* Author: Michael Vogel */ require_once __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'library' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tumblroauth.php'; use Friendica\Content\PageInfo; use Friendica\Content\Text\BBCode; use Friendica\Content\Text\HTML; use Friendica\Content\Text\NPF; use Friendica\Core\Cache\Enum\Duration; use Friendica\Core\Hook; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\Core\Protocol; use Friendica\Core\Renderer; use Friendica\Core\System; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Model\Contact; use Friendica\Model\Item; use Friendica\Model\ItemURI; use Friendica\Model\Photo; use Friendica\Model\Post; use Friendica\Model\Tag; use Friendica\Protocol\Activity; use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat; use Friendica\Util\Network; use Friendica\Util\Strings; define('TUMBLR_DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL', 10); // given in minutes function tumblr_install() { Hook::register('hook_fork', __FILE__, 'tumblr_hook_fork'); Hook::register('post_local', __FILE__, 'tumblr_post_local'); Hook::register('notifier_normal', __FILE__, 'tumblr_send'); Hook::register('jot_networks', __FILE__, 'tumblr_jot_nets'); Hook::register('connector_settings', __FILE__, 'tumblr_settings'); Hook::register('connector_settings_post', __FILE__, 'tumblr_settings_post'); Hook::register('cron' , __FILE__, 'tumblr_cron'); } /** * This is a statement rather than an actual function definition. The simple * existence of this method is checked to figure out if the addon offers a * module. */ function tumblr_module() { } function tumblr_content() { if (!DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId()) { DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.')); return ''; } if (!isset(DI::args()->getArgv()[1])) { DI::baseUrl()->redirect('settings/connectors/tumblr'); } switch (DI::args()->getArgv()[1]) { case 'connect': $o = tumblr_connect(); break; case 'callback': $o = tumblr_callback(); break; default: DI::baseUrl()->redirect('settings/connectors/tumblr'); break; } return $o; } function tumblr_connect() { // Define the needed keys $consumer_key = DI::config()->get('tumblr', 'consumer_key'); $consumer_secret = DI::config()->get('tumblr', 'consumer_secret'); if (empty($consumer_key) || empty($consumer_secret)) { DI::baseUrl()->redirect('settings/connectors/tumblr'); } // The callback URL is the script that gets called after the user authenticates with tumblr // In this example, it would be the included callback.php $callback_url = DI::baseUrl() . '/tumblr/callback'; // Let's begin. First we need a Request Token. The request token is required to send the user // to Tumblr's login page. // Create a new instance of the TumblrOAuth library. For this step, all we need to give the library is our // Consumer Key and Consumer Secret $tum_oauth = new TumblrOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret); // Ask Tumblr for a Request Token. Specify the Callback URL here too (although this should be optional) $request_token = $tum_oauth->getRequestToken($callback_url); if (empty($request_token)) { // Give an error message return DI::l10n()->t('Could not connect to Tumblr. Refresh the page or try again later.'); } // Store the request token and Request Token Secret as out callback.php script will need this DI::session()->set('request_token', $request_token['oauth_token']); DI::session()->set('request_token_secret', $request_token['oauth_token_secret']); // Ask Tumblr to give us a special address to their login page $url = $tum_oauth->getAuthorizeURL($request_token['oauth_token']); // Redirect the user to the login URL given to us by Tumblr System::externalRedirect($url); /* * That's it for our side. The user is sent to a Tumblr Login page and * asked to authroize our app. After that, Tumblr sends the user back to * our Callback URL (callback.php) along with some information we need to get * an access token. */ } function tumblr_callback() { // Define the needed keys $consumer_key = DI::config()->get('tumblr', 'consumer_key'); $consumer_secret = DI::config()->get('tumblr', 'consumer_secret'); if (empty($_REQUEST['oauth_verifier']) || empty($consumer_key) || empty($consumer_secret)) { DI::baseUrl()->redirect('settings/connectors/tumblr'); } // Once the user approves your app at Tumblr, they are sent back to this script. // This script is passed two parameters in the URL, oauth_token (our Request Token) // and oauth_verifier (Key that we need to get Access Token). // We'll also need out Request Token Secret, which we stored in a session. // Create instance of TumblrOAuth. // It'll need our Consumer Key and Secret as well as our Request Token and Secret $tum_oauth = new TumblrOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret); // Ok, let's get an Access Token. We'll need to pass along our oauth_verifier which was given to us in the URL. $access_token = $tum_oauth->getAccessToken($_REQUEST['oauth_verifier'], DI::session()->get('request_token'), DI::session()->get('request_token_secret')); // We're done with the Request Token and Secret so let's remove those. DI::session()->remove('request_token'); DI::session()->remove('request_token_secret'); if (empty($access_token)) { return DI::l10n()->t('Unable to authenticate'); } // What's next? Now that we have an Access Token and Secret, we can make an API call. DI::pConfig()->set(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'tumblr', 'oauth_token', $access_token['oauth_token']); DI::pConfig()->set(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'tumblr', 'oauth_token_secret', $access_token['oauth_token_secret']); DI::baseUrl()->redirect('settings/connectors/tumblr'); } function tumblr_addon_admin(string &$o) { $t = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('admin.tpl', 'addon/tumblr/'); $o = Renderer::replaceMacros($t, [ '$submit' => DI::l10n()->t('Save Settings'), // name, label, value, help, [extra values] '$consumer_key' => ['consumer_key', DI::l10n()->t('Consumer Key'), DI::config()->get('tumblr', 'consumer_key'), ''], '$consumer_secret' => ['consumer_secret', DI::l10n()->t('Consumer Secret'), DI::config()->get('tumblr', 'consumer_secret'), ''], ]); } function tumblr_addon_admin_post() { DI::config()->set('tumblr', 'consumer_key', trim($_POST['consumer_key'] ?? '')); DI::config()->set('tumblr', 'consumer_secret', trim($_POST['consumer_secret'] ?? '')); } function tumblr_settings(array &$data) { if (!DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId()) { return; } $enabled = DI::pConfig()->get(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'tumblr', 'post', false); $def_enabled = DI::pConfig()->get(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'tumblr', 'post_by_default', false); $import = DI::pConfig()->get(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'tumblr', 'import', false); $cachekey = 'tumblr-blogs-' . DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(); $blogs = DI::cache()->get($cachekey); if (empty($blogs)) { $blogs = tumblr_get_blogs(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId()); if (!empty($blogs)) { DI::cache()->set($cachekey, $blogs, Duration::HALF_HOUR); } } elseif (empty(tumblr_connection(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId()))) { $blogs = null; DI::cache()->delete($cachekey); } if (!empty($blogs)) { $page = tumblr_get_page(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), $blogs); $page_select = ['tumblr_page', DI::l10n()->t('Post to page:'), $page, '', $blogs]; } $t = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('connector_settings.tpl', 'addon/tumblr/'); $html = Renderer::replaceMacros($t, [ '$l10n' => [ 'connect' => DI::l10n()->t('(Re-)Authenticate your tumblr page'), 'noconnect' => DI::l10n()->t('You are not authenticated to tumblr'), ], '$authenticate_url' => DI::baseUrl() . '/tumblr/connect', '$enable' => ['tumblr', DI::l10n()->t('Enable Tumblr Post Addon'), $enabled], '$bydefault' => ['tumblr_bydefault', DI::l10n()->t('Post to Tumblr by default'), $def_enabled], '$import' => ['tumblr_import', DI::l10n()->t('Import the remote timeline'), $import], '$page_select' => $page_select ?? '', ]); $data = [ 'connector' => 'tumblr', 'title' => DI::l10n()->t('Tumblr Export'), 'image' => 'images/tumblr.png', 'enabled' => $enabled, 'html' => $html, ]; } function tumblr_jot_nets(array &$jotnets_fields) { if (!DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId()) { return; } if (DI::pConfig()->get(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'tumblr', 'post')) { $jotnets_fields[] = [ 'type' => 'checkbox', 'field' => [ 'tumblr_enable', DI::l10n()->t('Post to Tumblr'), DI::pConfig()->get(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'tumblr', 'post_by_default') ] ]; } } function tumblr_settings_post(array &$b) { if (!empty($_POST['tumblr-submit'])) { DI::pConfig()->set(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'tumblr', 'post', intval($_POST['tumblr'])); DI::pConfig()->set(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'tumblr', 'page', $_POST['tumblr_page']); DI::pConfig()->set(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'tumblr', 'post_by_default', intval($_POST['tumblr_bydefault'])); DI::pConfig()->set(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'tumblr', 'import', intval($_POST['tumblr_import'])); } } function tumblr_hook_fork(array &$b) { if ($b['name'] != 'notifier_normal') { return; } $post = $b['data']; if ( $post['deleted'] || $post['private'] || ($post['created'] !== $post['edited']) || !strstr($post['postopts'] ?? '', 'tumblr') || ($post['parent'] != $post['id']) ) { $b['execute'] = false; return; } } function tumblr_post_local(array &$b) { // This can probably be changed to allow editing by pointing to a different API endpoint if ($b['edit']) { return; } if (!DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId() || (DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId() != $b['uid'])) { return; } if ($b['private'] || $b['parent']) { return; } $tmbl_post = intval(DI::pConfig()->get(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'tumblr', 'post')); $tmbl_enable = (($tmbl_post && !empty($_REQUEST['tumblr_enable'])) ? intval($_REQUEST['tumblr_enable']) : 0); // if API is used, default to the chosen settings if ($b['api_source'] && intval(DI::pConfig()->get(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'tumblr', 'post_by_default'))) { $tmbl_enable = 1; } if (!$tmbl_enable) { return; } if (strlen($b['postopts'])) { $b['postopts'] .= ','; } $b['postopts'] .= 'tumblr'; } function tumblr_send(array &$b) { if ($b['deleted'] || $b['private'] || ($b['created'] !== $b['edited'])) { return; } if (!strstr($b['postopts'], 'tumblr')) { return; } if ($b['gravity'] != Item::GRAVITY_PARENT) { return; } if (tumblr_send_npf($b)) { return; } $connection = tumblr_connection($b['uid']); if (empty($connection)) { return; } $b['body'] = BBCode::removeAttachment($b['body']); $title = trim($b['title']); $media = Post\Media::getByURIId($b['uri-id'], [Post\Media::HTML, Post\Media::AUDIO, Post\Media::VIDEO, Post\Media::IMAGE]); $photo = array_search(Post\Media::IMAGE, array_column($media, 'type')); $link = array_search(Post\Media::HTML, array_column($media, 'type')); $audio = array_search(Post\Media::AUDIO, array_column($media, 'type')); $video = array_search(Post\Media::VIDEO, array_column($media, 'type')); $params = [ 'state' => 'published', 'tags' => implode(',', array_column(Tag::getByURIId($b['uri-id']), 'name')), 'tweet' => 'off', 'format' => 'html', ]; $body = BBCode::removeShareInformation($b['body']); $body = Post\Media::removeFromEndOfBody($body); if ($photo !== false) { $params['type'] = 'photo'; $params['caption'] = BBCode::convertForUriId($b['uri-id'], $body, BBCode::CONNECTORS); $params['data'] = []; foreach ($media as $photo) { if ($photo['type'] == Post\Media::IMAGE) { if (Network::isLocalLink($photo['url']) && ($data = Photo::getResourceData($photo['url']))) { $photo = Photo::selectFirst([], ["`resource-id` = ? AND `scale` > ?", $data['guid'], 0]); if (!empty($photo)) { $params['data'][] = Photo::getImageDataForPhoto($photo); } } } } } elseif ($link !== false) { $params['type'] = 'link'; $params['title'] = $media[$link]['name']; $params['url'] = $media[$link]['url']; $params['description'] = BBCode::convertForUriId($b['uri-id'], $body, BBCode::CONNECTORS); if (!empty($media[$link]['preview'])) { $params['thumbnail'] = $media[$link]['preview']; } if (!empty($media[$link]['description'])) { $params['excerpt'] = $media[$link]['description']; } if (!empty($media[$link]['author-name'])) { $params['author'] = $media[$link]['author-name']; } } elseif ($audio !== false) { $params['type'] = 'audio'; $params['external_url'] = $media[$audio]['url']; $params['caption'] = BBCode::convertForUriId($b['uri-id'], $body, BBCode::CONNECTORS); } elseif ($video !== false) { $params['type'] = 'video'; $params['embed'] = $media[$video]['url']; $params['caption'] = BBCode::convertForUriId($b['uri-id'], $body, BBCode::CONNECTORS); } else { $params['type'] = 'text'; $params['title'] = $title; $params['body'] = BBCode::convertForUriId($b['uri-id'], $b['body'], BBCode::CONNECTORS); } if (isset($params['caption']) && (trim($title) != '')) { $params['caption'] = '

' . $title . '

' . '

' . $params['caption'] . '

'; } $page = tumblr_get_page($b['uid']); $result = $connection->post('blog/' . $page . '/post', $params); if ($result->meta->status < 400) { Logger::info('Success (legacy)', ['blog' => $page, 'meta' => $result->meta, 'response' => $result->response]); return true; } else { Logger::notice('Error posting blog (legacy)', ['blog' => $page, 'meta' => $result->meta, 'response' => $result->response, 'errors' => $result->errors, 'params' => $params]); return false; } } function tumblr_send_npf(array $post): bool { $page = tumblr_get_page($post['uid']); $connection = tumblr_connection($post['uid']); if (empty($page)) { Logger::notice('Missing page, post will not be send to Tumblr.', ['uid' => $post['uid'], 'page' => $page, 'id' => $post['id']]); // "true" is returned, since the legacy function will fail as well. return true; } $post['body'] = Post\Media::addAttachmentsToBody($post['uri-id'], $post['body']); if (!empty($post['title'])) { $post['body'] = '[h1]' . $post['title'] . "[/h1]\n" . $post['body']; } $params = [ 'content' => NPF::fromBBCode($post['body'], $post['uri-id']), 'state' => 'published', 'date' => DateTimeFormat::utc($post['created'], DateTimeFormat::ATOM), 'tags' => implode(',', array_column(Tag::getByURIId($post['uri-id']), 'name')), 'is_private' => false, 'interactability_reblog' => 'everyone' ]; $result = $connection->post('blog/' . $page . '/posts', $params); if ($result->meta->status < 400) { Logger::info('Success (NPF)', ['blog' => $page, 'meta' => $result->meta, 'response' => $result->response]); return true; } else { Logger::notice('Error posting blog (NPF)', ['blog' => $page, 'meta' => $result->meta, 'response' => $result->response, 'errors' => $result->errors, 'params' => $params]); return false; } } function tumblr_cron() { $last = DI::keyValue()->get('tumblr_last_poll'); $poll_interval = intval(DI::config()->get('tumblr', 'poll_interval')); if (!$poll_interval) { $poll_interval = TUMBLR_DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL; } if ($last) { $next = $last + ($poll_interval * 60); if ($next > time()) { Logger::notice('poll intervall not reached'); return; } } Logger::notice('cron_start'); $abandon_days = intval(DI::config()->get('system', 'account_abandon_days')); if ($abandon_days < 1) { $abandon_days = 0; } $abandon_limit = date(DateTimeFormat::MYSQL, time() - $abandon_days * 86400); $pconfigs = DBA::selectToArray('pconfig', [], ['cat' => 'tumblr', 'k' => 'import', 'v' => true]); foreach ($pconfigs as $pconfig) { if ($abandon_days != 0) { if (!DBA::exists('user', ["`uid` = ? AND `login_date` >= ?", $pconfig['uid'], $abandon_limit])) { Logger::notice('abandoned account: timeline from user will not be imported', ['user' => $pconfig['uid']]); continue; } } Logger::notice('importing timeline - start', ['user' => $pconfig['uid']]); tumblr_fetch_dashboard($pconfig['uid']); Logger::notice('importing timeline - done', ['user' => $pconfig['uid']]); } Logger::notice('cron_end'); DI::keyValue()->set('tumblr_last_poll', time()); } function tumblr_add_npf_data(string $html, string $plink): string { $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->formatOutput = true; @$doc->loadHTML(mb_convert_encoding($html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8')); $xpath = new DomXPath($doc); $list = $xpath->query('//p[@class="npf_link"]'); foreach ($list as $node) { $data = tumblr_get_npf_data($node); if (empty($data)) { continue; } tumblr_replace_with_npf($doc, $node, tumblr_get_type_replacement($data, $plink)); } $list = $xpath->query('//div[@data-npf]'); foreach ($list as $node) { $data = tumblr_get_npf_data($node); if (empty($data)) { continue; } tumblr_replace_with_npf($doc, $node, tumblr_get_type_replacement($data, $plink)); } $list = $xpath->query('//figure[@data-provider="youtube"]'); foreach ($list as $node) { $attributes = tumblr_get_attributes($node); if (empty($attributes['data-url'])) { continue; } tumblr_replace_with_npf($doc, $node, '[youtube]' . $attributes['data-url'] . '[/youtube]'); } return $doc->saveHTML(); } function tumblr_get_type_replacement(array $data, string $plink): string { switch ($data['type']) { case 'poll': $body = '[p][url=' . $plink. ']'. $data['question'] . '[/url][/p][ul]'; foreach ($data['answers'] as $answer) { $body .= '[li]' . $answer['answer_text'] . '[/li]'; } $body .= '[/ul]'; break; case 'link': $body = PageInfo::getFooterFromUrl($data['url']); default: Logger::notice('Unknown type', ['type' => $data['type'], 'data' => $data, 'plink' => $plink]); $body = ''; } return $body; } function tumblr_get_attributes($node): array { $attributes = []; foreach ($node->attributes as $key => $attribute) { $attributes[$key] = trim($attribute->value); } return $attributes; } function tumblr_get_npf_data(DOMNode $node): array { $attributes = tumblr_get_attributes($node); if (empty($attributes['data-npf'])) { return []; } return json_decode($attributes['data-npf'], true); } function tumblr_replace_with_npf(DOMDocument $doc, DOMNode $node, string $replacement) { $replace = $doc->createTextNode($replacement); $node->parentNode->insertBefore($replace, $node); $node->parentNode->removeChild($node); } function tumblr_fetch_dashboard(int $uid) { $page = tumblr_get_page($uid); $parameters = ['reblog_info' => false, 'notes_info' => false, 'npf' => false]; $last = DI::pConfig()->get($uid, 'tumblr', 'last_id'); if (!empty($last)) { $parameters['since_id'] = $last; } $connection = tumblr_connection($uid); $dashboard = $connection->get('user/dashboard', $parameters); if ($dashboard->meta->status > 399) { Logger::notice('Error fetching dashboard', ['meta' => $dashboard->meta, 'response' => $dashboard->response, 'errors' => $dashboard->errors]); return []; } if (empty($dashboard->response->posts)) { return; } foreach (array_reverse($dashboard->response->posts) as $post) { $uri = 'tumblr::' . $post->id_string; if ($post->id > $last) { $last = $post->id; } if (Post::exists(['uri' => $uri, 'uid' => $uid]) || ($post->blog->uuid == $page)) { DI::pConfig()->set($uid, 'tumblr', 'last_id', $last); continue; } $item = tumblr_get_header($post, $uri, $uid); $item = tumblr_get_content($item, $post); item::insert($item); DI::pConfig()->set($uid, 'tumblr', 'last_id', $last); } } function tumblr_get_header(stdClass $post, string $uri, int $uid): array { $contact = tumblr_get_contact($post->blog, $uid); $item = [ 'network' => Protocol::TUMBLR, 'uid' => $uid, 'wall' => false, 'uri' => $uri, 'private' => Item::UNLISTED, 'verb' => Activity::POST, 'contact-id' => $contact['id'], 'author-name' => $contact['name'], 'author-link' => $contact['url'], 'author-avatar' => $contact['avatar'], 'plink' => $post->post_url, 'created' => date(DateTimeFormat::MYSQL, $post->timestamp) ]; $item['owner-name'] = $item['author-name']; $item['owner-link'] = $item['author-link']; $item['owner-avatar'] = $item['author-avatar']; // @todo process $post->tags; return $item; } function tumblr_get_content(array $item, stdClass $post): array { switch ($post->type) { case 'text': $item['title'] = $post->title; $item['body'] = HTML::toBBCode(tumblr_add_npf_data($post->body, $post->post_url)); break; case 'quote': if (empty($post->text)) { $body = HTML::toBBCode($post->text) . "\n"; } else { $body = ''; } if (!empty($post->source_title) && !empty($post->source_url)) { $body .= '[url=' . $post->source_url . ']' . $post->source_title . "[/url]:\n"; } elseif (!empty($post->source_title)) { $body .= $post->source_title . ":\n"; } $body .= '[quote]' . HTML::toBBCode($post->source) . '[/quote]'; $item['body'] = $body; break; case 'link': $item['body'] = HTML::toBBCode($post->description) . "\n" . PageInfo::getFooterFromUrl($post->url); break; case 'answer': if (!empty($post->asking_name) && !empty($post->asking_url)) { $body = '[url=' . $post->asking_url . ']' . $post->asking_name . "[/url]:\n"; } elseif (!empty($post->asking_name)) { $body = $post->asking_name . ":\n"; } else { $body = ''; } $body .= '[quote]' . HTML::toBBCode($post->question) . "[/quote]\n" . HTML::toBBCode($post->answer); $item['body'] = $body; break; case 'video': $item['body'] = HTML::toBBCode($post->caption); if (!empty($post->video_url)) { $item['body'] .= "\n[video]" . $post->video_url . "[/video]\n"; } elseif(!empty($post->thumbnail_url)) { $item['body'] .= "\n[url=" . $post->permalink_url ."][img]" . $post->thumbnail_url . "[/img][/url]\n"; } elseif(!empty($post->permalink_url)) { $item['body'] .= "\n[url]" . $post->permalink_url ."[/url]\n"; } elseif(!empty($post->source_url) && !empty($post->source_title)) { $item['body'] .= "\n[url=" . $post->source_url ."]" . $post->source_title . "[/url]\n"; } elseif(!empty($post->source_url)) { $item['body'] .= "\n[url]" . $post->source_url ."[/url]\n"; } break; case 'audio': $item['body'] = HTML::toBBCode($post->caption); if(!empty($post->source_url) && !empty($post->source_title)) { $item['body'] .= "\n[url=" . $post->source_url ."]" . $post->source_title . "[/url]\n"; } elseif(!empty($post->source_url)) { $item['body'] .= "\n[url]" . $post->source_url ."[/url]\n"; } break; case 'photo': $item['body'] = HTML::toBBCode($post->caption); foreach ($post->photos as $photo) { if (!empty($photo->original_size)) { $item['body'] .= "\n[img]" . $photo->original_size->url . "[/img]"; } elseif (!empty($photo->alt_sizes)) { $item['body'] .= "\n[img]" . $photo->alt_sizes[0]->url . "[/img]"; } } break; case 'chat': $item['title'] = $post->title; $item['body'] = "\n[ul]"; foreach ($post->dialogue as $line) { $item['body'] .= "\n[li]" . $line->label . " " . $line->phrase . "[/li]"; } $item['body'] .= "[/ul]\n"; break; } return $item; } function tumblr_get_contact(stdClass $blog, int $uid) { $condition = ['network' => Protocol::TUMBLR, 'uid' => $uid, 'poll' => 'tumblr::' . $blog->uuid]; $contact = Contact::selectFirst([], $condition); if (!empty($contact) && (strtotime($contact['updated']) >= $blog->updated)) { return $contact; } if (empty($contact)) { $cid = tumblr_insert_contact($blog, $uid); } else { $cid = $contact['id']; } $condition['uid'] = 0; $contact = Contact::selectFirst([], $condition); if (empty($contact)) { $pcid = tumblr_insert_contact($blog, 0); } else { $pcid = $contact['id']; } tumblr_update_contact($blog, $uid, $cid, $pcid); return Contact::getById($cid); } function tumblr_insert_contact(stdClass $blog, int $uid) { $baseurl = 'https://tumblr.com'; $url = $baseurl . '/' . $blog->name; $fields = [ 'uid' => $uid, 'network' => Protocol::TUMBLR, 'poll' => 'tumblr::' . $blog->uuid, 'baseurl' => $baseurl, 'priority' => 1, 'writable' => false, // @todo Allow interaction at a later point in time 'blocked' => false, 'readonly' => false, 'pending' => false, 'url' => $url, 'nurl' => Strings::normaliseLink($url), 'alias' => $blog->url, 'name' => $blog->title, 'nick' => $blog->name, 'addr' => $blog->name . '@tumblr.com', 'about' => $blog->description, 'updated' => date(DateTimeFormat::MYSQL, $blog->updated) ]; return Contact::insert($fields); } function tumblr_update_contact(stdClass $blog, int $uid, int $cid, int $pcid) { $connection = tumblr_connection($uid); $info = $connection->get('blog/' . $blog->uuid . '/info'); if ($info->meta->status > 399) { Logger::notice('Error fetching dashboard', ['meta' => $info->meta, 'response' => $info->response, 'errors' => $info->errors]); return; } $avatar = $info->response->blog->avatar; if (!empty($avatar)) { Contact::updateAvatar($cid, $avatar[0]->url); } $baseurl = 'https://tumblr.com'; $url = $baseurl . '/' . $info->response->blog->name; if ($info->response->blog->followed && $info->response->blog->subscribed) { $rel = Contact::FRIEND; } elseif ($info->response->blog->followed && !$info->response->blog->subscribed) { $rel = Contact::SHARING; } elseif (!$info->response->blog->followed && $info->response->blog->subscribed) { $rel = Contact::FOLLOWER; } else { $rel = Contact::NOTHING; } $fields = [ 'url' => $url, 'nurl' => Strings::normaliseLink($url), 'uri-id' => ItemURI::getIdByURI($url), 'alias' => $info->response->blog->url, 'name' => $info->response->blog->title, 'nick' => $info->response->blog->name, 'addr' => $info->response->blog->name . '@tumblr.com', 'about' => $info->response->blog->description, 'updated' => date(DateTimeFormat::MYSQL, $info->response->blog->updated), 'header' => $info->response->blog->theme->header_image_focused, 'rel' => $rel, ]; Contact::update($fields, ['id' => $cid]); $fields['rel'] = Contact::NOTHING; Contact::update($fields, ['id' => $pcid]); } function tumblr_connection(int $uid): ?TumblrOAuth { $oauth_token = DI::pConfig()->get($uid, 'tumblr', 'oauth_token'); $oauth_token_secret = DI::pConfig()->get($uid, 'tumblr', 'oauth_token_secret'); $consumer_key = DI::config()->get('tumblr', 'consumer_key'); $consumer_secret = DI::config()->get('tumblr', 'consumer_secret'); if (!$consumer_key || !$consumer_secret || !$oauth_token || !$oauth_token_secret) { Logger::notice('Missing data, connection is not established', ['uid' => $uid]); return null; } return new TumblrOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $oauth_token, $oauth_token_secret); } function tumblr_get_page(int $uid, array $blogs = []): string { $page = DI::pConfig()->get($uid, 'tumblr', 'page'); if (!empty($page) && (strpos($page, '/') === false)) { return $page; } if (empty($blogs)) { $blogs = tumblr_get_blogs($uid); } if (!empty($blogs)) { $page = array_key_first($blogs); DI::pConfig()->set($uid, 'tumblr', 'page', $page); return $page; } return ''; } function tumblr_get_blogs(int $uid): array { $connection = tumblr_connection($uid); if (empty($connection)) { return []; } $userinfo = $connection->get('user/info'); if ($userinfo->meta->status > 299) { Logger::notice('Error fetching blogs', ['meta' => $userinfo->meta, 'response' => $userinfo->response, 'errors' => $userinfo->errors]); return []; } $blogs = []; foreach ($userinfo->response->user->blogs as $blog) { $blogs[$blog->uuid] = $blog->name; } return $blogs; }