get_baseurl($ssl); } /** * @brief Removes the baseurl from an url. This avoids some mixed content problems. * * @param string $orig_url The url to be cleaned * * @return string The cleaned url */ public static function removedBaseUrl($orig_url) { return self::getApp()->remove_baseurl($orig_url); } /** * @brief Returns a string with a callstack. Can be used for logging. * @param integer $depth optional, default 4 * @return string */ public static function callstack($depth = 4) { $trace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); // We remove the first two items from the list since they contain data that we don't need. array_shift($trace); array_shift($trace); $callstack = []; $counter = 0; $previous = ['class' => '', 'function' => '']; // The ignore list contains all functions that are only wrapper functions $ignore = ['fetchUrl', 'call_user_func_array']; while ($func = array_pop($trace)) { if (!empty($func['class'])) { // Don't show multiple calls from the "dba" class to show the essential parts of the callstack if ((($previous['class'] != $func['class']) || ($func['class'] != 'dba')) && ($previous['function'] != 'q')) { $classparts = explode("\\", $func['class']); $callstack[] = array_pop($classparts).'::'.$func['function']; $previous = $func; } } elseif (!in_array($func['function'], $ignore)) { $callstack[] = $func['function']; $func['class'] = ''; $previous = $func; } } $callstack2 = []; while ((count($callstack2) < $depth) && (count($callstack) > 0)) { $callstack2[] = array_pop($callstack); } return implode(', ', $callstack2); } /** * @brief Called from db initialisation when db is dead. */ static public function unavailable() { echo <<< EOT System Unavailable Apologies but this site is unavailable at the moment. Please try again later. EOT; killme(); } /** * Generic XML return * Outputs a basic dfrn XML status structure to STDOUT, with a variable * of $st and an optional text of $message and terminates the current process. */ public static function xmlExit($st, $message = '') { $result = ['status' => $st]; if ($message != '') { $result['message'] = $message; } if ($st) { logger('xml_status returning non_zero: ' . $st . " message=" . $message); } header("Content-type: text/xml"); $xmldata = ["result" => $result]; echo XML::fromArray($xmldata, $xml); killme(); } /** * @brief Send HTTP status header and exit. * * @param integer $val HTTP status result value * @param array $description optional message * 'title' => header title * 'description' => optional message */ public static function httpExit($val, $description = []) { $err = ''; if ($val >= 400) { $err = 'Error'; if (!isset($description["title"])) { $description["title"] = $err." ".$val; } } if ($val >= 200 && $val < 300) { $err = 'OK'; } logger('http_status_exit ' . $val); header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . ' ' . $val . ' ' . $err); if (isset($description["title"])) { $tpl = get_markup_template('http_status.tpl'); echo replace_macros($tpl, ['$title' => $description["title"], '$description' => defaults($description, 'description', '')]); } killme(); } /** * @brief Encodes content to json. * * This function encodes an array to json format * and adds an application/json HTTP header to the output. * After finishing the process is getting killed. * * @param array $x The input content. * @param string $content_type Type of the input (Default: 'application/json'). */ public static function jsonExit($x, $content_type = 'application/json') { header("Content-type: $content_type"); echo json_encode($x); killme(); } /** * Generates a GUID with the given parameters * * @param int $size The size of the GUID (default is 16) * @param bool|string $prefix A given prefix (default is empty) * @return string a generated GUID */ public static function createGUID($size = 16, $prefix = '') { if (is_bool($prefix) && !$prefix) { $prefix = ''; } elseif (!isset($prefix)) { $prefix = hash('crc32', self::getApp()->get_hostname()); } while (strlen($prefix) < ($size - 13)) { $prefix .= mt_rand(); } if ($size >= 24) { $prefix = substr($prefix, 0, $size - 22); return str_replace('.', '', uniqid($prefix, true)); } else { $prefix = substr($prefix, 0, max($size - 13, 0)); return uniqid($prefix); } } /// @todo Move the following functions from boot.php /* function killme() function goaway($s) function local_user() function public_contact() function remote_user() function notice($s) function info($s) function is_site_admin() function random_digits($digits) function get_server() function get_temppath() function get_cachefile($file, $writemode = true) function get_itemcachepath() function get_spoolpath() function current_load() */ }