Issue 11309: improved check for wanted posts
This commit is contained in:
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class Receive extends BaseModule
$this->logger->info('Diaspora: Dispatching.');
Diaspora::dispatchPublic($msg, Diaspora::PUSHED);
@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ use SimpleXMLElement;
class Diaspora
const PUSHED = 0;
const FETCHED = 1;
const FORCED_FETCH = 2;
* Return a list of participating contacts for a thread
@ -449,14 +453,14 @@ class Diaspora
* Dispatches public messages and find the fitting receivers
* @param array $msg The post that will be dispatched
* @param bool $fetched The message had been fetched (default "false")
* @param array $msg The post that will be dispatched
* @param int $direction Indicates if the message had been fetched or pushed
* @return int The message id of the generated message, "true" or "false" if there was an error
* @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
* @throws \ImagickException
public static function dispatchPublic($msg, bool $fetched = false)
public static function dispatchPublic($msg, int $direction)
$enabled = intval(DI::config()->get("system", "diaspora_enabled"));
if (!$enabled) {
@ -470,7 +474,7 @@ class Diaspora
$importer = ["uid" => 0, "page-flags" => User::PAGE_FLAGS_FREELOVE];
$success = self::dispatch($importer, $msg, $fields, $fetched);
$success = self::dispatch($importer, $msg, $fields, $direction);
return $success;
@ -478,16 +482,16 @@ class Diaspora
* Dispatches the different message types to the different functions
* @param array $importer Array of the importer user
* @param array $msg The post that will be dispatched
* @param SimpleXMLElement $fields SimpleXML object that contains the message
* @param bool $fetched The message had been fetched (default "false")
* @param array $importer Array of the importer user
* @param array $msg The post that will be dispatched
* @param SimpleXMLElement $fields SimpleXML object that contains the message
* @param int $direction Indicates if the message had been fetched or pushed
* @return int The message id of the generated message, "true" or "false" if there was an error
* @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
* @throws \ImagickException
public static function dispatch(array $importer, $msg, SimpleXMLElement $fields = null, bool $fetched = false)
public static function dispatch(array $importer, $msg, SimpleXMLElement $fields = null, int $direction = self::PUSHED)
// The sender is the handle of the contact that sent the message.
// This will often be different with relayed messages (for example "like" and "comment")
@ -520,7 +524,7 @@ class Diaspora
return self::receiveAccountDeletion($fields);
case "comment":
return self::receiveComment($importer, $sender, $fields, $msg["message"], $fetched);
return self::receiveComment($importer, $sender, $fields, $msg["message"], $direction);
case "contact":
if (!$private) {
@ -537,7 +541,7 @@ class Diaspora
return self::receiveConversation($importer, $msg, $fields);
case "like":
return self::receiveLike($importer, $sender, $fields, $fetched);
return self::receiveLike($importer, $sender, $fields, $direction);
case "message":
if (!$private) {
@ -551,7 +555,7 @@ class Diaspora
Logger::notice('Message with type ' . $type . ' is not private, quitting.');
return false;
return self::receiveParticipation($importer, $fields, $fetched);
return self::receiveParticipation($importer, $fields, $direction);
case "photo": // Not implemented
return self::receivePhoto($importer, $fields);
@ -567,13 +571,13 @@ class Diaspora
return self::receiveProfile($importer, $fields);
case "reshare":
return self::receiveReshare($importer, $fields, $msg["message"], $fetched);
return self::receiveReshare($importer, $fields, $msg["message"], $direction);
case "retraction":
return self::receiveRetraction($importer, $sender, $fields);
case "status_message":
return self::receiveStatusMessage($importer, $fields, $msg["message"], $fetched);
return self::receiveStatusMessage($importer, $fields, $msg["message"], $direction);
Logger::notice("Unknown message type ".$type);
@ -991,8 +995,8 @@ class Diaspora
private static function fetchGuidSub($match, $item)
if (!self::storeByGuid($match[1], $item["author-link"])) {
self::storeByGuid($match[1], $item["owner-link"]);
if (!self::storeByGuid($match[1], $item["author-link"], true)) {
self::storeByGuid($match[1], $item["owner-link"], true);
@ -1001,13 +1005,13 @@ class Diaspora
* @param string $guid the message guid
* @param string $server The server address
* @param int $uid The user id of the user
* @param bool $force Forced fetch
* @return int the message id of the stored message or false
* @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
* @throws \ImagickException
private static function storeByGuid($guid, $server, $uid = 0)
private static function storeByGuid($guid, $server, $force)
$serverparts = parse_url($server);
@ -1028,7 +1032,7 @@ class Diaspora
Logger::info("Successfully fetched item ".$guid." from ".$server);
// Now call the dispatcher
return self::dispatchPublic($msg, true);
return self::dispatchPublic($msg, $force ? self::FORCED_FETCH : self::FETCHED);
@ -1136,7 +1140,7 @@ class Diaspora
Logger::info('Fetch GUID from origin', ['guid' => $guid, 'server' => $matches[1]]);
$ret = self::storeByGuid($guid, $matches[1], $uid);
$ret = self::storeByGuid($guid, $matches[1], true);
Logger::info('Result', ['ret' => $ret]);
$item = Post::selectFirst(['id'], ['guid' => $guid, 'uid' => $uid]);
@ -1170,11 +1174,11 @@ class Diaspora
if (!DBA::isResult($item)) {
$person = FContact::getByURL($author);
$result = self::storeByGuid($guid, $person["url"], $uid);
$result = self::storeByGuid($guid, $person["url"], false);
// We don't have an url for items that arrived at the public dispatcher
if (!$result && !empty($contact["url"])) {
$result = self::storeByGuid($guid, $contact["url"], $uid);
$result = self::storeByGuid($guid, $contact["url"], false);
if ($result) {
@ -1441,17 +1445,17 @@ class Diaspora
* Processes an incoming comment
* @param array $importer Array of the importer user
* @param string $sender The sender of the message
* @param object $data The message object
* @param string $xml The original XML of the message
* @param bool $fetched The message had been fetched and not pushed
* @param array $importer Array of the importer user
* @param string $sender The sender of the message
* @param object $data The message object
* @param string $xml The original XML of the message
* @param int $direction Indicates if the message had been fetched or pushed
* @return int The message id of the generated comment or "false" if there was an error
* @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
* @throws \ImagickException
private static function receiveComment(array $importer, $sender, $data, $xml, bool $fetched)
private static function receiveComment(array $importer, $sender, $data, $xml, int $direction)
$author = XML::unescape($data->author);
$guid = XML::unescape($data->guid);
@ -1512,7 +1516,7 @@ class Diaspora
$datarray["owner-id"] = Contact::getIdForURL($contact["url"], 0);
// Will be overwritten for sharing accounts in Item::insert
if ($fetched) {
if (in_array($direction, [self::FETCHED, self::FORCED_FETCH])) {
$datarray["post-reason"] = Item::PR_FETCHED;
} elseif ($datarray["uid"] == 0) {
$datarray["post-reason"] = Item::PR_GLOBAL;
@ -1534,7 +1538,7 @@ class Diaspora
$datarray["protocol"] = Conversation::PARCEL_DIASPORA;
$datarray["source"] = $xml;
$datarray["direction"] = $fetched ? Conversation::PULL : Conversation::PUSH;
$datarray["direction"] = in_array($direction, [self::FETCHED, self::FORCED_FETCH]) ? Conversation::PULL : Conversation::PUSH;
$datarray["changed"] = $datarray["created"] = $datarray["edited"] = $created_at;
@ -1698,15 +1702,16 @@ class Diaspora
* Processes "like" messages
* @param array $importer Array of the importer user
* @param string $sender The sender of the message
* @param object $data The message object
* @param array $importer Array of the importer user
* @param string $sender The sender of the message
* @param object $data The message object
* @param int $direction Indicates if the message had been fetched or pushed
* @return int The message id of the generated like or "false" if there was an error
* @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
* @throws \ImagickException
private static function receiveLike(array $importer, $sender, $data, bool $fetched)
private static function receiveLike(array $importer, $sender, $data, int $direction)
$author = XML::unescape($data->author);
$guid = XML::unescape($data->guid);
@ -1759,7 +1764,7 @@ class Diaspora
$datarray = [];
$datarray["protocol"] = Conversation::PARCEL_DIASPORA;
$datarray["direction"] = $fetched ? Conversation::PULL : Conversation::PUSH;
$datarray["direction"] = in_array($direction, [self::FETCHED, self::FORCED_FETCH]) ? Conversation::PULL : Conversation::PUSH;
$datarray["uid"] = $importer["uid"];
$datarray["contact-id"] = $author_contact["cid"];
@ -1885,14 +1890,15 @@ class Diaspora
* Processes participations - unsupported by now
* @param array $importer Array of the importer user
* @param object $data The message object
* @param array $importer Array of the importer user
* @param object $data The message object
* @param int $direction Indicates if the message had been fetched or pushed
* @return bool success
* @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
* @throws \ImagickException
private static function receiveParticipation(array $importer, $data, bool $fetched)
private static function receiveParticipation(array $importer, $data, int $direction)
$author = strtolower(XML::unescape($data->author));
$guid = XML::unescape($data->guid);
@ -1937,7 +1943,7 @@ class Diaspora
$datarray = [];
$datarray["protocol"] = Conversation::PARCEL_DIASPORA;
$datarray["direction"] = $fetched ? Conversation::PULL : Conversation::PUSH;
$datarray["direction"] = in_array($direction, [self::FETCHED, self::FORCED_FETCH]) ? Conversation::PULL : Conversation::PUSH;
$datarray["uid"] = $importer["uid"];
$datarray["contact-id"] = $author_contact["cid"];
@ -2290,12 +2296,12 @@ class Diaspora
$server = "https://".substr($orig_author, strpos($orig_author, "@") + 1);
Logger::notice("1st try: reshared message ".$guid." will be fetched via SSL from the server ".$server);
$stored = self::storeByGuid($guid, $server);
$stored = self::storeByGuid($guid, $server, true);
if (!$stored) {
$server = "http://".substr($orig_author, strpos($orig_author, "@") + 1);
Logger::notice("2nd try: reshared message ".$guid." will be fetched without SSL from the server ".$server);
$stored = self::storeByGuid($guid, $server);
$stored = self::storeByGuid($guid, $server, true);
if ($stored) {
@ -2376,15 +2382,16 @@ class Diaspora
* Processes a reshare message
* @param array $importer Array of the importer user
* @param object $data The message object
* @param string $xml The original XML of the message
* @param array $importer Array of the importer user
* @param object $data The message object
* @param string $xml The original XML of the message
* @param int $direction Indicates if the message had been fetched or pushed
* @return int the message id
* @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
* @throws \ImagickException
private static function receiveReshare(array $importer, $data, $xml, bool $fetched)
private static function receiveReshare(array $importer, $data, $xml, int $direction)
$author = XML::unescape($data->author);
$guid = XML::unescape($data->guid);
@ -2438,7 +2445,7 @@ class Diaspora
$datarray["protocol"] = Conversation::PARCEL_DIASPORA;
$datarray["source"] = $xml;
$datarray["direction"] = $fetched ? Conversation::PULL : Conversation::PUSH;
$datarray["direction"] = in_array($direction, [self::FETCHED, self::FORCED_FETCH]) ? Conversation::PULL : Conversation::PUSH;
/// @todo Copy tag data from original post
@ -2613,9 +2620,11 @@ class Diaspora
* @param integer $uriid
* @param string $author
* @param string $body
* @param int $direction Indicates if the message had been fetched or pushed
* @return boolean Is the message wanted?
private static function isSolicitedMessage(string $url, int $uriid, string $author, string $body)
private static function isSolicitedMessage(string $url, int $uriid, string $author, string $body, int $direction)
$contact = Contact::getByURL($author);
if (DBA::exists('contact', ["`nurl` = ? AND `uid` != ? AND `rel` IN (?, ?)",
@ -2624,6 +2633,11 @@ class Diaspora
return true;
if ($direction == self::FORCED_FETCH) {
Logger::debug('Post is a forced fetch - accepted', ['url' => $url, 'author' => $author]);
return true;
$tags = array_column(Tag::getByURIId($uriid, [Tag::HASHTAG]), 'name');
return Relay::isSolicitedPost($tags, $body, $contact['id'], $url, Protocol::DIASPORA);
@ -2651,15 +2665,16 @@ class Diaspora
* Receives status messages
* @param array $importer Array of the importer user
* @param SimpleXMLElement $data The message object
* @param string $xml The original XML of the message
* @param bool $fetched The message had been fetched and not pushed
* @param array $importer Array of the importer user
* @param SimpleXMLElement $data The message object
* @param string $xml The original XML of the message
* @param int $direction Indicates if the message had been fetched or pushed
* @return int The message id of the newly created item
* @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
* @throws \ImagickException
private static function receiveStatusMessage(array $importer, SimpleXMLElement $data, $xml, bool $fetched)
private static function receiveStatusMessage(array $importer, SimpleXMLElement $data, $xml, int $direction)
$author = XML::unescape($data->author);
$guid = XML::unescape($data->guid);
@ -2737,9 +2752,9 @@ class Diaspora
$datarray["protocol"] = Conversation::PARCEL_DIASPORA;
$datarray["source"] = $xml;
$datarray["direction"] = $fetched ? Conversation::PULL : Conversation::PUSH;
$datarray["direction"] = in_array($direction, [self::FETCHED, self::FORCED_FETCH]) ? Conversation::PULL : Conversation::PUSH;
if ($fetched) {
if (in_array($direction, [self::FETCHED, self::FORCED_FETCH])) {
$datarray["post-reason"] = Item::PR_FETCHED;
} elseif ($datarray["uid"] == 0) {
$datarray["post-reason"] = Item::PR_GLOBAL;
@ -2751,7 +2766,7 @@ class Diaspora
self::storeMentions($datarray['uri-id'], $text);
Tag::storeRawTagsFromBody($datarray['uri-id'], $datarray["body"]);
if (!$fetched && !self::isSolicitedMessage($datarray["uri"], $datarray['uri-id'], $author, $body)) {
if (!self::isSolicitedMessage($datarray["uri"], $datarray['uri-id'], $author, $body, $direction)) {
DBA::delete('item-uri', ['uri' => $datarray['uri']]);
return false;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user