* max_connections - The poller process isn't started when the maximum level of the possible database connections are used. When the system can't detect the maximum numbers of connection then this value can be used.
* max_connections_level - The maximum level of connections that are allowed to let the poller start. It is a percentage value. Default value is 75.
* free_crawls - Number of "free" searches when "permit_crawling" is activated (Default value is 10)
* crawl_permit_period - Period in seconds between allowed searches when the number of free searches is reached and "permit_crawling" is activated (Default value is 60)
* relay_server - Experimental Diaspora feature. Address of the relay server where public posts should be send to. For example https://podrelay.net
* relay_subscribe (Boolean) - Enables the receiving of public posts from the relay. They will be included in the search and on the community page when it is set up to show all public items.
* relay_scope - Can be "all" or "tags". "all" means that every public post should be received. "tags" means that only posts with selected tags should be received.
* relay_server_tags - Comma separated list of tags for the "tags" subscription (see "relay_scrope")
* relay_user_tags (Boolean) - If enabled, the tags from the saved searches will used for the "tags" subscription in addition to the "relay_server_tags".
* remove_multiplicated_lines (Boolean) - If enabled, multiple linefeeds in items are stripped to a single one.
* show_unsupported_addons (Boolean) - Show all addons including the unsupported ones.
* show_unsupported_themes (Boolean) - Show all themes including the unsupported ones.
* throttle_limit_day - Maximum number of posts that a user can send per day with the API.
* throttle_limit_week - Maximum number of posts that a user can send per week with the API.
* throttle_limit_month - Maximum number of posts that a user can send per month with the API.
* wall-to-wall_share (Boolean) - Displays forwarded posts like "wall-to-wall" posts.