* remotes/upstream/master:
cleanup shaka emoticon
Beard, Shaka, headbang, and whitebeard that somehow didn't get commited
fix missing packages
package updates
This deactivated the plugin not only when uninstalling it, but also when updating it
Music smileys
misc new smileys
Laughing smileys
Banana smiley - may need to be removed if I can't verify licence
respect smileys
add frown plugin
Delete the app_access_token once the addon is uninstalled. And some more error handling
* master:
* remotes/upstream/master:
Fixed typo
Fixed stuff
Happy smileys
Fixed typos per Fabian Dost bug report
More irritating smileys to make everybody cross
Fantasy smileys. Alas, not the fantasty where nobody uses smileys.
Suitable punishments for anyone who actually uses any of these smilies.
Tired smileys
actual smileys
Stupid love smileys
More retarded smileys
bug: used uid for allow_gid instead of contact id
* master:
* remotes/upstream/master:
replaces missing semi-colon...
minor alteration
another attempt having difficulties perhaps resolved?
corrections, minor alterations
minor alterations, mostly to ijpost
added Cat's tag stuff to ijpost
minor adjustment to ijpost.php
cleaned up where "lj" was included in dwpost.css changed my profile url to the current, free-haven profile, in all plugins to which I have contributed added insanejournal.com plugin, ijpost other minor cleanup of details, where a plugin was copied and modified but incorrect details were left.
facebook comment notifications
Pages: Some minor improvements (I guess) :)
Removed the test file
Pages: Added pages.tgz
Pages: New plugin that displays a list of community pages on the sidebar.
added a link in the IRC page to the tldp.org Beginner's Guide to IRC.
Facebook: Don't import empty messages
* master: