From 1b0f260255a814905d3dcfc873028435b18f5c6d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2019 20:41:19 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Convert filebrowser.js to unix format

 view/theme/frio/js/filebrowser.js | 510 +++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 255 insertions(+), 255 deletions(-)

diff --git a/view/theme/frio/js/filebrowser.js b/view/theme/frio/js/filebrowser.js
index 16d60b61d1..c036d18175 100644
--- a/view/theme/frio/js/filebrowser.js
+++ b/view/theme/frio/js/filebrowser.js
@@ -1,255 +1,255 @@
- * Filebrowser - Friendica Communications Server
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2010-2015 the Friendica Project
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This code handle user interaction for image/file upload/browser dialog.
- * Is loaded from filebrowser_plain.tpl
- *
- * To load filebrowser in colorbox, call
- *
- *      Dialog.doImageBrowser(eventname, id);
- *
- * or
- *
- *      Dialog.doFileBrowser(eventname, id);
- *
- * where:
- *
- * 		eventname: event name to catch return value
- * 		id: id returned to event handler
- *
- * When user select an item, an event in fired in parent page, on body element
- * The event is named
- *
- * 		fbrowser.<type>.[<eventname>]
- *
- * <type> will be one of "image" or "file", and the event handler will
- * get the following params:
- *
- * 		filemane: filename of item choosed by user
- * 		embed: bbcode to embed element into posts
- * 		id: id from caller code
- *
- * example:
- *
- * 		// open dialog for select an image for a textarea with id "myeditor"
- * 		var id="myeditor";
- * 		Dialog.doImageBrowser("example", id);
- *
- *		// setup event handler to get user selection
- *		$("body").on("fbrowser.image.example", function(event, filename, bbcode, id) {
- *			// close colorbox
- *			$.colorbox.close();
- *			// replace textxarea text with bbcode
- *			$(id).value = bbcode;
- *		});
- **/
- *
- *  This is a modified version to work with
- *  the frio theme.and bootstrap modals
- *
- *  The origninal file is under:
- *  js/filebrowser.js
- *
- */
-var FileBrowser = {
-	nickname : "",
-	type : "",
-	event: "",
-	folder: "",
-	id : null,
-	init: function(nickname, type, hash) {
-		FileBrowser.nickname = nickname;
-		FileBrowser.type = type;
-		FileBrowser.event = "fbrowser."+type;
-		if (hash!=="") {
-			var h = hash.replace("#","");
-			var destination = h.split("-")[0];
- = h.split("-")[1];
-			FileBrowser.event = FileBrowser.event + "." + destination;
-			if (destination === "comment") {
-				// Get the comment textimput field
-				var commentElm = document.getElementById("comment-edit-text-" +;
-			}
-		};
-		console.log("FileBrowser: " + nickname,  type, FileBrowser.event,;
-		FileBrowser.postLoad();
-		$(".error .close").on("click", function(e) {
-			e.preventDefault();
-			$(".error").addClass("hidden");
-		});
-		// Click on album link
-		$(".fbrowser").on("click", ".folders a, .path a", function(e) {
-			e.preventDefault();
-			var url = baseurl + "/fbrowser/" + FileBrowser.type + "/" + this.dataset.folder + "?mode=none&theme=frio";
-			FileBrowser.folder = this.dataset.folder;
-			FileBrowser.loadContent(url);
-		});
-		//Embed on click
-		$(".fbrowser").on('click', ".photo-album-photo-link", function(e) {
-			e.preventDefault();
-			var embed = "";
-			if (FileBrowser.type === "image") {
-				embed = "[url=" + + "][img]" + this.dataset.img + "[/img][/url]";
-			}
-			if (FileBrowser.type === "file") {
-				// attachment links are "baseurl/attach/id"; we need id
-				embed = "[attachment]" +"/").pop() + "[/attachment]";
-			}
-			// Delete prefilled Text of the comment input
-			// Note: not the best solution but function commentOpenUI don't
-			// work as expected (we need a way to wait until commentOpenUI would be finished).
-			// As for now we insert pieces of this function here
-			if ((commentElm !== null) && (typeof commentElm !== "undefined")) {
-				if (commentElm.value === "") {
-					$("#comment-edit-text-" +"comment-edit-text-full").removeClass("comment-edit-text-empty");
-					$("#comment-edit-submit-wrapper-" +;
-					$("#comment-edit-text-" +'tabindex','9');
-					$("#comment-edit-submit-" +'tabindex','10');
-				}
-			}
-			console.log(FileBrowser.event, this.dataset.filename, embed,;
-			$("body").trigger(FileBrowser.event, [
-				this.dataset.filename,
-				embed,
-				this.dataset.img
-			]);
-			// Close model
-			$('#modal').modal('hide');
-			// Update autosize for this textarea
-			autosize.update($(".text-autosize"));
-		});
-		// EventListener for switching between image and file mode
-		$(".fbrowser").on('click', ".fbswitcher .btn", function(e) {
-			e.preventDefault();
-			FileBrowser.type = this.getAttribute("data-mode");
-			$(".fbrowser").removeClass().addClass("fbrowser " + FileBrowser.type);
-			url = baseurl + "/fbrowser/" + FileBrowser.type + "?mode=none&theme=frio";
-			FileBrowser.loadContent(url);
-		});
-	},
-	// Initialize the AjaxUpload for the upload buttons
-	uploadButtons: function() {
-		if ($("#upload-image").length) {
-			// To get the albumname we need to convert it from hex
-			var albumname = hex2bin(FileBrowser.folder);
-			//AjaxUpload for images
-			var image_uploader = new window.AjaxUpload(
-				'upload-image',
-				{	action: 'wall_upload/' + FileBrowser.nickname + '?response=json&album=' + albumname,
-					name: 'userfile',
-					responseType: 'json',
-					onSubmit: function(file, ext) {
-						$(".fbrowser-content").hide();
-						$(".fbrowser .profile-rotator-wrapper").show();
-						$(".error").addClass('hidden');
-					},
-					onComplete: function(file,response) {
-						if (response['error'] != undefined) {
-							$(".error span").html(response['error']);
-							$(".error").removeClass('hidden');
-							$(".fbrowser .profile-rotator-wrapper").hide();
-							$(".fbrowser-content").show();
-							return;
-						}
-						var url = baseurl + "/fbrowser/" + FileBrowser.type + "/" + FileBrowser.folder + "?mode=none&theme=frio";
-						// load new content to fbrowser window
-						FileBrowser.loadContent(url);
-					}
-				}
-			);
-		}
-		if ($("#upload-file").length) {
-			//AjaxUpload for files
-			var file_uploader = new window.AjaxUpload(
-				'upload-file',
-				{	action: 'wall_attach/' + FileBrowser.nickname + '?response=json',
-					name: 'userfile',
-					onSubmit: function(file, ext) {
-						$(".fbrowser-content").hide();
-						$(".fbrowser .profile-rotator-wrapper").show();
-						$(".error").addClass('hidden');
-					},
-					onComplete: function(file,response) {
-						if (response['error']!= undefined) {
-							$(".error span").html(response['error']);
-							$(".error").removeClass('hidden');
-							$('#profile-rotator').hide();
-							$(".fbrowser-content").show();
-							return;
-						}
-						var url = baseurl + "/fbrowser/" + FileBrowser.type + "?mode=none&theme=frio";
-						// Load new content to fbrowser window
-						FileBrowser.loadContent(url);
-					}
-				}
-			);
-		}
-	},
-	// Stuff which should be executed if ne content was loaded
-	postLoad: function() {
-		FileBrowser.initGallery();
-		$(".fbrowser .fbswitcher .btn").removeClass("active");
-		$(".fbrowser .fbswitcher [data-mode=" + FileBrowser.type + "]").addClass("active");
-		// We need to add the AjaxUpload to the button
-		FileBrowser.uploadButtons();
-	},
-	// Load new content (e.g. change photo album)
-	loadContent: function(url) {
-		$(".fbrowser-content").hide();
-		$(".fbrowser .profile-rotator-wrapper").show();
-		// load new content to fbrowser window
-		$(".fbrowser").load(url, function(responseText, textStatus) {
-			$(".profile-rotator-wrapper").hide();
-			if (textStatus === 'success') {
-				$(".fbrowser_content").show();
-				FileBrowser.postLoad();
-			}
-		});
-	},
-	// Initialize justified Gallery
-	initGallery: function() {
-		$(".fbrowser.image .fbrowser-content-container").justifiedGallery({
-			'rowHeight': 80,
-			'margins': 4,
-			'border': 0
-		});
-	}
+ * Filebrowser - Friendica Communications Server
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2015 the Friendica Project
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This code handle user interaction for image/file upload/browser dialog.
+ * Is loaded from filebrowser_plain.tpl
+ *
+ * To load filebrowser in colorbox, call
+ *
+ *      Dialog.doImageBrowser(eventname, id);
+ *
+ * or
+ *
+ *      Dialog.doFileBrowser(eventname, id);
+ *
+ * where:
+ *
+ * 		eventname: event name to catch return value
+ * 		id: id returned to event handler
+ *
+ * When user select an item, an event in fired in parent page, on body element
+ * The event is named
+ *
+ * 		fbrowser.<type>.[<eventname>]
+ *
+ * <type> will be one of "image" or "file", and the event handler will
+ * get the following params:
+ *
+ * 		filemane: filename of item choosed by user
+ * 		embed: bbcode to embed element into posts
+ * 		id: id from caller code
+ *
+ * example:
+ *
+ * 		// open dialog for select an image for a textarea with id "myeditor"
+ * 		var id="myeditor";
+ * 		Dialog.doImageBrowser("example", id);
+ *
+ *		// setup event handler to get user selection
+ *		$("body").on("fbrowser.image.example", function(event, filename, bbcode, id) {
+ *			// close colorbox
+ *			$.colorbox.close();
+ *			// replace textxarea text with bbcode
+ *			$(id).value = bbcode;
+ *		});
+ **/
+ *
+ *  This is a modified version to work with
+ *  the frio theme.and bootstrap modals
+ *
+ *  The origninal file is under:
+ *  js/filebrowser.js
+ *
+ */
+var FileBrowser = {
+	nickname : "",
+	type : "",
+	event: "",
+	folder: "",
+	id : null,
+	init: function(nickname, type, hash) {
+		FileBrowser.nickname = nickname;
+		FileBrowser.type = type;
+		FileBrowser.event = "fbrowser."+type;
+		if (hash!=="") {
+			var h = hash.replace("#","");
+			var destination = h.split("-")[0];
+ = h.split("-")[1];
+			FileBrowser.event = FileBrowser.event + "." + destination;
+			if (destination === "comment") {
+				// Get the comment textimput field
+				var commentElm = document.getElementById("comment-edit-text-" +;
+			}
+		};
+		console.log("FileBrowser: " + nickname,  type, FileBrowser.event,;
+		FileBrowser.postLoad();
+		$(".error .close").on("click", function(e) {
+			e.preventDefault();
+			$(".error").addClass("hidden");
+		});
+		// Click on album link
+		$(".fbrowser").on("click", ".folders a, .path a", function(e) {
+			e.preventDefault();
+			var url = baseurl + "/fbrowser/" + FileBrowser.type + "/" + this.dataset.folder + "?mode=none&theme=frio";
+			FileBrowser.folder = this.dataset.folder;
+			FileBrowser.loadContent(url);
+		});
+		//Embed on click
+		$(".fbrowser").on('click', ".photo-album-photo-link", function(e) {
+			e.preventDefault();
+			var embed = "";
+			if (FileBrowser.type === "image") {
+				embed = "[url=" + + "][img]" + this.dataset.img + "[/img][/url]";
+			}
+			if (FileBrowser.type === "file") {
+				// attachment links are "baseurl/attach/id"; we need id
+				embed = "[attachment]" +"/").pop() + "[/attachment]";
+			}
+			// Delete prefilled Text of the comment input
+			// Note: not the best solution but function commentOpenUI don't
+			// work as expected (we need a way to wait until commentOpenUI would be finished).
+			// As for now we insert pieces of this function here
+			if ((commentElm !== null) && (typeof commentElm !== "undefined")) {
+				if (commentElm.value === "") {
+					$("#comment-edit-text-" +"comment-edit-text-full").removeClass("comment-edit-text-empty");
+					$("#comment-edit-submit-wrapper-" +;
+					$("#comment-edit-text-" +'tabindex','9');
+					$("#comment-edit-submit-" +'tabindex','10');
+				}
+			}
+			console.log(FileBrowser.event, this.dataset.filename, embed,;
+			$("body").trigger(FileBrowser.event, [
+				this.dataset.filename,
+				embed,
+				this.dataset.img
+			]);
+			// Close model
+			$('#modal').modal('hide');
+			// Update autosize for this textarea
+			autosize.update($(".text-autosize"));
+		});
+		// EventListener for switching between image and file mode
+		$(".fbrowser").on('click', ".fbswitcher .btn", function(e) {
+			e.preventDefault();
+			FileBrowser.type = this.getAttribute("data-mode");
+			$(".fbrowser").removeClass().addClass("fbrowser " + FileBrowser.type);
+			url = baseurl + "/fbrowser/" + FileBrowser.type + "?mode=none&theme=frio";
+			FileBrowser.loadContent(url);
+		});
+	},
+	// Initialize the AjaxUpload for the upload buttons
+	uploadButtons: function() {
+		if ($("#upload-image").length) {
+			// To get the albumname we need to convert it from hex
+			var albumname = hex2bin(FileBrowser.folder);
+			//AjaxUpload for images
+			var image_uploader = new window.AjaxUpload(
+				'upload-image',
+				{	action: 'wall_upload/' + FileBrowser.nickname + '?response=json&album=' + albumname,
+					name: 'userfile',
+					responseType: 'json',
+					onSubmit: function(file, ext) {
+						$(".fbrowser-content").hide();
+						$(".fbrowser .profile-rotator-wrapper").show();
+						$(".error").addClass('hidden');
+					},
+					onComplete: function(file,response) {
+						if (response['error'] != undefined) {
+							$(".error span").html(response['error']);
+							$(".error").removeClass('hidden');
+							$(".fbrowser .profile-rotator-wrapper").hide();
+							$(".fbrowser-content").show();
+							return;
+						}
+						var url = baseurl + "/fbrowser/" + FileBrowser.type + "/" + FileBrowser.folder + "?mode=none&theme=frio";
+						// load new content to fbrowser window
+						FileBrowser.loadContent(url);
+					}
+				}
+			);
+		}
+		if ($("#upload-file").length) {
+			//AjaxUpload for files
+			var file_uploader = new window.AjaxUpload(
+				'upload-file',
+				{	action: 'wall_attach/' + FileBrowser.nickname + '?response=json',
+					name: 'userfile',
+					onSubmit: function(file, ext) {
+						$(".fbrowser-content").hide();
+						$(".fbrowser .profile-rotator-wrapper").show();
+						$(".error").addClass('hidden');
+					},
+					onComplete: function(file,response) {
+						if (response['error']!= undefined) {
+							$(".error span").html(response['error']);
+							$(".error").removeClass('hidden');
+							$('#profile-rotator').hide();
+							$(".fbrowser-content").show();
+							return;
+						}
+						var url = baseurl + "/fbrowser/" + FileBrowser.type + "?mode=none&theme=frio";
+						// Load new content to fbrowser window
+						FileBrowser.loadContent(url);
+					}
+				}
+			);
+		}
+	},
+	// Stuff which should be executed if ne content was loaded
+	postLoad: function() {
+		FileBrowser.initGallery();
+		$(".fbrowser .fbswitcher .btn").removeClass("active");
+		$(".fbrowser .fbswitcher [data-mode=" + FileBrowser.type + "]").addClass("active");
+		// We need to add the AjaxUpload to the button
+		FileBrowser.uploadButtons();
+	},
+	// Load new content (e.g. change photo album)
+	loadContent: function(url) {
+		$(".fbrowser-content").hide();
+		$(".fbrowser .profile-rotator-wrapper").show();
+		// load new content to fbrowser window
+		$(".fbrowser").load(url, function(responseText, textStatus) {
+			$(".profile-rotator-wrapper").hide();
+			if (textStatus === 'success') {
+				$(".fbrowser_content").show();
+				FileBrowser.postLoad();
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	// Initialize justified Gallery
+	initGallery: function() {
+		$(".fbrowser.image .fbrowser-content-container").justifiedGallery({
+			'rowHeight': 80,
+			'margins': 4,
+			'border': 0
+		});
+	}

From dfee2c467cc1ede4f467073331ada9576892677a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2019 20:42:42 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Use another "img" format to simplify adding of
 alternative texts

 view/js/filebrowser.js            | 2 +-
 view/theme/frio/js/filebrowser.js | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/view/js/filebrowser.js b/view/js/filebrowser.js
index fc852dcd75..1faef4acc4 100644
--- a/view/js/filebrowser.js
+++ b/view/js/filebrowser.js
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ var FileBrowser = {
 			var embed = "";
 			if (FileBrowser.type == "image") {
-				embed = "[url=""][img]"+this.dataset.img+"[/img][/url]";
+				embed = "[url=""][img="+this.dataset.img+"][/img][/url]";
 			if (FileBrowser.type=="file") {
 				// attachment links are "baseurl/attach/id"; we need id
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/js/filebrowser.js b/view/theme/frio/js/filebrowser.js
index c036d18175..b43cf5ce43 100644
--- a/view/theme/frio/js/filebrowser.js
+++ b/view/theme/frio/js/filebrowser.js
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ var FileBrowser = {
 			var embed = "";
 			if (FileBrowser.type === "image") {
-				embed = "[url=" + + "][img]" + this.dataset.img + "[/img][/url]";
+				embed = "[url=" + + "][img=" + this.dataset.img + "][/img][/url]";
 			if (FileBrowser.type === "file") {
 				// attachment links are "baseurl/attach/id"; we need id