From 6deb0708901367a1c674ae9aa2bf57159fab9bea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fabrixxm Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2012 03:29:58 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 01/15] quattro: first work on font size options --- view/theme/quattro/dark/style.css | 7 ------- view/theme/quattro/green/style.css | 7 ------- view/theme/quattro/ | 11 +++++++++++ view/theme/quattro/quattro.less | 6 ------ view/theme/quattro/style.php | 8 ++++++++ view/theme/quattro/theme_settings.tpl | 8 ++++++++ 6 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-) create mode 100644 view/theme/quattro/ diff --git a/view/theme/quattro/dark/style.css b/view/theme/quattro/dark/style.css index 0bb2cd10eb..69ead70451 100644 --- a/view/theme/quattro/dark/style.css +++ b/view/theme/quattro/dark/style.css @@ -404,9 +404,6 @@ code { padding: 10px; margin-top: 20px; } -textarea { - font-size: 20px; -} #panel { position: absolute; width: 10em; @@ -1072,7 +1069,6 @@ section { padding: 0.3em; } .wall-item-comment-wrapper .comment-edit-text-full { - font-size: 20px; height: 4em; color: #2d2d2d; border: 1px solid #2d2d2d; @@ -1315,9 +1311,6 @@ span[id^="showmore-wrap"] { border: 1px solid #999999; padding: 0.3em; } -#jot .profile-jot-text:focus { - font-size: 20px; -} #jot #jot-tools { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; diff --git a/view/theme/quattro/green/style.css b/view/theme/quattro/green/style.css index 4897471eac..b698ca3492 100644 --- a/view/theme/quattro/green/style.css +++ b/view/theme/quattro/green/style.css @@ -404,9 +404,6 @@ code { padding: 10px; margin-top: 20px; } -textarea { - font-size: 20px; -} #panel { position: absolute; width: 10em; @@ -1072,7 +1069,6 @@ section { padding: 0.3em; } .wall-item-comment-wrapper .comment-edit-text-full { - font-size: 20px; height: 4em; color: #2d2d2d; border: 1px solid #2d2d2d; @@ -1315,9 +1311,6 @@ span[id^="showmore-wrap"] { border: 1px solid #999999; padding: 0.3em; } -#jot .profile-jot-text:focus { - font-size: 20px; -} #jot #jot-tools { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; diff --git a/view/theme/quattro/ b/view/theme/quattro/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4a643d25c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/view/theme/quattro/ @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +/*! + * jQuery Tools v1.2.7 - The missing UI library for the Web + * + * rangeinput/rangeinput.js + * + * NO COPYRIGHTS OR LICENSES. DO WHAT YOU LIKE. + * + * + * + */ +(function(a){||{version:"v1.2.7"};var b;{conf:{min:0,max:100,step:"any",steps:0,value:0,precision:undefined,vertical:0,keyboard:!0,progress:!1,speed:100,css:{input:"range",slider:"slider",progress:"progress",handle:"handle"}}};var c,d;a.fn.drag=function(b){document.ondragstart=function(){return!1},b=a.extend({x:!0,y:!0,drag:!0},b),c=c||a(document).on("mousedown mouseup",function(e){var f=a(;if(e.type=="mousedown"&&"drag")){var g=f.position(),h=e.pageX-g.left,,j=!0;c.on("mousemove.drag",function(a){var c=a.pageX-h,e=a.pageY-i,g={};b.x&&(g.left=c),b.y&&(,j&&(f.trigger("dragStart"),j=!1),b.drag&&f.css(g),f.trigger("drag",[e,c]),d=f}),e.preventDefault()}else try{d&&d.trigger("dragEnd")}finally{"mousemove.drag"),d=null}});return"drag",!0)};function e(a,b){var c=Math.pow(10,b);return Math.round(a*c)/c}function f(a,b){var c=parseInt(a.css(b),10);if(c)return c;var d=a[0].currentStyle;return d&&d.width&&parseInt(d.width,10)}function g(a){var"events");return b&&b.onSlide}function h(b,c){var d=this,h=c.css,i=a("
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+ \ No newline at end of file From f058414ff1119b921e36e5d48aa2b2d9d76d796c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fabrixxm Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2012 10:03:03 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 02/15] Item: $item.total_comments_num as string --- object/Item.php | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/object/Item.php b/object/Item.php index 04d52a896e..2c9d655981 100644 --- a/object/Item.php +++ b/object/Item.php @@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ class Item extends BaseObject { } if ($this->is_toplevel()) { - $result['total_comments_num'] = $total_children; + $result['total_comments_num'] = "$total_children"; $result['total_comments_text'] = tt('comment', 'comments', $total_children); } From de076afd6b7659f5ad3556d1436ad0e3dc6de0b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fabrixxm Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2012 10:17:26 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 03/15] quattro: update wall_thread.tpl to separate tags/mentions/folder/category display --- view/theme/quattro/wall_thread.tpl | 11 ++++++++++- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/view/theme/quattro/wall_thread.tpl b/view/theme/quattro/wall_thread.tpl index 3221311fc7..2e5c49392f 100644 --- a/view/theme/quattro/wall_thread.tpl +++ b/view/theme/quattro/wall_thread.tpl @@ -60,9 +60,18 @@
- {{ for $item.tags as $tag }} + {{ for $item.hashtags as $tag }} $tag {{ endfor }} + {{ for $item.mentions as $tag }} + $tag + {{ endfor }} + {{ for $item.folders as $cat }} + ${{if $cat.removeurl}} (x) {{endif}} + {{ endfor }} + {{ for $item.categories as $cat }} + ${{if $cat.removeurl}} (x) {{endif}} + {{ endfor }}
From 9d738570eef76f5f896898ba5f70a5149a20c1ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fabrixxm Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2012 08:58:05 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 04/15] quattro: options for posts and textareas font size --- view/theme/quattro/config.php | 25 ++++++++++---- view/theme/quattro/dark/style.css | 47 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-- view/theme/quattro/green/style.css | 47 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-- view/theme/quattro/quattro.less | 45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ view/theme/quattro/style.php | 19 ++++++++++- view/theme/quattro/theme_settings.tpl | 20 ++++++++++-- 6 files changed, 188 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/view/theme/quattro/config.php b/view/theme/quattro/config.php index e3d5b78102..0f2fc53ca0 100644 --- a/view/theme/quattro/config.php +++ b/view/theme/quattro/config.php @@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ function theme_content(&$a){ $align = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'quattro', 'align' ); $color = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'quattro', 'color' ); - - return quattro_form($a,$align, $color); + $tfs = get_pconfig(local_user(),"quattro","tfs"); + $pfs = get_pconfig(local_user(),"quattro","pfs"); + + return quattro_form($a,$align, $color, $tfs, $pfs); } function theme_post(&$a){ @@ -22,6 +24,8 @@ function theme_post(&$a){ if (isset($_POST['quattro-settings-submit'])){ set_pconfig(local_user(), 'quattro', 'align', $_POST['quattro_align']); set_pconfig(local_user(), 'quattro', 'color', $_POST['quattro_color']); + set_pconfig(local_user(), 'quattro', 'tfs', $_POST['quattro_tfs']); + set_pconfig(local_user(), 'quattro', 'pfs', $_POST['quattro_pfs']); } } @@ -29,25 +33,32 @@ function theme_post(&$a){ function theme_admin(&$a){ $align = get_config('quattro', 'align' ); $color = get_config('quattro', 'color' ); - - return quattro_form($a,$align, $color); + $tfs = get_config("quattro","tfs"); + $pfs = get_config("quattro","pfs"); + + return quattro_form($a,$align, $color, $tfs, $pfs); } function theme_admin_post(&$a){ if (isset($_POST['quattro-settings-submit'])){ set_config('quattro', 'align', $_POST['quattro_align']); set_config('quattro', 'color', $_POST['quattro_color']); + set_config('quattro', 'tfs', $_POST['quattro_tfs']); + set_config('quattro', 'pfs', $_POST['quattro_pfs']); } } -function quattro_form(&$a, $align, $color){ +function quattro_form(&$a, $align, $color, $tfs, $pfs){ $colors = array( "dark"=>"Quattro", "lilac"=>"Lilac", "green"=>"Green" ); - + + if ($tfs===false) $tfs="20"; + if ($pfs===false) $pfs="12"; + $t = file_get_contents( dirname(__file__). "/theme_settings.tpl" ); $o .= replace_macros($t, array( '$submit' => t('Submit'), @@ -55,6 +66,8 @@ function quattro_form(&$a, $align, $color){ '$title' => t("Theme settings"), '$align' => array('quattro_align', t('Alignment'), $align, '', array('left'=>t('Left'), 'center'=>t('Center'))), '$color' => array('quattro_color', t('Color scheme'), $color, '', $colors), + '$pfs' => array('quattro_pfs', t('Posts font size'), $pfs), + '$tfs' => array('quattro_tfs',t('Textareas font size'), $tfs), )); return $o; } diff --git a/view/theme/quattro/dark/style.css b/view/theme/quattro/dark/style.css index c2dd472afd..524edf4e3d 100644 --- a/view/theme/quattro/dark/style.css +++ b/view/theme/quattro/dark/style.css @@ -1152,9 +1152,6 @@ section { opacity: 0.5; } .wwto { - position: absolute !important; - width: 25px; - height: 25px; background: #FFFFFF; border: 2px solid #364e59; height: 25px; @@ -2140,3 +2137,47 @@ footer { .videobb:hover { background-position: -112px -16px; } +/** range input css **/ +/* slider root element */ +.slider { + height: 2px; + position: relative; + cursor: pointer; + border: 1px solid #333; + width: 200px; + margin: 10px 0px 10px 0px; + float: left; +} +/* progress bar (enabled with progress: true) */ +.progress { + height: 9px; + background-color: #C5FF00; + display: none; + opacity: 0.6; +} +/* drag handle */ +.handle { + background-color: #ccc; + height: 16px; + width: 8px; + top: -8px; + position: absolute; + display: block; + margin-top: 1px; + border: 1px solid #000; + cursor: move; + -moz-border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; + -webkit-border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; + border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; + -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); + -moz-box-shadow: 0px 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); + box-shadow: 0px 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); +} +/* the input field */ +.range { + width: 20px!important; + font-size: 8pt; + margin-left: 10px; + border: 0px; + color: #999999; +} diff --git a/view/theme/quattro/green/style.css b/view/theme/quattro/green/style.css index 47db715f92..a89277a128 100644 --- a/view/theme/quattro/green/style.css +++ b/view/theme/quattro/green/style.css @@ -1152,9 +1152,6 @@ section { opacity: 0.5; } .wwto { - position: absolute !important; - width: 25px; - height: 25px; background: #FFFFFF; border: 2px solid #364e59; height: 25px; @@ -2140,3 +2137,47 @@ footer { .videobb:hover { background-position: -112px -16px; } +/** range input css **/ +/* slider root element */ +.slider { + height: 2px; + position: relative; + cursor: pointer; + border: 1px solid #333; + width: 200px; + margin: 10px 0px 10px 0px; + float: left; +} +/* progress bar (enabled with progress: true) */ +.progress { + height: 9px; + background-color: #C5FF00; + display: none; + opacity: 0.6; +} +/* drag handle */ +.handle { + background-color: #ccc; + height: 16px; + width: 8px; + top: -8px; + position: absolute; + display: block; + margin-top: 1px; + border: 1px solid #000; + cursor: move; + -moz-border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; + -webkit-border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; + border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; + -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); + -moz-box-shadow: 0px 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); + box-shadow: 0px 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); +} +/* the input field */ +.range { + width: 20px!important; + font-size: 8pt; + margin-left: 10px; + border: 0px; + color: #999999; +} diff --git a/view/theme/quattro/quattro.less b/view/theme/quattro/quattro.less index e7325b7ccb..ca4ec2625d 100644 --- a/view/theme/quattro/quattro.less +++ b/view/theme/quattro/quattro.less @@ -1457,3 +1457,48 @@ footer { height: 100px; display: table-row; } .videobb:hover { background-position: -112px -16px; } +/** range input css **/ +/* slider root element */ +.slider { + height:2px; + position:relative; + cursor:pointer; + border:1px solid #333; + width:200px; + margin:10px 0px 10px 0px; + float: left; +} + +/* progress bar (enabled with progress: true) */ +.progress { + height:9px; + background-color:#C5FF00; + display:none; + opacity:0.6; +} + +/* drag handle */ +.handle { + background-color:#ccc; + height:16px; + width:8px; + top:-8px; + position:absolute; + display:block; + margin-top:1px; + border:1px solid #000; + cursor:move; + .roundbottom(); + .shadow(); + +} + +/* the input field */ +.range { + width: 20px!important; + font-size: 8pt; + margin-left: 10px; + border: 0px; + color: @FieldHelpColor; +} + diff --git a/view/theme/quattro/style.php b/view/theme/quattro/style.php index 33c8a246ef..c75091eb5b 100644 --- a/view/theme/quattro/style.php +++ b/view/theme/quattro/style.php @@ -29,10 +29,27 @@ "; } - $textarea_font_size = "20"; + + + $textarea_font_size = false; + $post_font_size = false; + + $site_textarea_font_size = get_config("quattro","tfs"); + $site_post_font_size = get_config("quattro","pfs"); + if ($site_textarea_font_size===false) $site_textarea_font_size="20"; + if ($site_post_font_size===false) $site_post_font_size="12"; + + if (local_user()) { + $textarea_font_size = get_pconfig(local_user(), "quattro","tfs"); + $post_font_size = get_pconfig(local_user(), "quattro","pfs"); + } + + if ($textarea_font_size===false) $textarea_font_size = $site_textarea_font_size; + if ($post_font_size===false) $post_font_size = $site_post_font_size; echo " textarea { font-size: ${textarea_font_size}px; } .wall-item-comment-wrapper .comment-edit-text-full { font-size: ${textarea_font_size}px; } #jot .profile-jot-text:focus { font-size: ${textarea_font_size}px; } + .wall-item-container .wall-item-content { font-size: ${post_font_size}px; } "; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/view/theme/quattro/theme_settings.tpl b/view/theme/quattro/theme_settings.tpl index 54416cc16a..47105d7aa4 100644 --- a/view/theme/quattro/theme_settings.tpl +++ b/view/theme/quattro/theme_settings.tpl @@ -4,7 +4,22 @@ {{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$align}}{{endinc}} - + +
+ + + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + +
@@ -12,5 +27,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file From ca34d89482172a524f4f81b8079ead24388e156f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fabrixxm Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2012 09:38:25 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 05/15] quattro: fix post tags style, add icons for mentions, folders and categories --- images/tag.png | Bin 528 -> 0 bytes images/tag_b.png | Bin 346 -> 0 bytes view/theme/quattro/dark/colors.less | 1 + view/theme/quattro/dark/style.css | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++---- view/theme/quattro/green/colors.less | 1 + view/theme/quattro/green/style.css | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++---- view/theme/quattro/icons/category.png | Bin 0 -> 550 bytes view/theme/quattro/icons/folder.png | Bin 0 -> 472 bytes view/theme/quattro/icons/men.png | Bin 0 -> 394 bytes view/theme/quattro/icons/tag.png | Bin 0 -> 661 bytes view/theme/quattro/quattro.less | 34 +++++++++++++++++------ 11 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 images/tag.png delete mode 100644 images/tag_b.png create mode 100644 view/theme/quattro/icons/category.png create mode 100644 view/theme/quattro/icons/folder.png create mode 100644 view/theme/quattro/icons/men.png create mode 100644 view/theme/quattro/icons/tag.png diff --git a/images/tag.png b/images/tag.png deleted file mode 100644 index 40c5fd44e2d3822244e0843596e76ce133ce1211..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GIT binary patch literal 0 HcmV?d00001 literal 528 zcmV+r0`L8aP)Px#24YJ`L;(K){{a7>y{D4^000SaNLh0L01ejw01ejxLMWSf00007bV*G`2ipq| z4<8a@f?|RQ_pyu(guNqs(P%kOwRi9A+-4@5-ODSoCucUi2+i2@ zKt9bACxli*z&s746^JO{BNUK;wE5MPLTEJ#&;-2eA}ICnl|~S0H3Vtgr+@7e^~rWz zdu?@Le&4gcgVS>Y!!Q5B!e1b5H57)6l z1Wbm*)c$y1;S+>m21wV%^<{4R_A0k5T?fWQXp1)p!wj&ko_wv>*Hfv~p<_EO!!V}! zip4Mr-LFnEYMMIA+F}|JHl$5-f>3IJnqw<`y{38zf{T_yXo|%8vhNZ!r<>&kwco1b4tVba{}0HBa;W=KSdbAE1a zYF-JD%fR4Vl$uzQnxasiS(2gP?&%wlqL<1J6yNCS;uvCa`stL7d`$)-uKCegDjg1U zKJ1?JNAK~ItT}%~*~9G*Ok@+1X^9gzozmjiZd9@C`kmWLmLC@W{Wz1kbM6$aqui7D zcXUj=X<0DA(pGVf&WoJgy^AfjZppCzt(WTs{|37d zgPO75CLWc)($|munP|B7smQTSW>0lzsb5HZ@_qIC>7T12*YJ70eDqmL^)Bn7e;&KM hoi|KREXX&hW}4a%`1ah>`a+PeJYD@<);T3K0RYaMfxG|! diff --git a/view/theme/quattro/dark/colors.less b/view/theme/quattro/dark/colors.less index 5c9de37531..35a8d8468f 100644 --- a/view/theme/quattro/dark/colors.less +++ b/view/theme/quattro/dark/colors.less @@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ @CommentBoxFullBorderColor: @Grey5; @TagColor: @Grey1; +@MentionColor: @Grey4; @JotToolsBackgroundColor: @Metalic4; @JotToolsBorderColor: @Metalic2; diff --git a/view/theme/quattro/dark/style.css b/view/theme/quattro/dark/style.css index 524edf4e3d..fff08b2e4c 100644 --- a/view/theme/quattro/dark/style.css +++ b/view/theme/quattro/dark/style.css @@ -1138,19 +1138,45 @@ section { padding-top: 5px; } .tag { - background: url("../../../images/tag_b.png") no-repeat center left; + background: url("icons/tag.png") no-repeat center right; color: #ffffff; + padding-right: 8px; padding-left: 3px; } .tag a { - padding-right: 8px; - background: url("../../../images/tag.png") no-repeat center right; color: #ffffff; } -.filesavetags { - padding: 3px 0px 3px 0px; - opacity: 0.5; +.mention { + background: url("icons/men.png") no-repeat 1px center; + color: #666666; + padding-right: 3px; + padding-left: 18px; } +.mention a { + color: #666666; +} +.folder { + background: url("icons/folder.png") no-repeat 1px center; + color: #666666; + padding-right: 3px; + padding-left: 15px; +} +.folder a { + color: #666666; +} +.category { + background: url("icons/category.png") no-repeat 1px center; + color: #666666; + padding-right: 3px; + padding-left: 15px; +} +.category a { + color: #666666; +} +/*.filesavetags { + padding: 3px 0px 3px 0px; + opacity: 0.5; +}*/ .wwto { background: #FFFFFF; border: 2px solid #364e59; diff --git a/view/theme/quattro/green/colors.less b/view/theme/quattro/green/colors.less index f14c636331..78c67a13b4 100644 --- a/view/theme/quattro/green/colors.less +++ b/view/theme/quattro/green/colors.less @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ @CommentBoxFullBorderColor: @Grey5; @TagColor: @Grey1; +@MentionColor: @Grey4; @JotToolsBackgroundColor: @Green3; @JotToolsBorderColor: @Metalic2; diff --git a/view/theme/quattro/green/style.css b/view/theme/quattro/green/style.css index a89277a128..9584b019aa 100644 --- a/view/theme/quattro/green/style.css +++ b/view/theme/quattro/green/style.css @@ -1138,19 +1138,45 @@ section { padding-top: 5px; } .tag { - background: url("../../../images/tag_b.png") no-repeat center left; + background: url("icons/tag.png") no-repeat center right; color: #ffffff; + padding-right: 8px; padding-left: 3px; } .tag a { - padding-right: 8px; - background: url("../../../images/tag.png") no-repeat center right; color: #ffffff; } -.filesavetags { - padding: 3px 0px 3px 0px; - opacity: 0.5; +.mention { + background: url("icons/men.png") no-repeat 1px center; + color: #666666; + padding-right: 3px; + padding-left: 18px; } +.mention a { + color: #666666; +} +.folder { + background: url("icons/folder.png") no-repeat 1px center; + color: #666666; + padding-right: 3px; + padding-left: 15px; +} +.folder a { + color: #666666; +} +.category { + background: url("icons/category.png") no-repeat 1px center; + color: #666666; + padding-right: 3px; + padding-left: 15px; +} +.category a { + color: #666666; +} +/*.filesavetags { + padding: 3px 0px 3px 0px; + opacity: 0.5; +}*/ .wwto { background: #FFFFFF; border: 2px solid #364e59; diff --git a/view/theme/quattro/icons/category.png b/view/theme/quattro/icons/category.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ec4ad1dc59a245f895fd9b938677e3f42965f569 GIT binary patch literal 550 zcmV+>0@?kEP);rqKWZ010qNS#tmY3ljhU3ljkVnw%H_000McNliru+zJ5=BMJ?G1RMYW06A$? zSad^gZEa<4bN~PV001asDIhX1Ff<@aVQY0_AX9W@X>Mh53JODVWnpw>WFU8GbZ8({ zXk{QrNlj2`^sR&d00C}EL_t(2&vlSJYgADXhM)JGb8(F%*xXUiai08b)>8thE>CU)i5X0YkL$au0 zErKMx_lNn%A|~U_#x7OiaYDHN4%?KMW#}Y?zisD)*4oRqyL!Cfoa4;m z0!c7C(_z%MM=+iw3(iIk1p_v|Y_qksO){fxjRa)DjR6VucXsV!(N`D@9)=hrsrqfp zz0NTu4rp}BKJ`mI4m0s{jB107*qoM6N<$f=uw@~ literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/view/theme/quattro/icons/folder.png b/view/theme/quattro/icons/folder.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fee43955216c32102063cc4b3fb3d3049d8e3340 GIT binary patch literal 472 zcmV;}0Vn>6P);rqKWZ010qNS#tmY4c7nw4c7reD4Tcy000McNliru+zJ5=ArZCHuW|qY0cA-< zK~yNub&)%66JZpEzdQ3Y8G;c)PGiIZ5RzE{YzCK9u3cvVtiTniZ1w_0K&NQ6fahDXva&b#xv!9*=ufRdvja8{~O@H5d$z{0BCfOn&rwz31)@fV(rF z&p*y)vq87pJuS2!MR_xleIhXd}8nXy zM?wg*gv8+T`!7OMH&TqedU3{jAF<>*y!{jQ>En#AS8IjXwj?eRGg^tn?=~Zex^WCs zh_UhDEfPFP4a0B=NjTuGXdNUlP-yB#xx~I~*d8KL`dj*z?#q-`QfR$(G>zZJ+JFKK}zrOW0hE_*$(1 O0000o|!Y9wk?l=xzV+^y|j9-c4nC^42C<@B5WH=l$8jV^BJ&4qG z&33zGGMSL3Da+*&&+`D-Y&I{=i^bx95k-;QSg+TTB#G?zdr6W+R;!hKBZ?w4Y(cs;cPqdM}M{MJ|^MVHl#6LTioh z`^@Ka@;oO9f{$-vMXuK?07@y8QUGYJ?f+=yWIP_T+wE{12N6L;Fvc*QPQPb-pUyAX obPk8Z$3d>^+SFXvwdvjVf8@;OJP59ci2wiq07*qoM6N<$fx|=|#r>V2Msk5iKv!|)6yQ!c;j-zAm(N_fYSyw*lOlKNo~H%v-f? z9+0tm!@SiS<^#z!8|SatXwd)eEYLxWB|(0{3=Yq3q=7g|-tI089jvk*Kn`btM`SV3 z8`nXY(Me-=1yGQ^#M9T6{SFr+FDqkYPuvEeo<>g>$B>A_Z)eo{A2JX)wz{wIOwwJg zuJ`)V8w{WPuD4nLcJ1r5FZ`D!ecy>Y?fh1@cexE`@}mnTw;Q${4L|VlM&0R*yD{_ZgHey7Z`uSEgXWTV&wcuMiVWg@bVasx zSI)aEcY0|j@2MaWuak;9ouk9F*Xrx;TFiZRQsXE0(3nhS-v`%DZGAkcnT>stXK(*= zO^cH!J&YX8Ch$~LElhcHuqNy@x1`s#RymJz?vnzi2E}dCb-a6Ff`VfQbFQcJf|*&D oUS7N~Uo@3%`th5cIjVLHCvF@$yeZ6B5EwrUp00i_>zopr05~`>^Z)<= literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/view/theme/quattro/quattro.less b/view/theme/quattro/quattro.less index ca4ec2625d..62260ef393 100644 --- a/view/theme/quattro/quattro.less +++ b/view/theme/quattro/quattro.less @@ -591,19 +591,37 @@ section { .wall-item-tags { padding-top: 5px; } .tag { - background: url("../../../images/tag_b.png") no-repeat center left; + background: url("icons/tag.png") no-repeat center right; color: @TagColor; + padding-right: 8px; padding-left: 3px; - a { - padding-right: 8px; - background: url("../../../images/tag.png") no-repeat center right; - color: @TagColor; - } + a { color: @TagColor; } } -.filesavetags { +.mention { + background: url("icons/men.png") no-repeat 1px center; + color: @MentionColor; + padding-right: 3px; + padding-left: 18px; + a { color: @MentionColor; } +} +.folder { + background: url("icons/folder.png") no-repeat 1px center; + color: @MentionColor; + padding-right: 3px; + padding-left: 15px; + a { color: @MentionColor; } +} +.category { + background: url("icons/category.png") no-repeat 1px center; + color: @MentionColor; + padding-right: 3px; + padding-left: 15px; + a { color: @MentionColor; } +} +/*.filesavetags { padding: 3px 0px 3px 0px; opacity: 0.5; -} +}*/ .wwto { position: absolute !important; From 871f182414c6837cc45753b8bc28cd7e467b5c17 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fabrixxm Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2012 09:53:02 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 06/15] quattro: add quattro-lilac to theme Makefile --- view/theme/quattro/Makefile | 1 + view/theme/quattro/lilac/colors.less | 1 + view/theme/quattro/lilac/style.css | 92 +++++++++++++++++++++++----- 3 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) diff --git a/view/theme/quattro/Makefile b/view/theme/quattro/Makefile index 5df58c821b..5b3d692a21 100644 --- a/view/theme/quattro/Makefile +++ b/view/theme/quattro/Makefile @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ all: cd dark; make; cd .. cd green; make; cd .. + cd lilac; make; cd .. diff --git a/view/theme/quattro/lilac/colors.less b/view/theme/quattro/lilac/colors.less index 2df0e41f1e..d48f9552f4 100644 --- a/view/theme/quattro/lilac/colors.less +++ b/view/theme/quattro/lilac/colors.less @@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ @CommentBoxFullBorderColor: @Grey5; @TagColor: @Grey1; +@MentionColor: @Grey4; @JotToolsBackgroundColor: @lilacDark; @JotToolsBorderColor: @Metalic2; diff --git a/view/theme/quattro/lilac/style.css b/view/theme/quattro/lilac/style.css index c6229e8858..4c9c74e758 100644 --- a/view/theme/quattro/lilac/style.css +++ b/view/theme/quattro/lilac/style.css @@ -404,9 +404,6 @@ code { padding: 10px; margin-top: 20px; } -textarea { - font-size: 20px; -} #panel { position: absolute; width: 10em; @@ -1088,7 +1085,6 @@ section { padding: 0.3em; } .wall-item-comment-wrapper .comment-edit-text-full { - font-size: 20px; height: 4em; color: #2d2d2d; border: 1px solid #2d2d2d; @@ -1142,23 +1138,46 @@ section { padding-top: 5px; } .tag { - background: url("../../../images/tag_b.png") no-repeat center left; + background: url("icons/tag.png") no-repeat center right; color: #ffffff; + padding-right: 8px; padding-left: 3px; } .tag a { - padding-right: 8px; - background: url("../../../images/tag.png") no-repeat center right; color: #ffffff; } -.filesavetags { - padding: 3px 0px 3px 0px; - opacity: 0.5; +.mention { + background: url("icons/men.png") no-repeat 1px center; + color: #666666; + padding-right: 3px; + padding-left: 18px; } +.mention a { + color: #666666; +} +.folder { + background: url("icons/folder.png") no-repeat 1px center; + color: #666666; + padding-right: 3px; + padding-left: 15px; +} +.folder a { + color: #666666; +} +.category { + background: url("icons/category.png") no-repeat 1px center; + color: #666666; + padding-right: 3px; + padding-left: 15px; +} +.category a { + color: #666666; +} +/*.filesavetags { + padding: 3px 0px 3px 0px; + opacity: 0.5; +}*/ .wwto { - position: absolute !important; - width: 25px; - height: 25px; background: #FFFFFF; border: 2px solid #364e59; height: 25px; @@ -1334,9 +1353,6 @@ span[id^="showmore-wrap"] { border: 1px solid #999999; padding: 0.3em; } -#jot .profile-jot-text:focus { - font-size: 20px; -} #jot #jot-tools { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; @@ -2147,3 +2163,47 @@ footer { .videobb:hover { background-position: -112px -16px; } +/** range input css **/ +/* slider root element */ +.slider { + height: 2px; + position: relative; + cursor: pointer; + border: 1px solid #333; + width: 200px; + margin: 10px 0px 10px 0px; + float: left; +} +/* progress bar (enabled with progress: true) */ +.progress { + height: 9px; + background-color: #C5FF00; + display: none; + opacity: 0.6; +} +/* drag handle */ +.handle { + background-color: #ccc; + height: 16px; + width: 8px; + top: -8px; + position: absolute; + display: block; + margin-top: 1px; + border: 1px solid #000; + cursor: move; + -moz-border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; + -webkit-border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; + border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; + -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); + -moz-box-shadow: 0px 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); + box-shadow: 0px 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); +} +/* the input field */ +.range { + width: 20px!important; + font-size: 8pt; + margin-left: 10px; + border: 0px; + color: #999999; +} From c7a4c0808127443b5e7473f6dd15dc4ebc201bbd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fabrixxm Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2012 09:59:55 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 07/15] quattro: fix jot "video link" tooltip --- view/theme/quattro/jot.tpl | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/view/theme/quattro/jot.tpl b/view/theme/quattro/jot.tpl index 95c0ff6b16..7f9f9bbaf1 100644 --- a/view/theme/quattro/jot.tpl +++ b/view/theme/quattro/jot.tpl @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
  • $shortupload
  • $shortattach
  • $shortweblink
  • -
  • $shortvideo
  • +
  • $shortvideo
  • $shortaudio
  • + {{ if $item.has_cats }} +
    $item.txt_cats {{ for $item.categories as $cat }}$ [$remove] {{ if $cat.last }}{{ else }}, {{ endif }}{{ endfor }} +
    + {{ endif }} + + {{ if $item.has_folders }} +
    $item.txt_folders {{ for $item.folders as $cat }}$ [$remove] {{ if $cat.last }}{{ else }}, {{ endif }}{{ endfor }} +
    + {{ endif }}
    diff --git a/view/theme/frost/theme.php b/view/theme/frost/theme.php index 20ea0769a4..4ab6519886 100644 --- a/view/theme/frost/theme.php +++ b/view/theme/frost/theme.php @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * Name: Frost * Description: Like frosted glass * Credits: Navigation icons taken from Other icons taken from, including: Like, Dislike, Black Lock, Unlock, Pencil, Tag, Camera, Paperclip (Marie Coons), Folder (Sergio Calcara), Chain-link (Andrew Fortnum), Speaker (Harold Kim), Quotes (Henry Ryder), Video Camera (Anas Ramadan), and Left Arrow, Right Arrow, and Delete X (all three P.J. Onori). All under Attribution (CC BY 3.0). Others from The Noun Project are public domain or No Rights Reserved (CC0). - * Version: Version 0.2.11 + * Version: Version 0.2.12 * Author: Zach P * Maintainer: Zach P */ diff --git a/view/theme/frost/wall_thread.tpl b/view/theme/frost/wall_thread.tpl index 72089ec223..ffc57f00b2 100644 --- a/view/theme/frost/wall_thread.tpl +++ b/view/theme/frost/wall_thread.tpl @@ -49,6 +49,15 @@ $tag {{ endfor }} + {{ if $item.has_cats }} +
    $item.txt_cats {{ for $item.categories as $cat }}$ [$remove] {{ if $cat.last }}{{ else }}, {{ endif }}{{ endfor }} +
    + {{ endif }} + + {{ if $item.has_folders }} +
    $item.txt_folders {{ for $item.folders as $cat }}$ [$remove] {{ if $cat.last }}{{ else }}, {{ endif }}{{ endfor }} +
    + {{ endif }}
    From 8e50b3f9ce3b9a8e3d8a7a584dcaf20e38a99e2c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Domovoy Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2012 16:03:20 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 11/15] Use saved_searches_aside.tpl in search.php --- mod/search.php | 23 ++++++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/mod/search.php b/mod/search.php index 300eb912c1..87c72367e8 100644 --- a/mod/search.php +++ b/mod/search.php @@ -9,13 +9,26 @@ function search_saved_searches() { ); if(count($r)) { - $o .= '
    '; - $o .= '

    ' . t('Saved Searches') . '

    ' . "\r\n"; - $o .= '
      ' . "\r\n"; + $saved = array(); foreach($r as $rr) { - $o .= '
    • ' . $rr['term'] . '
    • ' . "\r\n"; + $saved[] = array( + 'id' => $rr['id'], + 'term' => $rr['term'], + 'encodedterm' => urlencode($rr['term']), + 'delete' => t('Remove term'), + 'selected' => ($search==$rr['term']), + ); } - $o .= '
    ' . "\r\n"; + + + $tpl = get_markup_template("saved_searches_aside.tpl"); + + $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array( + '$title' => t('Saved Searches'), + '$add' => '', + '$searchbox' => '', + '$saved' => $saved, + )); } return $o; From 44acbb25e40c088d8e29dd0eaae0443d870e442e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Christian Vogeley Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2012 21:29:00 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 12/15] Bring back BB-Code in comments --- view/theme/cleanzero/theme.php | 15 ++++++++++++--- 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/view/theme/cleanzero/theme.php b/view/theme/cleanzero/theme.php index c993619973..f65890f3f1 100644 --- a/view/theme/cleanzero/theme.php +++ b/view/theme/cleanzero/theme.php @@ -42,13 +42,22 @@ function insertFormatting(comment,BBcode,id) { return true; } -function cmtBbOpen(id) { - $(".comment-edit-bb-" + id).show(); +function cmtBbOpen(comment, id) { + if($(comment).hasClass('comment-edit-text-full')) { + $(".comment-edit-bb-" + id).show(); + return true; + } + return false; } function cmtBbClose(comment, id) { - $(".comment-edit-bb-" + id).hide(); +// if($(comment).hasClass('comment-edit-text-empty')) { +// $(".comment-edit-bb-" + id).hide(); +// return true; +// } + return false; } + $(document).ready(function() { $('.group-edit-icon').hover( From d651291916e0073bcc22cc219670c079e3aef3b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tobias Diekershoff Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 07:56:12 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 13/15] DE: update to the strings --- view/de/messages.po | 217 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- view/de/strings.php | 2 + 2 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 104 deletions(-) diff --git a/view/de/messages.po b/view/de/messages.po index 2e6c566a42..20aa52a497 100644 --- a/view/de/messages.po +++ b/view/de/messages.po @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: friendica\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-09-27 10:00-0700\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-09-30 06:05+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-09-29 10:00-0700\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-03 05:50+0000\n" "Last-Translator: bavatar \n" "Language-Team: German (\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ msgstr "Neues Foto von dieser URL" #: ../../mod/crepair.php:166 ../../mod/fsuggest.php:107 #: ../../mod/events.php:455 ../../mod/photos.php:1005 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1081 ../../mod/photos.php:1338 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1378 ../../mod/photos.php:1419 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1451 ../../mod/install.php:246 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1081 ../../mod/photos.php:1344 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1384 ../../mod/photos.php:1427 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1459 ../../mod/install.php:246 #: ../../mod/install.php:284 ../../mod/localtime.php:45 ../../mod/poke.php:199 #: ../../mod/content.php:693 ../../mod/contacts.php:348 #: ../../mod/settings.php:543 ../../mod/settings.php:697 @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ msgstr "Neues Foto von dieser URL" #: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:757 #: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:190 #: ../../view/theme/quattro/config.php:53 ../../view/theme/dispy/config.php:70 -#: ../../object/Item.php:560 +#: ../../object/Item.php:558 msgid "Submit" msgstr "Senden" @@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ msgstr "Veranstaltung teilen" #: ../../mod/tagrm.php:11 ../../mod/tagrm.php:94 ../../mod/editpost.php:136 #: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:847 ../../mod/settings.php:544 #: ../../mod/settings.php:570 ../../addon/js_upload/js_upload.php:45 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:935 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:948 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Abbrechen" @@ -396,13 +396,13 @@ msgstr "Fotoalben" #: ../../mod/photos.php:54 ../../mod/photos.php:149 ../../mod/photos.php:986 #: ../../mod/photos.php:1073 ../../mod/photos.php:1088 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1530 ../../mod/photos.php:1542 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1538 ../../mod/photos.php:1550 #: ../../addon/communityhome/communityhome.php:110 #: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:598 msgid "Contact Photos" msgstr "Kontaktbilder" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:61 ../../mod/photos.php:1104 ../../mod/photos.php:1580 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:61 ../../mod/photos.php:1104 ../../mod/photos.php:1588 msgid "Upload New Photos" msgstr "Weitere Fotos hochladen" @@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ msgstr "Album nicht gefunden." msgid "Delete Album" msgstr "Album löschen" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:240 ../../mod/photos.php:1339 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:240 ../../mod/photos.php:1345 msgid "Delete Photo" msgstr "Foto löschen" @@ -441,8 +441,8 @@ msgstr "Foto löschen" msgid "was tagged in a" msgstr "wurde getaggt in einem" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:584 ../../mod/like.php:145 ../../mod/tagger.php:62 -#: ../../addon/communityhome/communityhome.php:163 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:584 ../../mod/like.php:145 ../../mod/subthread.php:87 +#: ../../mod/tagger.php:62 ../../addon/communityhome/communityhome.php:163 #: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:570 ../../include/text.php:1439 #: ../../include/diaspora.php:1824 ../../include/conversation.php:125 #: ../../include/conversation.php:253 @@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ msgstr "oder existierender Albumname: " msgid "Do not show a status post for this upload" msgstr "Keine Status-Mitteilung für diesen Beitrag anzeigen" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1032 ../../mod/photos.php:1334 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1032 ../../mod/photos.php:1340 msgid "Permissions" msgstr "Berechtigungen" @@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ msgstr "Zeige neueste zuerst" msgid "Show Oldest First" msgstr "Zeige älteste zuerst" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1124 ../../mod/photos.php:1563 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1124 ../../mod/photos.php:1571 msgid "View Photo" msgstr "Fotos betrachten" @@ -560,91 +560,91 @@ msgstr "Private Nachricht" msgid "View Full Size" msgstr "Betrachte Originalgröße" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1311 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1317 msgid "Tags: " msgstr "Tags: " -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1314 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1320 msgid "[Remove any tag]" msgstr "[Tag entfernen]" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1324 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1330 msgid "Rotate CW (right)" msgstr "Drehen US (rechts)" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1325 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1331 msgid "Rotate CCW (left)" msgstr "Drehen EUS (links)" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1327 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1333 msgid "New album name" msgstr "Name des neuen Albums" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1330 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1336 msgid "Caption" msgstr "Bildunterschrift" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1332 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1338 msgid "Add a Tag" msgstr "Tag hinzufügen" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1336 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1342 msgid "" "Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen,, #California, #camping" msgstr "Beispiel: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen,, #California, #camping" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1356 ../../mod/content.php:667 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1362 ../../mod/content.php:667 #: ../../object/Item.php:196 msgid "I like this (toggle)" msgstr "Ich mag das (toggle)" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1357 ../../mod/content.php:668 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1363 ../../mod/content.php:668 #: ../../object/Item.php:197 msgid "I don't like this (toggle)" msgstr "Ich mag das nicht (toggle)" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1358 ../../include/conversation.php:896 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1364 ../../include/conversation.php:909 msgid "Share" msgstr "Teilen" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1359 ../../mod/editpost.php:112 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1365 ../../mod/editpost.php:112 #: ../../mod/content.php:482 ../../mod/content.php:845 #: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:152 ../../mod/message.php:293 -#: ../../mod/message.php:481 ../../include/conversation.php:570 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:915 ../../object/Item.php:258 +#: ../../mod/message.php:481 ../../include/conversation.php:573 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:928 ../../object/Item.php:258 msgid "Please wait" msgstr "Bitte warten" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1375 ../../mod/photos.php:1416 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1448 ../../mod/content.php:690 -#: ../../object/Item.php:557 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1381 ../../mod/photos.php:1424 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1456 ../../mod/content.php:690 +#: ../../object/Item.php:555 msgid "This is you" msgstr "Das bist du" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1377 ../../mod/photos.php:1418 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1450 ../../mod/content.php:692 ../../boot.php:574 -#: ../../object/Item.php:559 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1383 ../../mod/photos.php:1426 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1458 ../../mod/content.php:692 ../../boot.php:574 +#: ../../object/Item.php:557 msgid "Comment" msgstr "Kommentar" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1379 ../../mod/editpost.php:133 -#: ../../mod/content.php:702 ../../include/conversation.php:933 -#: ../../object/Item.php:569 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1385 ../../mod/editpost.php:133 +#: ../../mod/content.php:702 ../../include/conversation.php:946 +#: ../../object/Item.php:567 msgid "Preview" msgstr "Vorschau" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1479 ../../mod/content.php:439 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1487 ../../mod/content.php:439 #: ../../mod/content.php:723 ../../mod/settings.php:606 #: ../../mod/settings.php:695 ../../mod/group.php:168 ../../mod/admin.php:696 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:515 ../../object/Item.php:117 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:518 ../../object/Item.php:117 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Löschen" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1569 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1577 msgid "View Album" msgstr "Album betrachten" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1578 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1586 msgid "Recent Photos" msgstr "Neueste Fotos" @@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ msgstr "Beitrag nicht gefunden" msgid "Edit post" msgstr "Beitrag bearbeiten" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:88 ../../include/conversation.php:882 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:88 ../../include/conversation.php:895 msgid "Post to Email" msgstr "An E-Mail senden" @@ -713,17 +713,17 @@ msgstr "Bearbeiten" #: ../../mod/editpost.php:104 ../../mod/wallmessage.php:150 #: ../../mod/message.php:291 ../../mod/message.php:478 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:897 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:910 msgid "Upload photo" msgstr "Foto hochladen" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:105 ../../include/conversation.php:899 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:105 ../../include/conversation.php:912 msgid "Attach file" msgstr "Datei anhängen" #: ../../mod/editpost.php:106 ../../mod/wallmessage.php:151 #: ../../mod/message.php:292 ../../mod/message.php:479 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:901 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:914 msgid "Insert web link" msgstr "einen Link einfügen" @@ -739,35 +739,35 @@ msgstr "Vorbis [.ogg] Video einfügen" msgid "Insert Vorbis [.ogg] audio" msgstr "Vorbis [.ogg] Audio einfügen" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:110 ../../include/conversation.php:907 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:110 ../../include/conversation.php:920 msgid "Set your location" msgstr "Deinen Standort festlegen" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:111 ../../include/conversation.php:909 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:111 ../../include/conversation.php:922 msgid "Clear browser location" msgstr "Browser-Standort leeren" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:113 ../../include/conversation.php:916 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:113 ../../include/conversation.php:929 msgid "Permission settings" msgstr "Berechtigungseinstellungen" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:121 ../../include/conversation.php:925 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:121 ../../include/conversation.php:938 msgid "CC: email addresses" msgstr "Cc:-E-Mail-Addressen" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:122 ../../include/conversation.php:926 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:122 ../../include/conversation.php:939 msgid "Public post" msgstr "Öffentlicher Beitrag" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:125 ../../include/conversation.php:912 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:125 ../../include/conversation.php:925 msgid "Set title" msgstr "Titel setzen" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:127 ../../include/conversation.php:914 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:127 ../../include/conversation.php:927 msgid "Categories (comma-separated list)" msgstr "Kategorien (kommasepariert)" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:128 ../../include/conversation.php:928 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:128 ../../include/conversation.php:941 msgid "Example:," msgstr "Z.B.:," @@ -1310,24 +1310,24 @@ msgid "Group: " msgstr "Gruppe: " #: ../../mod/content.php:438 ../../mod/content.php:722 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:514 ../../object/Item.php:116 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:517 ../../object/Item.php:116 msgid "Select" msgstr "Auswählen" #: ../../mod/content.php:455 ../../mod/content.php:815 -#: ../../mod/content.php:816 ../../include/conversation.php:533 +#: ../../mod/content.php:816 ../../include/conversation.php:536 #: ../../object/Item.php:227 ../../object/Item.php:228 #, php-format msgid "View %s's profile @ %s" msgstr "Das Profil von %s auf %s betrachten." #: ../../mod/content.php:465 ../../mod/content.php:827 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:553 ../../object/Item.php:240 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:556 ../../object/Item.php:240 #, php-format msgid "%s from %s" msgstr "%s von %s" -#: ../../mod/content.php:480 ../../include/conversation.php:568 +#: ../../mod/content.php:480 ../../include/conversation.php:571 msgid "View in context" msgstr "Im Zusammenhang betrachten" @@ -1368,35 +1368,35 @@ msgstr "Weitersagen" msgid "share" msgstr "Teilen" -#: ../../mod/content.php:694 ../../object/Item.php:561 +#: ../../mod/content.php:694 ../../object/Item.php:559 msgid "Bold" msgstr "Fett" -#: ../../mod/content.php:695 ../../object/Item.php:562 +#: ../../mod/content.php:695 ../../object/Item.php:560 msgid "Italic" msgstr "Kursiv" -#: ../../mod/content.php:696 ../../object/Item.php:563 +#: ../../mod/content.php:696 ../../object/Item.php:561 msgid "Underline" msgstr "Unterstrichen" -#: ../../mod/content.php:697 ../../object/Item.php:564 +#: ../../mod/content.php:697 ../../object/Item.php:562 msgid "Quote" msgstr "Zitat" -#: ../../mod/content.php:698 ../../object/Item.php:565 +#: ../../mod/content.php:698 ../../object/Item.php:563 msgid "Code" msgstr "Code" -#: ../../mod/content.php:699 ../../object/Item.php:566 +#: ../../mod/content.php:699 ../../object/Item.php:564 msgid "Image" msgstr "Bild" -#: ../../mod/content.php:700 ../../object/Item.php:567 +#: ../../mod/content.php:700 ../../object/Item.php:565 msgid "Link" msgstr "Verweis" -#: ../../mod/content.php:701 ../../object/Item.php:568 +#: ../../mod/content.php:701 ../../object/Item.php:566 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" @@ -2683,7 +2683,7 @@ msgstr "Kein Empfänger." #: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:123 ../../mod/wallmessage.php:131 #: ../../mod/message.php:242 ../../mod/message.php:250 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:833 ../../include/conversation.php:850 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:846 ../../include/conversation.php:863 msgid "Please enter a link URL:" msgstr "Bitte gib die URL des Links ein:" @@ -3083,8 +3083,8 @@ msgstr "Registrieren" msgid "People Search" msgstr "Personensuche" -#: ../../mod/like.php:145 ../../mod/like.php:298 ../../mod/tagger.php:62 -#: ../../addon/facebook/facebook.php:1598 +#: ../../mod/like.php:145 ../../mod/like.php:298 ../../mod/subthread.php:87 +#: ../../mod/tagger.php:62 ../../addon/facebook/facebook.php:1598 #: ../../addon/communityhome/communityhome.php:158 #: ../../addon/communityhome/communityhome.php:167 #: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:565 @@ -4081,6 +4081,11 @@ msgstr "Gemeinsame Freunde" msgid "No contacts in common." msgstr "Keine gemeinsamen Kontakte." +#: ../../mod/subthread.php:103 +#, php-format +msgid "%1$s is following %2$s's %3$s" +msgstr "%1$s folgt %2$s %3$s" + #: ../../mod/share.php:28 msgid "link" msgstr "Link" @@ -4409,8 +4414,8 @@ msgstr "sichtbar für jeden" msgid "Edit visibility" msgstr "Sichtbarkeit bearbeiten" -#: ../../mod/filer.php:29 ../../include/conversation.php:837 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:854 +#: ../../mod/filer.php:29 ../../include/conversation.php:850 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:867 msgid "Save to Folder:" msgstr "In diesen Ordner verschieben:" @@ -8508,34 +8513,34 @@ msgstr "Das Sicherheitsmerkmal war nicht korrekt. Das passiert meistens wenn das msgid "stopped following" msgstr "wird nicht mehr gefolgt" -#: ../../include/Contact.php:220 ../../include/conversation.php:734 +#: ../../include/Contact.php:220 ../../include/conversation.php:743 msgid "Poke" msgstr "Anstupsen" -#: ../../include/Contact.php:221 ../../include/conversation.php:728 +#: ../../include/Contact.php:221 ../../include/conversation.php:737 msgid "View Status" msgstr "Pinnwand anschauen" -#: ../../include/Contact.php:222 ../../include/conversation.php:729 +#: ../../include/Contact.php:222 ../../include/conversation.php:738 msgid "View Profile" msgstr "Profil anschauen" -#: ../../include/Contact.php:223 ../../include/conversation.php:730 +#: ../../include/Contact.php:223 ../../include/conversation.php:739 msgid "View Photos" msgstr "Bilder anschauen" #: ../../include/Contact.php:224 ../../include/Contact.php:237 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:731 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:740 msgid "Network Posts" msgstr "Netzwerkbeiträge" #: ../../include/Contact.php:225 ../../include/Contact.php:237 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:732 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:741 msgid "Edit Contact" msgstr "Kontakt bearbeiten" #: ../../include/Contact.php:226 ../../include/Contact.php:237 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:733 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:742 msgid "Send PM" msgstr "Private Nachricht senden" @@ -8553,118 +8558,122 @@ msgstr "Nachricht/Beitrag" msgid "%1$s marked %2$s's %3$s as favorite" msgstr "%1$s hat %2$s\\s %3$s als Favorit markiert" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:545 ../../object/Item.php:218 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:548 ../../object/Item.php:218 msgid "Categories:" msgstr "Kategorien" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:546 ../../object/Item.php:219 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:549 ../../object/Item.php:219 msgid "Filed under:" msgstr "Abgelegt unter:" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:630 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:633 msgid "remove" msgstr "löschen" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:634 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:637 msgid "Delete Selected Items" msgstr "Lösche die markierten Beiträge" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:792 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:736 +msgid "Follow Thread" +msgstr "Folge der Unterhaltung" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:805 #, php-format msgid "%s likes this." msgstr "%s mag das." -#: ../../include/conversation.php:792 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:805 #, php-format msgid "%s doesn't like this." msgstr "%s mag das nicht." -#: ../../include/conversation.php:796 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:809 #, php-format msgid "%2$d people like this." msgstr "%2$d Leute mögen das." -#: ../../include/conversation.php:798 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:811 #, php-format msgid "%2$d people don't like this." msgstr "%2$d Leute mögen das nicht." -#: ../../include/conversation.php:804 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:817 msgid "and" msgstr "und" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:807 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:820 #, php-format msgid ", and %d other people" msgstr " und %d andere" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:808 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:821 #, php-format msgid "%s like this." msgstr "%s mögen das." -#: ../../include/conversation.php:808 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:821 #, php-format msgid "%s don't like this." msgstr "%s mögen das nicht." -#: ../../include/conversation.php:832 ../../include/conversation.php:849 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:845 ../../include/conversation.php:862 msgid "Visible to everybody" msgstr "Für jedermann sichtbar" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:834 ../../include/conversation.php:851 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:847 ../../include/conversation.php:864 msgid "Please enter a video link/URL:" msgstr "Bitte Link/URL zum Video einfügen:" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:835 ../../include/conversation.php:852 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:848 ../../include/conversation.php:865 msgid "Please enter an audio link/URL:" msgstr "Bitte Link/URL zum Audio einfügen:" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:836 ../../include/conversation.php:853 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:849 ../../include/conversation.php:866 msgid "Tag term:" msgstr "Tag:" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:838 ../../include/conversation.php:855 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:851 ../../include/conversation.php:868 msgid "Where are you right now?" msgstr "Wo hältst du dich jetzt gerade auf?" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:898 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:911 msgid "upload photo" msgstr "Bild hochladen" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:900 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:913 msgid "attach file" msgstr "Datei anhängen" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:902 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:915 msgid "web link" msgstr "Weblink" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:903 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:916 msgid "Insert video link" msgstr "Video-Adresse einfügen" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:904 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:917 msgid "video link" msgstr "Video-Link" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:905 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:918 msgid "Insert audio link" msgstr "Audio-Adresse einfügen" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:906 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:919 msgid "audio link" msgstr "Audio-Link" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:908 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:921 msgid "set location" msgstr "Ort setzen" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:910 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:923 msgid "clear location" msgstr "Ort löschen" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:917 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:930 msgid "permissions" msgstr "Zugriffsrechte" diff --git a/view/de/strings.php b/view/de/strings.php index 8b58fccf42..b172ff9ca2 100644 --- a/view/de/strings.php +++ b/view/de/strings.php @@ -913,6 +913,7 @@ $a->strings["Login failed."] = "Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen."; $a->strings["Contact added"] = "Kontakt hinzugefügt"; $a->strings["Common Friends"] = "Gemeinsame Freunde"; $a->strings["No contacts in common."] = "Keine gemeinsamen Kontakte."; +$a->strings["%1\$s is following %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s folgt %2\$s %3\$s"; $a->strings["link"] = "Link"; $a->strings["Item has been removed."] = "Eintrag wurde entfernt."; $a->strings["Applications"] = "Anwendungen"; @@ -1954,6 +1955,7 @@ $a->strings["Categories:"] = "Kategorien"; $a->strings["Filed under:"] = "Abgelegt unter:"; $a->strings["remove"] = "löschen"; $a->strings["Delete Selected Items"] = "Lösche die markierten Beiträge"; +$a->strings["Follow Thread"] = "Folge der Unterhaltung"; $a->strings["%s likes this."] = "%s mag das."; $a->strings["%s doesn't like this."] = "%s mag das nicht."; $a->strings["%2\$d people like this."] = "%2\$d Leute mögen das."; From 122cf96ffdbe1f7ad781116eb7ca568c637cfc79 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tobias Diekershoff Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 07:56:29 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 14/15] FR: update to the strings --- view/fr/messages.po | 231 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- view/fr/strings.php | 16 +-- 2 files changed, 129 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-) diff --git a/view/fr/messages.po b/view/fr/messages.po index df6288b411..d7a85b31a8 100644 --- a/view/fr/messages.po +++ b/view/fr/messages.po @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: friendica\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-09-27 10:00-0700\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-09-28 14:23+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-09-29 10:00-0700\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-01 11:39+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Olivier \n" "Language-Team: French (\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -129,9 +129,9 @@ msgstr "Nouvelle photo depuis cette URL" #: ../../mod/crepair.php:166 ../../mod/fsuggest.php:107 #: ../../mod/events.php:455 ../../mod/photos.php:1005 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1081 ../../mod/photos.php:1338 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1378 ../../mod/photos.php:1419 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1451 ../../mod/install.php:246 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1081 ../../mod/photos.php:1344 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1384 ../../mod/photos.php:1427 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1459 ../../mod/install.php:246 #: ../../mod/install.php:284 ../../mod/localtime.php:45 ../../mod/poke.php:199 #: ../../mod/content.php:693 ../../mod/contacts.php:348 #: ../../mod/settings.php:543 ../../mod/settings.php:697 @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ msgstr "Nouvelle photo depuis cette URL" #: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:757 #: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:190 #: ../../view/theme/quattro/config.php:53 ../../view/theme/dispy/config.php:70 -#: ../../object/Item.php:560 +#: ../../object/Item.php:558 msgid "Submit" msgstr "Envoyer" @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ msgstr "Partager cet événement" #: ../../mod/tagrm.php:11 ../../mod/tagrm.php:94 ../../mod/editpost.php:136 #: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:847 ../../mod/settings.php:544 #: ../../mod/settings.php:570 ../../addon/js_upload/js_upload.php:45 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:935 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:948 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Annuler" @@ -383,13 +383,13 @@ msgstr "Albums photo" #: ../../mod/photos.php:54 ../../mod/photos.php:149 ../../mod/photos.php:986 #: ../../mod/photos.php:1073 ../../mod/photos.php:1088 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1530 ../../mod/photos.php:1542 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1538 ../../mod/photos.php:1550 #: ../../addon/communityhome/communityhome.php:110 #: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:598 msgid "Contact Photos" msgstr "Photos du contact" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:61 ../../mod/photos.php:1104 ../../mod/photos.php:1580 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:61 ../../mod/photos.php:1104 ../../mod/photos.php:1588 msgid "Upload New Photos" msgstr "Téléverser de nouvelles photos" @@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ msgstr "Album introuvable." msgid "Delete Album" msgstr "Effacer l'album" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:240 ../../mod/photos.php:1339 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:240 ../../mod/photos.php:1345 msgid "Delete Photo" msgstr "Effacer la photo" @@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ msgstr "Effacer la photo" msgid "was tagged in a" msgstr "a été identifié dans" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:584 ../../mod/like.php:145 ../../mod/tagger.php:62 -#: ../../addon/communityhome/communityhome.php:163 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:584 ../../mod/like.php:145 ../../mod/subthread.php:87 +#: ../../mod/tagger.php:62 ../../addon/communityhome/communityhome.php:163 #: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:570 ../../include/text.php:1439 #: ../../include/diaspora.php:1824 ../../include/conversation.php:125 #: ../../include/conversation.php:253 @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ msgstr "ou nom d'un album existant: " msgid "Do not show a status post for this upload" msgstr "Ne pas publier de notice pour cet envoi" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1032 ../../mod/photos.php:1334 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1032 ../../mod/photos.php:1340 msgid "Permissions" msgstr "Permissions" @@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ msgstr "Plus récent d'abord" msgid "Show Oldest First" msgstr "Plus ancien d'abord" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1124 ../../mod/photos.php:1563 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1124 ../../mod/photos.php:1571 msgid "View Photo" msgstr "Voir la photo" @@ -547,91 +547,91 @@ msgstr "Message privé" msgid "View Full Size" msgstr "Voir en taille réelle" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1311 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1317 msgid "Tags: " msgstr "Étiquettes: " -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1314 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1320 msgid "[Remove any tag]" msgstr "[Retirer toutes les étiquettes]" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1324 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1330 msgid "Rotate CW (right)" msgstr "Tourner dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre (vers la droite)" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1325 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1331 msgid "Rotate CCW (left)" msgstr "Tourner dans le sens contraire des aiguilles d'une montre (vers la gauche)" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1327 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1333 msgid "New album name" msgstr "Nom du nouvel album" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1330 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1336 msgid "Caption" msgstr "Titre" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1332 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1338 msgid "Add a Tag" msgstr "Ajouter une étiquette" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1336 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1342 msgid "" "Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen,, #California, #camping" msgstr "Exemples: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen,, #Californie, #vacances" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1356 ../../mod/content.php:667 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1362 ../../mod/content.php:667 #: ../../object/Item.php:196 msgid "I like this (toggle)" msgstr "J'aime (bascule)" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1357 ../../mod/content.php:668 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1363 ../../mod/content.php:668 #: ../../object/Item.php:197 msgid "I don't like this (toggle)" msgstr "Je n'aime pas (bascule)" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1358 ../../include/conversation.php:896 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1364 ../../include/conversation.php:909 msgid "Share" msgstr "Partager" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1359 ../../mod/editpost.php:112 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1365 ../../mod/editpost.php:112 #: ../../mod/content.php:482 ../../mod/content.php:845 #: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:152 ../../mod/message.php:293 -#: ../../mod/message.php:481 ../../include/conversation.php:570 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:915 ../../object/Item.php:258 +#: ../../mod/message.php:481 ../../include/conversation.php:573 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:928 ../../object/Item.php:258 msgid "Please wait" msgstr "Patientez" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1375 ../../mod/photos.php:1416 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1448 ../../mod/content.php:690 -#: ../../object/Item.php:557 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1381 ../../mod/photos.php:1424 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1456 ../../mod/content.php:690 +#: ../../object/Item.php:555 msgid "This is you" msgstr "C'est vous" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1377 ../../mod/photos.php:1418 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1450 ../../mod/content.php:692 ../../boot.php:574 -#: ../../object/Item.php:559 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1383 ../../mod/photos.php:1426 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1458 ../../mod/content.php:692 ../../boot.php:574 +#: ../../object/Item.php:557 msgid "Comment" msgstr "Commenter" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1379 ../../mod/editpost.php:133 -#: ../../mod/content.php:702 ../../include/conversation.php:933 -#: ../../object/Item.php:569 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1385 ../../mod/editpost.php:133 +#: ../../mod/content.php:702 ../../include/conversation.php:946 +#: ../../object/Item.php:567 msgid "Preview" msgstr "Aperçu" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1479 ../../mod/content.php:439 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1487 ../../mod/content.php:439 #: ../../mod/content.php:723 ../../mod/settings.php:606 #: ../../mod/settings.php:695 ../../mod/group.php:168 ../../mod/admin.php:696 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:515 ../../object/Item.php:117 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:518 ../../object/Item.php:117 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Supprimer" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1569 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1577 msgid "View Album" msgstr "Voir l'album" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1578 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1586 msgid "Recent Photos" msgstr "Photos récentes" @@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ msgstr "Élément introuvable" msgid "Edit post" msgstr "Éditer la publication" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:88 ../../include/conversation.php:882 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:88 ../../include/conversation.php:895 msgid "Post to Email" msgstr "Publier aussi par courriel" @@ -700,17 +700,17 @@ msgstr "Éditer" #: ../../mod/editpost.php:104 ../../mod/wallmessage.php:150 #: ../../mod/message.php:291 ../../mod/message.php:478 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:897 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:910 msgid "Upload photo" msgstr "Joindre photo" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:105 ../../include/conversation.php:899 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:105 ../../include/conversation.php:912 msgid "Attach file" msgstr "Joindre fichier" #: ../../mod/editpost.php:106 ../../mod/wallmessage.php:151 #: ../../mod/message.php:292 ../../mod/message.php:479 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:901 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:914 msgid "Insert web link" msgstr "Insérer lien web" @@ -726,35 +726,35 @@ msgstr "Insérer un lien vidéo Vorbis [.ogg]" msgid "Insert Vorbis [.ogg] audio" msgstr "Insérer un lien audio Vorbis [.ogg]" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:110 ../../include/conversation.php:907 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:110 ../../include/conversation.php:920 msgid "Set your location" msgstr "Définir votre localisation" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:111 ../../include/conversation.php:909 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:111 ../../include/conversation.php:922 msgid "Clear browser location" msgstr "Effacer la localisation du navigateur" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:113 ../../include/conversation.php:916 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:113 ../../include/conversation.php:929 msgid "Permission settings" msgstr "Réglages des permissions" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:121 ../../include/conversation.php:925 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:121 ../../include/conversation.php:938 msgid "CC: email addresses" msgstr "CC: adresses de courriel" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:122 ../../include/conversation.php:926 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:122 ../../include/conversation.php:939 msgid "Public post" msgstr "Notice publique" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:125 ../../include/conversation.php:912 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:125 ../../include/conversation.php:925 msgid "Set title" msgstr "Définir un titre" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:127 ../../include/conversation.php:914 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:127 ../../include/conversation.php:927 msgid "Categories (comma-separated list)" msgstr "Catégories (séparées par des virgules)" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:128 ../../include/conversation.php:928 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:128 ../../include/conversation.php:941 msgid "Example:," msgstr "Exemple:," @@ -1297,24 +1297,24 @@ msgid "Group: " msgstr "Groupe: " #: ../../mod/content.php:438 ../../mod/content.php:722 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:514 ../../object/Item.php:116 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:517 ../../object/Item.php:116 msgid "Select" msgstr "Sélectionner" #: ../../mod/content.php:455 ../../mod/content.php:815 -#: ../../mod/content.php:816 ../../include/conversation.php:533 +#: ../../mod/content.php:816 ../../include/conversation.php:536 #: ../../object/Item.php:227 ../../object/Item.php:228 #, php-format msgid "View %s's profile @ %s" msgstr "Voir le profil de %s @ %s" #: ../../mod/content.php:465 ../../mod/content.php:827 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:553 ../../object/Item.php:240 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:556 ../../object/Item.php:240 #, php-format msgid "%s from %s" msgstr "%s de %s" -#: ../../mod/content.php:480 ../../include/conversation.php:568 +#: ../../mod/content.php:480 ../../include/conversation.php:571 msgid "View in context" msgstr "Voir dans le contexte" @@ -1355,35 +1355,35 @@ msgstr "Partager" msgid "share" msgstr "partager" -#: ../../mod/content.php:694 ../../object/Item.php:561 +#: ../../mod/content.php:694 ../../object/Item.php:559 msgid "Bold" msgstr "Gras" -#: ../../mod/content.php:695 ../../object/Item.php:562 +#: ../../mod/content.php:695 ../../object/Item.php:560 msgid "Italic" msgstr "Italique" -#: ../../mod/content.php:696 ../../object/Item.php:563 +#: ../../mod/content.php:696 ../../object/Item.php:561 msgid "Underline" msgstr "Souligné" -#: ../../mod/content.php:697 ../../object/Item.php:564 +#: ../../mod/content.php:697 ../../object/Item.php:562 msgid "Quote" msgstr "Citation" -#: ../../mod/content.php:698 ../../object/Item.php:565 +#: ../../mod/content.php:698 ../../object/Item.php:563 msgid "Code" msgstr "Code" -#: ../../mod/content.php:699 ../../object/Item.php:566 +#: ../../mod/content.php:699 ../../object/Item.php:564 msgid "Image" msgstr "Image" -#: ../../mod/content.php:700 ../../object/Item.php:567 +#: ../../mod/content.php:700 ../../object/Item.php:565 msgid "Link" msgstr "Lien" -#: ../../mod/content.php:701 ../../object/Item.php:568 +#: ../../mod/content.php:701 ../../object/Item.php:566 msgid "Video" msgstr "Vidéo" @@ -2560,7 +2560,7 @@ msgstr "ajouter" #: ../../mod/network.php:287 msgid "Commented Order" -msgstr "Dans l'ordre des commentaires" +msgstr "Tri par commentaires" #: ../../mod/network.php:290 msgid "Sort by Comment Date" @@ -2568,7 +2568,7 @@ msgstr "Trier par date de commentaire" #: ../../mod/network.php:293 msgid "Posted Order" -msgstr "Dans l'ordre des notices" +msgstr "Tri par publications" #: ../../mod/network.php:296 msgid "Sort by Post Date" @@ -2670,7 +2670,7 @@ msgstr "Pas de destinataire." #: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:123 ../../mod/wallmessage.php:131 #: ../../mod/message.php:242 ../../mod/message.php:250 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:833 ../../include/conversation.php:850 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:846 ../../include/conversation.php:863 msgid "Please enter a link URL:" msgstr "Entrez un lien web:" @@ -3070,8 +3070,8 @@ msgstr "S'inscrire" msgid "People Search" msgstr "Recherche de personnes" -#: ../../mod/like.php:145 ../../mod/like.php:298 ../../mod/tagger.php:62 -#: ../../addon/facebook/facebook.php:1598 +#: ../../mod/like.php:145 ../../mod/like.php:298 ../../mod/subthread.php:87 +#: ../../mod/tagger.php:62 ../../addon/facebook/facebook.php:1598 #: ../../addon/communityhome/communityhome.php:158 #: ../../addon/communityhome/communityhome.php:167 #: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:565 @@ -3621,13 +3621,13 @@ msgstr "Permettre une imbrication infinie des commentaires." #: ../../mod/admin.php:470 msgid "Private posts by default for new users" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Publications privées par défaut pour les nouveaux utilisateurs" #: ../../mod/admin.php:470 msgid "" "Set default post permissions for all new members to the default privacy " "group rather than public." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rendre les posts de tous les nouveaux utilisateurs accessibles seulement par le groupe de contacts par défaut, et non par tout le monde." #: ../../mod/admin.php:472 msgid "Block multiple registrations" @@ -3859,7 +3859,7 @@ msgstr "Rejetter" #: ../../mod/admin.php:699 msgid "Site admin" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Administration du Site" #: ../../mod/admin.php:702 msgid "Register date" @@ -4068,6 +4068,11 @@ msgstr "Amis communs" msgid "No contacts in common." msgstr "Pas de contacts en commun." +#: ../../mod/subthread.php:103 +#, php-format +msgid "%1$s is following %2$s's %3$s" +msgstr "" + #: ../../mod/share.php:28 msgid "link" msgstr "lien" @@ -4396,8 +4401,8 @@ msgstr "visible par tous" msgid "Edit visibility" msgstr "Changer la visibilité" -#: ../../mod/filer.php:29 ../../include/conversation.php:837 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:854 +#: ../../mod/filer.php:29 ../../include/conversation.php:850 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:867 msgid "Save to Folder:" msgstr "Sauver dans le Dossier:" @@ -6127,11 +6132,11 @@ msgstr "Paramètres de la liste des forums" #: ../../addon/forumlist/forumlist.php:152 msgid "Randomise forum list" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mélanger la liste de forums" #: ../../addon/forumlist/forumlist.php:155 msgid "Show forums on profile page" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Montrer les forums sur le profil" #: ../../addon/impressum/impressum.php:37 msgid "Impressum" @@ -8495,34 +8500,34 @@ msgstr "Le jeton de sécurité du formulaire n'est pas correct. Ceci veut probab msgid "stopped following" msgstr "retiré de la liste de suivi" -#: ../../include/Contact.php:220 ../../include/conversation.php:734 +#: ../../include/Contact.php:220 ../../include/conversation.php:743 msgid "Poke" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/Contact.php:221 ../../include/conversation.php:728 +#: ../../include/Contact.php:221 ../../include/conversation.php:737 msgid "View Status" msgstr "Voir les statuts" -#: ../../include/Contact.php:222 ../../include/conversation.php:729 +#: ../../include/Contact.php:222 ../../include/conversation.php:738 msgid "View Profile" msgstr "Voir le profil" -#: ../../include/Contact.php:223 ../../include/conversation.php:730 +#: ../../include/Contact.php:223 ../../include/conversation.php:739 msgid "View Photos" msgstr "Voir les photos" #: ../../include/Contact.php:224 ../../include/Contact.php:237 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:731 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:740 msgid "Network Posts" msgstr "Posts du Réseau" #: ../../include/Contact.php:225 ../../include/Contact.php:237 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:732 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:741 msgid "Edit Contact" msgstr "Éditer le contact" #: ../../include/Contact.php:226 ../../include/Contact.php:237 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:733 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:742 msgid "Send PM" msgstr "Message privé" @@ -8540,118 +8545,122 @@ msgstr "publication/élément" msgid "%1$s marked %2$s's %3$s as favorite" msgstr "%1$s a marqué le %3$s de %2$s comme favori" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:545 ../../object/Item.php:218 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:548 ../../object/Item.php:218 msgid "Categories:" msgstr "Catégories:" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:546 ../../object/Item.php:219 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:549 ../../object/Item.php:219 msgid "Filed under:" msgstr "Rangé sous:" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:630 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:633 msgid "remove" msgstr "enlever" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:634 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:637 msgid "Delete Selected Items" msgstr "Supprimer les éléments sélectionnés" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:792 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:736 +msgid "Follow Thread" +msgstr "Suivre le fil" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:805 #, php-format msgid "%s likes this." msgstr "%s aime ça." -#: ../../include/conversation.php:792 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:805 #, php-format msgid "%s doesn't like this." msgstr "%s n'aime pas ça." -#: ../../include/conversation.php:796 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:809 #, php-format msgid "%2$d people like this." msgstr "%2$d personnes aiment ça." -#: ../../include/conversation.php:798 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:811 #, php-format msgid "%2$d people don't like this." msgstr "%2$d personnes n'aiment pas ça." -#: ../../include/conversation.php:804 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:817 msgid "and" msgstr "et" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:807 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:820 #, php-format msgid ", and %d other people" msgstr ", et %d autres personnes" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:808 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:821 #, php-format msgid "%s like this." msgstr "%s aiment ça." -#: ../../include/conversation.php:808 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:821 #, php-format msgid "%s don't like this." msgstr "%s n'aiment pas ça." -#: ../../include/conversation.php:832 ../../include/conversation.php:849 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:845 ../../include/conversation.php:862 msgid "Visible to everybody" msgstr "Visible par tout le monde" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:834 ../../include/conversation.php:851 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:847 ../../include/conversation.php:864 msgid "Please enter a video link/URL:" msgstr "Entrez un lien/URL video :" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:835 ../../include/conversation.php:852 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:848 ../../include/conversation.php:865 msgid "Please enter an audio link/URL:" msgstr "Entrez un lien/URL audio :" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:836 ../../include/conversation.php:853 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:849 ../../include/conversation.php:866 msgid "Tag term:" msgstr "Tag : " -#: ../../include/conversation.php:838 ../../include/conversation.php:855 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:851 ../../include/conversation.php:868 msgid "Where are you right now?" msgstr "Où êtes-vous présentemment?" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:898 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:911 msgid "upload photo" msgstr "envoi image" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:900 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:913 msgid "attach file" msgstr "ajout fichier" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:902 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:915 msgid "web link" msgstr "lien web" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:903 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:916 msgid "Insert video link" msgstr "Insérer un lien video" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:904 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:917 msgid "video link" msgstr "lien vidéo" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:905 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:918 msgid "Insert audio link" msgstr "Insérer un lien audio" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:906 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:919 msgid "audio link" msgstr "lien audio" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:908 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:921 msgid "set location" msgstr "spéc. localisation" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:910 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:923 msgid "clear location" msgstr "supp. localisation" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:917 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:930 msgid "permissions" msgstr "permissions" diff --git a/view/fr/strings.php b/view/fr/strings.php index b9dedf683e..bf75ad727d 100644 --- a/view/fr/strings.php +++ b/view/fr/strings.php @@ -573,9 +573,9 @@ $a->strings["Search Results For:"] = "Résultats pour:"; $a->strings["Remove term"] = "Retirer le terme"; $a->strings["Saved Searches"] = "Recherches"; $a->strings["add"] = "ajouter"; -$a->strings["Commented Order"] = "Dans l'ordre des commentaires"; +$a->strings["Commented Order"] = "Tri par commentaires"; $a->strings["Sort by Comment Date"] = "Trier par date de commentaire"; -$a->strings["Posted Order"] = "Dans l'ordre des notices"; +$a->strings["Posted Order"] = "Tri par publications"; $a->strings["Sort by Post Date"] = "Trier par date de publication"; $a->strings["Posts that mention or involve you"] = "Publications qui vous concernent"; $a->strings["New"] = "Nouveau"; @@ -807,8 +807,8 @@ $a->strings["Global directory update URL"] = "URL de mise-à-jour de l'annuaire $a->strings["URL to update the global directory. If this is not set, the global directory is completely unavailable to the application."] = "URL de mise-à-jour de l'annuaire global. Si vide, l'annuaire global sera complètement indisponible."; $a->strings["Allow threaded items"] = "Activer les commentaires imbriqués"; $a->strings["Allow infinite level threading for items on this site."] = "Permettre une imbrication infinie des commentaires."; -$a->strings["Private posts by default for new users"] = ""; -$a->strings["Set default post permissions for all new members to the default privacy group rather than public."] = ""; +$a->strings["Private posts by default for new users"] = "Publications privées par défaut pour les nouveaux utilisateurs"; +$a->strings["Set default post permissions for all new members to the default privacy group rather than public."] = "Rendre les posts de tous les nouveaux utilisateurs accessibles seulement par le groupe de contacts par défaut, et non par tout le monde."; $a->strings["Block multiple registrations"] = "Interdire les inscriptions multiples"; $a->strings["Disallow users to register additional accounts for use as pages."] = "Ne pas permettre l'inscription de comptes multiples comme des pages."; $a->strings["OpenID support"] = "Support OpenID"; @@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ $a->strings["Request date"] = "Date de la demande"; $a->strings["Email"] = "Courriel"; $a->strings["No registrations."] = "Pas d'inscriptions."; $a->strings["Deny"] = "Rejetter"; -$a->strings["Site admin"] = ""; +$a->strings["Site admin"] = "Administration du Site"; $a->strings["Register date"] = "Date d'inscription"; $a->strings["Last login"] = "Dernière connexion"; $a->strings["Last item"] = "Dernier élément"; @@ -913,6 +913,7 @@ $a->strings["Login failed."] = "Échec de connexion."; $a->strings["Contact added"] = "Contact ajouté"; $a->strings["Common Friends"] = "Amis communs"; $a->strings["No contacts in common."] = "Pas de contacts en commun."; +$a->strings["%1\$s is following %2\$s's %3\$s"] = ""; $a->strings["link"] = "lien"; $a->strings["Item has been removed."] = "Cet élément a été enlevé."; $a->strings["Applications"] = "Applications"; @@ -1391,8 +1392,8 @@ $a->strings["show/hide"] = "Montrer/cacher"; $a->strings["No forum subscriptions"] = "Pas d'abonnement au forum"; $a->strings["Forumlist settings updated."] = "Paramètres de la liste des forums mis à jour."; $a->strings["Forumlist Settings"] = "Paramètres de la liste des forums"; -$a->strings["Randomise forum list"] = ""; -$a->strings["Show forums on profile page"] = ""; +$a->strings["Randomise forum list"] = "Mélanger la liste de forums"; +$a->strings["Show forums on profile page"] = "Montrer les forums sur le profil"; $a->strings["Impressum"] = "Impressum"; $a->strings["Site Owner"] = "Propriétaire du site"; $a->strings["Email Address"] = "Adresse courriel"; @@ -1954,6 +1955,7 @@ $a->strings["Categories:"] = "Catégories:"; $a->strings["Filed under:"] = "Rangé sous:"; $a->strings["remove"] = "enlever"; $a->strings["Delete Selected Items"] = "Supprimer les éléments sélectionnés"; +$a->strings["Follow Thread"] = "Suivre le fil"; $a->strings["%s likes this."] = "%s aime ça."; $a->strings["%s doesn't like this."] = "%s n'aime pas ça."; $a->strings["%2\$d people like this."] = "%2\$d personnes aiment ça."; From 65b52878c4d779ee05304ed7699edba05eff030c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tobias Diekershoff Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 09:00:59 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 15/15] CS: update to the strings --- view/cs/messages.po | 391 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- view/cs/strings.php | 40 ++--- 2 files changed, 205 insertions(+), 226 deletions(-) diff --git a/view/cs/messages.po b/view/cs/messages.po index 971d21774e..6a239d3e49 100644 --- a/view/cs/messages.po +++ b/view/cs/messages.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: friendica\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-09-25 10:00-0700\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-09-26 08:15+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-09-29 10:00-0700\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-02 20:11+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Michal Šupler \n" "Language-Team: Czech (\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ msgstr "Aktualizace kontaktu selhala." #: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:53 ../../addon/facebook/facebook.php:510 #: ../../addon/facebook/facebook.php:516 ../../addon/fbpost/fbpost.php:159 #: ../../addon/fbpost/fbpost.php:165 -#: ../../addon/dav/friendica/layout.fnk.php:354 ../../include/items.php:3908 +#: ../../addon/dav/friendica/layout.fnk.php:354 ../../include/items.php:3913 #: ../../index.php:317 msgid "Permission denied." msgstr "Přístup odmítnut." @@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ msgstr "Nové foto z této URL adresy" #: ../../mod/crepair.php:166 ../../mod/fsuggest.php:107 #: ../../mod/events.php:455 ../../mod/photos.php:1005 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1081 ../../mod/photos.php:1338 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1378 ../../mod/photos.php:1419 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1451 ../../mod/install.php:246 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1081 ../../mod/photos.php:1344 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1384 ../../mod/photos.php:1427 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1459 ../../mod/install.php:246 #: ../../mod/install.php:284 ../../mod/localtime.php:45 ../../mod/poke.php:199 #: ../../mod/content.php:693 ../../mod/contacts.php:348 #: ../../mod/settings.php:543 ../../mod/settings.php:697 @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ msgstr "Nové foto z této URL adresy" #: ../../addon/randplace/randplace.php:177 ../../addon/dwpost/dwpost.php:93 #: ../../addon/drpost/drpost.php:110 ../../addon/startpage/startpage.php:92 #: ../../addon/geonames/geonames.php:187 ../../addon/oembed.old/oembed.php:41 -#: ../../addon/forumlist/forumlist.php:169 +#: ../../addon/forumlist/forumlist.php:163 #: ../../addon/impressum/impressum.php:83 #: ../../addon/notimeline/notimeline.php:64 ../../addon/blockem/blockem.php:57 #: ../../addon/qcomment/qcomment.php:61 @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ msgstr "Nové foto z této URL adresy" #: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:757 #: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:190 #: ../../view/theme/quattro/config.php:53 ../../view/theme/dispy/config.php:70 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:607 ../../object/Item.php:559 +#: ../../object/Item.php:558 msgid "Submit" msgstr "Odeslat" @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ msgstr "Sdílet tuto událost" #: ../../mod/tagrm.php:11 ../../mod/tagrm.php:94 ../../mod/editpost.php:136 #: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:847 ../../mod/settings.php:544 #: ../../mod/settings.php:570 ../../addon/js_upload/js_upload.php:45 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1307 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:948 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Zrušit" @@ -382,13 +382,13 @@ msgstr "Fotoalba" #: ../../mod/photos.php:54 ../../mod/photos.php:149 ../../mod/photos.php:986 #: ../../mod/photos.php:1073 ../../mod/photos.php:1088 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1530 ../../mod/photos.php:1542 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1538 ../../mod/photos.php:1550 #: ../../addon/communityhome/communityhome.php:110 #: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:598 msgid "Contact Photos" msgstr "Fotogalerie kontaktu" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:61 ../../mod/photos.php:1104 ../../mod/photos.php:1580 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:61 ../../mod/photos.php:1104 ../../mod/photos.php:1588 msgid "Upload New Photos" msgstr "Nahrát nové fotografie" @@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ msgstr "Album nenalezeno." msgid "Delete Album" msgstr "Smazat album" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:240 ../../mod/photos.php:1339 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:240 ../../mod/photos.php:1345 msgid "Delete Photo" msgstr "Smazat fotografii" @@ -427,8 +427,8 @@ msgstr "Smazat fotografii" msgid "was tagged in a" msgstr "štítek byl přidán v" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:584 ../../mod/like.php:145 ../../mod/tagger.php:62 -#: ../../addon/communityhome/communityhome.php:163 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:584 ../../mod/like.php:145 ../../mod/subthread.php:87 +#: ../../mod/tagger.php:62 ../../addon/communityhome/communityhome.php:163 #: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:570 ../../include/text.php:1439 #: ../../include/diaspora.php:1824 ../../include/conversation.php:125 #: ../../include/conversation.php:253 @@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ msgstr "nebo stávající název alba: " msgid "Do not show a status post for this upload" msgstr "Nezobrazovat stav pro tento upload" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1032 ../../mod/photos.php:1334 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1032 ../../mod/photos.php:1340 msgid "Permissions" msgstr "Oprávnění:" @@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ msgstr "Zobrazit nejprve nejnovější:" msgid "Show Oldest First" msgstr "Zobrazit nejprve nejstarší:" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1124 ../../mod/photos.php:1563 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1124 ../../mod/photos.php:1571 msgid "View Photo" msgstr "Zobraz fotografii" @@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ msgid "Use as profile photo" msgstr "Použít jako profilovou fotografii" #: ../../mod/photos.php:1224 ../../mod/content.php:603 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:436 ../../object/Item.php:103 +#: ../../object/Item.php:103 msgid "Private Message" msgstr "Soukromá zpráva" @@ -546,94 +546,91 @@ msgstr "Soukromá zpráva" msgid "View Full Size" msgstr "Zobrazit v plné velikosti" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1311 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1317 msgid "Tags: " msgstr "Štítky: " -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1314 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1320 msgid "[Remove any tag]" msgstr "[Odstranit všechny štítky]" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1324 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1330 msgid "Rotate CW (right)" msgstr "Rotovat po směru hodinových ručiček (doprava)" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1325 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1331 msgid "Rotate CCW (left)" msgstr "Rotovat proti směru hodinových ručiček (doleva)" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1327 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1333 msgid "New album name" msgstr "Nové jméno alba" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1330 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1336 msgid "Caption" msgstr "Titulek" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1332 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1338 msgid "Add a Tag" msgstr "Přidat štítek" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1336 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1342 msgid "" "Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen,, #California, #camping" msgstr "Příklad: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen,, #California, #camping" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1356 ../../mod/content.php:667 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:581 ../../object/Item.php:195 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1362 ../../mod/content.php:667 +#: ../../object/Item.php:196 msgid "I like this (toggle)" msgstr "Líbí se mi to (přepínač)" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1357 ../../mod/content.php:668 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:582 ../../object/Item.php:196 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1363 ../../mod/content.php:668 +#: ../../object/Item.php:197 msgid "I don't like this (toggle)" msgstr "Nelíbí se mi to (přepínač)" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1358 ../../include/conversation.php:1268 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1364 ../../include/conversation.php:909 msgid "Share" msgstr "Sdílet" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1359 ../../mod/editpost.php:112 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1365 ../../mod/editpost.php:112 #: ../../mod/content.php:482 ../../mod/content.php:845 #: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:152 ../../mod/message.php:293 -#: ../../mod/message.php:481 ../../include/conversation.php:686 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:944 ../../include/conversation.php:1287 -#: ../../object/Item.php:257 +#: ../../mod/message.php:481 ../../include/conversation.php:573 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:928 ../../object/Item.php:258 msgid "Please wait" msgstr "Čekejte prosím" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1375 ../../mod/photos.php:1416 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1448 ../../mod/content.php:690 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:604 ../../object/Item.php:556 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1381 ../../mod/photos.php:1424 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1456 ../../mod/content.php:690 +#: ../../object/Item.php:555 msgid "This is you" msgstr "Nastavte Vaši polohu" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1377 ../../mod/photos.php:1418 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1450 ../../mod/content.php:692 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:606 ../../boot.php:574 -#: ../../object/Item.php:558 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1383 ../../mod/photos.php:1426 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1458 ../../mod/content.php:692 ../../boot.php:574 +#: ../../object/Item.php:557 msgid "Comment" msgstr "Okomentovat" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1379 ../../mod/editpost.php:133 -#: ../../mod/content.php:702 ../../include/conversation.php:616 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1305 ../../object/Item.php:568 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1385 ../../mod/editpost.php:133 +#: ../../mod/content.php:702 ../../include/conversation.php:946 +#: ../../object/Item.php:567 msgid "Preview" msgstr "Náhled" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1479 ../../mod/content.php:439 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1487 ../../mod/content.php:439 #: ../../mod/content.php:723 ../../mod/settings.php:606 #: ../../mod/settings.php:695 ../../mod/group.php:168 ../../mod/admin.php:696 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:448 ../../include/conversation.php:889 -#: ../../object/Item.php:116 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:518 ../../object/Item.php:117 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Odstranit" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1569 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1577 msgid "View Album" msgstr "Zobrazit album" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1578 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1586 msgid "Recent Photos" msgstr "Aktuální fotografie" @@ -691,29 +688,28 @@ msgstr "Položka nenalezena" msgid "Edit post" msgstr "Upravit příspěvek" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:88 ../../include/conversation.php:1254 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:88 ../../include/conversation.php:895 msgid "Post to Email" msgstr "Poslat příspěvek na e-mail" #: ../../mod/editpost.php:103 ../../mod/content.php:710 -#: ../../mod/settings.php:605 ../../include/conversation.php:441 -#: ../../object/Item.php:107 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:605 ../../object/Item.php:107 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Upravit" #: ../../mod/editpost.php:104 ../../mod/wallmessage.php:150 #: ../../mod/message.php:291 ../../mod/message.php:478 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1269 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:910 msgid "Upload photo" msgstr "Nahrát fotografii" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:105 ../../include/conversation.php:1271 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:105 ../../include/conversation.php:912 msgid "Attach file" msgstr "Přiložit soubor" #: ../../mod/editpost.php:106 ../../mod/wallmessage.php:151 #: ../../mod/message.php:292 ../../mod/message.php:479 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1273 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:914 msgid "Insert web link" msgstr "Vložit webový odkaz" @@ -729,35 +725,35 @@ msgstr "Vložit Vorbis [.ogg] video" msgid "Insert Vorbis [.ogg] audio" msgstr "Vložit Vorbis [.ogg] audio" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:110 ../../include/conversation.php:1279 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:110 ../../include/conversation.php:920 msgid "Set your location" msgstr "Nastavte vaši polohu" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:111 ../../include/conversation.php:1281 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:111 ../../include/conversation.php:922 msgid "Clear browser location" msgstr "Odstranit adresu v prohlížeči" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:113 ../../include/conversation.php:1288 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:113 ../../include/conversation.php:929 msgid "Permission settings" msgstr "Nastavení oprávnění" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:121 ../../include/conversation.php:1297 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:121 ../../include/conversation.php:938 msgid "CC: email addresses" msgstr "skrytá kopie: e-mailové adresy" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:122 ../../include/conversation.php:1298 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:122 ../../include/conversation.php:939 msgid "Public post" msgstr "Veřejný příspěvek" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:125 ../../include/conversation.php:1284 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:125 ../../include/conversation.php:925 msgid "Set title" msgstr "Nastavit titulek" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:127 ../../include/conversation.php:1286 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:127 ../../include/conversation.php:927 msgid "Categories (comma-separated list)" msgstr "Kategorie (čárkou oddělený seznam)" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:128 ../../include/conversation.php:1300 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:128 ../../include/conversation.php:941 msgid "Example:," msgstr "Příklad:," @@ -879,7 +875,7 @@ msgstr "Prosím potvrďte Vaši žádost o propojení %s." msgid "Confirm" msgstr "Potvrdit" -#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:715 ../../include/items.php:3287 +#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:715 ../../include/items.php:3292 msgid "[Name Withheld]" msgstr "[Jméno odepřeno]" @@ -1301,32 +1297,28 @@ msgid "Group: " msgstr "Skupina: " #: ../../mod/content.php:438 ../../mod/content.php:722 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:447 ../../include/conversation.php:888 -#: ../../object/Item.php:115 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:517 ../../object/Item.php:116 msgid "Select" msgstr "Vybrat" #: ../../mod/content.php:455 ../../mod/content.php:815 -#: ../../mod/content.php:816 ../../include/conversation.php:654 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:655 ../../include/conversation.php:907 -#: ../../object/Item.php:226 ../../object/Item.php:227 +#: ../../mod/content.php:816 ../../include/conversation.php:536 +#: ../../object/Item.php:227 ../../object/Item.php:228 #, php-format msgid "View %s's profile @ %s" msgstr "Zobrazit profil uživatele %s na %s" #: ../../mod/content.php:465 ../../mod/content.php:827 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:668 ../../include/conversation.php:927 -#: ../../object/Item.php:239 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:556 ../../object/Item.php:240 #, php-format msgid "%s from %s" msgstr "%s od %s" -#: ../../mod/content.php:480 ../../include/conversation.php:942 +#: ../../mod/content.php:480 ../../include/conversation.php:571 msgid "View in context" msgstr "Pohled v kontextu" -#: ../../mod/content.php:586 ../../include/conversation.php:695 -#: ../../object/Item.php:276 +#: ../../mod/content.php:586 ../../object/Item.php:277 #, php-format msgid "%d comment" msgid_plural "%d comments" @@ -1335,8 +1327,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%d komentářů" msgstr[2] "%d komentářů" #: ../../mod/content.php:588 ../../include/text.php:1443 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:697 ../../object/Item.php:278 -#: ../../object/Item.php:291 +#: ../../object/Item.php:279 ../../object/Item.php:292 msgid "comment" msgid_plural "comments" msgstr[0] "" @@ -1345,113 +1336,92 @@ msgstr[2] "komentář" #: ../../mod/content.php:589 ../../addon/page/page.php:76 #: ../../addon/page/page.php:110 ../../addon/showmore/showmore.php:119 -#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:195 ../../include/conversation.php:698 -#: ../../boot.php:575 ../../object/Item.php:279 +#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:195 ../../boot.php:575 +#: ../../object/Item.php:280 msgid "show more" msgstr "zobrazit více" -#: ../../mod/content.php:667 ../../include/conversation.php:581 -#: ../../object/Item.php:195 +#: ../../mod/content.php:667 ../../object/Item.php:196 msgid "like" msgstr "má rád" -#: ../../mod/content.php:668 ../../include/conversation.php:582 -#: ../../object/Item.php:196 +#: ../../mod/content.php:668 ../../object/Item.php:197 msgid "dislike" msgstr "nemá rád" -#: ../../mod/content.php:670 ../../include/conversation.php:584 -#: ../../object/Item.php:198 +#: ../../mod/content.php:670 ../../object/Item.php:199 msgid "Share this" msgstr "Sdílet toto" -#: ../../mod/content.php:670 ../../include/conversation.php:584 -#: ../../object/Item.php:198 +#: ../../mod/content.php:670 ../../object/Item.php:199 msgid "share" msgstr "sdílí" -#: ../../mod/content.php:694 ../../include/conversation.php:608 -#: ../../object/Item.php:560 +#: ../../mod/content.php:694 ../../object/Item.php:559 msgid "Bold" msgstr "Tučné" -#: ../../mod/content.php:695 ../../include/conversation.php:609 -#: ../../object/Item.php:561 +#: ../../mod/content.php:695 ../../object/Item.php:560 msgid "Italic" msgstr "Kurzíva" -#: ../../mod/content.php:696 ../../include/conversation.php:610 -#: ../../object/Item.php:562 +#: ../../mod/content.php:696 ../../object/Item.php:561 msgid "Underline" msgstr "Podrtžené" -#: ../../mod/content.php:697 ../../include/conversation.php:611 -#: ../../object/Item.php:563 +#: ../../mod/content.php:697 ../../object/Item.php:562 msgid "Quote" msgstr "Citovat" -#: ../../mod/content.php:698 ../../include/conversation.php:612 -#: ../../object/Item.php:564 +#: ../../mod/content.php:698 ../../object/Item.php:563 msgid "Code" msgstr "Kód" -#: ../../mod/content.php:699 ../../include/conversation.php:613 -#: ../../object/Item.php:565 +#: ../../mod/content.php:699 ../../object/Item.php:564 msgid "Image" msgstr "Obrázek" -#: ../../mod/content.php:700 ../../include/conversation.php:614 -#: ../../object/Item.php:566 +#: ../../mod/content.php:700 ../../object/Item.php:565 msgid "Link" msgstr "Odkaz" -#: ../../mod/content.php:701 ../../include/conversation.php:615 -#: ../../object/Item.php:567 +#: ../../mod/content.php:701 ../../object/Item.php:566 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" -#: ../../mod/content.php:735 ../../include/conversation.php:545 -#: ../../object/Item.php:179 +#: ../../mod/content.php:735 ../../object/Item.php:180 msgid "add star" msgstr "přidat hvězdu" -#: ../../mod/content.php:736 ../../include/conversation.php:546 -#: ../../object/Item.php:180 +#: ../../mod/content.php:736 ../../object/Item.php:181 msgid "remove star" msgstr "odebrat hvězdu" -#: ../../mod/content.php:737 ../../include/conversation.php:547 -#: ../../object/Item.php:181 +#: ../../mod/content.php:737 ../../object/Item.php:182 msgid "toggle star status" msgstr "přepnout hvězdu" -#: ../../mod/content.php:740 ../../include/conversation.php:550 -#: ../../object/Item.php:184 +#: ../../mod/content.php:740 ../../object/Item.php:185 msgid "starred" msgstr "označeno hvězdou" -#: ../../mod/content.php:741 ../../include/conversation.php:551 -#: ../../object/Item.php:185 +#: ../../mod/content.php:741 ../../object/Item.php:186 msgid "add tag" msgstr "přidat štítek" -#: ../../mod/content.php:745 ../../include/conversation.php:451 -#: ../../object/Item.php:119 +#: ../../mod/content.php:745 ../../object/Item.php:120 msgid "save to folder" msgstr "uložit do složky" -#: ../../mod/content.php:817 ../../include/conversation.php:656 -#: ../../object/Item.php:228 +#: ../../mod/content.php:817 ../../object/Item.php:229 msgid "to" msgstr "pro" -#: ../../mod/content.php:818 ../../include/conversation.php:657 -#: ../../object/Item.php:229 +#: ../../mod/content.php:818 ../../object/Item.php:230 msgid "Wall-to-Wall" msgstr "Zeď-na-Zeď" -#: ../../mod/content.php:819 ../../include/conversation.php:658 -#: ../../object/Item.php:230 +#: ../../mod/content.php:819 ../../object/Item.php:231 msgid "via Wall-To-Wall:" msgstr "přes Zeď-na-Zeď " @@ -1970,7 +1940,7 @@ msgstr "Na %s bylo zažádáno o resetování hesla" #: ../../addon/facebook/facebook.php:702 #: ../../addon/facebook/facebook.php:1200 ../../addon/fbpost/fbpost.php:661 #: ../../addon/public_server/public_server.php:62 -#: ../../addon/testdrive/testdrive.php:67 ../../include/items.php:3296 +#: ../../addon/testdrive/testdrive.php:67 ../../include/items.php:3301 #: ../../boot.php:788 msgid "Administrator" msgstr "Administrátor" @@ -2290,7 +2260,7 @@ msgstr "Minimum 10 sekund, žádné maximum." #: ../../mod/settings.php:776 msgid "Number of items to display per page:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Počet položek zobrazených na stránce:" #: ../../mod/settings.php:776 msgid "Maximum of 100 items" @@ -2704,7 +2674,7 @@ msgstr "Žádný příjemce." #: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:123 ../../mod/wallmessage.php:131 #: ../../mod/message.php:242 ../../mod/message.php:250 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1205 ../../include/conversation.php:1222 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:846 ../../include/conversation.php:863 msgid "Please enter a link URL:" msgstr "Zadejte prosím URL odkaz:" @@ -3104,8 +3074,8 @@ msgstr "Registrovat" msgid "People Search" msgstr "Vyhledávání lidí" -#: ../../mod/like.php:145 ../../mod/like.php:298 ../../mod/tagger.php:62 -#: ../../addon/facebook/facebook.php:1598 +#: ../../mod/like.php:145 ../../mod/like.php:298 ../../mod/subthread.php:87 +#: ../../mod/tagger.php:62 ../../addon/facebook/facebook.php:1598 #: ../../addon/communityhome/communityhome.php:158 #: ../../addon/communityhome/communityhome.php:167 #: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:565 @@ -3130,7 +3100,7 @@ msgstr "%1$s nemá rád %2$s na %3$s" #: ../../mod/notice.php:15 ../../mod/viewsrc.php:15 ../../mod/admin.php:159 #: ../../mod/admin.php:734 ../../mod/admin.php:933 ../../mod/display.php:29 -#: ../../mod/display.php:145 ../../include/items.php:3774 +#: ../../mod/display.php:145 ../../include/items.php:3779 msgid "Item not found." msgstr "Položka nenalezena." @@ -3204,7 +3174,7 @@ msgstr "%s poslal aktualizaci." #: ../../mod/mood.php:62 ../../include/conversation.php:226 #, php-format msgid "%1$s is currently %2$s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s je právě %2$s" #: ../../mod/mood.php:133 msgid "Mood" @@ -3656,13 +3626,13 @@ msgstr "Povolit zpracování obsahu tohoto webu neomezeným počtem paralelních #: ../../mod/admin.php:470 msgid "Private posts by default for new users" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nastavit pro nové uživatele příspěvky jako soukromé" #: ../../mod/admin.php:470 msgid "" "Set default post permissions for all new members to the default privacy " "group rather than public." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nastavit defaultní práva pro příspěvky od všech nových členů na výchozí soukromou skupinu raději než jako veřejné." #: ../../mod/admin.php:472 msgid "Block multiple registrations" @@ -4030,48 +4000,48 @@ msgstr "Přístup na tento profil byl omezen." msgid "Tips for New Members" msgstr "Tipy pro nové členy" -#: ../../mod/ping.php:235 +#: ../../mod/ping.php:238 msgid "{0} wants to be your friend" msgstr "{0} chce být Vaším přítelem" -#: ../../mod/ping.php:240 +#: ../../mod/ping.php:243 msgid "{0} sent you a message" msgstr "{0} vám poslal zprávu" -#: ../../mod/ping.php:245 +#: ../../mod/ping.php:248 msgid "{0} requested registration" msgstr "{0} požaduje registraci" -#: ../../mod/ping.php:251 +#: ../../mod/ping.php:254 #, php-format msgid "{0} commented %s's post" msgstr "{0} komentoval příspěvek uživatele %s" -#: ../../mod/ping.php:256 +#: ../../mod/ping.php:259 #, php-format msgid "{0} liked %s's post" msgstr "{0} má rád příspěvek uživatele %s" -#: ../../mod/ping.php:261 +#: ../../mod/ping.php:264 #, php-format msgid "{0} disliked %s's post" msgstr "{0} nemá rád příspěvek uživatele %s" -#: ../../mod/ping.php:266 +#: ../../mod/ping.php:269 #, php-format msgid "{0} is now friends with %s" msgstr "{0} se skamarádil s %s" -#: ../../mod/ping.php:271 +#: ../../mod/ping.php:274 msgid "{0} posted" msgstr "{0} zasláno" -#: ../../mod/ping.php:276 +#: ../../mod/ping.php:279 #, php-format msgid "{0} tagged %s's post with #%s" msgstr "{0} označen %s' příspěvek s #%s" -#: ../../mod/ping.php:282 +#: ../../mod/ping.php:285 msgid "{0} mentioned you in a post" msgstr "{0} vás zmínil v příspěvku" @@ -4105,6 +4075,11 @@ msgstr "Společní přátelé" msgid "No contacts in common." msgstr "Žádné společné kontakty." +#: ../../mod/subthread.php:103 +#, php-format +msgid "%1$s is following %2$s's %3$s" +msgstr "%1$s následuje %3$s uživatele %2$s" + #: ../../mod/share.php:28 msgid "link" msgstr "odkaz" @@ -4433,8 +4408,8 @@ msgstr "viditelné pro všechny" msgid "Edit visibility" msgstr "Upravit viditelnost" -#: ../../mod/filer.php:29 ../../include/conversation.php:1209 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1226 +#: ../../mod/filer.php:29 ../../include/conversation.php:850 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:867 msgid "Save to Folder:" msgstr "Uložit do složky:" @@ -5095,11 +5070,11 @@ msgstr "" #: ../../addon/morepokes/morepokes.php:22 msgid "point out the poke feature to" -msgstr "" +msgstr "upozornit na poke funkci uživatele" #: ../../addon/morepokes/morepokes.php:22 msgid "pointed out the poke feature to" -msgstr "" +msgstr "upozorněn na poke funkci " #: ../../addon/morepokes/morepokes.php:23 msgid "declare undying love for" @@ -5300,11 +5275,11 @@ msgid "%s - Click to open/close" msgstr "%s - Klikněte pro otevření/zavření" #: ../../addon/page/page.php:61 ../../addon/page/page.php:91 -#: ../../addon/forumlist/forumlist.php:54 +#: ../../addon/forumlist/forumlist.php:55 msgid "Forums" msgstr "Fóra" -#: ../../addon/page/page.php:129 ../../addon/forumlist/forumlist.php:88 +#: ../../addon/page/page.php:129 ../../addon/forumlist/forumlist.php:89 msgid "Forums:" msgstr "Fóra:" @@ -5316,7 +5291,7 @@ msgstr "Nastavení stránky aktualizováno." msgid "Page Settings" msgstr "Nastavení stránky" -#: ../../addon/page/page.php:196 ../../addon/forumlist/forumlist.php:155 +#: ../../addon/page/page.php:196 msgid "How many forums to display on sidebar without paging" msgstr "Kolik diskuzních fór zobrazit v bočním panelu bez použití stránkování" @@ -6149,7 +6124,7 @@ msgstr "Použití OEmbed pro videa na YouTube" msgid "URL to embed:" msgstr "URL adresa k vložení:" -#: ../../addon/forumlist/forumlist.php:57 +#: ../../addon/forumlist/forumlist.php:58 msgid "show/hide" msgstr "zobrazit/skrýt" @@ -6157,21 +6132,21 @@ msgstr "zobrazit/skrýt" msgid "No forum subscriptions" msgstr "Žádné registrace k fórům" -#: ../../addon/forumlist/forumlist.php:124 +#: ../../addon/forumlist/forumlist.php:125 msgid "Forumlist settings updated." msgstr "Nastavení Forumlist aktualizováno." -#: ../../addon/forumlist/forumlist.php:153 +#: ../../addon/forumlist/forumlist.php:150 msgid "Forumlist Settings" msgstr "Nastavení Forumlist" -#: ../../addon/forumlist/forumlist.php:158 -msgid "Randomise Forumlist/Forum list" -msgstr "Náhodně rozdělit seznam Forumlist/Forum" +#: ../../addon/forumlist/forumlist.php:152 +msgid "Randomise forum list" +msgstr "Zamíchat list fór" -#: ../../addon/forumlist/forumlist.php:161 -msgid "Show forumlists/forums on profile forumlist" -msgstr "Zobrazit forumlists/forums na profilu forumlist" +#: ../../addon/forumlist/forumlist.php:155 +msgid "Show forums on profile page" +msgstr "Zobrazit fóra na profilové stránce" #: ../../addon/impressum/impressum.php:37 msgid "Impressum" @@ -6562,15 +6537,15 @@ msgstr "Jabber server" #: ../../addon/jappixmini/jappixmini.php:281 msgid "Jabber BOSH host" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jabber BOSH host" #: ../../addon/jappixmini/jappixmini.php:285 msgid "Jabber password" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jabber heslo" #: ../../addon/jappixmini/jappixmini.php:290 msgid "Encrypt Jabber password with Friendica password (recommended)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zašifrovat Jabber heslo s heslem Friendica (doporučeno)" #: ../../addon/jappixmini/jappixmini.php:293 msgid "Friendica password" @@ -6578,11 +6553,11 @@ msgstr "Friendica heslo" #: ../../addon/jappixmini/jappixmini.php:296 msgid "Approve subscription requests from Friendica contacts automatically" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Automaticky schválit požadavek na členství od Friedica kontaktů." #: ../../addon/jappixmini/jappixmini.php:299 msgid "Subscribe to Friendica contacts automatically" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Automaticky zaslat požadavek na členství Friedica kontaktům." #: ../../addon/jappixmini/jappixmini.php:302 msgid "Purge internal list of jabber addresses of contacts" @@ -6964,20 +6939,20 @@ msgstr "Oblíbené kanály" #: ../../addon/fromapp/fromapp.php:38 msgid "Fromapp settings updated." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fromapp nastavení aktualizováno." #: ../../addon/fromapp/fromapp.php:64 msgid "FromApp Settings" -msgstr "" +msgstr "FromApp nastavení" #: ../../addon/fromapp/fromapp.php:66 msgid "" "The application name you would like to show your posts originating from." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jméno aplikace, které chcete aby bylo jako zdroj u vašich příspěvků" #: ../../addon/fromapp/fromapp.php:70 msgid "Use this application name even if another application was used." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Použij toto jméno aplikace i když byla použita jiná aplikace" #: ../../addon/blogger/blogger.php:42 msgid "Post to blogger" @@ -8155,12 +8130,12 @@ msgstr "sekund" msgid "%1$d %2$s ago" msgstr "před %1$d %2$s" -#: ../../include/datetime.php:472 ../../include/items.php:1683 +#: ../../include/datetime.php:472 ../../include/items.php:1688 #, php-format msgid "%s's birthday" msgstr "%s má narozeniny" -#: ../../include/datetime.php:473 ../../include/items.php:1684 +#: ../../include/datetime.php:473 ../../include/items.php:1689 #, php-format msgid "Happy Birthday %s" msgstr "Veselé narozeniny %s" @@ -8435,15 +8410,15 @@ msgstr "Nepodařilo se získat kontaktní informace." msgid "following" msgstr "následující" -#: ../../include/items.php:3294 +#: ../../include/items.php:3299 msgid "A new person is sharing with you at " msgstr "Nový člověk si s vámi sdílí na" -#: ../../include/items.php:3294 +#: ../../include/items.php:3299 msgid "You have a new follower at " msgstr "Máte nového následovníka na" -#: ../../include/items.php:3975 +#: ../../include/items.php:3980 msgid "Archives" msgstr "Archív" @@ -8537,34 +8512,34 @@ msgstr "Formulářový bezpečnostní token nebyl správný. To pravděpodobně msgid "stopped following" msgstr "následování zastaveno" -#: ../../include/Contact.php:220 ../../include/conversation.php:1106 +#: ../../include/Contact.php:220 ../../include/conversation.php:743 msgid "Poke" msgstr "Šťouchnout" -#: ../../include/Contact.php:221 ../../include/conversation.php:1100 +#: ../../include/Contact.php:221 ../../include/conversation.php:737 msgid "View Status" msgstr "Zobrazit Status" -#: ../../include/Contact.php:222 ../../include/conversation.php:1101 +#: ../../include/Contact.php:222 ../../include/conversation.php:738 msgid "View Profile" msgstr "Zobrazit Profil" -#: ../../include/Contact.php:223 ../../include/conversation.php:1102 +#: ../../include/Contact.php:223 ../../include/conversation.php:739 msgid "View Photos" msgstr "Zobrazit Fotky" #: ../../include/Contact.php:224 ../../include/Contact.php:237 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1103 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:740 msgid "Network Posts" msgstr "Zobrazit Příspěvky sítě" #: ../../include/Contact.php:225 ../../include/Contact.php:237 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1104 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:741 msgid "Edit Contact" msgstr "Editovat Kontakty" #: ../../include/Contact.php:226 ../../include/Contact.php:237 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1105 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:742 msgid "Send PM" msgstr "Poslat soukromou zprávu" @@ -8582,120 +8557,122 @@ msgstr "příspěvek/položka" msgid "%1$s marked %2$s's %3$s as favorite" msgstr "uživatel %1$s označil %2$s's %3$s jako oblíbeného" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:645 ../../include/conversation.php:919 -#: ../../object/Item.php:217 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:548 ../../object/Item.php:218 msgid "Categories:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kategorie:" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:646 ../../include/conversation.php:920 -#: ../../object/Item.php:218 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:549 ../../object/Item.php:219 msgid "Filed under:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vyplněn pod:" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1002 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:633 msgid "remove" msgstr "odstranit" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1006 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:637 msgid "Delete Selected Items" msgstr "Smazat vybrané položky" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1164 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:736 +msgid "Follow Thread" +msgstr "Následovat vlákno" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:805 #, php-format msgid "%s likes this." msgstr "%s se to líbí." -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1164 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:805 #, php-format msgid "%s doesn't like this." msgstr "%s se to nelíbí." -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1168 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:809 #, php-format msgid "%2$d people like this." msgstr "%2$d lidem se to líbí." -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1170 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:811 #, php-format msgid "%2$d people don't like this." msgstr "%2$d lidem se to nelíbí." -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1176 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:817 msgid "and" msgstr "a" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1179 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:820 #, php-format msgid ", and %d other people" msgstr ", a %d dalších lidí" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1180 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:821 #, php-format msgid "%s like this." msgstr "%s se to líbí." -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1180 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:821 #, php-format msgid "%s don't like this." msgstr "%s se to nelíbí." -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1204 ../../include/conversation.php:1221 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:845 ../../include/conversation.php:862 msgid "Visible to everybody" msgstr "Viditelné pro všechny" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1206 ../../include/conversation.php:1223 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:847 ../../include/conversation.php:864 msgid "Please enter a video link/URL:" msgstr "Prosím zadejte URL adresu videa:" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1207 ../../include/conversation.php:1224 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:848 ../../include/conversation.php:865 msgid "Please enter an audio link/URL:" msgstr "Prosím zadejte URL adresu zvukového záznamu:" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1208 ../../include/conversation.php:1225 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:849 ../../include/conversation.php:866 msgid "Tag term:" msgstr "Štítek:" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1210 ../../include/conversation.php:1227 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:851 ../../include/conversation.php:868 msgid "Where are you right now?" msgstr "Kde právě jste?" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1270 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:911 msgid "upload photo" msgstr "nahrát fotky" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1272 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:913 msgid "attach file" msgstr "přidat soubor" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1274 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:915 msgid "web link" msgstr "webový odkaz" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1275 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:916 msgid "Insert video link" msgstr "Zadejte odkaz na video" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1276 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:917 msgid "video link" msgstr "odkaz na video" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1277 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:918 msgid "Insert audio link" msgstr "Zadejte odkaz na zvukový záznam" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1278 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:919 msgid "audio link" msgstr "odkaz na audio" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1280 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:921 msgid "set location" msgstr "nastavit místo" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1282 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:923 msgid "clear location" msgstr "vymazat místo" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1289 +#: ../../include/conversation.php:930 msgid "permissions" msgstr "oprávnění" diff --git a/view/cs/strings.php b/view/cs/strings.php index c4ad303669..e8484b92a9 100644 --- a/view/cs/strings.php +++ b/view/cs/strings.php @@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ $a->strings["Display Theme:"] = "Vybrat grafickou šablonu:"; $a->strings["Mobile Theme:"] = "Téma pro mobilní zařízení:"; $a->strings["Update browser every xx seconds"] = "Aktualizovat prohlížeč každých xx sekund"; $a->strings["Minimum of 10 seconds, no maximum"] = "Minimum 10 sekund, žádné maximum."; -$a->strings["Number of items to display per page:"] = ""; +$a->strings["Number of items to display per page:"] = "Počet položek zobrazených na stránce:"; $a->strings["Maximum of 100 items"] = "Maximum 100 položek"; $a->strings["Don't show emoticons"] = "Nezobrazovat emotikony"; $a->strings["Normal Account Page"] = "Normální stránka účtu"; @@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ $a->strings["This message was sent to you by %s, a member of the Friendica socia $a->strings["You may visit them online at %s"] = "Můžete je navštívit online na adrese %s"; $a->strings["Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to receive these messages."] = "Pokud nechcete dostávat tyto zprávy, kontaktujte prosím odesilatele odpovědí na tento záznam."; $a->strings["%s posted an update."] = "%s poslal aktualizaci."; -$a->strings["%1\$s is currently %2\$s"] = ""; +$a->strings["%1\$s is currently %2\$s"] = "%1\$s je právě %2\$s"; $a->strings["Mood"] = "Nálada"; $a->strings["Set your current mood and tell your friends"] = "Nastavte svou aktuální náladu a řekněte to Vašim přátelům"; $a->strings["Image uploaded but image cropping failed."] = "Obrázek byl odeslán, ale jeho oříznutí se nesdařilo."; @@ -813,8 +813,8 @@ $a->strings["Global directory update URL"] = "aktualizace URL adresy Globálníh $a->strings["URL to update the global directory. If this is not set, the global directory is completely unavailable to the application."] = "URL adresa k aktualizaci globálního adresáře. Pokud není zadáno, funkce globálního adresáře není dostupná žádné aplikaci."; $a->strings["Allow threaded items"] = "Povolit vícevláknové zpracování obsahu"; $a->strings["Allow infinite level threading for items on this site."] = "Povolit zpracování obsahu tohoto webu neomezeným počtem paralelních vláken."; -$a->strings["Private posts by default for new users"] = ""; -$a->strings["Set default post permissions for all new members to the default privacy group rather than public."] = ""; +$a->strings["Private posts by default for new users"] = "Nastavit pro nové uživatele příspěvky jako soukromé"; +$a->strings["Set default post permissions for all new members to the default privacy group rather than public."] = "Nastavit defaultní práva pro příspěvky od všech nových členů na výchozí soukromou skupinu raději než jako veřejné."; $a->strings["Block multiple registrations"] = "Blokovat více registrací"; $a->strings["Disallow users to register additional accounts for use as pages."] = "Znemožnit uživatelům registraci dodatečných účtů k použití jako stránky."; $a->strings["OpenID support"] = "podpora OpenID"; @@ -921,6 +921,7 @@ $a->strings["Login failed."] = "Přihlášení se nezdařilo."; $a->strings["Contact added"] = "Kontakt přidán"; $a->strings["Common Friends"] = "Společní přátelé"; $a->strings["No contacts in common."] = "Žádné společné kontakty."; +$a->strings["%1\$s is following %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s následuje %3\$s uživatele %2\$s"; $a->strings["link"] = "odkaz"; $a->strings["Item has been removed."] = "Položka byla odstraněna."; $a->strings["Applications"] = "Aplikace"; @@ -1156,8 +1157,8 @@ $a->strings["shag"] = ""; $a->strings["shagged"] = ""; $a->strings["do something obscenely biological to"] = ""; $a->strings["did something obscenely biological to"] = ""; -$a->strings["point out the poke feature to"] = ""; -$a->strings["pointed out the poke feature to"] = ""; +$a->strings["point out the poke feature to"] = "upozornit na poke funkci uživatele"; +$a->strings["pointed out the poke feature to"] = "upozorněn na poke funkci "; $a->strings["declare undying love for"] = "vyjadřit nehynoucí lásku ke"; $a->strings["declared undying love for"] = "vyjadřil nehynoucí lásku ke"; $a->strings["patent"] = "patentovat"; @@ -1402,8 +1403,8 @@ $a->strings["show/hide"] = "zobrazit/skrýt"; $a->strings["No forum subscriptions"] = "Žádné registrace k fórům"; $a->strings["Forumlist settings updated."] = "Nastavení Forumlist aktualizováno."; $a->strings["Forumlist Settings"] = "Nastavení Forumlist"; -$a->strings["Randomise Forumlist/Forum list"] = "Náhodně rozdělit seznam Forumlist/Forum"; -$a->strings["Show forumlists/forums on profile forumlist"] = "Zobrazit forumlists/forums na profilu forumlist"; +$a->strings["Randomise forum list"] = "Zamíchat list fór"; +$a->strings["Show forums on profile page"] = "Zobrazit fóra na profilové stránce"; $a->strings["Impressum"] = "Impressum"; $a->strings["Site Owner"] = "Vlastník webu"; $a->strings["Email Address"] = "E-mailová adresa"; @@ -1491,12 +1492,12 @@ $a->strings["Activate addon"] = "Aktivovat rozšíření"; $a->strings["Do not insert the Jappixmini Chat-Widget into the webinterface"] = "Nevlkádejte Jappixmini Chat-Widget do webového rozhraní"; $a->strings["Jabber username"] = "Jabber uživatelské jméno"; $a->strings["Jabber server"] = "Jabber server"; -$a->strings["Jabber BOSH host"] = ""; -$a->strings["Jabber password"] = ""; -$a->strings["Encrypt Jabber password with Friendica password (recommended)"] = ""; +$a->strings["Jabber BOSH host"] = "Jabber BOSH host"; +$a->strings["Jabber password"] = "Jabber heslo"; +$a->strings["Encrypt Jabber password with Friendica password (recommended)"] = "Zašifrovat Jabber heslo s heslem Friendica (doporučeno)"; $a->strings["Friendica password"] = "Friendica heslo"; -$a->strings["Approve subscription requests from Friendica contacts automatically"] = ""; -$a->strings["Subscribe to Friendica contacts automatically"] = ""; +$a->strings["Approve subscription requests from Friendica contacts automatically"] = "Automaticky schválit požadavek na členství od Friedica kontaktů."; +$a->strings["Subscribe to Friendica contacts automatically"] = "Automaticky zaslat požadavek na členství Friedica kontaktům."; $a->strings["Purge internal list of jabber addresses of contacts"] = ""; $a->strings["Add contact"] = "Přidat kontakt"; $a->strings["View Source"] = "Zobrazit zdroj"; @@ -1580,10 +1581,10 @@ $a->strings["Popular Channels (comma separated)"] = "Oblíbené Kanály (odděle $a->strings["IRC settings saved."] = "Nastavení IRC uloženo."; $a->strings["IRC Chatroom"] = "IRC Místnost"; $a->strings["Popular Channels"] = "Oblíbené kanály"; -$a->strings["Fromapp settings updated."] = ""; -$a->strings["FromApp Settings"] = ""; -$a->strings["The application name you would like to show your posts originating from."] = ""; -$a->strings["Use this application name even if another application was used."] = ""; +$a->strings["Fromapp settings updated."] = "Fromapp nastavení aktualizováno."; +$a->strings["FromApp Settings"] = "FromApp nastavení"; +$a->strings["The application name you would like to show your posts originating from."] = "Jméno aplikace, které chcete aby bylo jako zdroj u vašich příspěvků"; +$a->strings["Use this application name even if another application was used."] = "Použij toto jméno aplikace i když byla použita jiná aplikace"; $a->strings["Post to blogger"] = "Poslat na blogger"; $a->strings["Blogger Post Settings"] = "Nastavení příspěvků na Blogger "; $a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Plugin"] = "Povolit Blogger Post Plugin"; @@ -1963,10 +1964,11 @@ $a->strings["Send PM"] = "Poslat soukromou zprávu"; $a->strings["%1\$s poked %2\$s"] = "%1\$s šťouchnul %2\$s"; $a->strings["post/item"] = "příspěvek/položka"; $a->strings["%1\$s marked %2\$s's %3\$s as favorite"] = "uživatel %1\$s označil %2\$s's %3\$s jako oblíbeného"; -$a->strings["Categories:"] = ""; -$a->strings["Filed under:"] = ""; +$a->strings["Categories:"] = "Kategorie:"; +$a->strings["Filed under:"] = "Vyplněn pod:"; $a->strings["remove"] = "odstranit"; $a->strings["Delete Selected Items"] = "Smazat vybrané položky"; +$a->strings["Follow Thread"] = "Následovat vlákno"; $a->strings["%s likes this."] = "%s se to líbí."; $a->strings["%s doesn't like this."] = "%s se to nelíbí."; $a->strings["%2\$d people like this."] = "%2\$d lidem se to líbí.";