fbsync: Shared posts

This commit is contained in:
Michael Vogel 2013-11-03 02:23:52 +01:00
parent 3d70505565
commit 7d2849ca00

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@ -135,23 +135,44 @@ function fbsync_createpost($a, $uid, $self, $contacts, $applications, $post, $cr
$postarray['parent-uri'] = $postarray['uri'];
$postarray['plink'] = $post->permalink;
$contact_id = fbsync_fetch_contact($uid, $contacts[$post->source_id], $create_user);
if ($contact_id < 0)
elseif ($contact_id == 0)
$contact_id = $self[0]["id"];
$postarray['contact-id'] = $contact_id;
$postarray['owner-name'] = $contacts[$post->source_id]->name;
$postarray['owner-link'] = $contacts[$post->source_id]->url;
$postarray['owner-avatar'] = $contacts[$post->source_id]->pic_square;
$postarray['author-name'] = $contacts[$post->actor_id]->name;
$postarray['author-link'] = $contacts[$post->actor_id]->url;
$postarray['author-avatar'] = $contacts[$post->actor_id]->pic_square;
$contact_id = 0;
//if (($post->parent_post_id != "") AND ($post->source_id != $post->source_id)) {
if ($post->parent_post_id != "") {
$pos = strpos($post->parent_post_id, "_");
if ($pos != 0) {
$user_id = substr($post->parent_post_id, 0, $pos);
$userdata = fbsync_fetchuser($a, $uid, $user_id);
$contact_id = $userdata["contact-id"];
$postarray['contact-id'] = $contact_id;
$postarray['owner-name'] = $userdata["name"];
$postarray['owner-link'] = $userdata["link"];
$postarray['owner-avatar'] = $userdata["avatar"];
if ($contact_id == 0) {
$contact_id = fbsync_fetch_contact($uid, $contacts[$post->source_id], $create_user);
if ($contact_id < 0)
elseif ($contact_id == 0)
$contact_id = $self[0]["id"];
$postarray['contact-id'] = $contact_id;
$postarray['owner-name'] = $contacts[$post->source_id]->name;
$postarray['owner-link'] = $contacts[$post->source_id]->url;
$postarray['owner-avatar'] = $contacts[$post->source_id]->pic_square;
$postarray["body"] = (isset($post->message) ? escape_tags($post->message) : '');
$msgdata = fbsync_convertmsg($a, $postarray["body"]);
@ -227,7 +248,9 @@ function fbsync_createpost($a, $uid, $self, $contacts, $applications, $post, $cr
//$types = array(46, 80, 237, 247, 308);
//if (!in_array($post->type, $types))
// $postarray["body"] = "Type: ".$post->type."\n".$postarray["body"];
$item = item_store($postarray);
logger('fbsync_createpost: User '.$self[0]["nick"].' posted feed item '.$item, LOGGER_DEBUG);
@ -638,6 +661,46 @@ function fbsync_convertmsg($a, $body) {
function fbsync_fetchuser($a, $uid, $id) {
$access_token = get_pconfig($uid,'facebook','access_token');
$self_id = get_pconfig($uid,'fbsync','self_id');
$user = array();
$contact = q("SELECT `id`, `name`, `url`, `photo` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `alias` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
intval($uid), dbesc("facebook::".$id));
if (count($contact)) {
$user["contact-id"] = $contact[0]["id"];
$user["name"] = $contact[0]["name"];
$user["link"] = $contact[0]["url"];
$user["avatar"] = $contact[0]["photo"];
$own_contact = q("SELECT `id` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `alias` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
intval($uid), dbesc("facebook::".$self_id));
if (!count($own_contact))
$fql = "SELECT name, url, pic_square FROM profile WHERE id = ".$id;
$url = "https://graph.facebook.com/fql?q=".urlencode($fql)."&access_token=".$access_token;
$feed = fetch_url($url);
$data = json_decode($feed);
if (is_array($data->data)) {
$user["contact-id"] = $own_contact[0]["id"];
$user["name"] = $data->data[0]->name;
$user["link"] = $data->data[0]->url;
$user["avatar"] = $data->data[0]->pic_square;
function fbsync_fetchfeed($a, $uid) {
$access_token = get_pconfig($uid,'facebook','access_token');
$last_updated = get_pconfig($uid,'fbsync','last_updated');
@ -764,10 +827,6 @@ function fbsync_fetchfeed($a, $uid) {
if ($post->updated_time > $last_updated)
$last_updated = $post->updated_time;
// parent_post_id - Erkennen von geteilten Posts?
fbsync_createpost($a, $uid, $self, $contacts, $application_data, $post, $create_user);
@ -779,7 +838,6 @@ function fbsync_fetchfeed($a, $uid) {
$like->user_id = number_format($like->user_id, 0, '', '');
fbsync_createlike($a, $uid, $self_id, $self, $contacts, $like);
set_pconfig($uid,'fbsync','last_updated', $last_updated);