2023-05-21 14:54:02 -04:00
< ? php
* Name : Bluesky Connector
* Description : Post to Bluesky
* Version : 1.0
* Author : Michael Vogel < https :// pirati . ca / profile / heluecht >
use Friendica\Content\Text\BBCode ;
use Friendica\Content\Text\Plaintext ;
use Friendica\Core\Config\Util\ConfigFileManager ;
use Friendica\Core\Hook ;
use Friendica\Core\Logger ;
use Friendica\Core\Renderer ;
use Friendica\DI ;
use Friendica\Model\Item ;
use Friendica\Model\Photo ;
use Friendica\Network\HTTPClient\Client\HttpClientAccept ;
use Friendica\Network\HTTPClient\Client\HttpClientOptions ;
use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat ;
function bluesky_install ()
Hook :: register ( 'load_config' , __FILE__ , 'bluesky_load_config' );
Hook :: register ( 'hook_fork' , __FILE__ , 'bluesky_hook_fork' );
Hook :: register ( 'post_local' , __FILE__ , 'bluesky_post_local' );
Hook :: register ( 'notifier_normal' , __FILE__ , 'bluesky_send' );
Hook :: register ( 'jot_networks' , __FILE__ , 'bluesky_jot_nets' );
Hook :: register ( 'connector_settings' , __FILE__ , 'bluesky_settings' );
Hook :: register ( 'connector_settings_post' , __FILE__ , 'bluesky_settings_post' );
function bluesky_load_config ( ConfigFileManager $loader )
DI :: app () -> getConfigCache () -> load ( $loader -> loadAddonConfig ( 'bluesky' ), \Friendica\Core\Config\ValueObject\Cache :: SOURCE_STATIC );
function bluesky_settings ( array & $data )
if ( ! DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId ()) {
return ;
$enabled = DI :: pConfig () -> get ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId (), 'bluesky' , 'post' ) ? ? false ;
$def_enabled = DI :: pConfig () -> get ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId (), 'bluesky' , 'post_by_default' ) ? ? false ;
$host = DI :: pConfig () -> get ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId (), 'bluesky' , 'host' ) ? : 'https://bsky.social' ;
$handle = DI :: pConfig () -> get ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId (), 'bluesky' , 'handle' );
$did = DI :: pConfig () -> get ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId (), 'bluesky' , 'did' );
$username = DI :: pConfig () -> get ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId (), 'bluesky' , 'username' );
$t = Renderer :: getMarkupTemplate ( 'connector_settings.tpl' , 'addon/bluesky/' );
$html = Renderer :: replaceMacros ( $t , [
'$enable' => [ 'bluesky' , DI :: l10n () -> t ( 'Enable Bluesky Post Addon' ), $enabled ],
'$bydefault' => [ 'bluesky_bydefault' , DI :: l10n () -> t ( 'Post to Bluesky by default' ), $def_enabled ],
2023-05-21 14:58:05 -04:00
'$host' => [ 'bluesky_host' , DI :: l10n () -> t ( 'Bluesky host' ), $host , '' , '' , 'readonly' ],
2023-05-21 14:54:02 -04:00
'$handle' => [ 'bluesky_handle' , DI :: l10n () -> t ( 'Bluesky handle' ), $handle ],
'$did' => [ 'bluesky_did' , DI :: l10n () -> t ( 'Bluesky DID' ), $did , DI :: l10n () -> t ( 'This is the unique identifier. It will be fetched automatically, when the handle is entered.' ), '' , 'readonly' ],
'$username' => [ 'bluesky_username' , DI :: l10n () -> t ( 'Bluesky app username' ), $username , DI :: l10n () -> t ( " Please don't add your real username here, but instead create a specific app username and app password in the Bluesky settings. " )],
'$password' => [ 'bluesky_password' , DI :: l10n () -> t ( 'Bluesky app password' ), '' ],
$data = [
'connector' => 'bluesky' ,
'title' => DI :: l10n () -> t ( 'Bluesky Export' ),
'image' => 'images/bluesky.jpg' ,
'enabled' => $enabled ,
'html' => $html ,
function bluesky_settings_post ( array & $b )
if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'bluesky-submit' ])) {
return ;
$old_host = DI :: pConfig () -> get ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId (), 'bluesky' , 'host' );
$old_handle = DI :: pConfig () -> get ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId (), 'bluesky' , 'handle' );
$old_did = DI :: pConfig () -> get ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId (), 'bluesky' , 'did' );
$host = $_POST [ 'bluesky_host' ];
$handle = $_POST [ 'bluesky_handle' ];
DI :: pConfig () -> set ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId (), 'bluesky' , 'post' , intval ( $_POST [ 'bluesky' ]));
DI :: pConfig () -> set ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId (), 'bluesky' , 'post_by_default' , intval ( $_POST [ 'bluesky_bydefault' ]));
DI :: pConfig () -> set ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId (), 'bluesky' , 'host' , $host );
DI :: pConfig () -> set ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId (), 'bluesky' , 'handle' , $handle );
DI :: pConfig () -> set ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId (), 'bluesky' , 'username' , $_POST [ 'bluesky_username' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $_POST [ 'bluesky_password' ])) {
DI :: pConfig () -> set ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId (), 'bluesky' , 'app_password' , $_POST [ 'bluesky_password' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $host ) && ! empty ( $handle )) {
if ( empty ( $old_did ) || $old_host != $host || $old_handle != $handle ) {
DI :: pConfig () -> set ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId (), 'bluesky' , 'did' , bluesky_get_did ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId ()));
} else {
DI :: pConfig () -> delete ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId (), 'bluesky' , 'did' );
function bluesky_jot_nets ( array & $jotnets_fields )
if ( ! DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId ()) {
return ;
if ( DI :: pConfig () -> get ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId (), 'bluesky' , 'post' )) {
$jotnets_fields [] = [
'type' => 'checkbox' ,
'field' => [
'bluesky_enable' ,
DI :: l10n () -> t ( 'Post to Bluesky' ),
DI :: pConfig () -> get ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId (), 'bluesky' , 'post_by_default' )
function bluesky_hook_fork ( array & $b )
if ( $b [ 'name' ] != 'notifier_normal' ) {
return ;
$post = $b [ 'data' ];
if (( $post [ 'created' ] !== $post [ 'edited' ]) && ! $post [ 'deleted' ]) {
DI :: logger () -> info ( 'Editing is not supported by the addon' );
$b [ 'execute' ] = false ;
return ;
if ( ! strstr ( $post [ 'postopts' ] ? ? '' , 'bluesky' ) || ( $post [ 'parent' ] != $post [ 'id' ]) || $post [ 'private' ]) {
$b [ 'execute' ] = false ;
return ;
function bluesky_post_local ( array & $b )
if ( $b [ 'edit' ]) {
return ;
if ( ! DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId () || ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId () != $b [ 'uid' ])) {
return ;
if ( $b [ 'private' ] || $b [ 'parent' ]) {
return ;
$bluesky_post = intval ( DI :: pConfig () -> get ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId (), 'bluesky' , 'post' ));
$bluesky_enable = (( $bluesky_post && ! empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'bluesky_enable' ])) ? intval ( $_REQUEST [ 'bluesky_enable' ]) : 0 );
// if API is used, default to the chosen settings
if ( $b [ 'api_source' ] && intval ( DI :: pConfig () -> get ( DI :: userSession () -> getLocalUserId (), 'bluesky' , 'post_by_default' ))) {
$bluesky_enable = 1 ;
if ( ! $bluesky_enable ) {
return ;
if ( strlen ( $b [ 'postopts' ])) {
$b [ 'postopts' ] .= ',' ;
$b [ 'postopts' ] .= 'bluesky' ;
function bluesky_send ( array & $b )
if (( $b [ 'created' ] !== $b [ 'edited' ]) && ! $b [ 'deleted' ]) {
return ;
if ( $b [ 'gravity' ] != Item :: GRAVITY_PARENT ) {
return ;
} elseif ( $b [ 'private' ] || ! strstr ( $b [ 'postopts' ], 'bluesky' )) {
return ;
bluesky_create_post ( $b );
function bluesky_create_post ( array $item )
$uid = $item [ 'uid' ];
$token = bluesky_get_token ( $uid );
if ( empty ( $token )) {
return ;
$did = DI :: pConfig () -> get ( $uid , 'bluesky' , 'did' );
$msg = Plaintext :: getPost ( $item , 300 , false , BBCode :: CONNECTORS );
$parent = $root = [];
foreach ( $msg [ 'parts' ] as $key => $part ) {
$record = [
'text' => $part ,
'createdAt' => DateTimeFormat :: utcNow ( DateTimeFormat :: ATOM ),
'$type' => 'app.bsky.feed.post'
if ( ! empty ( $root )) {
$record [ 'reply' ] = [ 'root' => $root , 'parent' => $parent ];
if ( $key == count ( $msg [ 'parts' ]) - 1 ) {
$record = bluesky_add_embed ( $uid , $msg , $record );
$post = [
'collection' => 'app.bsky.feed.post' ,
'repo' => $did ,
'record' => $record
$parent = bluesky_post ( $uid , '/xrpc/com.atproto.repo.createRecord' , json_encode ( $post ), [ 'Content-type' => 'application/json' , 'Authorization' => [ 'Bearer ' . $token ]]);
if ( empty ( $parent )) {
return ;
Logger :: debug ( 'Posting done' , [ 'return' => $parent ]);
if ( empty ( $root )) {
$root = $parent ;
function bluesky_add_embed ( int $uid , array $msg , array $record ) : array
if (( $msg [ 'type' ] != 'link' ) && ! empty ( $msg [ 'images' ])) {
$images = [];
foreach ( $msg [ 'images' ] as $image ) {
$photo = Photo :: selectFirst ([ 'resource-id' ], [ 'id' => $image [ 'id' ]]);
$photo = Photo :: selectFirst ([], [ " `resource-id` = ? AND `scale` > ? " , $photo [ 'resource-id' ], 0 ], [ 'order' => [ 'scale' ]]);
$blob = bluesky_upload_blob ( $uid , $photo );
if ( ! empty ( $blob )) {
$images [] = [ 'alt' => $image [ 'description' ], 'image' => $blob ];
if ( ! empty ( $images )) {
$record [ 'embed' ] = [ '$type' => 'app.bsky.embed.images' , 'images' => $images ];
} elseif ( $msg [ 'type' ] == 'link' ) {
$record [ 'embed' ] = [
'$type' => 'app.bsky.embed.external' ,
'external' => [
'uri' => $msg [ 'url' ],
'title' => $msg [ 'title' ],
'description' => $msg [ 'description' ],
if ( ! empty ( $msg [ 'image' ])) {
$photo = Photo :: createPhotoForExternalResource ( $msg [ 'image' ]);
$blob = bluesky_upload_blob ( $uid , $photo );
if ( ! empty ( $blob )) {
$record [ 'embed' ][ 'external' ][ 'thumb' ] = $blob ;
return $record ;
function bluesky_upload_blob ( int $uid , array $photo ) : ? stdClass
$content = Photo :: getImageForPhoto ( $photo );
$data = bluesky_post ( $uid , '/xrpc/com.atproto.repo.uploadBlob' , $content , [ 'Content-type' => $photo [ 'type' ], 'Authorization' => [ 'Bearer ' . bluesky_get_token ( $uid )]]);
if ( empty ( $data )) {
return null ;
Logger :: debug ( 'Uploaded blob' , [ 'return' => $data ]);
return $data -> blob ;
function bluesky_get_timeline ( int $uid )
$data = bluesky_get ( $uid , '/xrpc/app.bsky.feed.getTimeline' , HttpClientAccept :: JSON , [ HttpClientOptions :: HEADERS => [ 'Authorization' => [ 'Bearer ' . bluesky_get_token ( $uid )]]]);
if ( empty ( $data )) {
return ;
// TODO Add Functionality to read the timeline
function bluesky_get_did ( int $uid ) : string
$data = bluesky_get ( $uid , '/xrpc/com.atproto.identity.resolveHandle?handle=' . DI :: pConfig () -> get ( $uid , 'bluesky' , 'handle' ));
if ( empty ( $data )) {
return '' ;
Logger :: debug ( 'Got DID' , [ 'return' => $data ]);
return $data -> did ;
function bluesky_get_token ( int $uid ) : string
$token = DI :: pConfig () -> get ( $uid , 'bluesky' , 'access_token' );
$created = DI :: pConfig () -> get ( $uid , 'bluesky' , 'token_created' );
if ( empty ( $token )) {
return bluesky_create_token ( $uid );
if ( $created + 300 < time ()) {
return bluesky_refresh_token ( $uid );
return $token ;
function bluesky_refresh_token ( int $uid ) : string
$token = DI :: pConfig () -> get ( $uid , 'bluesky' , 'refresh_token' );
$data = bluesky_post ( $uid , '/xrpc/com.atproto.server.refreshSession' , '' , [ 'Authorization' => [ 'Bearer ' . $token ]]);
if ( empty ( $data )) {
return '' ;
Logger :: debug ( 'Refreshed token' , [ 'return' => $data ]);
DI :: pConfig () -> set ( $uid , 'bluesky' , 'access_token' , $data -> accessJwt );
DI :: pConfig () -> set ( $uid , 'bluesky' , 'refresh_token' , $data -> refreshJwt );
DI :: pConfig () -> set ( $uid , 'bluesky' , 'token_created' , time ());
return $data -> accessJwt ;
function bluesky_create_token ( int $uid ) : string
$did = DI :: pConfig () -> get ( $uid , 'bluesky' , 'did' );
$password = DI :: pConfig () -> get ( $uid , 'bluesky' , 'app_password' );
$data = bluesky_post ( $uid , '/xrpc/com.atproto.server.createSession' , json_encode ([ 'identifier' => $did , 'password' => $password ]), [ 'Content-type' => 'application/json' ]);
if ( empty ( $data )) {
return '' ;
Logger :: debug ( 'Created token' , [ 'return' => $data ]);
DI :: pConfig () -> set ( $uid , 'bluesky' , 'access_token' , $data -> accessJwt );
DI :: pConfig () -> set ( $uid , 'bluesky' , 'refresh_token' , $data -> refreshJwt );
DI :: pConfig () -> set ( $uid , 'bluesky' , 'token_created' , time ());
return $data -> accessJwt ;
function bluesky_post ( int $uid , string $url , string $params , array $headers ) : ? stdClass
try {
$curlResult = DI :: httpClient () -> post ( DI :: pConfig () -> get ( $uid , 'bluesky' , 'host' ) . $url , $params , $headers );
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
Logger :: notice ( 'Exception on post' , [ 'exception' => $e ]);
return null ;
if ( ! $curlResult -> isSuccess ()) {
Logger :: notice ( 'API Error' , [ 'error' => json_decode ( $curlResult -> getBody ()) ? : $curlResult -> getBody ()]);
return null ;
return json_decode ( $curlResult -> getBody ());
function bluesky_get ( int $uid , string $url , string $accept_content = HttpClientAccept :: DEFAULT , array $opts = []) : ? stdClass
try {
$curlResult = DI :: httpClient () -> get ( DI :: pConfig () -> get ( $uid , 'bluesky' , 'host' ) . $url , $accept_content , $opts );
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
Logger :: notice ( 'Exception on get' , [ 'exception' => $e ]);
return null ;
if ( ! $curlResult -> isSuccess ()) {
Logger :: notice ( 'API Error' , [ 'error' => json_decode ( $curlResult -> getBody ()) ? : $curlResult -> getBody ()]);
return null ;
return json_decode ( $curlResult -> getBody ());