Rewrite Proxy module
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ use Friendica\Util\Proxy as ProxyUtils;
* @brief Module Proxy
* urls:
* /proxy/[sub1/[sub2/]]<base64url image url>[.ext][:size]
* /proxy?url=<image url>
class Proxy extends BaseModule
@ -66,21 +70,102 @@ class Proxy extends BaseModule
$thumb = false;
$size = 1024;
$sizetype = '';
$basepath = $a->getBasePath();
$direct_cache = self::setupDirectCache();
// If the cache path isn't there, try to create it
if (!is_dir($basepath . '/proxy') && is_writable($basepath)) {
mkdir($basepath . '/proxy');
$request = self::getRequestInfo();
if (empty($request['url'])) {
System::httpExit(400, ['title' => L10n::t('Bad Request.')]);
// Checking if caching into a folder in the webroot is activated and working
$direct_cache = (is_dir($basepath . '/proxy') && is_writable($basepath . '/proxy'));
// Webserver already tried direct cache...
// Try to use filecache;
$cachefile = self::responseFromCache($request);
// Try to use photo from db
// If script is here, the requested url has never cached before.
// Let's fetch it, scale it if required, then save it in cache.
// It shouldn't happen but it does - spaces in URL
$request['url'] = str_replace(' ', '+', $request['url']);
$redirects = 0;
$fetchResult = Network::fetchUrlFull($request['url'], true, $redirects, 10);
$img_str = $fetchResult->getBody();
$tempfile = tempnam(get_temppath(), 'cache');
file_put_contents($tempfile, $img_str);
$mime = mime_content_type($tempfile);
// If there is an error then return a blank image
if ((substr($fetchResult->getReturnCode(), 0, 1) == '4') || (!$img_str)) {
// stop.
$image = new Image($img_str, $mime);
if (!$image->isValid()) {
// stop.
// Store original image
if ($direct_cache) {
// direct cache , store under ./proxy/
file_put_contents($basepath . '/proxy/' . ProxyUtils::proxifyUrl($request['url'], true), $image->asString());
} elseif($cachefile !== '') {
// cache file
file_put_contents($cachefile, $image->asString());
} else {
// database
Photo::store($image, 0, 0, $request['urlhash'], $request['url'], '', 100);
// reduce quality - if it isn't a GIF
if ($image->getType() != 'image/gif') {
// Store scaled image
if ($direct_cache && $request['sizetype'] != '') {
file_put_contents($basepath . '/proxy/' . ProxyUtils::proxifyUrl($request['url'], true) . $request['sizetype'], $image->asString());
// stop.
* @brief Build info about requested image to be proxied
* @return array
* [
* 'url' => requested url,
* 'urlhash' => sha1 has of the url prefixed with 'pic:',
* 'size' => requested image size (int)
* 'sizetype' => requested image size (string): ':micro', ':thumb', ':small', ':medium', ':large'
* ]
private static function getRequestInfo()
$a = self::getApp();
$url = '';
$size = 1024;
$sizetype = '';
// Look for filename in the arguments
if ((isset($a->argv[1]) || isset($a->argv[2]) || isset($a->argv[3])) && !isset($_REQUEST['url'])) {
if (($a->argc > 1) && !isset($_REQUEST['url'])) {
if (isset($a->argv[3])) {
$url = $a->argv[3];
} elseif (isset($a->argv[2])) {
@ -89,6 +174,7 @@ class Proxy extends BaseModule
$url = $a->argv[1];
/// @TODO: Why? And what about $url in this case?
if (isset($a->argv[3]) && ($a->argv[3] == 'thumb')) {
$size = 200;
@ -125,148 +211,108 @@ class Proxy extends BaseModule
$url = base64_decode(strtr($url, '-_', '+/'), true);
if ($url) {
$_REQUEST['url'] = $url;
} else {
$direct_cache = false;
$url = defaults($_REQUEST, 'url', '');
return [
'url' => $url,
'urlhash' => 'pic:' . sha1($url),
'size' => $size,
'sizetype' => $sizetype,
* @brief setup ./proxy folder for direct cache
* @return bool False if direct cache can't be used.
private static function setupDirectCache()
$a = self::getApp();
$basepath = $a->getBasePath();
// If the cache path isn't there, try to create it
if (!is_dir($basepath . '/proxy') && is_writable($basepath)) {
mkdir($basepath . '/proxy');
if (empty($_REQUEST['url'])) {
System::httpExit(400, ["title" => L10n::t('Bad Request.')]);
// Checking if caching into a folder in the webroot is activated and working
$direct_cache = (is_dir($basepath . '/proxy') && is_writable($basepath . '/proxy'));
// we don't use direct cache if image url is passed in args and not in querystring
$direct_cache = $direct_cache && ($a->argc > 1) && !isset($_REQUEST['url']);
return $direct_cache;
* @brief Try to reply with image in cachefile
* @param array $request Array from getRequestInfo
* @return string Cache file name, empty string if cache is not enabled.
* If cachefile exists, script ends here and this function will never returns
private static function responseFromCache(&$request)
$cachefile = get_cachefile(hash('md5', $request['url']));
if ($cachefile != '' && file_exists($cachefile)) {
$img = new Image(file_get_contents($cachefile), mime_content_type($cachefile));
// stop.
return $cachefile;
* @brief Try to reply with image in database
* @param array $request Array from getRequestInfo
* If the image exists in database, then script ends here and this function will never returns
private static function responseFromDB(&$request) {
$photo = Photo::getPhoto($request['urlhash']);
if (!$direct_cache) {
$urlhash = 'pic:' . sha1($_REQUEST['url']);
$cachefile = get_cachefile(hash('md5', $_REQUEST['url']));
if ($cachefile != '' && file_exists($cachefile)) {
$img_str = file_get_contents($cachefile);
$mime = mime_content_type($cachefile);
header('Content-type: ' . $mime);
header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()) . ' GMT');
header('Etag: "' . md5($img_str) . '"');
header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + (31536000)) . ' GMT');
header('Cache-Control: max-age=31536000');
// reduce quality - if it isn't a GIF
if ($mime != 'image/gif') {
$image = new Image($img_str, $mime);
if ($image->isValid()) {
$img_str = $image->asString();
echo $img_str;
} else {
$cachefile = '';
if ($photo !== false) {
$img = Photo::getImageForPhoto($photo);
// stop.
$valid = true;
$photo = null;
if (!$direct_cache && ($cachefile == '')) {
$photo = DBA::selectFirst('photo', ['data', 'desc'], ['resource-id' => $urlhash]);
if (DBA::isResult($photo)) {
$img_str = $photo['data'];
$mime = $photo['desc'];
if ($mime == '') {
$mime = 'image/jpeg';
if (!DBA::isResult($photo)) {
// It shouldn't happen but it does - spaces in URL
$_REQUEST['url'] = str_replace(' ', '+', $_REQUEST['url']);
$redirects = 0;
$fetchResult = Network::fetchUrlFull($_REQUEST['url'], true, $redirects, 10);
$img_str = $fetchResult->getBody();
$tempfile = tempnam(get_temppath(), 'cache');
file_put_contents($tempfile, $img_str);
$mime = mime_content_type($tempfile);
// If there is an error then return a blank image
if ((substr($fetchResult->getReturnCode(), 0, 1) == '4') || (!$img_str)) {
$img_str = file_get_contents('images/blank.png');
$mime = 'image/png';
$cachefile = ''; // Clear the cachefile so that the dummy isn't stored
$valid = false;
$image = new Image($img_str, 'image/png');
if ($image->isValid()) {
$img_str = $image->asString();
} elseif ($mime != 'image/jpeg' && !$direct_cache && $cachefile == '') {
$image = @imagecreatefromstring($img_str);
if ($image === FALSE) {
$fields = ['uid' => 0, 'contact-id' => 0, 'guid' => System::createGUID(), 'resource-id' => $urlhash, 'created' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow(), 'edited' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow(),
'filename' => basename($_REQUEST['url']), 'type' => '', 'album' => '', 'height' => imagesy($image), 'width' => imagesx($image),
'datasize' => 0, 'data' => $img_str, 'scale' => 100, 'profile' => 0,
'allow_cid' => '', 'allow_gid' => '', 'deny_cid' => '', 'deny_gid' => '', 'desc' => $mime];
DBA::insert('photo', $fields);
} else {
$image = new Image($img_str, $mime);
if ($image->isValid() && !$direct_cache && ($cachefile == '')) {
Photo::store($image, 0, 0, $urlhash, $_REQUEST['url'], '', 100);
$img_str_orig = $img_str;
// reduce quality - if it isn't a GIF
if ($mime != 'image/gif') {
$image = new Image($img_str, $mime);
if ($image->isValid()) {
$img_str = $image->asString();
* If there is a real existing directory then put the cache file there
* advantage: real file access is really fast
* Otherwise write in cachefile
if ($valid && $direct_cache) {
file_put_contents($basepath . '/proxy/' . ProxyUtils::proxifyUrl($_REQUEST['url'], true), $img_str_orig);
if ($sizetype != '') {
file_put_contents($basepath . '/proxy/' . ProxyUtils::proxifyUrl($_REQUEST['url'], true) . $sizetype, $img_str);
} elseif ($cachefile != '') {
file_put_contents($cachefile, $img_str_orig);
header('Content-type: ' . $mime);
// Only output the cache headers when the file is valid
if ($valid) {
header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()) . ' GMT');
header('Etag: "' . md5($img_str) . '"');
header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + (31536000)) . ' GMT');
header('Cache-Control: max-age=31536000');
echo $img_str;
* @brief Output a blank image, without cache headers, in case of errors
private static function responseError() {
header('Content-type: ' . $img->getType());
echo file_get_contents('images/blank.png');
* @brief Output the image with cache headers
* @param Image $image
private static function responseImageHttpCache(Image $img)
if (is_null($img) || !$img->isValid()) {
// stop.
header('Content-type: ' . $img->getType());
header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()) . ' GMT');
header('Etag: "' . md5($img->asString()) . '"');
header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + (31536000)) . ' GMT');
header('Cache-Control: max-age=31536000');
echo $img->asString();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user