{- mtlstats Copyright (C) 2019 Rhéal Lamothe This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . -} module Actions.EditGoalieSpec (spec) where import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Lens.Micro ((^.), (&), (.~)) import Test.Hspec (Spec, context, describe, it, shouldBe) import Mtlstats.Actions.EditGoalie import Mtlstats.Types import Mtlstats.Util spec :: Spec spec = describe "EditGoalie" $ do editGoalieNumberSpec editGoalieNameSpec editGoalieYtdGamesSpec editGoalieYtdMinsSpec editGoalieYtdGoalsSpec editGoalieYtdWinsSpec editGoalieYtdLossesSpec editGoalieYtdTiesSpec editGoalieLtGamesSpec editGoalieLtMinsSpec editGoalieLtGoalsSpec editGoalieLtWinsSpec editGoalieLtLossesSpec editGoalieLtTiesSpec editGoalieNumberSpec :: Spec editGoalieNumberSpec = describe "editGoalieNumber" $ editTest (editGoalieNumber 5) EGNumber (uncurry newGoalie) [ ( "set Joe" , Just 0 , (5, "Joe") , (3, "Bob") , EGMenu ) , ( "set Bob" , Just 1 , (2, "Joe") , (5, "Bob") , EGMenu ) , ( "out of bounds" , Just 2 , (2, "Joe") , (3, "Bob") , EGNumber ) , ( "no goalie selected" , Nothing , (2, "Joe") , (3, "Bob") , EGNumber ) ] editGoalieNameSpec :: Spec editGoalieNameSpec = describe "editGoalieName" $ editTest (editGoalieName "foo") EGName (uncurry newGoalie) [ ( "set Joe" , Just 0 , ( 2, "foo" ) , ( 3, "Bob" ) , EGMenu ) , ( "set Bob" , Just 1 , ( 2, "Joe" ) , ( 3, "foo" ) , EGMenu ) , ( "out of bounds" , Just 2 , ( 2, "Joe" ) , ( 3, "Bob" ) , EGName ) , ( "no goalie selected" , Nothing , ( 2, "Joe" ) , ( 3, "Bob" ) , EGName ) ] editGoalieYtdGamesSpec :: Spec editGoalieYtdGamesSpec = describe "editGoalieYtdGames" $ editTest (editGoalieYtdGames 1) EGYtdGames (\(num, name, games) -> newGoalie num name & gYtd.gsGames .~ games) [ ( "set Joe" , Just 0 , ( 2, "Joe", 1 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGYtd ) , ( "set Bob" , Just 1 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 1 ) , EGYtd ) , ( "out of bounds" , Just 2 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGYtdGames ) , ( "no goalie selected" , Nothing , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGYtdGames ) ] editGoalieYtdMinsSpec :: Spec editGoalieYtdMinsSpec = describe "editGoalieYtdMins" $ editTest (editGoalieYtdMins 1) EGYtdMins (\(num, name, mins) -> newGoalie num name & gYtd.gsMinsPlayed .~ mins) [ ( "set Joe" , Just 0 , ( 2, "Joe", 1 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGYtd ) , ( "set Bob" , Just 1 , (2, "Joe", 0 ) , (3, "Bob", 1 ) , EGYtd ) , ( "out of bounds" , Just 2 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGYtdMins ) , ( "no goalie selected" , Nothing , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGYtdMins ) ] editGoalieYtdGoalsSpec :: Spec editGoalieYtdGoalsSpec = describe "editGoalieYtdGoals" $ editTest (editGoalieYtdGoals 1) EGYtdGoals (\(num, name, goals) -> newGoalie num name & gYtd.gsGoalsAllowed .~ goals) [ ( "set Joe" , Just 0 , ( 2, "Joe", 1 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGYtd ) , ( "set Bob" , Just 1 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 1 ) , EGYtd ) , ( "out of bounds" , Just 2 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGYtdGoals ) , ( "no goalie selected" , Nothing , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGYtdGoals ) ] editGoalieYtdWinsSpec :: Spec editGoalieYtdWinsSpec = describe "editGoalieYtdWins" $ editTest (editGoalieYtdWins 1) EGYtdWins (\(num, name, wins) -> newGoalie num name & gYtd.gsWins .~ wins) [ ( "set Joe" , Just 0 , ( 2, "Joe", 1 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGYtd ) , ( "set Bob" , Just 1 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 1 ) , EGYtd ) , ( "out of bounds" , Just 2 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGYtdWins ) , ( "no goalie selected" , Nothing , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGYtdWins ) ] editGoalieYtdLossesSpec :: Spec editGoalieYtdLossesSpec = describe "editGoalieYtdLosses" $ editTest (editGoalieYtdLosses 1) EGYtdLosses (\(num, name, losses) -> newGoalie num name & gYtd.gsLosses .~ losses) [ ( "set Joe" , Just 0 , ( 2, "Joe", 1 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGYtd ) , ( "set Bob" , Just 1 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 1 ) , EGYtd ) , ( "out of bounds" , Just 2 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGYtdLosses ) , ( "no goalie selected" , Nothing , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGYtdLosses ) ] editGoalieYtdTiesSpec :: Spec editGoalieYtdTiesSpec = describe "editGoalieYtdTies" $ editTest (editGoalieYtdTies 1) EGYtdTies (\(num, name, ties) -> newGoalie num name & gYtd.gsTies .~ ties) [ ( "set Joe" , Just 0 , ( 2, "Joe", 1 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGYtd ) , ( "set Bob" , Just 1 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 1 ) , EGYtd ) , ( "out of bounds" , Just 2 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGYtdTies ) , ( "no goalie selected" , Nothing , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGYtdTies ) ] editGoalieLtGamesSpec :: Spec editGoalieLtGamesSpec = describe "editGoalieLtGames" $ editTest (editGoalieLtGames 1) EGLtGames (\(num, name, games) -> newGoalie num name & gLifetime.gsGames .~ games) [ ( "set Joe" , Just 0 , ( 2, "Joe", 1 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGLifetime ) , ( "set Bob" , Just 1 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 1 ) , EGLifetime ) , ( "out of bounds" , Just 2 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGLtGames ) , ( "no goalie selected" , Nothing , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGLtGames ) ] editGoalieLtMinsSpec :: Spec editGoalieLtMinsSpec = describe "editGoalieLtMins" $ editTest (editGoalieLtMins 1) EGLtMins (\(num, name, mins) -> newGoalie num name & gLifetime.gsMinsPlayed .~ mins) [ ( "set Joe" , Just 0 , ( 2, "Joe", 1 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGLifetime ) , ( "set Bob" , Just 1 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 1 ) , EGLifetime ) , ( "out of bounds" , Just 2 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGLtMins ) , ( "no goalie selected" , Nothing , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGLtMins ) ] editGoalieLtGoalsSpec :: Spec editGoalieLtGoalsSpec = describe "editGoalieLtGoals" $ editTest (editGoalieLtGoals 1) EGLtGoals (\(num, name, goals) -> newGoalie num name & gLifetime.gsGoalsAllowed .~ goals) [ ( "set Joe" , Just 0 , ( 2, "Joe", 1 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGLifetime ) , ( "set Bob" , Just 1 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 1 ) , EGLifetime ) , ( "out of bounds" , Just 2 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGLtGoals ) , ( "no goalie selected" , Nothing , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGLtGoals ) ] editGoalieLtWinsSpec :: Spec editGoalieLtWinsSpec = describe "editGoalieLtWins" $ editTest (editGoalieLtWins 1) EGLtWins (\(num, name, wins) -> newGoalie num name & gLifetime.gsWins .~ wins) [ ( "set Joe" , Just 0 , ( 2, "Joe", 1 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGLifetime ) , ( "set Bob" , Just 1 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 1 ) , EGLifetime ) , ( "out of bounds" , Just 2 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGLtWins ) , ( "no goalie selected" , Nothing , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGLtWins ) ] editGoalieLtLossesSpec :: Spec editGoalieLtLossesSpec = describe "editGoalieLtLosses" $ editTest (editGoalieLtLosses 1) EGLtLosses (\(num, name, losses) -> newGoalie num name & gLifetime.gsLosses .~ losses) [ ( "set Joe" , Just 0 , ( 2, "Joe", 1 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGLifetime ) , ( "set Bob" , Just 1 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 1 ) , EGLifetime ) , ( "out of bounds" , Just 2 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGLtLosses ) , ( "no goalie selected" , Nothing , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGLtLosses ) ] editGoalieLtTiesSpec :: Spec editGoalieLtTiesSpec = describe "editGoalieLtTies" $ editTest (editGoalieLtTies 1) EGLtTies (\(num, name, ties) -> newGoalie num name & gLifetime.gsTies .~ ties) [ ( "set Joe" , Just 0 , ( 2, "Joe", 1 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGLifetime ) , ( "set Bob" , Just 1 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 1 ) , EGLifetime ) , ( "out of bounds" , Just 2 , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGLtTies ) , ( "no goalie selected" , Nothing , ( 2, "Joe", 0 ) , ( 3, "Bob", 0 ) , EGLtTies ) ] editTest :: (ProgState -> ProgState) -> EditGoalieMode -> (a -> Goalie) -> [(String, Maybe Int, a, a, EditGoalieMode)] -> Spec editTest func setMode mkGoalie params = do mapM_ (\(setLabel, setGid, joeData, bobData, expectMode) -> context setLabel $ do let egs = newEditGoalieState & egsSelectedGoalie .~ setGid & egsMode .~ setMode ps = func $ progState $ EditGoalie egs mapM_ (\(chkLabel, chkGid, goalieData) -> context chkLabel $ let actual = fromJust $ nth chkGid $ ps^.database.dbGoalies expected = mkGoalie goalieData in it ("should be " ++ show expected) $ actual `shouldBe` expected) -- label, goalie ID, goalie data [ ( "check Joe", 0, joeData ) , ( "check Bob", 1, bobData ) ] context "check mode" $ it ("should be " ++ show expectMode) $ ps^.progMode.editGoalieStateL.egsMode `shouldBe` expectMode) params context "wrong progMode" $ do let ps = func $ progState MainMenu it "should not change the database" $ ps^.database `shouldBe` db it "should not change the progMode" $ show (ps^.progMode) `shouldBe` "MainMenu" joe :: Goalie joe = newGoalie 2 "Joe" bob :: Goalie bob = newGoalie 3 "Bob" db :: Database db = newDatabase & dbGoalies .~ [joe, bob] progState :: ProgMode -> ProgState progState mode = newProgState & progMode .~ mode & database .~ db