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;; http://www.classiccmp.org/dunfield/r/8080.txt
8080 instruction encoding:
Conventions in instruction source:
D = Destination register (8 bit)
S = Source register (8 bit)
RP = Register pair (16 bit)
# = 8 or 16 bit immediate operand
a = 16 bit Memory address
p = 8 bit port address
ccc = Conditional
Conventions in instruction encoding:
db = Data byte (8 bit)
lb = Low byte of 16 bit value
hb = High byte of 16 bit value
pa = Port address (8 bit)
Dest and Source reg fields:
111=A (Accumulator)
110=M (Memory reference through address in H:L)
Register pair 'RP' fields:
00=BC (B:C as 16 bit register)
01=DE (D:E as 16 bit register)
10=HL (H:L as 16 bit register)
11=SP (Stack pointer, refers to PSW (FLAGS:A) for PUSH/POP)
Condition code 'CCC' fields: (FLAGS: S Z x A x P x C)
000=NZ ('Z'ero flag not set)
001=Z ('Z'ero flag set)
010=NC ('C'arry flag not set)
011=C ('C'arry flag set)
100=PO ('P'arity flag not set - ODD)
101=PE ('P'arity flag set - EVEN)
110=P ('S'ign flag not set - POSITIVE)
111=M ('S'ign flag set - MINUS)
Inst Encoding Flags Description
MOV D,S 01DDDSSS - Move register to register
MVI D,# 00DDD110 db - Move immediate to register
LXI RP,# 00RP0001 lb hb - Load register pair immediate
LDA a 00111010 lb hb - Load A from memory
STA a 00110010 lb hb - Store A to memory
LHLD a 00101010 lb hb - Load H:L from memory
SHLD a 00100010 lb hb - Store H:L to memory
LDAX RP 00RP1010 *1 - Load indirect through BC or DE
STAX RP 00RP0010 *1 - Store indirect through BC or DE
XCHG 11101011 - Exchange DE and HL content
ADD S 10000SSS ZSPCA Add register to A
ADI # 11000110 db ZSCPA Add immediate to A
ADC S 10001SSS ZSCPA Add register to A with carry
ACI # 11001110 db ZSCPA Add immediate to A with carry
SUB S 10010SSS ZSCPA Subtract register from A
SUI # 11010110 db ZSCPA Subtract immediate from A
SBB S 10011SSS ZSCPA Subtract register from A with borrow
SBI # 11011110 db ZSCPA Subtract immediate from A with borrow
INR D 00DDD100 ZSPA Increment register
DCR D 00DDD101 ZSPA Decrement register
INX RP 00RP0011 - Increment register pair
DCX RP 00RP1011 - Decrement register pair
DAD RP 00RP1001 C Add register pair to HL (16 bit add)
DAA 00100111 ZSPCA Decimal Adjust accumulator
ANA S 10100SSS ZSCPA AND register with A
ANI # 11100110 db ZSPCA AND immediate with A
ORA S 10110SSS ZSPCA OR register with A
ORI # 11110110 ZSPCA OR immediate with A
XRA S 10101SSS ZSPCA ExclusiveOR register with A
XRI # 11101110 db ZSPCA ExclusiveOR immediate with A
CMP S 10111SSS ZSPCA Compare register with A
CPI # 11111110 ZSPCA Compare immediate with A
RLC 00000111 C Rotate A left
RRC 00001111 C Rotate A right
RAL 00010111 C Rotate A left through carry
RAR 00011111 C Rotate A right through carry
CMA 00101111 - Compliment A
CMC 00111111 C Compliment Carry flag
STC 00110111 C Set Carry flag
JMP a 11000011 lb hb - Unconditional jump
Jccc a 11CCC010 lb hb - Conditional jump
CALL a 11001101 lb hb - Unconditional subroutine call
Cccc a 11CCC100 lb hb - Conditional subroutine call
RET 11001001 - Unconditional return from subroutine
Rccc 11CCC000 - Conditional return from subroutine
RST n 11NNN111 - Restart (Call n*8)
PCHL 11101001 - Jump to address in H:L
PUSH RP 11RP0101 *2 - Push register pair on the stack
POP RP 11RP0001 *2 *2 Pop register pair from the stack
XTHL 11100011 - Swap H:L with top word on stack
SPHL 11111001 - Set SP to content of H:L
IN p 11011011 pa - Read input port into A
OUT p 11010011 pa - Write A to output port
EI 11111011 - Enable interrupts
DI 11110011 - Disable interrupts
HLT 01110110 - Halt processor
NOP 00000000 - No operation
*1 = Only RP=00(BC) and 01(DE) are allowed for LDAX/STAX
*2 = RP=11 refers to PSW for PUSH/POP (cannot push/pop SP).
When PSW is POP'd, ALL flags are affected.