2012-04-18 01:12:24 +02:00

289 lines
6.4 KiB

Jappix - An open social platform
These are the seach tools JS script for Jappix
License: AGPL
Author: Vanaryon
Last revision: 19/03/11
// Searches in the user's buddy list
function processBuddySearch(query) {
// No query submitted?
// Wildcard (*) submitted
if(query == '*')
query = '';
// Replace forbidden characters in regex
query = escapeRegex(query);
// Create an empty array
var results = new Array();
// Search regex
var regex = new RegExp('((^)|( ))' + query, 'gi');
// Search in the roster
var buddies = getAllBuddies();
for(i in buddies) {
var xid = buddies[i];
var nick = getBuddyName(xid);
// Buddy match our search, and not yet in the array
if(nick.match(regex) && !existArrayValue(results, xid))
// Return the results array
return results;
// Resets the buddy search tool
function resetBuddySearch(destination) {
$(destination + ' ul').remove();
$(destination + ' input').removeClass('suggested');
// Add the clicked XID to the input
function addBuddySearch(destination, xid) {
// Remove the search tool
// Define a selector
var input = $(destination + ' input');
var value = input.val();
// Get the old value (if there's another value)
var old = '';
old = RegExp.$1;
// Add the XID to the "to" input and focus on it
$(document).oneTime(10, function() {
input.val(old + xid).focus();
return false;
// Creates the appropriate markup for the search results
function createBuddySearch(destination) {
// Reset the search engine
// Get the entered value
var value = $(destination + ' input').val();
// Separation with a comma?
value = RegExp.$5;
// Get the result array
var entered = processBuddySearch(value);
// Display each result (if any)
if(entered && entered.length) {
// Set a special class to the search input
$(destination + ' input').addClass('suggested');
// Append each found buddy in the container
var regex = new RegExp('((^)|( ))' + value, 'gi');
// Initialize the code generation
var code = '<ul>';
for(b in entered) {
// Get some values from the XID
var current = getBuddyName(entered[b]).htmlEnc();
current = current.replace(regex, '<b>$&</b>');
// Add the current element to the global code
code += '<li onclick="return addBuddySearch(\'' + encodeOnclick(destination) + '\', \'' + encodeOnclick(entered[b]) + '\');" data-xid="' + encodeQuotes(entered[b]) + '">' + current + '</li>';
// Finish the code generation
code += '</ul>';
// Creates the code in the DOM
// Put the hover on the first element
$(destination + ' ul li:first').addClass('hovered');
// Hover event, to not to remove this onblur and loose the click event
$(destination + ' ul li').hover(function() {
$(destination + ' ul li').removeClass('hovered');
// Add a marker for the blur event
$(destination + ' ul').attr('mouse-hover', 'true');
}, function() {
// Remove the mouse over marker
$(destination + ' ul').removeAttr('mouse-hover');
// Handles the keyboard arrows press when searching
function arrowsBuddySearch(e, destination) {
// Down arrow: 40
// Up arrown: 38
// Initialize
var code = e.keyCode;
// Not the key we want here
if((code != 40) && (code != 38))
// Remove the eventual mouse hover marker
$(destination + ' ul').removeAttr('mouse-hover');
// Create the path & get its size
var path = destination + ' ul li';
var pSize = $(path).size();
// Define the i value
var i = 0;
// Switching yet launched
if(exists(path + '.hovered')) {
var index = $(path).attr('data-hovered');
i = parseInt(index);
if(code == 40)
else if(code == 38)
i = pSize - 1;
// We must not override the maximum i limit
if(i >= pSize)
i = 0;
// We must not have negative i
else if(i < 0)
i = pSize - 1;
// Modify the list
$(path + '.hovered').removeClass('hovered');
// Store the i index
$(path).attr('data-hovered', i);
return false;
// Filters the buddies in the roster
var SEARCH_FILTERED = false;
function goFilterBuddySearch(vFilter) {
// Put a marker
// Show the buddies that match the search string
var rFilter = processBuddySearch(vFilter);
// Hide all the buddies
$('#buddy-list .buddy').hide();
// Only show the buddies which match the search
for(i in rFilter) {
// Choose the correct selector for this search
$('#buddy-list .buddy[data-xid=' + escape(rFilter[i]) + ']:not(.hidden-buddy)').show();
$('#buddy-list .buddy[data-xid=' + escape(rFilter[i]) + ']').show();
// Resets the buddy filtering in the roster
function resetFilterBuddySearch() {
// Remove the marker
// Show all the buddies
$('#buddy-list .buddy').show();
// Only show available buddies
$('#buddy-list .buddy.hidden-buddy').hide();
// Update the groups
// Funnels the buddy filtering
function funnelFilterBuddySearch(keycode) {
// Get the input value
var input = $('#buddy-list .filter input');
var cancel = $('#buddy-list .filter a');
var value = input.val();
// Security: reset all the groups, empty or not, deployed or not
$('#buddy-list .one-group, #buddy-list .group-buddies').show();
$('#buddy-list .group span').text('-');
// Nothing is entered, or escape pressed
if(!value || (keycode == 27)) {
if(keycode == 27)
// Process the filtering
else {
// Update the groups
// Searches for the nearest element (with a lower stamp than the current one)
function sortElementByStamp(stamp, element) {
var array = new Array();
var i = 0;
var nearest = 0;
// Add the stamp values to the array
$(element).each(function() {
var current_stamp = parseInt($(this).attr('data-stamp'));
// Push it!
// Sort the array
// Get the nearest stamp value
while(stamp > array[i]) {
nearest = array[i];
return nearest;