get('system', 'block_public') && !local_user() && !Session::getRemoteContactID($a->profile['profile_uid'])) { throw new ForbiddenException(); } $o = ''; $profile_uid = intval($_GET['p'] ?? 0); // Ensure we've got a profile owner if updating. $a->profile['profile_uid'] = $profile_uid; $remote_contact = Session::getRemoteContactID($a->profile['profile_uid']); $is_owner = local_user() == $a->profile['profile_uid']; $last_updated_key = "profile:" . $a->profile['profile_uid'] . ":" . local_user() . ":" . $remote_contact; if (!empty($a->profile['hidewall']) && !$is_owner && !$remote_contact) { throw new ForbiddenException(DI::l10n()->t('Access to this profile has been restricted.')); } // Get permissions SQL - if $remote_contact is true, our remote user has been pre-verified and we already have fetched his/her groups $sql_extra = Item::getPermissionsSQLByUserId($a->profile['profile_uid']); $last_updated_array = Session::get('last_updated', []); $last_updated = $last_updated_array[$last_updated_key] ?? 0; // If the page user is the owner of the page we should query for unseen // items. Otherwise use a timestamp of the last succesful update request. if ($is_owner || !$last_updated) { $sql_extra4 = " AND `item`.`unseen`"; } else { $gmupdate = gmdate(DateTimeFormat::MYSQL, $last_updated); $sql_extra4 = " AND `item`.`received` > '" . $gmupdate . "'"; } $items_stmt = DBA::p( "SELECT DISTINCT(`parent-uri`) AS `uri`, `item`.`created` FROM `item` INNER JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `item`.`contact-id` AND NOT `contact`.`blocked` AND NOT `contact`.`pending` WHERE `item`.`uid` = ? AND `item`.`visible` AND (NOT `item`.`deleted` OR `item`.`gravity` = ?) AND NOT `item`.`moderated` AND `item`.`wall` $sql_extra4 $sql_extra ORDER BY `item`.`received` DESC", $a->profile['profile_uid'], GRAVITY_ACTIVITY ); if (!DBA::isResult($items_stmt)) { return ''; } $pager = new Pager(DI::args()->getQueryString()); // Set a time stamp for this page. We will make use of it when we // search for new items (update routine) $last_updated_array[$last_updated_key] = time(); Session::set('last_updated', $last_updated_array); if ($is_owner && !$profile_uid && !DI::config()->get('theme', 'hide_eventlist')) { $o .= ProfileModel::getBirthdays(); $o .= ProfileModel::getEventsReminderHTML(); } if ($is_owner) { $unseen = Item::exists(['wall' => true, 'unseen' => true, 'uid' => local_user()]); if ($unseen) { Item::update(['unseen' => false], ['wall' => true, 'unseen' => true, 'uid' => local_user()]); } } $items = DBA::toArray($items_stmt); $o .= conversation($a, $items, $pager, 'profile', $profile_uid, false, 'received', $a->profile['profile_uid']); header("Content-type: text/html"); echo "
\r\n"; // We can remove this hack once Internet Explorer recognises HTML5 natively echo "