{- mtlstats Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 2019, 2020 Rhéal Lamothe This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . -} module FormatSpec (spec) where import Data.Ratio ((%)) import Test.Hspec (Spec, context, describe, it, shouldBe) import Mtlstats.Format import Mtlstats.Types spec :: Spec spec = describe "Mtlstats.Format" $ do padNumSpec leftSpec rightSpec centreSpec padRightSpec overlaySpec monthSpec labelTableSpec numTableSpec tableWithSpec complexTableSpec overlayLastSpec showFloatingSpec padNumSpec :: Spec padNumSpec = describe "padNum" $ do context "zero, four digits" $ it "should be 0000" $ padNum 4 0 `shouldBe` "0000" context "123, four digits" $ it "should be 0123" $ padNum 4 123 `shouldBe` "0123" context "12345, four digits" $ it "should be 12345" $ padNum 4 12345 `shouldBe` "12345" context "-12, four digits" $ it "should be -012" $ padNum 4 (-12) `shouldBe` "-012" context "-1234, four digits" $ it "should be -1234" $ padNum 4 (-1234) `shouldBe` "-1234" leftSpec :: Spec leftSpec = describe "left" $ do context "fit" $ it "should pad the text" $ left 5 "foo" `shouldBe` "foo " context "overflow" $ it "should truncate the text" $ left 2 "foo" `shouldBe` "fo" rightSpec :: Spec rightSpec = describe "right" $ do context "fit" $ it "should pad the text" $ right 5 "foo" `shouldBe` " foo" context "overflow" $ it "should truncate the text" $ right 2 "foo" `shouldBe` "oo" centreSpec :: Spec centreSpec = describe "centre" $ do context "fit" $ it "should pad the text" $ centre 5 "foo" `shouldBe` " foo " context "overflow" $ it "should truncate the text" $ centre 2 "foo" `shouldBe` "fo" padRightSpec :: Spec padRightSpec = describe "padRight" $ mapM_ (\(label, width, str, expected) -> context label $ it ("should be " ++ show expected) $ padRight width str `shouldBe` expected) -- label, width, input string, expected [ ( "text shorter", 5, "foo", "foo " ) , ( "text longer", 3, "foobar", "foobar" ) ] overlaySpec :: Spec overlaySpec = describe "overlay" $ do context "first string shorter" $ it "should overlay" $ overlay "foo" "abc123" `shouldBe` "foo123" context "first string longer" $ it "should overlay" $ overlay "abc123" "foo" `shouldBe` "abc123" monthSpec :: Spec monthSpec = describe "month" $ do context "January" $ it "should return \"JAN\"" $ month 1 `shouldBe` "JAN" context "invalid" $ it "should return an empty string" $ month 0 `shouldBe` "" labelTableSpec :: Spec labelTableSpec = describe "labelTable" $ it "should format the table" $ let input = [ ( "foo", "bar" ) , ( "baz", "quux" ) , ( "longer", "x" ) ] expected = [ " foo: bar " , " baz: quux" , "longer: x " ] in labelTable input `shouldBe` expected numTableSpec :: Spec numTableSpec = describe "numTable" $ it "should format the table" $ let headers = ["foo", "bar", "baz"] rows = [ ( "quux", [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) , ( "xyzzy", [ 9, 99, 999 ] ) ] expected = [ " foo bar baz" , " quux 1 2 3" , "xyzzy 9 99 999" ] in numTable headers rows `shouldBe` expected tableWithSpec :: Spec tableWithSpec = describe "tableWith" $ let vals = [ [ "foo", "bar", "baz" ] , [ "quux", "xyzzy", "x" ] ] in mapM_ (\(label, func, expected) -> context label $ it "should format the table" $ tableWith func vals `shouldBe` expected) [ ( "align left" , left , [ "foo bar baz" , "quux xyzzy x " ] ) , ( "align right" , right , [ " foo bar baz" , "quux xyzzy x" ] ) ] complexTableSpec :: Spec complexTableSpec = describe "complexTable" $ mapM_ (\(label, pFuncs, cells, expected) -> context label $ it "should format correctly" $ complexTable pFuncs cells `shouldBe` expected) [ ( "no fill" , [left, right] , [ [ CellText "foo", CellText "bar" ] , [ CellText "baaz", CellText "quux" ] ] , [ "foo bar" , "baaz quux" ] ) , ( "with fill" , [left, left, left] , [ [ CellText "foo", CellText "bar", CellText "baz" ] , [ CellText "quux", CellFill '-', CellFill '@' ] ] , [ "foo bar baz" , "quux ----@@@" ] ) ] overlayLastSpec :: Spec overlayLastSpec = describe "overlayLast" $ let text = "foo" sample = [ "line 1" , "line 2" ] edited = [ "line 1" , "fooe 2" ] in mapM_ (\(label, input, expected) -> context label $ it ("should be " ++ show expected) $ overlayLast text input `shouldBe` expected) -- label, input, expected [ ( "empty list", [], [] ) , ( "non-empty list", sample, edited ) ] showFloatingSpec :: Spec showFloatingSpec = describe "showFloating" $ let input = 3 % 2 :: Rational expected = "1.50" in it ("should be " ++ expected) $ showFloating input `shouldBe` expected