diff --git a/src/Util/DateTimeFormat.php b/src/Util/DateTimeFormat.php
index 862ce6e9af..8233a4f5b6 100644
--- a/src/Util/DateTimeFormat.php
+++ b/src/Util/DateTimeFormat.php
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class DateTimeFormat
 	 * @return string Formatted date according to given format
 	 * @throws Exception
-	public static function convert($s = 'now', $tz_to = 'UTC', $tz_from = 'UTC', $format = self::MYSQL)
+	public static function convert(string $s = 'now', string $tz_to = 'UTC', string $tz_from = 'UTC', string $format = self::MYSQL): string
 		// Defaults to UTC if nothing is set, but throws an exception if set to empty string.
 		// Provide some sane defaults regardless.
@@ -135,20 +135,11 @@ class DateTimeFormat
 			$s = 'now';
-		$s = self::fix($s);
-		/*
-		 * Slight hackish adjustment so that 'zero' datetime actually returns what is intended
-		 * otherwise we end up with -0001-11-30 ...
-		 * add 32 days so that we at least get year 00, and then hack around the fact that
-		 * months and days always start with 1.
-		 */
+		// Lowest possible datetime value
 		if (substr($s, 0, 10) <= '0001-01-01') {
-			if ($s < '0000-00-00') {
-				$s = '0000-00-00';
-			}
-			$d = new DateTime($s . ' + 32 days', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
-			return str_replace('1', '0', $d->format($format));
+			$d = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
+			$d->setDate(1, 1, 1)->setTime(0, 0);
+			return $d->format($format);
 		try {
@@ -160,8 +151,12 @@ class DateTimeFormat
 		try {
 			$d = new DateTime($s, $from_obj);
 		} catch (Exception $e) {
-			Logger::warning('DateTimeFormat::convert: exception: ' . $e->getMessage());
-			$d = new DateTime('now', $from_obj);
+			try {
+				$d = new DateTime(self::fix($s), $from_obj);
+			} catch (\Throwable $e) {
+				Logger::warning('DateTimeFormat::convert: exception: ' . $e->getMessage());
+				$d = new DateTime('now', $from_obj);
+			}
 		try {
@@ -176,7 +171,10 @@ class DateTimeFormat
-	 * Fix weird date formats
+	 * Fix weird date formats.
+	 *
+	 * Note: This method isn't meant to sanitize valid date/time strings, for example it will mangle relative date
+	 * strings like "now - 3 days".
 	 * @see \Friendica\Test\src\Util\DateTimeFormatTest::dataFix() for a list of examples handled by this method.
 	 * @param string $dateString
@@ -184,17 +182,17 @@ class DateTimeFormat
 	public static function fix(string $dateString): string
-		$patterns = [
-			['#(\w+), (\d+/\d+/\d+) - (\d+:\d+)#', '$1, $2 $3'],
-			['#(\d+-\d+-\d+)T(\d+:\d+:\d+)ZZ#', '$1T$2Z'],
-			['#(\d+-\d+-\d+)T(\d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+)ZZ#', '$1T$2Z'],
+		$search  = ['Mär', 'März', 'Mai', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'Okt', 'Dez', 'ET' , 'ZZ', ' - ', '&#x2B;'];
+		$replace = ['Mar', 'Mar' , 'May', 'Jun' , 'Jul' , 'Oct', 'Dec', 'EST', 'Z' , ', ' , '+'     ];
+		$dateString = str_replace($search, $replace, $dateString);
+		$pregPatterns = [
 			['#(\w+), (\d+ \w+ \d+) (\d+:\d+:\d+) (.+)#', '$2 $3 $4'],
 			['#(\d+:\d+) (\w+), (\w+) (\d+), (\d+)#', '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5'],
-			['#(\w+ \d+, \d+) - (\d+:\d+)#', '$1, $2'],
-			['~(\d+-\d+-\d+)T(\d+:\d+:\d+)&#x2B;(\d+:\d+)~', '$1T$2+$3'],
-		foreach ($patterns as $pattern) {
+		foreach ($pregPatterns as $pattern) {
 			$dateString = preg_replace($pattern[0], $pattern[1], $dateString);
diff --git a/tests/src/Util/DateTimeFormatTest.php b/tests/src/Util/DateTimeFormatTest.php
index e6f43af5a2..994ca3a113 100644
--- a/tests/src/Util/DateTimeFormatTest.php
+++ b/tests/src/Util/DateTimeFormatTest.php
@@ -92,53 +92,70 @@ class DateTimeFormatTest extends MockedTest
 		return [
 			'Mo, 19 Sep 2022 14:51:00 +0200' => [
-				'expected' => '19 Sep 2022 14:51:00 +0200',
+				'expectedDate' => '2022-09-19T14:51:00+02:00',
 				'dateString' => 'Mo, 19 Sep 2022 14:51:00 +0200',
 			'2020-11-21T12:00:13.745339ZZ' => [
-				'expected' => '2020-11-21T12:00:13.745339Z',
+				'expectedDate' => '2020-11-21T12:00:13+00:00',
 				'dateString' => '2020-11-21T12:00:13.745339ZZ',
 			'2016-09-09T13:32:00ZZ' => [
-				'expected' => '2016-09-09T13:32:00Z',
+				'expectedDate' => '2016-09-09T13:32:00+00:00',
 				'dateString' => '2016-09-09T13:32:00ZZ',
-			'2021-09-09T16:19:00ZZ' => [
-				'expected' => '2021-09-09T16:19:00Z',
-				'dateString' => '2021-09-09T16:19:00ZZ',
-			],
 			'Sun, 10/03/2021 - 12:41' => [
-				'expected' => 'Sun, 10/03/2021 12:41',
+				'expectedDate' => '2021-10-03T12:41:00+00:00',
 				'dateString' => 'Sun, 10/03/2021 - 12:41',
-			'Mon, 09/12/2022 - 09:02' => [
-				'expected' => 'Mon, 09/12/2022 09:02',
-				'dateString' => 'Mon, 09/12/2022 - 09:02',
-			],
 			'4:30 PM, Sep 13, 2022' => [
-				'expected' => '4:30 PM Sep 13 2022',
+				'expectedDate' => '2022-09-13T16:30:00+00:00',
 				'dateString' => '4:30 PM, Sep 13, 2022',
 			'August 27, 2022 - 21:00' => [
-				'expected' => 'August 27, 2022, 21:00',
+				'expectedDate' => '2022-08-27T21:00:00+00:00',
 				'dateString' => 'August 27, 2022 - 21:00',
 			'2021-09-19T14:06:03&#x2B;00:00' => [
-				'expected' => '2021-09-19T14:06:03+00:00',
+				'expectedDate' => '2021-09-19T14:06:03+00:00',
 				'dateString' => '2021-09-19T14:06:03&#x2B;00:00',
+			'Eastern Time timezone' => [
+				'expectedDate' => '2022-09-30T00:00:00-05:00',
+				'dateString' => 'September 30, 2022, 12:00 a.m. ET',
+			],
+			'German date time string' => [
+				'expectedDate' => '2022-10-05T16:34:00+02:00',
+				'dateString' => '05 Okt 2022 16:34:00 +0200',
+			]
 	 * @dataProvider dataFix
-	 * @param $expected
+	 * @param $expectedDate
 	 * @param $dateString
 	 * @return void
+	 * @throws \Exception
-	public function testFix($expected, $dateString)
+	public function testFix($expectedDate, $dateString)
-		$this->assertEquals($expected, DateTimeFormat::fix($dateString));
+		$fixed = DateTimeFormat::fix($dateString);
+		$this->assertEquals($expectedDate, (new \DateTime($fixed))->format('c'));
+	}
+	/**
+	 * This test is meant to ensure DateTimeFormat::fix() isn't called on relative date/time strings
+	 *
+	 * @return void
+	 * @throws \Exception
+	 */
+	public function testConvertRelative()
+	{
+		$now = DateTimeFormat::utcNow('U');
+		$date = DateTimeFormat::utc('now - 3 days', 'U');
+		$this->assertEquals(259200, $now - $date);