added DE translation for the morechoice addon
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
# ADDON morechoice
# Copyright (C)
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Friendica morechoice addon package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-08-07 15:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Tobias Diekershoff <>, 2018\n"
"Language-Team: German (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: de\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: morechoice.php:34
msgid "Androgyne"
msgstr "Androgyn"
#: morechoice.php:35
msgid "Bear"
msgstr "Bär"
#: morechoice.php:36
msgid "Bigender"
msgstr "Bigender"
#: morechoice.php:37
msgid "Cross dresser"
msgstr "Cross Dresser"
#: morechoice.php:38
msgid "Drag queen"
msgstr "Drag Queen"
#: morechoice.php:39
msgid "Eunuch"
msgstr "Eunuch"
#: morechoice.php:40
msgid "Faux queen"
msgstr "Faux Queen"
#: morechoice.php:41
msgid "Gender fluid"
msgstr "Gender fluid"
#: morechoice.php:42
msgid "Kathoey"
msgstr "Kathoey"
#: morechoice.php:43
msgid "Lady"
msgstr "Lady"
#: morechoice.php:44
msgid "Lipstick lesbian"
msgstr "Lippenstift Lesbe"
#: morechoice.php:45
msgid "Metrosexual"
msgstr "Metrosexuell"
#: morechoice.php:46
msgid "Monk"
msgstr "Mönch"
#: morechoice.php:47
msgid "Nun"
msgstr "Nonne"
#: morechoice.php:48
msgid "Soft butch"
msgstr ""
#: morechoice.php:49
msgid "Stone femme"
msgstr ""
#: morechoice.php:50
msgid "Tomboy"
msgstr "Tomboy"
#: morechoice.php:51
msgid "Transman"
msgstr "Transmann"
#: morechoice.php:52
msgid "Transwoman"
msgstr "Transfrau"
#: morechoice.php:53
msgid "Transvesti"
msgstr "Transvestit"
#: morechoice.php:54
msgid "Trigender"
msgstr "Trigender"
#: morechoice.php:55
msgid "Can't remember"
msgstr "Kann mich nicht erinnern"
#: morechoice.php:56
msgid "Hard to tell these days"
msgstr "Schwer zu sagen dieser Tage"
#: morechoice.php:60
msgid "Girls with big tits"
msgstr "Mädels mit großen Brüsten"
#: morechoice.php:61
msgid "Millionaires"
msgstr "Millionäre"
#: morechoice.php:62
msgid "Guys with big schlongs"
msgstr ""
#: morechoice.php:63
msgid "Easy women"
msgstr "Leichte Frauen"
#: morechoice.php:64
msgid "People with impaired mobility"
msgstr "Menschen mit eingeschränkter Mobilität"
#: morechoice.php:65
msgid "Amputees"
msgstr "Amputierte"
#: morechoice.php:66
msgid "Statues, mannequins and immobility"
msgstr "Statuen, Schaufensterpuppen und Unbeweglichkeit"
#: morechoice.php:67
msgid "Pain"
msgstr "Schmerzen"
#: morechoice.php:68
msgid "Trans men"
msgstr "Trans Männer"
#: morechoice.php:69
msgid "Older women"
msgstr "Andere Frauen"
#: morechoice.php:70
msgid "Asphyxiation"
msgstr "Asphyxiation"
#: morechoice.php:71
msgid "In public"
msgstr "In der Öffentlichkeit"
#: morechoice.php:72
msgid "In danger"
msgstr "In Gefahr"
#: morechoice.php:73
msgid "Pretending to be male"
msgstr "Gebe vor männlich zu sein"
#: morechoice.php:74
msgid "Pretending to be female"
msgstr "Gebe vor weiblich zu sein"
#: morechoice.php:75
msgid "Breats"
msgstr "Brüste"
#: morechoice.php:76
msgid "Scat"
msgstr "Kot"
#: morechoice.php:77
msgid "Crying"
msgstr "Heulen"
#: morechoice.php:78
msgid "Nappies/Diapers"
msgstr "Windeln"
#: morechoice.php:79
msgid "Trees"
msgstr "Bäume"
#: morechoice.php:80
msgid "Vomit"
msgstr "Kotzen"
#: morechoice.php:81
msgid "Murder"
msgstr "Mörder"
#: morechoice.php:82
msgid "Fat people"
msgstr "Fettleibige"
#: morechoice.php:83
msgid "Feet"
msgstr "Füße"
#: morechoice.php:84
msgid "Covered in insects"
msgstr "Mit Insekten bedeckt sein"
#: morechoice.php:85
msgid "Turning a human being into furniture"
msgstr "Menschen in Möbel verwandeln"
#: morechoice.php:86
msgid "Elderly people"
msgstr "Ältere Personen"
#: morechoice.php:87
msgid "Transgender people"
msgstr "Transgender Personen"
#: morechoice.php:88
msgid "Criminals"
msgstr "Kriminelle"
#: morechoice.php:89
msgid "Stealing"
msgstr "Stehlen"
#: morechoice.php:90
msgid "Breast milk"
msgstr "Muttermilch"
#: morechoice.php:91
msgid "Immersing genitals in liquids"
msgstr ""
#: morechoice.php:92
msgid "Giants"
msgstr "Riesen"
#: morechoice.php:93
msgid "Masochism"
msgstr "Masochismus"
#: morechoice.php:94
msgid "Cars"
msgstr "Autos"
#: morechoice.php:95
msgid "Menstruation"
msgstr "Menstruation"
#: morechoice.php:96
msgid "Mucus"
msgstr "Schleim"
#: morechoice.php:97
msgid "Obscene language"
msgstr "Obszöne Sprache"
#: morechoice.php:98
msgid "Noses"
msgstr "Nasen"
#: morechoice.php:99
msgid "Navels"
msgstr "Bauchnabel"
#: morechoice.php:100
msgid "Corpses"
msgstr "Leichen"
#: morechoice.php:101
msgid "Smells"
msgstr "Gerüche"
#: morechoice.php:102
msgid "Buttocks"
msgstr "Hintern"
#: morechoice.php:103
msgid "Nonliving objects"
msgstr "Leblose Objekte"
#: morechoice.php:104
msgid "Sleeping people"
msgstr "Schlafende Personen"
#: morechoice.php:105
msgid "Urination"
msgstr ""
#: morechoice.php:106
msgid "Eating people"
msgstr ""
#: morechoice.php:107
msgid "Being eaten"
msgstr "Verspeist zu werden"
#: morechoice.php:108
msgid "Animals"
msgstr "Tiere"
#: morechoice.php:109
msgid "I'd rather just have some chocolate"
msgstr "Ich bevorzuge eine Tafel Schokolade"
#: morechoice.php:113
msgid "Married to my job"
msgstr "Mit meinem Job verheiratet"
#: morechoice.php:114
msgid "Polygamist"
msgstr "Polygamist"
#: morechoice.php:115
msgid "Half married"
msgstr "halb verheiratet"
#: morechoice.php:116
msgid "Living in the past"
msgstr "In der Vergangenheit lebend"
#: morechoice.php:117
msgid "Pretending to be over my ex"
msgstr "Ich tue so, als wäre ich über meine(n) Ex hinweg"
#: morechoice.php:118
msgid "Hurt in the past"
msgstr "Früher einmal verletzt"
#: morechoice.php:119
msgid "Wallowing in self-pity"
msgstr "In Selbstmitleid wälzend"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
if(! function_exists("string_plural_select_de")) {
function string_plural_select_de($n){
$n = intval($n);
return ($n != 1);;
$a->strings["Androgyne"] = "Androgyn";
$a->strings["Bear"] = "Bär";
$a->strings["Bigender"] = "Bigender";
$a->strings["Cross dresser"] = "Cross Dresser";
$a->strings["Drag queen"] = "Drag Queen";
$a->strings["Eunuch"] = "Eunuch";
$a->strings["Faux queen"] = "Faux Queen";
$a->strings["Gender fluid"] = "Gender fluid";
$a->strings["Kathoey"] = "Kathoey";
$a->strings["Lady"] = "Lady";
$a->strings["Lipstick lesbian"] = "Lippenstift Lesbe";
$a->strings["Metrosexual"] = "Metrosexuell";
$a->strings["Monk"] = "Mönch";
$a->strings["Nun"] = "Nonne";
$a->strings["Soft butch"] = "";
$a->strings["Stone femme"] = "";
$a->strings["Tomboy"] = "Tomboy";
$a->strings["Transman"] = "Transmann";
$a->strings["Transwoman"] = "Transfrau";
$a->strings["Transvesti"] = "Transvestit";
$a->strings["Trigender"] = "Trigender";
$a->strings["Can't remember"] = "Kann mich nicht erinnern";
$a->strings["Hard to tell these days"] = "Schwer zu sagen dieser Tage";
$a->strings["Girls with big tits"] = "Mädels mit großen Brüsten";
$a->strings["Millionaires"] = "Millionäre";
$a->strings["Guys with big schlongs"] = "";
$a->strings["Easy women"] = "Leichte Frauen";
$a->strings["People with impaired mobility"] = "Menschen mit eingeschränkter Mobilität";
$a->strings["Amputees"] = "Amputierte";
$a->strings["Statues, mannequins and immobility"] = "Statuen, Schaufensterpuppen und Unbeweglichkeit";
$a->strings["Pain"] = "Schmerzen";
$a->strings["Trans men"] = "Trans Männer";
$a->strings["Older women"] = "Andere Frauen";
$a->strings["Asphyxiation"] = "Asphyxiation";
$a->strings["In public"] = "In der Öffentlichkeit";
$a->strings["In danger"] = "In Gefahr";
$a->strings["Pretending to be male"] = "Gebe vor männlich zu sein";
$a->strings["Pretending to be female"] = "Gebe vor weiblich zu sein";
$a->strings["Breats"] = "Brüste";
$a->strings["Scat"] = "Kot";
$a->strings["Crying"] = "Heulen";
$a->strings["Nappies/Diapers"] = "Windeln";
$a->strings["Trees"] = "Bäume";
$a->strings["Vomit"] = "Kotzen";
$a->strings["Murder"] = "Mörder";
$a->strings["Fat people"] = "Fettleibige";
$a->strings["Feet"] = "Füße";
$a->strings["Covered in insects"] = "Mit Insekten bedeckt sein";
$a->strings["Turning a human being into furniture"] = "Menschen in Möbel verwandeln";
$a->strings["Elderly people"] = "Ältere Personen";
$a->strings["Transgender people"] = "Transgender Personen";
$a->strings["Criminals"] = "Kriminelle";
$a->strings["Stealing"] = "Stehlen";
$a->strings["Breast milk"] = "Muttermilch";
$a->strings["Immersing genitals in liquids"] = "";
$a->strings["Giants"] = "Riesen";
$a->strings["Masochism"] = "Masochismus";
$a->strings["Cars"] = "Autos";
$a->strings["Menstruation"] = "Menstruation";
$a->strings["Mucus"] = "Schleim";
$a->strings["Obscene language"] = "Obszöne Sprache";
$a->strings["Noses"] = "Nasen";
$a->strings["Navels"] = "Bauchnabel";
$a->strings["Corpses"] = "Leichen";
$a->strings["Smells"] = "Gerüche";
$a->strings["Buttocks"] = "Hintern";
$a->strings["Nonliving objects"] = "Leblose Objekte";
$a->strings["Sleeping people"] = "Schlafende Personen";
$a->strings["Urination"] = "";
$a->strings["Eating people"] = "";
$a->strings["Being eaten"] = "Verspeist zu werden";
$a->strings["Animals"] = "Tiere";
$a->strings["I'd rather just have some chocolate"] = "Ich bevorzuge eine Tafel Schokolade";
$a->strings["Married to my job"] = "Mit meinem Job verheiratet";
$a->strings["Polygamist"] = "Polygamist";
$a->strings["Half married"] = "halb verheiratet";
$a->strings["Living in the past"] = "In der Vergangenheit lebend";
$a->strings["Pretending to be over my ex"] = "Ich tue so, als wäre ich über meine(n) Ex hinweg";
$a->strings["Hurt in the past"] = "Früher einmal verletzt";
$a->strings["Wallowing in self-pity"] = "In Selbstmitleid wälzend";
Reference in New Issue
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