From 0719f6436b9b9240ec3377e5a853b19f4c9599f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Steffen K9 <>
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2019 11:02:11 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fix parenthesis encoding in admin.php

Parenthesis in admin, site, worker, frontend worker have wrong encoding.
 mod/admin.php | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/mod/admin.php b/mod/admin.php
index a067b516ff..22bb66265b 100644
--- a/mod/admin.php
+++ b/mod/admin.php
@@ -1633,7 +1633,7 @@ function admin_page_site(App $a)
 		'$worker_queues'          => ['worker_queues', L10n::t("Maximum number of parallel workers"), Config::get('system', 'worker_queues'), L10n::t("On shared hosters set this to %d. On larger systems, values of %d are great. Default value is %d.", 5, 20, 10)],
 		'$worker_dont_fork'       => ['worker_dont_fork', L10n::t("Don't use 'proc_open' with the worker"), Config::get('system', 'worker_dont_fork'), L10n::t("Enable this if your system doesn't allow the use of 'proc_open'. This can happen on shared hosters. If this is enabled you should increase the frequency of worker calls in your crontab.")],
 		'$worker_fastlane'        => ['worker_fastlane', L10n::t("Enable fastlane"), Config::get('system', 'worker_fastlane'), L10n::t("When enabed, the fastlane mechanism starts an additional worker if processes with higher priority are blocked by processes of lower priority.")],
-		'$worker_frontend'        => ['worker_frontend', L10n::t('Enable frontend worker'), Config::get('system', 'frontend_worker'), L10n::t('When enabled the Worker process is triggered when backend access is performed \x28e.g. messages being delivered\x29. On smaller sites you might want to call %s/worker on a regular basis via an external cron job. You should only enable this option if you cannot utilize cron/scheduled jobs on your server.', System::baseUrl())],
+		'$worker_frontend'        => ['worker_frontend', L10n::t('Enable frontend worker'), Config::get('system', 'frontend_worker'), L10n::t("When enabled the Worker process is triggered when backend access is performed \x28e.g. messages being delivered\x29. On smaller sites you might want to call %s/worker on a regular basis via an external cron job. You should only enable this option if you cannot utilize cron/scheduled jobs on your server.", System::baseUrl())],
 		'$relay_subscribe'        => ['relay_subscribe', L10n::t("Subscribe to relay"), Config::get('system', 'relay_subscribe'), L10n::t("Enables the receiving of public posts from the relay. They will be included in the search, subscribed tags and on the global community page.")],
 		'$relay_server'           => ['relay_server', L10n::t("Relay server"), Config::get('system', 'relay_server', ''), L10n::t("Address of the relay server where public posts should be send to. For example")],