intltext_template($s) {
global $lang;
@ -492,6 +571,13 @@ function get_intltext_template($s) {
if(! function_exists('get_markup_template')) {
* load template $s
* @param string $s
* @param string $root
* @return string
function get_markup_template($s, $root = '') {
$stamp1 = microtime(true);
@ -519,6 +605,13 @@ function get_markup_template($s, $root = '') {
if(! function_exists("get_template_file")) {
* @param App $a
* @param string $filename
* @param string $root
* @return string
function get_template_file($a, $filename, $root = '') {
$theme = current_theme();
@ -540,16 +633,23 @@ function get_template_file($a, $filename, $root = '') {
// for html,xml parsing - let's say you've got
// an attribute foobar="class1 class2 class3"
// and you want to find out if it contains 'class3'.
// you can't use a normal sub string search because you
// might match 'notclass3' and a regex to do the job is
// possible but a bit complicated.
// pass the attribute string as $attr and the attribute you
// are looking for as $s - returns true if found, otherwise false
if(! function_exists('attribute_contains')) {
* for html,xml parsing - let's say you've got
* an attribute foobar="class1 class2 class3"
* and you want to find out if it contains 'class3'.
* you can't use a normal sub string search because you
* might match 'notclass3' and a regex to do the job is
* possible but a bit complicated.
* pass the attribute string as $attr and the attribute you
* are looking for as $s - returns true if found, otherwise false
* @param string $attr attribute value
* @param string $s string to search
* @return boolean True if found, False otherwise
function attribute_contains($attr,$s) {
$a = explode(' ', $attr);
if(count($a) && in_array($s,$a))
@ -558,6 +658,19 @@ function attribute_contains($attr,$s) {
if(! function_exists('logger')) {
* log levels:
* LOGGER_NORMAL (default)
* @global App $a
* @global dba $db
* @param string $msg
* @param int $level
function logger($msg,$level = 0) {
// turn off logger in install mode
global $a;
@ -580,6 +693,13 @@ function logger($msg,$level = 0) {
if(! function_exists('activity_match')) {
* Compare activity uri. Knows about activity namespace.
* @param string $haystack
* @param string $needle
* @return boolean
function activity_match($haystack,$needle) {
if(($haystack === $needle) || ((basename($needle) === $haystack) && strstr($needle,NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA)))
return true;
@ -587,15 +707,18 @@ function activity_match($haystack,$needle) {
// Pull out all #hashtags and @person tags from $s;
// We also get - which would make
// the regex quite complicated as tags can also
// end a sentence. So we'll run through our results
// and strip the period from any tags which end with one.
// Returns array of tags found, or empty array.
if(! function_exists('get_tags')) {
* Pull out all #hashtags and @person tags from $s;
* We also get - which would make
* the regex quite complicated as tags can also
* end a sentence. So we'll run through our results
* and strip the period from any tags which end with one.
* Returns array of tags found, or empty array.
* @param string $s
* @return array
function get_tags($s) {
$ret = array();
@ -648,9 +771,15 @@ function get_tags($s) {
// quick and dirty quoted_printable encoding
if(! function_exists('qp')) {
* quick and dirty quoted_printable encoding
* @param string $s
* @return string
function qp($s) {
return str_replace ("%","=",rawurlencode($s));
@ -658,6 +787,10 @@ return str_replace ("%","=",rawurlencode($s));
if(! function_exists('get_mentions')) {
* @param array $item
* @return string html for mentions #FIXME: remove html
function get_mentions($item) {
$o = '';
if(! strlen($item['tag']))
@ -675,6 +808,13 @@ function get_mentions($item) {
if(! function_exists('contact_block')) {
* Get html for contact block.
* @template contact_block.tpl
* @hook contact_block_end (contacts=>array, output=>string)
* @return string
function contact_block() {
$o = '';
$a = get_app();
@ -727,6 +867,14 @@ function contact_block() {
if(! function_exists('micropro')) {
* @param array $contact
* @param boolean $redirect
* @param string $class
* @param boolean $textmode
* @return string #FIXME: remove html
function micropro($contact, $redirect = false, $class = '', $textmode = false) {
@ -771,6 +919,15 @@ function micropro($contact, $redirect = false, $class = '', $textmode = false) {
if(! function_exists('search')) {
* search box
* @param string $s search query
* @param string $id html id
* @param string $url search url
* @param boolean $save show save search button
* @return string html for search box #FIXME: remove html
function search($s,$id='search-box',$url='/search',$save = false) {
$a = get_app();
$o = '<div id="' . $id . '">';
@ -784,6 +941,12 @@ function search($s,$id='search-box',$url='/search',$save = false) {
if(! function_exists('valid_email')) {
* Check if $x is a valid email string
* @param string $x
* @return boolean
function valid_email($x){
@ -795,21 +958,26 @@ function valid_email($x){
if(! function_exists('linkify')) {
* Function: linkify
* Replace naked text hyperlink with HTML formatted hyperlink
* @param string $s
if(! function_exists('linkify')) {
function linkify($s) {
$s = preg_replace("/(https?\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\-\?\&\;\.\=\_\~\#\'\%\$\!\+]*)/", ' <a href="$1" target="external-link">$1</a>', $s);
$s = preg_replace("/\<(.*?)(src|href)=(.*?)\&amp\;(.*?)\>/ism",'<$1$2=$3&$4>',$s);
* Load poke verbs
* @return array index is present tense verb
value is array containing past tense verb, translation of present, translation of past
* @hook poke_verbs pokes array
function get_poke_verbs() {
// index is present tense verb
@ -827,11 +995,13 @@ function get_poke_verbs() {
return $arr;
* Load moods
* @return array index is mood, value is translated mood
* @hook mood_verbs moods array
function get_mood_verbs() {
// index is present tense verb
// value is array containing past tense verb, translation of present, translation of past
$arr = array(
'happy' => t('happy'),
'sad' => t('sad'),
@ -860,17 +1030,11 @@ function get_mood_verbs() {
if(! function_exists('smilies')) {
* Function: smilies
* Description:
* Replaces text emoticons with graphical images
* @Parameter: string $s
* Returns string
* It is expected that this function will be called using HTML text.
* We will escape text between HTML pre and code blocks from being
* processed.
@ -879,11 +1043,12 @@ function get_mood_verbs() {
* function from being executed by the prepare_text() routine when preparing
* bbcode source for HTML display
* @param string $s
* @param boolean $sample
* @return string
* @hook smilie ('texts' => smilies texts array, 'icons' => smilies html array, 'string' => $s)
if(! function_exists('smilies')) {
function smilies($s, $sample = false) {
$a = get_app();
@ -995,8 +1160,13 @@ function smile_decode($m) {
// expand <3333 to the correct number of hearts
* expand <3333 to the correct number of hearts
* @param string $x
* @return string
function preg_heart($x) {
$a = get_app();
if(strlen($x[1]) == 1)
@ -1010,6 +1180,12 @@ function preg_heart($x) {
if(! function_exists('day_translate')) {
* Translate days and months names
* @param string $s
* @return string
function day_translate($s) {
$ret = str_replace(array('Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday'),
array( t('Monday'), t('Tuesday'), t('Wednesday'), t('Thursday'), t('Friday'), t('Saturday'), t('Sunday')),
@ -1024,23 +1200,31 @@ function day_translate($s) {
if(! function_exists('normalise_link')) {
* Normalize url
* @param string $url
* @return string
function normalise_link($url) {
$ret = str_replace(array('https:','//www.'), array('http:','//'), $url);
if(! function_exists('link_compare')) {
* Compare two URLs to see if they are the same, but ignore
* slight but hopefully insignificant differences such as if one
* is https and the other isn't, or if one is www.something and
* the other isn't - and also ignore case differences.
* Return true if the URLs match, otherwise false.
* @param string $a first url
* @param string $b second url
* @return boolean True if the URLs match, otherwise False
if(! function_exists('link_compare')) {
function link_compare($a,$b) {
if(strcasecmp(normalise_link($a),normalise_link($b)) === 0)
return true;
@ -1048,9 +1232,13 @@ function link_compare($a,$b) {
// Find any non-embedded images in private items and add redir links to them
if(! function_exists('redir_private_images')) {
* Find any non-embedded images in private items and add redir links to them
* @param App $a
* @param array $item
function redir_private_images($a, &$item) {
$matches = false;
@ -1076,6 +1264,17 @@ function redir_private_images($a, &$item) {
// If attach is true, also add icons for item attachments
if(! function_exists('prepare_body')) {
* Given an item array, convert the body element from bbcode to html and add smilie icons.
* If attach is true, also add icons for item attachments
* @param array $item
* @param boolean $attach
* @return string item body html
* @hook prepare_body_init item array before any work
* @hook prepare_body ('item'=>item array, 'html'=>body string) after first bbcode to html
* @hook prepare_body_final ('item'=>item array, 'html'=>body string) after attach icons and blockquote special case handling (spoiler, author)
function prepare_body($item,$attach = false) {
$a = get_app();
@ -1201,9 +1400,13 @@ function prepare_body($item,$attach = false) {
// Given a text string, convert from bbcode to html and add smilie icons.
if(! function_exists('prepare_text')) {
* Given a text string, convert from bbcode to html and add smilie icons.
* @param string $text
* @return string
function prepare_text($text) {
@ -1217,19 +1420,25 @@ function prepare_text($text) {
* returns
* [
* //categories [
* return array with details for categories and folders for an item
* @param array $item
* @return array
* [
* [ // categories array
* {
* 'name': 'category name',
* 'removeurl': 'url to remove this category',
* 'first': 'is the first in this array? true/false',
* 'removeurl': 'url to remove this category',
* 'first': 'is the first in this array? true/false',
* 'last': 'is the last in this array? true/false',
* } ,
* ....
* ],
* // folders [
* [ //folders array
* {
* 'name': 'folder name',
* 'removeurl': 'url to remove this folder',
* 'first': 'is the first in this array? true/false',
@ -1237,9 +1446,10 @@ function prepare_text($text) {
* } ,
* ....
* ]
* ]
* ]
function get_cats_and_terms($item) {
$a = get_app();
$categories = array();
$folders = array();
@ -1284,11 +1494,12 @@ function get_cats_and_terms($item) {
* return atom link elements for all of our hubs
if(! function_exists('feed_hublinks')) {
* return atom link elements for all of our hubs
* @return string hub link xml elements
function feed_hublinks() {
$hub = get_config('system','huburl');
@ -1308,9 +1519,13 @@ function feed_hublinks() {
return $hubxml;
/* return atom link elements for salmon endpoints */
if(! function_exists('feed_salmonlinks')) {
* return atom link elements for salmon endpoints
* @param string $nick user nickname
* @return string salmon link xml elements
function feed_salmonlinks($nick) {
$a = get_app();
@ -1325,6 +1540,11 @@ function feed_salmonlinks($nick) {
if(! function_exists('get_plink')) {
* get private link for item
* @param array $item
* @return boolean|array False if item has not plink, otherwise array('href'=>plink url, 'title'=>translated title)
function get_plink($item) {
$a = get_app();
if (x($item,'plink') && ($item['private'] != 1)) {
@ -1339,6 +1559,11 @@ function get_plink($item) {
if(! function_exists('unamp')) {
* replace html amp entity with amp char
* @param string $s
* @return string
function unamp($s) {
return str_replace('&amp;', '&', $s);
@ -1347,6 +1572,12 @@ function unamp($s) {
if(! function_exists('lang_selector')) {
* get html for language selector
* @global string $lang
* @return string
* @template lang_selector.tpl
function lang_selector() {
global $lang;
@ -1383,6 +1614,11 @@ function lang_selector() {
if(! function_exists('return_bytes')) {
* return number of bytes in size (K, M, G)
* @param string $size_str
* @return number
function return_bytes ($size_str) {
switch (substr ($size_str, -1))
@ -1393,6 +1629,9 @@ function return_bytes ($size_str) {
* @return string
function generate_user_guid() {
$found = true;
do {
@ -1407,7 +1646,11 @@ function generate_user_guid() {
* @param string $s
* @param boolean $strip_padding
* @return string
function base64url_encode($s, $strip_padding = false) {
$s = strtr(base64_encode($s),'+/','-_');
@ -1418,6 +1661,10 @@ function base64url_encode($s, $strip_padding = false) {
return $s;
* @param string $s
* @return string
function base64url_decode($s) {
if(is_array($s)) {
@ -1446,6 +1693,16 @@ function base64url_decode($s) {
if (!function_exists('str_getcsv')) {
* Parse csv string
* @param string $input
* @param string $delimiter
* @param string $enclosure
* @param string $escape
* @param string $eol
* @return boolean|array False on error, otherwise array[row][column]
function str_getcsv($input, $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"', $escape = '\\', $eol = '\n') {
if (is_string($input) && !empty($input)) {
$output = array();
@ -1502,6 +1759,11 @@ if (!function_exists('str_getcsv')) {
* return div element with class 'clear'
* @return string
* @deprecated
function cleardiv() {
return '<div class="clear"></div>';
@ -1538,6 +1800,8 @@ function html2bb_video($s) {
* apply xmlify() to all values of array $val, recursively
* @param array $val
* @return array
function array_xmlify($val){
if (is_bool($val)) return $val?"true":"false";
@ -1546,6 +1810,13 @@ function array_xmlify($val){
* transorm link href and img src from relative to absolute
* @param string $text
* @param string $base base url
* @return string
function reltoabs($text, $base)
if (empty($base))
@ -1578,6 +1849,12 @@ function reltoabs($text, $base)
return $text;
* get translated item type
* @param array $itme
* @return string
function item_post_type($item) {
return t('event');