get('system', 'poco_completion')) { return; } Logger::info('Update global contacts'); $starttime = time(); $contacts = DBA::p("SELECT `url`, `created`, `updated`, `last_failure`, `last_contact`, `server_url`, `network` FROM `gcontact` WHERE `last_contact` < UTC_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL 1 MONTH AND `last_failure` < UTC_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL 1 MONTH AND `network` IN (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, '') ORDER BY rand()", Protocol::ACTIVITYPUB, Protocol::DFRN, Protocol::DIASPORA, Protocol::OSTATUS, Protocol::FEED); $checked = 0; while ($contact = DBA::fetch($contacts)) { $urlparts = parse_url($contact['url']); if (empty($urlparts['scheme'])) { DBA::update('gcontact', ['network' => Protocol::PHANTOM], ['nurl' => Strings::normaliseLink($contact['url'])]); continue; } if (in_array($urlparts['host'], ['', ''])) { $networks = ['' => Protocol::TWITTER, '' => Protocol::PUMPIO]; DBA::update('gcontact', ['network' => $networks[$urlparts['host']]], ['nurl' => Strings::normaliseLink($contact['url'])]); continue; } $server_url = GContact::getBasepath($contact['url'], true); $force_update = false; if (!empty($contact['server_url'])) { $force_update = (Strings::normaliseLink($contact['server_url']) != Strings::normaliseLink($server_url)); $server_url = $contact['server_url']; } if ((empty($server_url) && ($contact['network'] == Protocol::FEED)) || $force_update || GServer::check($server_url, $contact['network'])) { Logger::info('Check profile', ['profile' => $contact['url']]); Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, 'UpdateGContact', $contact['url'], 'force'); if (++$checked > 100) { return; } } else { DBA::update('gcontact', ['last_failure' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow()], ['nurl' => Strings::normaliseLink($contact['url'])]); } // Quit the loop after 3 minutes if (time() > ($starttime + 180)) { return; } } } }