<?php if(! function_exists('dfrn_request_init')) { function dfrn_request_init(&$a) { if($_SESSION['authenticated']) { // choose which page to show (could be remote auth) } if($a->argc > 1) $which = $a->argv[1]; require_once('mod/profile.php'); profile_init($a,$which); return; }} if(! function_exists('dfrn_request_post')) { function dfrn_request_post(&$a) { if(($a->argc != 2) || (! count($a->profile))) return; if($_POST['cancel']) { goaway($a->get_baseurl()); } // callback to local site after remote request and local confirm if((x($_POST,'localconfirm')) && ($_POST['localconfirm'] == 1) && local_user() && ($_SESSION['uid'] == $a->argv[1]) && (x($_POST,'dfrn_url'))) { // We are the requestor, and we've been sent back to our own site // to confirm the request. We've done so and clicked submit, // which brings us here. $dfrn_url = notags(trim($_POST['dfrn_url'])); $aes_allow = (((x($_POST,'aes_allow')) && ($_POST['aes_allow'] == 1)) ? 1 : 0); $confirm_key = ((x($_POST,'confirm_key')) ? $_POST['confirm_key'] : ""); $contact_record = null; if(x($dfrn_url)) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `url` = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval($_SESSION['uid']), dbesc($dfrn_url) ); if(count($r)) { if(strlen($r[0]['dfrn-id'])) { notice("This introduction has already been accepted." . EOL ); return; } else $contact_record = $r[0]; } if(is_array($contact_record)) { $r = q("UPDATE `contact` SET `ret-aes` = %d WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($aes_allow), intval($contact_record['id']) ); } else { require_once('Scrape.php'); $parms = scrape_dfrn($dfrn_url); if(! count($parms)) { notice( 'Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information.' . EOL ); return; } else { if(! x($parms,'fn')) notice( 'Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name.' . EOL ); if(! x($parms,'photo')) notice( 'Warning: profile location has no profile photo.' . EOL ); $invalid = validate_dfrn($parms); if($invalid) { notice( $invalid . ' required parameter' . (($invalid == 1) ? " was " : "s were " ) . "not found at the given location." . EOL ) ; return; } } $dfrn_request = $parms['dfrn-request']; dbesc_array($parms); $r = q("INSERT INTO `contact` ( `uid`, `created`,`url`, `name`, `photo`, `site-pubkey`, `request`, `confirm`, `notify`, `poll`, `aes_allow`) VALUES ( %d, '%s', '%s', '%s' , '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d)", intval($_SESSION['uid']), datetime_convert(), dbesc($dfrn_url), $parms['fn'], $parms['photo'], $parms['key'], $parms['dfrn-request'], $parms['dfrn-confirm'], $parms['dfrn-notify'], $parms['dfrn-poll'], intval($aes_allow) ); } if($r) { notice( "Introduction complete." . EOL); } // Allow the blocked remote notification to complete if(is_array($contact_record)) $dfrn_request = $contact_record['request']; if(strlen($dfrn_request) && strlen($confirm_key)) $s = fetch_url($dfrn_request . '?confirm_key=' . $confirm_key); // ignore reply goaway($dfrn_url); // NOTREACHED } // invalid DFRN-url notice( "Unrecoverable protocol error." . EOL ); goaway($a->get_baseurl()); } // we are operating as a remote site and an introduction was requested of us. // Scrape the originating DFRN-URL for everything we need. Create a contact record // and an introduction to show our user next time he/she logs in. // Finally redirect back to the originator so that their site can record the request. // If our user confirms the request, a record of it will need to exist on the // originator's site in order for the confirmation process to complete.. $tailname = $a->profile['nickname']; $uid = $a->profile['uid']; $contact_record = null; $failed = false; $parms = null; if( x($_POST,'dfrn_url')) { $url = trim($_POST['dfrn_url']); if(! strlen($url)) { notice( "Invalid URL" . EOL ); return; } if(strstr($url,'@')) { $username = substr($url,0,strpos($url,'@')); $hostname = substr($url,strpos($url,'@') + 1); require_once('Scrape.php'); $parms = scrape_meta('https://' . $url); if((x($parms,'dfrn-template')) && strstr($parms['dfrn-template'],'%s')) { $url = sprintf($parms['dfrn-template'],$username); } else { $parms = scrape_meta('http://' . $url); if((x($parms,'dfrn-template')) && strstr($parms['dfrn-template'],'%s')) { $url = sprintf($parms['dfrn-template'],$username); } else { $url = ''; } } } if(! strlen($url)) { notice("Unable to resolve your name at the provided location." . EOL); return; } $ret = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `url` = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval($uid), dbesc($url) ); if(count($ret)) { if(strlen($ret[0]['issued-id'])) { notice( 'You have already introduced yourself here.' . EOL ); return; } else { $contact_record = $ret[0]; $parms = array('dfrn-request' => $ret[0]['request']); } } $issued_id = random_string(); if(is_array($contact_record)) { // There is a contact record but no issued-id, so this // is a reciprocal introduction from a known contact $r = q("UPDATE `contact` SET `issued-id` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($issued_id), intval($contact_record['id']) ); } else { require_once('Scrape.php'); $parms = scrape_dfrn($url); if(! count($parms)) { notice( 'Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information.' . EOL ); killme(); } else { if(! x($parms,'fn')) notice( 'Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name.' . EOL ); if(! x($parms,'photo')) notice( 'Warning: profile location has no profile photo.' . EOL ); $invalid = validate_dfrn($parms); if($invalid) { notice( $invalid . ' required parameter' . (($invalid == 1) ? " was " : "s were " ) . "not found at the given location." . EOL ) ; return; } } $parms['url'] = $url; $parms['issued-id'] = $issued_id; dbesc_array($parms); $r = q("INSERT INTO `contact` ( `uid`, `created`, `url`, `name`, `issued-id`, `photo`, `site-pubkey`, `request`, `confirm`, `notify`, `poll` ) VALUES ( %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' )", intval($uid), datetime_convert(), $parms['url'], $parms['fn'], $parms['issued-id'], $parms['photo'], $parms['key'], $parms['dfrn-request'], $parms['dfrn-confirm'], $parms['dfrn-notify'], $parms['dfrn-poll'] ); // find the contact record we just created if($r) { $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = '%s' AND `url` = '%s' AND `issued-id` = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval($uid), $parms['url'], $parms['issued-id'] ); if(count($r)) $contact_record = $r[0]; } } if($r === false) { notice( 'Failed to update contact record.' . EOL ); return; } $hash = random_string() . (string) time(); // Generate a confirm_key if(is_array($contact_record)) { $ret = q("INSERT INTO `intro` ( `uid`, `contact-id`, `blocked`, `knowyou`, `note`, `hash`, `datetime`) VALUES ( %d, %d, 1, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s' )", intval($uid), intval($contact_record['id']), ((x($_POST,'knowyou') && ($_POST['knowyou'] == 1)) ? 1 : 0), dbesc(trim($_POST['dfrn-request-message'])), dbesc($hash), dbesc(datetime_convert()) ); } // TODO: send an email notification if our user wants one if(! $failed) notice( "Your introduction has been sent." . EOL ); // "Homecoming" - send the requestor back to their site to record the introduction. $dfrn_url = bin2hex($a->get_baseurl() . "/profile/$tailname"); $aes_allow = ((function_exists('openssl_encrypt')) ? 1 : 0); goaway($parms['dfrn-request'] . "?dfrn_url=$dfrn_url" . '&confirm_key=' . $hash . (($aes_allow) ? "&aes_allow=1" : "")); // NOTREACHED } return; }} if(! function_exists('dfrn_request_content')) { function dfrn_request_content(&$a) { if(($a->argc != 2) || (! count($a->profile))) return ""; $a->page['template'] = 'profile'; // "Homecoming". Make sure we're logged in to this site as the correct user. Then offer a confirm button // to send us to the post section to record the introduction. if(x($_GET,'dfrn_url')) { if(! local_user()) { notice( "Please login to confirm introduction." . EOL ); return login(); } // Edge case, but can easily happen in the wild. This person is authenticated, // but not as the person who needs to deal with this request. if (($_SESSION['uid'] != $a->argv[1]) && ($a->user['nickname'] != $a->argv[1])) { notice( "Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to <strong>this</strong> profile." . EOL); return login(); } $dfrn_url = notags(trim(pack("H*" , $_GET['dfrn_url']))); $aes_allow = (((x($_GET,'aes_allow')) && ($_GET['aes_allow'] == 1)) ? 1 : 0); $confirm_key = (x($_GET,'confirm_key') ? $_GET['confirm_key'] : ""); $o .= file_get_contents("view/dfrn_req_confirm.tpl"); $o = replace_macros($o,array( '$dfrn_url' => $dfrn_url, '$aes_allow' => (($aes_allow) ? '<input type="hidden" name="aes_allow" value="1" />' : "" ), '$confirm_key' => $confirm_key, '$username' => $a->user['username'], '$uid' => $_SESSION['uid'], 'dfrn_rawurl' => $_GET['dfrn_url'] )); return $o; } else { // we are the requestee and it is now safe to send our user their introduction if((x($_GET,'confirm_key')) && strlen($_GET['confirm_key'])) { $r = q("UPDATE `intro` SET `blocked` = 0 WHERE `hash` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($_GET['confirm_key']) ); killme(); } // Outside request. Display our user's introduction form. $o = file_get_contents("view/dfrn_request.tpl"); $o = replace_macros($o,array('$uid' => $a->profile['uid'])); return $o; } }}