/** * @file view/theme/frio/js/mod_events.js * @brief Initialization of the fullCalendar and format the output. */ $(document).ready(function() { // start the fullCalendar $('#events-calendar').fullCalendar({ firstDay: aStr.firstDay, monthNames: aStr['monthNames'], monthNamesShort: aStr['monthNamesShort'], dayNames: aStr['dayNames'], dayNamesShort: aStr['dayNamesShort'], allDayText: aStr.allday, noEventsMessage: aStr.noevent, buttonText: { today: aStr.today, month: aStr.month, week: aStr.week, day: aStr.day }, events: baseurl + moduleUrl + '/json/', header: { left: '', // center: 'title', right: '' }, timeFormat: 'H:mm', eventClick: function(calEvent, jsEvent, view) { showEvent(calEvent.id); }, loading: function(isLoading, view) { if(!isLoading) { $('td.fc-day').dblclick(function() { addToModal('/events/new?start='+$(this).data('date')); }); } }, defaultView: 'month', aspectRatio: 1, eventRender: function(event, element, view) { //console.log(view.name); switch(view.name){ case "month": element.find(".fc-title").html( "<span class='item-desc'>{2}</span>".format( event.item['author-avatar'], event.item['author-name'], event.title, event.item.desc, event.item.location )); break; case "agendaWeek": if (event.item['author-name'] == null) return; element.find(".fc-title").html( "<img src='{0}' style='height:12px; width:12px'>{1}<p>{2}</p><p>{3}</p>".format( event.item['author-avatar'], event.item['author-name'], event.item.desc, htmlToText(event.item.location) )); break; case "agendaDay": if (event.item['author-name'] == null) return; element.find(".fc-title").html( "<img src='{0}' style='height:24px;width:24px'>{1}<p>{2}</p><p>{3}</p>".format( event.item['author-avatar'], event.item['author-name'], event.item.desc, htmlToText(event.item.location) )); break; case "listMonth": element.find(".fc-list-item-title").html(formatListViewEvent(event)); break; } }, eventAfterRender: function (event, element) { $(element).popover({ content: eventHoverHtmlContent(event), container: "body", html: true, trigger: "hover", placement: "auto", template: '<div class="popover hovercard event-card"><div class="arrow"></div><div class="popover-content hovercard-content"></div></div>', }); } }) // center on date var args=location.href.replace(baseurl,"").split("/"); if (modparams == 2) { if (args.length>=5) { $("#events-calendar").fullCalendar('gotoDate',args[3] , args[4]-1); } } else { if (args.length>=4) { $("#events-calendar").fullCalendar('gotoDate',args[2] , args[3]-1); } } // echo the title var view = $('#events-calendar').fullCalendar('getView'); $('#fc-title').text(view.title); // show event popup var hash = location.hash.split("-") if (hash.length==2 && hash[0]=="#link") showEvent(hash[1]); }); // loads the event into a modal function showEvent(eventid) { addToModal(baseurl + moduleUrl + '/?id=' + eventid); } function changeView(action, viewName) { $('#events-calendar').fullCalendar(action, viewName); var view = $('#events-calendar').fullCalendar('getView'); $('#fc-title').text(view.title); } // The template for the bootstrap popover for displaying the event title and // author (it's the nearly the same template we use in frio for the contact // hover cards. So be careful when changing the css) function eventHoverBodyTemplate() { var template = '\ <div class="event-card-basic-content media">\ <div class="event-card-details">\ <div class="event-card-header">\ <div class="event-card-left-date">\ <span class="event-date-wrapper medium">\ <span class="event-card-short-month">{5}</span>\ <span class="event-card-short-date">{6}</span>\ </span>\ </div>\ <div class="event-card-content media-body">\ <div class="event-card-title">{2}</div>\ <div class="event-property"><span class="event-card-date">{4}</span>{3}\ {1}\ </div>\ </div>\ <div class="clearfix"></div>\ </div>\ </div>'; return template; } // The template for presenting the event location in the event hover-card function eventHoverLocationTemplate() { var template = '<span role="presentation" aria-hidden="true"> ยท </span>\ <span class="event-card-location"> {0}</span></div>'; return template; } function eventHoverProfileNameTemplate() { var template = '\ <div class="event-card-profile-name profile-entry-name">\ <a href="{0}" class="userinfo">{1}</a>\ </div>'; return template; } // transform the event data to html so we can use it in the event hover-card function eventHoverHtmlContent(event) { var eventLocation = ''; var eventProfileName = ''; // Get the Browser language var locale = window.navigator.userLanguage || window.navigator.language; var data = ''; // Use the browser language for date formatting moment.locale(locale); // format dates to different styles var startDate = moment(event.item.start).format('dd HH:mm'); var endDate = moment(event.item.finsih).format('dd HH:mm'); var monthShort = moment(event.item.start).format('MMM'); var dayNumberStart = moment(event.item.start).format('DD'); var dayNumberEnd = moment(event.item.finish).format('DD'); var startTime = moment(event.item.start).format('HH:mm'); var endTime = moment(event.item.finish).format('HH:mm'); var monthNumber; var formattedDate = startDate; // We only need the to format the end date if the event does have // a finish date. if (event.item.nofinish == 0) { formattedDate = startDate + ' - ' + endTime; // use a different Format (15. Feb - 18. Feb) if the events end date // is not the start date if ( dayNumberStart != dayNumberEnd) { formattedDate = moment(event.item.start).format('Do MMM') + ' - ' + moment(event.item.finish).format('Do MMM'); } } // Get the html template data = eventHoverBodyTemplate(); // Get only template data if there exists location data if (event.item.location) { var eventLocationText = htmlToText(event.item.location); // Get the the html template for formatting the location var eventLocationTemplate = eventHoverLocationTemplate(); // Format the event location data according to the the event location // template eventLocation = eventLocationTemplate.format( eventLocationText ); } // Get only template data if there exists a profile name if (event.item['author-name']) { // Get the template var eventProfileNameTemplate = eventHoverProfileNameTemplate(); // Insert the data into the template eventProfileName = eventProfileNameTemplate.format( event.item['author-link'], event.item['author-name'] ); } // Format the event data according to the event hover template var formatted = data.format( event.item['author-avatar'], // this isn't used at the present time eventProfileName, event.title, eventLocation, formattedDate, monthShort.replace('.', ''), // Get rid of possible dots in the string dayNumberStart ); return formatted; } // transform the the list view event element into formatted html function formatListViewEvent(event) { // The basic template for list view var template = '<td class="fc-list-item-title fc-widget-content">\ <hr class="seperator"></hr>\ <div class="event-card">\ <div class="popover-content hovercard-content">{0}</div>\ </div>\ </td>'; // Use the formation of the event hover and insert it in the base list view template var formatted = template.format(eventHoverHtmlContent(event)); return formatted; }