<?php include_once("include/bbcode.php"); include_once("include/contact_selectors.php"); include_once("include/Scrape.php"); function notifications_post(&$a) { if(! local_user()) { goaway(z_root()); } $request_id = (($a->argc > 1) ? $a->argv[1] : 0); if($request_id === "all") return; if($request_id) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `intro` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($request_id), intval(local_user()) ); if(count($r)) { $intro_id = $r[0]['id']; $contact_id = $r[0]['contact-id']; } else { notice( t('Invalid request identifier.') . EOL); return; } // If it is a friend suggestion, the contact is not a new friend but an existing friend // that should not be deleted. $fid = $r[0]['fid']; if($_POST['submit'] == t('Discard')) { $r = q("DELETE FROM `intro` WHERE `id` = %d", intval($intro_id) ); if(! $fid) { // The check for blocked and pending is in case the friendship was already approved // and we just want to get rid of the now pointless notification $r = q("DELETE FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d AND `self` = 0 AND `blocked` = 1 AND `pending` = 1", intval($contact_id), intval(local_user()) ); } goaway('notifications/intros'); } if($_POST['submit'] == t('Ignore')) { $r = q("UPDATE `intro` SET `ignore` = 1 WHERE `id` = %d", intval($intro_id)); goaway('notifications/intros'); } } } function notifications_content(&$a) { if(! local_user()) { notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } nav_set_selected('notifications'); $json = (($a->argc > 1 && $a->argv[$a->argc - 1] === 'json') ? true : false); $o = ''; // get the nav tabs for the notification pages $tabs = notifications_tabs($a); $notif_content = array(); if( (($a->argc > 1) && ($a->argv[1] == 'intros')) || (($a->argc == 1))) { nav_set_selected('introductions'); if(($a->argc > 2) && ($a->argv[2] == 'all')) $sql_extra = ''; else $sql_extra = " AND `ignore` = 0 "; $notif_header = t('Notifications'); $notif_tpl = get_markup_template('notifications.tpl'); $notif_ignored_lnk .= '<a href="' . ((strlen($sql_extra)) ? 'notifications/intros/all' : 'notifications/intros' ) . '" id="notifications-show-hide-link" >' . ((strlen($sql_extra)) ? t('Show Ignored Requests') : t('Hide Ignored Requests')) . '</a></div>' . "\r\n"; $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `intro` WHERE `intro`.`uid` = %d $sql_extra AND `intro`.`blocked` = 0 ", intval($_SESSION['uid']) ); if($r && count($r)) { $a->set_pager_total($r[0]['total']); $a->set_pager_itemspage(20); } /// @todo Fetch contact details by "get_contact_details_by_url" instead of queries to contact, fcontact and gcontact $r = q("SELECT `intro`.`id` AS `intro_id`, `intro`.*, `contact`.*, `fcontact`.`name` AS `fname`,`fcontact`.`url` AS `furl`,`fcontact`.`photo` AS `fphoto`,`fcontact`.`request` AS `frequest`, `gcontact`.`location` AS `glocation`, `gcontact`.`about` AS `gabout`, `gcontact`.`keywords` AS `gkeywords`, `gcontact`.`gender` AS `ggender`, `gcontact`.`network` AS `gnetwork` FROM `intro` LEFT JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `intro`.`contact-id` LEFT JOIN `gcontact` ON `gcontact`.`nurl` = `contact`.`nurl` LEFT JOIN `fcontact` ON `intro`.`fid` = `fcontact`.`id` WHERE `intro`.`uid` = %d $sql_extra AND `intro`.`blocked` = 0 ", intval($_SESSION['uid'])); if(($r !== false) && (count($r))) { $sugg = get_markup_template('suggestions.tpl'); $tpl = get_markup_template("intros.tpl"); foreach($r as $rr) { if($rr['fid']) { $return_addr = bin2hex($a->user['nickname'] . '@' . $a->get_hostname() . (($a->path) ? '/' . $a->path : '')); $notif_content[] = replace_macros($sugg, array( '$str_notifytype' => t('Notification type: '), '$notify_type' => t('Friend Suggestion'), '$intro_id' => $rr['intro_id'], '$madeby' => sprintf( t('suggested by %s'),$rr['name']), '$contact_id' => $rr['contact-id'], '$photo' => ((x($rr,'fphoto')) ? proxy_url($rr['fphoto'], false, PROXY_SIZE_SMALL) : "images/person-175.jpg"), '$fullname' => $rr['fname'], '$url' => zrl($rr['furl']), '$hidden' => array('hidden', t('Hide this contact from others'), ($rr['hidden'] == 1), ''), '$activity' => array('activity', t('Post a new friend activity'), (intval(get_pconfig(local_user(),'system','post_newfriend')) ? '1' : 0), t('if applicable')), '$knowyou' => $knowyou, '$approve' => t('Approve'), '$note' => $rr['note'], '$request' => $rr['frequest'] . '?addr=' . $return_addr, '$ignore' => t('Ignore'), '$discard' => t('Discard'), )); continue; } $friend_selected = (($rr['network'] !== NETWORK_OSTATUS) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ' disabled '); $fan_selected = (($rr['network'] === NETWORK_OSTATUS) ? ' checked="checked" disabled ' : ''); $dfrn_tpl = get_markup_template('netfriend.tpl'); $knowyou = ''; $dfrn_text = ''; if($rr['network'] === NETWORK_DFRN || $rr['network'] === NETWORK_DIASPORA) { if($rr['network'] === NETWORK_DFRN) { $lbl_knowyou = t('Claims to be known to you: '); $knowyou = (($rr['knowyou']) ? t('yes') : t('no')); $helptext = t('Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? "Friend" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. "Fan/Admirer" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: '); } else { $knowyou = ''; $helptext = t('Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? "Friend" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. "Sharer" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: '); } $dfrn_text = replace_macros($dfrn_tpl,array( '$intro_id' => $rr['intro_id'], '$friend_selected' => $friend_selected, '$fan_selected' => $fan_selected, '$approve_as' => $helptext, '$as_friend' => t('Friend'), '$as_fan' => (($rr['network'] == NETWORK_DIASPORA) ? t('Sharer') : t('Fan/Admirer')) )); } $header = $rr["name"]; $ret = probe_url($rr["url"]); if ($rr['gnetwork'] == "") $rr['gnetwork'] = $ret["network"]; if ($ret["addr"] != "") $header .= " <".$ret["addr"].">"; $header .= " (".network_to_name($rr['gnetwork'], $rr['url']).")"; // Don't show these data until you are connected. Diaspora is doing the same. if($rr['gnetwork'] === NETWORK_DIASPORA) { $rr['glocation'] = ""; $rr['gabout'] = ""; $rr['ggender'] = ""; } $notif_content[] = replace_macros($tpl, array( '$header' => htmlentities($header), '$str_notifytype' => t('Notification type: '), '$notify_type' => (($rr['network'] !== NETWORK_OSTATUS) ? t('Friend/Connect Request') : t('New Follower')), '$dfrn_text' => $dfrn_text, '$dfrn_id' => $rr['issued-id'], '$uid' => $_SESSION['uid'], '$intro_id' => $rr['intro_id'], '$contact_id' => $rr['contact-id'], '$photo' => ((x($rr,'photo')) ? proxy_url($rr['photo'], false, PROXY_SIZE_SMALL) : "images/person-175.jpg"), '$fullname' => $rr['name'], '$location' => bbcode($rr['glocation'], false, false), '$location_label' => t('Location:'), '$about' => bbcode($rr['gabout'], false, false), '$about_label' => t('About:'), '$keywords' => $rr['gkeywords'], '$keywords_label' => t('Tags:'), '$gender' => $rr['ggender'], '$gender_label' => t('Gender:'), '$hidden' => array('hidden', t('Hide this contact from others'), ($rr['hidden'] == 1), ''), '$activity' => array('activity', t('Post a new friend activity'), (intval(get_pconfig(local_user(),'system','post_newfriend')) ? '1' : 0), t('if applicable')), '$url' => $rr['url'], '$zrl' => zrl($rr['url']), '$url_label' => t('Profile URL'), '$addr' => $rr['addr'], '$lbl_knowyou' => $lbl_knowyou, '$lbl_network' => t('Network:'), '$network' => network_to_name($rr['gnetwork'], $rr['url']), '$knowyou' => $knowyou, '$approve' => t('Approve'), '$note' => $rr['note'], '$ignore' => t('Ignore'), '$discard' => t('Discard'), )); } } else info( t('No introductions.') . EOL); } else if (($a->argc > 1) && ($a->argv[1] == 'network')) { $notif_header = t('Network Notifications'); $notif_tpl = get_markup_template('notifications.tpl'); $r = q("SELECT `item`.`id`,`item`.`parent`, `item`.`verb`, `item`.`author-name`, `item`.`author-link`, `item`.`author-avatar`, `item`.`created`, `item`.`object` as `object`, `pitem`.`author-name` as `pname`, `pitem`.`author-link` as `plink`, `pitem`.`guid` as `pguid` FROM `item` INNER JOIN `item` as `pitem` ON `pitem`.`id`=`item`.`parent` WHERE `item`.`unseen` = 1 AND `item`.`visible` = 1 AND `pitem`.`parent` != 0 AND `item`.`deleted` = 0 AND `item`.`uid` = %d AND `item`.`wall` = 0 ORDER BY `item`.`created` DESC" , intval(local_user()) ); // $tpl_item_likes = get_markup_template('notifications_likes_item.tpl'); // $tpl_item_dislikes = get_markup_template('notifications_dislikes_item.tpl'); // $tpl_item_friends = get_markup_template('notifications_friends_item.tpl'); // $tpl_item_comments = get_markup_template('notifications_comments_item.tpl'); // $tpl_item_posts = get_markup_template('notifications_posts_item.tpl'); if ($r) { $notifs = array( 'notifications' => $r, 'ident' => 'network', ); // foreach ($r as $it) { // switch($it['verb']){ // case ACTIVITY_LIKE: // $notif_content[] = replace_macros($tpl_item_likes,array( // //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'], // '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'], // '$item_image' => proxy_url($it['author-avatar'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO), // '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s liked %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname']), // '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created']) // )); // break; // // case ACTIVITY_DISLIKE: // $notif_content[] = replace_macros($tpl_item_dislikes,array( // //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'], // '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'], // '$item_image' => proxy_url($it['author-avatar'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO), // '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s disliked %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname']), // '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created']) // )); // break; // // case ACTIVITY_FRIEND: // // $xmlhead="<"."?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?".">"; // $obj = parse_xml_string($xmlhead.$it['object']); // $it['fname'] = $obj->title; // // $notif_content[] = replace_macros($tpl_item_friends,array( // //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'], // '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'], // '$item_image' => proxy_url($it['author-avatar'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO), // '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s is now friends with %s"), $it['author-name'], $it['fname']), // '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created']) // )); // break; // // default: // $item_text = (($it['id'] == $it['parent']) // ? sprintf( t("%s created a new post"), $it['author-name']) // : sprintf( t("%s commented on %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname'])); // $tpl = (($it['id'] == $it['parent']) ? $tpl_item_posts : $tpl_item_comments); // // $notif_content[] = replace_macros($tpl,array( // //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'], // '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'], // '$item_image' => proxy_url($it['author-avatar'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO), // '$item_text' => $item_text, // '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created']) // )); // } // } } else { $notif_nocontent = t('No more network notifications.'); } } else if (($a->argc > 1) && ($a->argv[1] == 'system')) { $notif_header = t('System Notifications'); $notif_tpl = get_markup_template('notifications.tpl'); $not_tpl = get_markup_template('notify.tpl'); require_once('include/bbcode.php'); $r = q("SELECT * from notify where uid = %d and seen = 0 order by date desc", intval(local_user()) ); if (count($r) > 0) { // foreach ($r as $it) { // $notif_content[] = replace_macros($not_tpl,array( // '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/notify/view/'. $it['id'], // '$item_image' => proxy_url($it['photo'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO), // '$item_text' => strip_tags(bbcode($it['msg'])), // '$item_when' => relative_date($it['date']) // )); // } $notifs = array( 'notifications' => $r, 'ident' => 'system', ); } else { $notif_nocontent = t('No more system notifications.'); } } else if (($a->argc > 1) && ($a->argv[1] == 'personal')) { $notif_header = t('Personal Notifications'); $notif_tpl = get_markup_template('notifications.tpl'); $myurl = $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/profile/'. $a->user['nickname']; $myurl = substr($myurl,strpos($myurl,'://')+3); $myurl = str_replace(array('www.','.'),array('','\\.'),$myurl); $diasp_url = str_replace('/profile/','/u/',$myurl); $sql_extra .= sprintf(" AND ( `item`.`author-link` regexp '%s' or `item`.`tag` regexp '%s' or `item`.`tag` regexp '%s' ) ", dbesc($myurl . '$'), dbesc($myurl . '\\]'), dbesc($diasp_url . '\\]') ); $r = q("SELECT `item`.`id`,`item`.`parent`, `item`.`verb`, `item`.`author-name`, `item`.`author-link`, `item`.`author-avatar`, `item`.`created`, `item`.`object` as `object`, `pitem`.`author-name` as `pname`, `pitem`.`author-link` as `plink`, `pitem`.`guid` as `pguid` FROM `item` INNER JOIN `item` as `pitem` ON `pitem`.`id`=`item`.`parent` WHERE `item`.`unseen` = 1 AND `item`.`visible` = 1 $sql_extra AND `item`.`deleted` = 0 AND `item`.`uid` = %d AND `item`.`wall` = 0 ORDER BY `item`.`created` DESC" , intval(local_user()) ); // $tpl_item_likes = get_markup_template('notifications_likes_item.tpl'); // $tpl_item_dislikes = get_markup_template('notifications_dislikes_item.tpl'); // $tpl_item_friends = get_markup_template('notifications_friends_item.tpl'); // $tpl_item_comments = get_markup_template('notifications_comments_item.tpl'); // $tpl_item_posts = get_markup_template('notifications_posts_item.tpl'); if (count($r) > 0) { $notifs =array( 'notifications' => $r, 'ident' => 'personal' ); // foreach ($r as $it) { // switch($it['verb']){ // case ACTIVITY_LIKE: // $notif_content[] = replace_macros($tpl_item_likes,array( // //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'], // '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'], // '$item_image' => $it['author-avatar'], // '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s liked %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname']), // '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created']) // )); // break; // // case ACTIVITY_DISLIKE: // $notif_content[] = replace_macros($tpl_item_dislikes,array( // //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'], // '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'], // '$item_image' => $it['author-avatar'], // '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s disliked %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname']), // '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created']) // )); // break; // // case ACTIVITY_FRIEND: // // $xmlhead="<"."?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?".">"; // $obj = parse_xml_string($xmlhead.$it['object']); // $it['fname'] = $obj->title; // // $notif_content[] = replace_macros($tpl_item_friends,array( // //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'], // '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'], // '$item_image' => $it['author-avatar'], // '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s is now friends with %s"), $it['author-name'], $it['fname']), // '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created']) // )); // break; // // default: // $item_text = (($it['id'] == $it['parent']) // ? sprintf( t("%s created a new post"), $it['author-name']) // : sprintf( t("%s commented on %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname'])); // $tpl = (($it['id'] == $it['parent']) ? $tpl_item_posts : $tpl_item_comments); // // $notif_content[] = replace_macros($tpl,array( // //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'], // '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'], // '$item_image' => $it['author-avatar'], // '$item_text' => $item_text, // '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created']) // )); // } // } } else { $notif_nocontent = t('No more personal notifications.'); } } else if (($a->argc > 1) && ($a->argv[1] == 'home')) { $notif_header = t('Home Notifications'); $notif_tpl = get_markup_template('notifications.tpl'); $r = q("SELECT `item`.`id`,`item`.`parent`, `item`.`verb`, `item`.`author-name`, `item`.`author-link`, `item`.`author-avatar`, `item`.`created`, `item`.`object` as `object`, `pitem`.`author-name` as `pname`, `pitem`.`author-link` as `plink`, `pitem`.`guid` as `pguid` FROM `item` INNER JOIN `item` as `pitem` ON `pitem`.`id`=`item`.`parent` WHERE `item`.`unseen` = 1 AND `item`.`visible` = 1 AND `item`.`deleted` = 0 AND `item`.`uid` = %d AND `item`.`wall` = 1 ORDER BY `item`.`created` DESC", intval(local_user()) ); // $tpl_item_likes = get_markup_template('notifications_likes_item.tpl'); // $tpl_item_dislikes = get_markup_template('notifications_dislikes_item.tpl'); // $tpl_item_friends = get_markup_template('notifications_friends_item.tpl'); // $tpl_item_comments = get_markup_template('notifications_comments_item.tpl'); if (count($r) > 0) { $notifs = array( 'notifications' => $r, 'ident' => 'home', ); // foreach ($r as $it) { // switch($it['verb']){ // case ACTIVITY_LIKE: // $notif_content[] = replace_macros($tpl_item_likes,array( // //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'], // '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'], // '$item_image' => $it['author-avatar'], // '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s liked %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname']), // '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created']) // )); // // break; // case ACTIVITY_DISLIKE: // $notif_content[] = replace_macros($tpl_item_dislikes,array( // //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'], // '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'], // '$item_image' => $it['author-avatar'], // '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s disliked %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname']), // '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created']) // )); // // break; // case ACTIVITY_FRIEND: // // $xmlhead="<"."?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?".">"; // $obj = parse_xml_string($xmlhead.$it['object']); // $it['fname'] = $obj->title; // // $notif_content[] = replace_macros($tpl_item_friends,array( // //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'], // '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'], // '$item_image' => $it['author-avatar'], // '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s is now friends with %s"), $it['author-name'], $it['fname']), // '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created']) // )); // // break; // default: // $notif_content[] = replace_macros($tpl_item_comments,array( // //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'], // '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'], // '$item_image' => $it['author-avatar'], // '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s commented on %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname']), // '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created']) // )); // } // } } else { $notif_nocontent = t('No more home notifications.'); } } if(count($notifs['notifications']) > 0 ) $notif_content = format_notifiations ($a, $notifs); $o .= replace_macros($notif_tpl, array( '$notif_header' => $notif_header, '$tabs' => $tabs, '$notif_content' => $notif_content, '$notif_nocontent' => $notif_nocontent, '$notif_ignored_lnk' => $notif_ignored_lnk, )); $o .= paginate($a); return $o; } /** * @brief List of pages for the Notifications TabBar * * @param app $a The * @return array with with notifications TabBar data */ function notifications_tabs($a) { $tabs = array( array( 'label' => t('System'), 'url'=>'notifications/system', 'sel'=> (($a->argv[1] == 'system') ? 'active' : ''), 'accesskey' => 'y', ), array( 'label' => t('Network'), 'url'=>'notifications/network', 'sel'=> (($a->argv[1] == 'network') ? 'active' : ''), 'accesskey' => 'w', ), array( 'label' => t('Personal'), 'url'=>'notifications/personal', 'sel'=> (($a->argv[1] == 'personal') ? 'active' : ''), 'accesskey' => 'r', ), array( 'label' => t('Home'), 'url' => 'notifications/home', 'sel'=> (($a->argv[1] == 'home') ? 'active' : ''), 'accesskey' => 'h', ), array( 'label' => t('Introductions'), 'url' => 'notifications/intros', 'sel'=> (($a->argv[1] == 'intros') ? 'active' : ''), 'accesskey' => 'i', ), /*array( 'label' => t('Messages'), 'url' => 'message', 'sel'=> '', ),*/ /*while I can have notifications for messages, this tablist is not place for message page link */ ); return $tabs; } function format_notifiations(&$a, $notifs) { $notif_content = array(); // The template files we need in different cases for formatting the content $tpl_item_likes = get_markup_template('notifications_likes_item.tpl'); $tpl_item_dislikes = get_markup_template('notifications_dislikes_item.tpl'); $tpl_item_friends = get_markup_template('notifications_friends_item.tpl'); $tpl_item_comments = get_markup_template('notifications_comments_item.tpl'); $tpl_item_posts = get_markup_template('notifications_posts_item.tpl'); $tpl_notify = get_markup_template('notify.tpl'); if (count($notifs['notifications']) > 0) { // switch ($notifs['ident']) { // case 'system': // $default_item_link = app::get_baseurl(true).'/notify/view/'. $it['id']; // $default_item_image = proxy_url($it['photo'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO); // $default_item_text = strip_tags(bbcode($it['msg'])); // $default_item_when = relative_date($it['date']); // $default_tpl = $tpl_notify; // break; // // case 'home': // $default_item_link = app::get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid']; // $default_item_image = proxy_url($it['author-avatar'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO); // $default_item_text = sprintf( t("%s commented on %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname']); // $default_item_when = relative_date($it['created']); // $default_tpl = $tpl_item_comments; // break; // // default: // $default_item_link = app::get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid']; // $default_item_image = proxy_url($it['author-avatar'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO); // $default_item_text = (($it['id'] == $it['parent']) // ? sprintf( t("%s created a new post"), $it['author-name']) // : sprintf( t("%s commented on %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname'])); // $default_item_when = relative_date($it['created']); // $default_tpl = (($it['id'] == $it['parent']) ? $tpl_item_posts : $tpl_item_comments); // // } foreach ($notifs['notifications'] as $it) { switch ($notifs['ident']) { case 'system': $default_item_link = app::get_baseurl(true).'notify/view/'. $it['id']; $default_item_image = proxy_url($it['photo'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO); $default_item_text = strip_tags(bbcode($it['msg'])); $default_item_when = relative_date($it['date']); $default_tpl = $tpl_notify; break; case 'home': $default_item_link = app::get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid']; $default_item_image = proxy_url($it['author-avatar'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO); $default_item_text = sprintf( t("%s commented on %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname']); $default_item_when = relative_date($it['created']); $default_tpl = $tpl_item_comments; break; default: $default_item_link = app::get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid']; $default_item_image = proxy_url($it['author-avatar'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO); $default_item_text = (($it['id'] == $it['parent']) ? sprintf( t("%s created a new post"), $it['author-name']) : sprintf( t("%s commented on %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname'])); $default_item_when = relative_date($it['created']); $default_tpl = (($it['id'] == $it['parent']) ? $tpl_item_posts : $tpl_item_comments); } switch($it['verb']){ case ACTIVITY_LIKE: $notif_content[] = replace_macros($tpl_item_likes,array( //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'], '$item_link' => app::get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'], '$item_image' => proxy_url($it['author-avatar'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO), '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s liked %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname']), '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created']) )); break; case ACTIVITY_DISLIKE: $notif_content[] = replace_macros($tpl_item_dislikes,array( //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'], '$item_link' => app::get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'], '$item_image' => proxy_url($it['author-avatar'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO), '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s disliked %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname']), '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created']) )); break; case ACTIVITY_FRIEND: $xmlhead="<"."?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?".">"; $obj = parse_xml_string($xmlhead.$it['object']); $it['fname'] = $obj->title; $notif_content[] = replace_macros($tpl_item_friends,array( //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'], '$item_link' => app::get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'], '$item_image' => proxy_url($it['author-avatar'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO), '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s is now friends with %s"), $it['author-name'], $it['fname']), '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created']) )); break; default: $notif_content[] = replace_macros($default_tpl,array( //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'], '$item_link' => $default_item_link, '$item_image' => $default_item_image, '$item_text' => $default_item_text, '$item_when' => $default_item_when )); } } } return $notif_content; }