configCache = $configCache; $this->profiler = $profiler; $this->logger = $logger; $this->readServerVariables($server); $this->connect(); DBA::init($this); if ($this->isConnected()) { // Loads DB_UPDATE_VERSION constant DBStructure::definition($configCache->get('system', 'basepath'), false); } } private function readServerVariables(array $server) { // Use environment variables for mysql if they are set beforehand if (!empty($server['MYSQL_HOST']) && !empty($server['MYSQL_USERNAME'] || !empty($server['MYSQL_USER'])) && $server['MYSQL_PASSWORD'] !== false && !empty($server['MYSQL_DATABASE'])) { $db_host = $server['MYSQL_HOST']; if (!empty($server['MYSQL_PORT'])) { $db_host .= ':' . $server['MYSQL_PORT']; } $this->configCache->set('database', 'hostname', $db_host); unset($db_host); if (!empty($server['MYSQL_USERNAME'])) { $this->configCache->set('database', 'username', $server['MYSQL_USERNAME']); } else { $this->configCache->set('database', 'username', $server['MYSQL_USER']); } $this->configCache->set('database', 'password', (string) $server['MYSQL_PASSWORD']); $this->configCache->set('database', 'database', $server['MYSQL_DATABASE']); } } public function connect() { if (!is_null($this->connection) && $this->connected()) { return true; } $port = 0; $serveraddr = trim($this->configCache->get('database', 'hostname')); $serverdata = explode(':', $serveraddr); $server = $serverdata[0]; if (count($serverdata) > 1) { $port = trim($serverdata[1]); } $server = trim($server); $user = trim($this->configCache->get('database', 'username')); $pass = trim($this->configCache->get('database', 'password')); $db = trim($this->configCache->get('database', 'database')); $charset = trim($this->configCache->get('database', 'charset')); if (!(strlen($server) && strlen($user))) { return false; } if (class_exists('\PDO') && in_array('mysql', PDO::getAvailableDrivers())) { $this->driver = 'pdo'; $connect = "mysql:host=" . $server . ";dbname=" . $db; if ($port > 0) { $connect .= ";port=" . $port; } if ($charset) { $connect .= ";charset=" . $charset; } try { $this->connection = @new PDO($connect, $user, $pass); $this->connection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false); $this->connected = true; } catch (PDOException $e) { /// @TODO At least log exception, don't ignore it! } } if (!$this->connected && class_exists('\mysqli')) { $this->driver = 'mysqli'; if ($port > 0) { $this->connection = @new mysqli($server, $user, $pass, $db, $port); } else { $this->connection = @new mysqli($server, $user, $pass, $db); } if (!mysqli_connect_errno()) { $this->connected = true; if ($charset) { $this->connection->set_charset($charset); } } } // No suitable SQL driver was found. if (!$this->connected) { $this->driver = null; $this->connection = null; } return $this->connected; } /** * Sets the logger for DBA * * @note this is necessary because if we want to load the logger configuration * from the DB, but there's an error, we would print out an exception. * So the logger gets updated after the logger configuration can be retrieved * from the database * * @param LoggerInterface $logger */ public function setLogger(LoggerInterface $logger) { $this->logger = $logger; } /** * Sets the profiler for DBA * * @param Profiler $profiler */ public function setProfiler(Profiler $profiler) { $this->profiler = $profiler; } /** * Disconnects the current database connection */ public function disconnect() { if (is_null($this->connection)) { return; } switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': $this->connection = null; break; case 'mysqli': $this->connection->close(); $this->connection = null; break; } } /** * Perform a reconnect of an existing database connection */ public function reconnect() { $this->disconnect(); return $this->connect(); } /** * Return the database object. * * @return PDO|mysqli */ public function getConnection() { return $this->connection; } /** * @brief Returns the MySQL server version string * * This function discriminate between the deprecated mysql API and the current * object-oriented mysqli API. Example of returned string: 5.5.46-0+deb8u1 * * @return string */ public function serverInfo() { if ($this->server_info == '') { switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': $this->server_info = $this->connection->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION); break; case 'mysqli': $this->server_info = $this->connection->server_info; break; } } return $this->server_info; } /** * @brief Returns the selected database name * * @return string * @throws \Exception */ public function databaseName() { $ret = $this->p("SELECT DATABASE() AS `db`"); $data = $this->toArray($ret); return $data[0]['db']; } /** * @brief Analyze a database query and log this if some conditions are met. * * @param string $query The database query that will be analyzed * * @throws \Exception */ private function logIndex($query) { if (!$this->configCache->get('system', 'db_log_index')) { return; } // Don't explain an explain statement if (strtolower(substr($query, 0, 7)) == "explain") { return; } // Only do the explain on "select", "update" and "delete" if (!in_array(strtolower(substr($query, 0, 6)), ["select", "update", "delete"])) { return; } $r = $this->p("EXPLAIN " . $query); if (!$this->isResult($r)) { return; } $watchlist = explode(',', $this->configCache->get('system', 'db_log_index_watch')); $blacklist = explode(',', $this->configCache->get('system', 'db_log_index_blacklist')); while ($row = $this->fetch($r)) { if ((intval($this->configCache->get('system', 'db_loglimit_index')) > 0)) { $log = (in_array($row['key'], $watchlist) && ($row['rows'] >= intval($this->configCache->get('system', 'db_loglimit_index')))); } else { $log = false; } if ((intval($this->configCache->get('system', 'db_loglimit_index_high')) > 0) && ($row['rows'] >= intval($this->configCache->get('system', 'db_loglimit_index_high')))) { $log = true; } if (in_array($row['key'], $blacklist) || ($row['key'] == "")) { $log = false; } if ($log) { $backtrace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); @file_put_contents($this->configCache->get('system', 'db_log_index'), DateTimeFormat::utcNow() . "\t" . $row['key'] . "\t" . $row['rows'] . "\t" . $row['Extra'] . "\t" . basename($backtrace[1]["file"]) . "\t" . $backtrace[1]["line"] . "\t" . $backtrace[2]["function"] . "\t" . substr($query, 0, 2000) . "\n", FILE_APPEND); } } } /** * Removes every not whitelisted character from the identifier string * * @param string $identifier * * @return string sanitized identifier * @throws \Exception */ private function sanitizeIdentifier($identifier) { return preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-]+/', '', $identifier); } public function escape($str) { if ($this->connected) { switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': return substr(@$this->connection->quote($str, PDO::PARAM_STR), 1, -1); case 'mysqli': return @$this->connection->real_escape_string($str); } } else { return str_replace("'", "\\'", $str); } } public function isConnected() { return $this->connected; } public function connected() { $connected = false; if (is_null($this->connection)) { return false; } switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': $r = $this->p("SELECT 1"); if ($this->isResult($r)) { $row = $this->toArray($r); $connected = ($row[0]['1'] == '1'); } break; case 'mysqli': $connected = $this->connection->ping(); break; } return $connected; } /** * @brief Replaces ANY_VALUE() function by MIN() function, * if the database server does not support ANY_VALUE(). * * Considerations for Standard SQL, or MySQL with ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY (default since 5.7.5). * ANY_VALUE() is available from MySQL 5.7.5 * A standard fall-back is to use MIN(). * * @param string $sql An SQL string without the values * * @return string The input SQL string modified if necessary. */ public function anyValueFallback($sql) { $server_info = $this->serverInfo(); if (version_compare($server_info, '5.7.5', '<') || (stripos($server_info, 'MariaDB') !== false)) { $sql = str_ireplace('ANY_VALUE(', 'MIN(', $sql); } return $sql; } /** * @brief Replaces the ? placeholders with the parameters in the $args array * * @param string $sql SQL query * @param array $args The parameters that are to replace the ? placeholders * * @return string The replaced SQL query */ private function replaceParameters($sql, $args) { $offset = 0; foreach ($args AS $param => $value) { if (is_int($args[$param]) || is_float($args[$param])) { $replace = intval($args[$param]); } else { $replace = "'" . $this->escape($args[$param]) . "'"; } $pos = strpos($sql, '?', $offset); if ($pos !== false) { $sql = substr_replace($sql, $replace, $pos, 1); } $offset = $pos + strlen($replace); } return $sql; } /** * @brief Executes a prepared statement that returns data * @usage Example: $r = p("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `guid` = ?", $guid); * * Please only use it with complicated queries. * For all regular queries please use DBA::select or DBA::exists * * @param string $sql SQL statement * * @return bool|object statement object or result object * @throws \Exception */ public function p($sql) { $stamp1 = microtime(true); $params = DBA::getParam(func_get_args()); // Renumber the array keys to be sure that they fit $i = 0; $args = []; foreach ($params AS $param) { // Avoid problems with some MySQL servers and boolean values. See issue #3645 if (is_bool($param)) { $param = (int)$param; } $args[++$i] = $param; } if (!$this->connected) { return false; } if ((substr_count($sql, '?') != count($args)) && (count($args) > 0)) { // Question: Should we continue or stop the query here? $this->logger->warning('Query parameters mismatch.', ['query' => $sql, 'args' => $args, 'callstack' => System::callstack()]); } $sql = DBA::cleanQuery($sql); $sql = $this->anyValueFallback($sql); $orig_sql = $sql; if ($this->configCache->get('system', 'db_callstack') !== null) { $sql = "/*" . System::callstack() . " */ " . $sql; } $this->error = ''; $this->errorno = 0; $this->affected_rows = 0; // We have to make some things different if this function is called from "e" $trace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 2); if (isset($trace[1])) { $called_from = $trace[1]; } else { // We use just something that is defined to avoid warnings $called_from = $trace[0]; } // We are having an own error logging in the function "e" $called_from_e = ($called_from['function'] == 'e'); switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': // If there are no arguments we use "query" if (count($args) == 0) { if (!$retval = $this->connection->query($sql)) { $errorInfo = $this->connection->errorInfo(); $this->error = $errorInfo[2]; $this->errorno = $errorInfo[1]; $retval = false; break; } $this->affected_rows = $retval->rowCount(); break; } /** @var $stmt mysqli_stmt|PDOStatement */ if (!$stmt = $this->connection->prepare($sql)) { $errorInfo = $this->connection->errorInfo(); $this->error = $errorInfo[2]; $this->errorno = $errorInfo[1]; $retval = false; break; } foreach ($args AS $param => $value) { if (is_int($args[$param])) { $data_type = PDO::PARAM_INT; } else { $data_type = PDO::PARAM_STR; } $stmt->bindParam($param, $args[$param], $data_type); } if (!$stmt->execute()) { $errorInfo = $stmt->errorInfo(); $this->error = $errorInfo[2]; $this->errorno = $errorInfo[1]; $retval = false; } else { $retval = $stmt; $this->affected_rows = $retval->rowCount(); } break; case 'mysqli': // There are SQL statements that cannot be executed with a prepared statement $parts = explode(' ', $orig_sql); $command = strtolower($parts[0]); $can_be_prepared = in_array($command, ['select', 'update', 'insert', 'delete']); // The fallback routine is called as well when there are no arguments if (!$can_be_prepared || (count($args) == 0)) { $retval = $this->connection->query($this->replaceParameters($sql, $args)); if ($this->connection->errno) { $this->error = $this->connection->error; $this->errorno = $this->connection->errno; $retval = false; } else { if (isset($retval->num_rows)) { $this->affected_rows = $retval->num_rows; } else { $this->affected_rows = $this->connection->affected_rows; } } break; } $stmt = $this->connection->stmt_init(); if (!$stmt->prepare($sql)) { $this->error = $stmt->error; $this->errorno = $stmt->errno; $retval = false; break; } $param_types = ''; $values = []; foreach ($args AS $param => $value) { if (is_int($args[$param])) { $param_types .= 'i'; } elseif (is_float($args[$param])) { $param_types .= 'd'; } elseif (is_string($args[$param])) { $param_types .= 's'; } else { $param_types .= 'b'; } $values[] = &$args[$param]; } if (count($values) > 0) { array_unshift($values, $param_types); call_user_func_array([$stmt, 'bind_param'], $values); } if (!$stmt->execute()) { $this->error = $this->connection->error; $this->errorno = $this->connection->errno; $retval = false; } else { $stmt->store_result(); $retval = $stmt; $this->affected_rows = $retval->affected_rows; } break; } // We are having an own error logging in the function "e" if (($this->errorno != 0) && !$called_from_e) { // We have to preserve the error code, somewhere in the logging it get lost $error = $this->error; $errorno = $this->errorno; $this->logger->error('DB Error', [ 'code' => $this->errorno, 'error' => $this->error, 'callstack' => System::callstack(8), 'params' => $this->replaceParameters($sql, $args), ]); // On a lost connection we try to reconnect - but only once. if ($errorno == 2006) { if ($this->in_retrial || !$this->reconnect()) { // It doesn't make sense to continue when the database connection was lost if ($this->in_retrial) { $this->logger->notice('Giving up retrial because of database error', [ 'code' => $this->errorno, 'error' => $this->error, ]); } else { $this->logger->notice('Couldn\'t reconnect after database error', [ 'code' => $this->errorno, 'error' => $this->error, ]); } exit(1); } else { // We try it again $this->logger->notice('Reconnected after database error', [ 'code' => $this->errorno, 'error' => $this->error, ]); $this->in_retrial = true; $ret = $this->p($sql, $args); $this->in_retrial = false; return $ret; } } $this->error = $error; $this->errorno = $errorno; } $this->profiler->saveTimestamp($stamp1, 'database', System::callstack()); if ($this->configCache->get('system', 'db_log')) { $stamp2 = microtime(true); $duration = (float)($stamp2 - $stamp1); if (($duration > $this->configCache->get('system', 'db_loglimit'))) { $duration = round($duration, 3); $backtrace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); @file_put_contents($this->configCache->get('system', 'db_log'), DateTimeFormat::utcNow() . "\t" . $duration . "\t" . basename($backtrace[1]["file"]) . "\t" . $backtrace[1]["line"] . "\t" . $backtrace[2]["function"] . "\t" . substr($this->replaceParameters($sql, $args), 0, 2000) . "\n", FILE_APPEND); } } return $retval; } /** * @brief Executes a prepared statement like UPDATE or INSERT that doesn't return data * * Please use DBA::delete, DBA::insert, DBA::update, ... instead * * @param string $sql SQL statement * * @return boolean Was the query successfull? False is returned only if an error occurred * @throws \Exception */ public function e($sql) { $stamp = microtime(true); $params = DBA::getParam(func_get_args()); // In a case of a deadlock we are repeating the query 20 times $timeout = 20; do { $stmt = $this->p($sql, $params); if (is_bool($stmt)) { $retval = $stmt; } elseif (is_object($stmt)) { $retval = true; } else { $retval = false; } $this->close($stmt); } while (($this->errorno == 1213) && (--$timeout > 0)); if ($this->errorno != 0) { // We have to preserve the error code, somewhere in the logging it get lost $error = $this->error; $errorno = $this->errorno; $this->logger->error('DB Error', [ 'code' => $this->errorno, 'error' => $this->error, 'callstack' => System::callstack(8), 'params' => $this->replaceParameters($sql, $params), ]); // On a lost connection we simply quit. // A reconnect like in $this->p could be dangerous with modifications if ($errorno == 2006) { $this->logger->notice('Giving up because of database error', [ 'code' => $this->errorno, 'error' => $this->error, ]); exit(1); } $this->error = $error; $this->errorno = $errorno; } $this->profiler->saveTimestamp($stamp, "database_write", System::callstack()); return $retval; } /** * @brief Check if data exists * * @param string $table Table name * @param array $condition array of fields for condition * * @return boolean Are there rows for that condition? * @throws \Exception */ public function exists($table, $condition) { if (empty($table)) { return false; } $fields = []; if (empty($condition)) { return DBStructure::existsTable($table); } reset($condition); $first_key = key($condition); if (!is_int($first_key)) { $fields = [$first_key]; } $stmt = $this->select($table, $fields, $condition, ['limit' => 1]); if (is_bool($stmt)) { $retval = $stmt; } else { $retval = ($this->numRows($stmt) > 0); } $this->close($stmt); return $retval; } /** * Fetches the first row * * Please use DBA::selectFirst or DBA::exists whenever this is possible. * * @brief Fetches the first row * * @param string $sql SQL statement * * @return array first row of query * @throws \Exception */ public function fetchFirst($sql) { $params = DBA::getParam(func_get_args()); $stmt = $this->p($sql, $params); if (is_bool($stmt)) { $retval = $stmt; } else { $retval = $this->fetch($stmt); } $this->close($stmt); return $retval; } /** * @brief Returns the number of affected rows of the last statement * * @return int Number of rows */ public function affectedRows() { return $this->affected_rows; } /** * @brief Returns the number of columns of a statement * * @param object Statement object * * @return int Number of columns */ public function columnCount($stmt) { if (!is_object($stmt)) { return 0; } switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': return $stmt->columnCount(); case 'mysqli': return $stmt->field_count; } return 0; } /** * @brief Returns the number of rows of a statement * * @param PDOStatement|mysqli_result|mysqli_stmt Statement object * * @return int Number of rows */ public function numRows($stmt) { if (!is_object($stmt)) { return 0; } switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': return $stmt->rowCount(); case 'mysqli': return $stmt->num_rows; } return 0; } /** * @brief Fetch a single row * * @param mixed $stmt statement object * * @return array current row */ public function fetch($stmt) { $stamp1 = microtime(true); $columns = []; if (!is_object($stmt)) { return false; } switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': $columns = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); break; case 'mysqli': if (get_class($stmt) == 'mysqli_result') { $columns = $stmt->fetch_assoc(); break; } // This code works, but is slow // Bind the result to a result array $cols = []; $cols_num = []; for ($x = 0; $x < $stmt->field_count; $x++) { $cols[] = &$cols_num[$x]; } call_user_func_array([$stmt, 'bind_result'], $cols); if (!$stmt->fetch()) { return false; } // The slow part: // We need to get the field names for the array keys // It seems that there is no better way to do this. $result = $stmt->result_metadata(); $fields = $result->fetch_fields(); foreach ($cols_num AS $param => $col) { $columns[$fields[$param]->name] = $col; } } $this->profiler->saveTimestamp($stamp1, 'database', System::callstack()); return $columns; } /** * @brief Insert a row into a table * * @param string/array $table Table name * * @return string formatted and sanitzed table name * @throws \Exception */ public function formatTableName($table) { if (is_string($table)) { return "`" . $this->sanitizeIdentifier($table) . "`"; } if (!is_array($table)) { return ''; } $scheme = key($table); return "`" . $this->sanitizeIdentifier($scheme) . "`.`" . $this->sanitizeIdentifier($table[$scheme]) . "`"; } /** * @brief Insert a row into a table * * @param string $table Table name * @param array $param parameter array * @param bool $on_duplicate_update Do an update on a duplicate entry * * @return boolean was the insert successful? * @throws \Exception */ public function insert($table, $param, $on_duplicate_update = false) { if (empty($table) || empty($param)) { $this->logger->info('Table and fields have to be set'); return false; } $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $this->formatTableName($table) . " (`" . implode("`, `", array_keys($param)) . "`) VALUES (" . substr(str_repeat("?, ", count($param)), 0, -2) . ")"; if ($on_duplicate_update) { $sql .= " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `" . implode("` = ?, `", array_keys($param)) . "` = ?"; $values = array_values($param); $param = array_merge_recursive($values, $values); } return $this->e($sql, $param); } /** * @brief Fetch the id of the last insert command * * @return integer Last inserted id */ public function lastInsertId() { switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': $id = $this->connection->lastInsertId(); break; case 'mysqli': $id = $this->connection->insert_id; break; } return $id; } /** * @brief Locks a table for exclusive write access * * This function can be extended in the future to accept a table array as well. * * @param string $table Table name * * @return boolean was the lock successful? * @throws \Exception */ public function lock($table) { // See here: if ($this->driver == 'pdo') { $this->e("SET autocommit=0"); $this->connection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, true); } else { $this->connection->autocommit(false); } $success = $this->e("LOCK TABLES " . $this->formatTableName($table) . " WRITE"); if ($this->driver == 'pdo') { $this->connection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false); } if (!$success) { if ($this->driver == 'pdo') { $this->e("SET autocommit=1"); } else { $this->connection->autocommit(true); } } else { $this->in_transaction = true; } return $success; } /** * @brief Unlocks all locked tables * * @return boolean was the unlock successful? * @throws \Exception */ public function unlock() { // See here: $this->performCommit(); if ($this->driver == 'pdo') { $this->connection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, true); } $success = $this->e("UNLOCK TABLES"); if ($this->driver == 'pdo') { $this->connection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false); $this->e("SET autocommit=1"); } else { $this->connection->autocommit(true); } $this->in_transaction = false; return $success; } /** * @brief Starts a transaction * * @return boolean Was the command executed successfully? */ public function transaction() { if (!$this->performCommit()) { return false; } switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': if (!$this->connection->inTransaction() && !$this->connection->beginTransaction()) { return false; } break; case 'mysqli': if (!$this->connection->begin_transaction()) { return false; } break; } $this->in_transaction = true; return true; } private function performCommit() { switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': if (!$this->connection->inTransaction()) { return true; } return $this->connection->commit(); case 'mysqli': return $this->connection->commit(); } return true; } /** * @brief Does a commit * * @return boolean Was the command executed successfully? */ public function commit() { if (!$this->performCommit()) { return false; } $this->in_transaction = false; return true; } /** * @brief Does a rollback * * @return boolean Was the command executed successfully? */ public function rollback() { $ret = false; switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': if (!$this->connection->inTransaction()) { $ret = true; break; } $ret = $this->connection->rollBack(); break; case 'mysqli': $ret = $this->connection->rollback(); break; } $this->in_transaction = false; return $ret; } /** * @brief Build the array with the table relations * * The array is build from the database definitions in DBStructure.php * * This process must only be started once, since the value is cached. */ private function buildRelationData() { $definition = DBStructure::definition($this->configCache->get('system', 'basepath')); foreach ($definition AS $table => $structure) { foreach ($structure['fields'] AS $field => $field_struct) { if (isset($field_struct['relation'])) { foreach ($field_struct['relation'] AS $rel_table => $rel_field) { $this->relation[$rel_table][$rel_field][$table][] = $field; } } } } } /** * @brief Delete a row from a table * * @param string $table Table name * @param array $conditions Field condition(s) * @param array $options * - cascade: If true we delete records in other tables that depend on the one we're deleting through * relations (default: true) * @param array $callstack Internal use: prevent endless loops * * @return boolean was the delete successful? * @throws \Exception */ public function delete($table, array $conditions, array $options = [], array &$callstack = []) { if (empty($table) || empty($conditions)) { $this->logger->info('Table and conditions have to be set'); return false; } $commands = []; // Create a key for the loop prevention $key = $table . ':' . json_encode($conditions); // We quit when this key already exists in the callstack. if (isset($callstack[$key])) { return $commands; } $callstack[$key] = true; $table = $this->sanitizeIdentifier($table); $commands[$key] = ['table' => $table, 'conditions' => $conditions]; // Don't use "defaults" here, since it would set "false" to "true" if (isset($options['cascade'])) { $cascade = $options['cascade']; } else { $cascade = true; } // To speed up the whole process we cache the table relations if ($cascade && count($this->relation) == 0) { $this->buildRelationData(); } // Is there a relation entry for the table? if ($cascade && isset($this->relation[$table])) { // We only allow a simple "one field" relation. $field = array_keys($this->relation[$table])[0]; $rel_def = array_values($this->relation[$table])[0]; // Create a key for preventing double queries $qkey = $field . '-' . $table . ':' . json_encode($conditions); // When the search field is the relation field, we don't need to fetch the rows // This is useful when the leading record is already deleted in the frontend but the rest is done in the backend if ((count($conditions) == 1) && ($field == array_keys($conditions)[0])) { foreach ($rel_def AS $rel_table => $rel_fields) { foreach ($rel_fields AS $rel_field) { $this->delete($rel_table, [$rel_field => array_values($conditions)[0]], $options, $callstack); } } // We quit when this key already exists in the callstack. } elseif (!isset($callstack[$qkey])) { $callstack[$qkey] = true; // Fetch all rows that are to be deleted $data = $this->select($table, [$field], $conditions); while ($row = $this->fetch($data)) { $this->delete($table, [$field => $row[$field]], $options, $callstack); } $this->close($data); // Since we had split the delete command we don't need the original command anymore unset($commands[$key]); } } // Now we finalize the process $do_transaction = !$this->in_transaction; if ($do_transaction) { $this->transaction(); } $compacted = []; $counter = []; foreach ($commands AS $command) { $conditions = $command['conditions']; reset($conditions); $first_key = key($conditions); $condition_string = DBA::buildCondition($conditions); if ((count($command['conditions']) > 1) || is_int($first_key)) { $sql = "DELETE FROM `" . $command['table'] . "`" . $condition_string; $this->logger->debug($this->replaceParameters($sql, $conditions)); if (!$this->e($sql, $conditions)) { if ($do_transaction) { $this->rollback(); } return false; } } else { $key_table = $command['table']; $key_condition = array_keys($command['conditions'])[0]; $value = array_values($command['conditions'])[0]; // Split the SQL queries in chunks of 100 values // We do the $i stuff here to make the code better readable $i = isset($counter[$key_table][$key_condition]) ? $counter[$key_table][$key_condition] : 0; if (isset($compacted[$key_table][$key_condition][$i]) && count($compacted[$key_table][$key_condition][$i]) > 100) { ++$i; } $compacted[$key_table][$key_condition][$i][$value] = $value; $counter[$key_table][$key_condition] = $i; } } foreach ($compacted AS $table => $values) { foreach ($values AS $field => $field_value_list) { foreach ($field_value_list AS $field_values) { $sql = "DELETE FROM `" . $table . "` WHERE `" . $field . "` IN (" . substr(str_repeat("?, ", count($field_values)), 0, -2) . ");"; $this->logger->debug($this->replaceParameters($sql, $field_values)); if (!$this->e($sql, $field_values)) { if ($do_transaction) { $this->rollback(); } return false; } } } } if ($do_transaction) { $this->commit(); } return true; } /** * @brief Updates rows * * Updates rows in the database. When $old_fields is set to an array, * the system will only do an update if the fields in that array changed. * * Attention: * Only the values in $old_fields are compared. * This is an intentional behaviour. * * Example: * We include the timestamp field in $fields but not in $old_fields. * Then the row will only get the new timestamp when the other fields had changed. * * When $old_fields is set to a boolean value the system will do this compare itself. * When $old_fields is set to "true" the system will do an insert if the row doesn't exists. * * Attention: * Only set $old_fields to a boolean value when you are sure that you will update a single row. * When you set $old_fields to "true" then $fields must contain all relevant fields! * * @param string $table Table name * @param array $fields contains the fields that are updated * @param array $condition condition array with the key values * @param array|boolean $old_fields array with the old field values that are about to be replaced (true = update on duplicate) * * @return boolean was the update successfull? * @throws \Exception */ public function update($table, $fields, $condition, $old_fields = []) { if (empty($table) || empty($fields) || empty($condition)) { $this->logger->info('Table, fields and condition have to be set'); return false; } $condition_string = DBA::buildCondition($condition); if (is_bool($old_fields)) { $do_insert = $old_fields; $old_fields = $this->selectFirst($table, [], $condition); if (is_bool($old_fields)) { if ($do_insert) { $values = array_merge($condition, $fields); return $this->insert($table, $values, $do_insert); } $old_fields = []; } } $do_update = (count($old_fields) == 0); foreach ($old_fields AS $fieldname => $content) { if (isset($fields[$fieldname])) { if (($fields[$fieldname] == $content) && !is_null($content)) { unset($fields[$fieldname]); } else { $do_update = true; } } } if (!$do_update || (count($fields) == 0)) { return true; } $sql = "UPDATE " . $this->formatTableName($table) . " SET `" . implode("` = ?, `", array_keys($fields)) . "` = ?" . $condition_string; $params1 = array_values($fields); $params2 = array_values($condition); $params = array_merge_recursive($params1, $params2); return $this->e($sql, $params); } /** * Retrieve a single record from a table and returns it in an associative array * * @brief Retrieve a single record from a table * * @param string $table * @param array $fields * @param array $condition * @param array $params * * @return bool|array * @throws \Exception * @see $this->select */ public function selectFirst($table, array $fields = [], array $condition = [], $params = []) { $params['limit'] = 1; $result = $this->select($table, $fields, $condition, $params); if (is_bool($result)) { return $result; } else { $row = $this->fetch($result); $this->close($result); return $row; } } /** * @brief Select rows from a table and fills an array with the data * * @param string $table Table name * @param array $fields Array of selected fields, empty for all * @param array $condition Array of fields for condition * @param array $params Array of several parameters * * @return array Data array * @throws \Exception * @see self::select */ public function selectToArray($table, array $fields = [], array $condition = [], array $params = []) { return $this->toArray($this->select($table, $fields, $condition, $params)); } /** * @brief Select rows from a table * * @param string $table Table name * @param array $fields Array of selected fields, empty for all * @param array $condition Array of fields for condition * @param array $params Array of several parameters * * @return boolean|object * * Example: * $table = "item"; * $fields = array("id", "uri", "uid", "network"); * * $condition = array("uid" => 1, "network" => 'dspr'); * or: * $condition = array("`uid` = ? AND `network` IN (?, ?)", 1, 'dfrn', 'dspr'); * * $params = array("order" => array("id", "received" => true), "limit" => 10); * * $data = DBA::select($table, $fields, $condition, $params); * @throws \Exception */ public function select($table, array $fields = [], array $condition = [], array $params = []) { if (empty($table)) { return false; } if (count($fields) > 0) { $select_fields = "`" . implode("`, `", array_values($fields)) . "`"; } else { $select_fields = "*"; } $condition_string = DBA::buildCondition($condition); $param_string = DBA::buildParameter($params); $sql = "SELECT " . $select_fields . " FROM " . $this->formatTableName($table) . $condition_string . $param_string; $result = $this->p($sql, $condition); return $result; } /** * @brief Counts the rows from a table satisfying the provided condition * * @param string $table Table name * @param array $condition array of fields for condition * * @return int * * Example: * $table = "item"; * * $condition = ["uid" => 1, "network" => 'dspr']; * or: * $condition = ["`uid` = ? AND `network` IN (?, ?)", 1, 'dfrn', 'dspr']; * * $count = DBA::count($table, $condition); * @throws \Exception */ public function count($table, array $condition = []) { if (empty($table)) { return false; } $condition_string = DBA::buildCondition($condition); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM " . $this->formatTableName($table) . $condition_string; $row = $this->fetchFirst($sql, $condition); return $row['count']; } /** * @brief Fills an array with data from a query * * @param object $stmt statement object * @param bool $do_close * * @return array Data array */ public function toArray($stmt, $do_close = true) { if (is_bool($stmt)) { return $stmt; } $data = []; while ($row = $this->fetch($stmt)) { $data[] = $row; } if ($do_close) { $this->close($stmt); } return $data; } /** * @brief Returns the error number of the last query * * @return string Error number (0 if no error) */ public function errorNo() { return $this->errorno; } /** * @brief Returns the error message of the last query * * @return string Error message ('' if no error) */ public function errorMessage() { return $this->error; } /** * @brief Closes the current statement * * @param object $stmt statement object * * @return boolean was the close successful? */ public function close($stmt) { $stamp1 = microtime(true); if (!is_object($stmt)) { return false; } switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': $ret = $stmt->closeCursor(); break; case 'mysqli': // MySQLi offers both a mysqli_stmt and a mysqli_result class. // We should be careful not to assume the object type of $stmt // because DBA::p() has been able to return both types. if ($stmt instanceof mysqli_stmt) { $stmt->free_result(); $ret = $stmt->close(); } elseif ($stmt instanceof mysqli_result) { $stmt->free(); $ret = true; } else { $ret = false; } break; } $this->profiler->saveTimestamp($stamp1, 'database', System::callstack()); return $ret; } /** * @brief Return a list of database processes * * @return array * 'list' => List of processes, separated in their different states * 'amount' => Number of concurrent database processes * @throws \Exception */ public function processlist() { $ret = $this->p("SHOW PROCESSLIST"); $data = $this->toArray($ret); $processes = 0; $states = []; foreach ($data as $process) { $state = trim($process["State"]); // Filter out all non blocking processes if (!in_array($state, ["", "init", "statistics", "updating"])) { ++$states[$state]; ++$processes; } } $statelist = ""; foreach ($states as $state => $usage) { if ($statelist != "") { $statelist .= ", "; } $statelist .= $state . ": " . $usage; } return (["list" => $statelist, "amount" => $processes]); } /** * Checks if $array is a filled array with at least one entry. * * @param mixed $array A filled array with at least one entry * * @return boolean Whether $array is a filled array or an object with rows */ public function isResult($array) { // It could be a return value from an update statement if (is_bool($array)) { return $array; } if (is_object($array)) { return $this->numRows($array) > 0; } return (is_array($array) && (count($array) > 0)); } /** * @brief Callback function for "esc_array" * * @param mixed $value Array value * @param string $key Array key * @param boolean $add_quotation add quotation marks for string values * * @return void */ private function escapeArrayCallback(&$value, $key, $add_quotation) { if (!$add_quotation) { if (is_bool($value)) { $value = ($value ? '1' : '0'); } else { $value = $this->escape($value); } return; } if (is_bool($value)) { $value = ($value ? 'true' : 'false'); } elseif (is_float($value) || is_integer($value)) { $value = (string)$value; } else { $value = "'" . $this->escape($value) . "'"; } } /** * @brief Escapes a whole array * * @param mixed $arr Array with values to be escaped * @param boolean $add_quotation add quotation marks for string values * * @return void */ public function escapeArray(&$arr, $add_quotation = false) { array_walk($arr, [$this, 'escapeArrayCallback'], $add_quotation); } }