<?php return <<<INI

; Warning: Don't change this file! It only holds the default config values for this addon.
; Instead overwrite these config values in config/addon.ini.php in your Friendica directory

; owner (String)
; This is the Name of the Operator
owner =

; ownerprofile (String)
; This is an optional Friendica account where the above owner name will link to
ownerprofile =

; email (String)
; A contact email address (optional)
; Will be displayed slightly obfuscated as name(at)example(dot)com
email =

; postal (String)
; Should contain a postal address where you can be reached at (optional)
postal =

; notes (String)
; Additional informations that should be displayed in the Impressum block
notes =

; footer_text (String)
; Text that will be displayed at the bottom of the pages.
footer_text =

//Keep this line