Thanks to the work of طاهر, Farida Khalaf, محمد أحمد, abidin toumi, Abdullah Alsabi, ButterflyOfFire and ominds the translation of Friendica into Arabic has crossed the magic 50% progress mark, so we now include their work into the addons repository.
OpenStreetMap Addon
by Mike Macgirvin
Klaus Weidenbach
This addon allows you to use OpenStreetMap for displaying locations.
To use this addon you need a tile Server that provides the maps. OpenStreetMap data is free for everyone to use. Their tile servers are not. Please take a look at their "Tile Usage Policy": You can run your own tile server or choose one from their list of public tile servers: Support the OpenStreetMap community and share the load.
If you for any reason prefer to use a configuration file instead of the admin panels, please refer to the Alternative Configuration below.
Activate the addon from your admin panel.
You can now add a Tile Server and default zoom level in the addon settings page of your admin panel.
The Time Server URL points to the tile server you want to use. Use the full URL, with protocol (http/s) and trailing slash. You can configure the default zoom level on the map in the Default Zoom box. 1 will show the whole world and 18 is the highest zoom level available.
Alternative Configuration
Open the config/local.config.php
file and add "openstreetmap" to the list of activated addons.
'system' => [
'addon' => '...,openstreetmap'
You can set configuration variables for the addon in the config/addon.config.php
'openstreetmap' => [
'tmsserver' => '',
'nomserver' => '',
'zoom' => 16,
'marker' => 0,
The tmsserver points to the tile server you want to use. Use the full URL, with protocol (http/s) and trailing slash. You can configure the default zoom level on the map with zoom. 1 will show the whole world and 18 is the highest zoom level available.
Please see provided config/openstreetmap.php
file for explanation on the additional configuration keys.