# Hex dump of tiny 8080 programs. Each program can be loaded into the simulator via the loadDataAsHexString() interface or the "LOAD DATA" input box. The HEX bytes in the strings are the binary sequence of 8080 machine instructions. ## Simple adder Adds the two values stored at 0080H and 0081H, then writes the result to 0082H. ``` 3a 80 00 47 3a 81 00 80 32 82 00 c3 00 00 ``` ## Pattern shift Keep right shifting the value of register A. ``` 3e 8c d3 ff 0f c3 02 00 ``` ## I/O test Echos IN to OUT. Reads from SENSE SW. switches, then outputs the value. ``` db ff d3 ff c3 00 00 ``` ## More I/O test ``` 0e ff 16 01 7a fe 80 ca 0f 00 fe 01 c2 12 00 79 2f 4f 79 fe 00 c2 1e 00 7a 17 57 c3 21 00 7a 1f 57 7a 2f d3 ff db ff 3c 06 02 1e ff 1d c2 2c 00 05 c2 2a 00 3d c2 28 00 c3 04 00 ```