- Move settings, defaults and dbstructure to directory 'static' - Dynamic loading of config files (after the static loading) - Filter out '-sample.config.php' and '-sample.ini.php' files - Remove unnecessary ConfigFileManager - Move ConfigFileLoader to Utils - Add tests for multi-loading for INI, config and sample-filtering
Twitter Addon
Main authors Tobias Diekershoff, Michael Vogel and Hypolite Petovan.
This bi-directional connector addon allows each user to crosspost their Friendica public posts to Twitter, import their Twitter timeline, interact with tweets from Friendica, and crosspost to Friendica their public tweets.
To use this addon you have to register an application for your Friendica instance on Twitter. Register your Friendica site as "Client" application with "Read & Write" access we do not need "Twitter as login". Please leave the field "Callback URL" empty. When you've registered the app you get the OAuth Consumer key and secret pair for your application/site.
After the registration please enter the values for "Consumer Key" and "Consumer Secret" in the administration.
Alternative configuration
Open the config/local.config.php
file and add "twitter" to the list of activated addons:
'system' => [
'addon' => '...,twitter'
Add your key pair to your global config/addon.config.php
'twitter' => [
'consumerkey' => 'your consumer_key here',
'consumersecret' => 'your consumer_secret here',
After this, users can configure their Twitter account settings from "Settings -> Addon Settings".
The Twitter Connector is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license see the LICENSE file in the addons directory.
The Twitter Connector uses the Twitter OAuth library by Abraham Williams, MIT licensed