# This script uses wloc on the (maximised) refwin window to calculate # the screen size and produce the commands necessary to build the # initial windows for my Plan9 session. BEGIN { # constants stat_width = 235 stat_height = 176 cat_width = 150 cat_height = 300 term_width = 903 term_height = 612 com_height = 300 acme_overlap = 100 # how much acme should overlap com cascade_size = 50 # the amount of offset for a window cascade } / refwin$/ { # calculate screen dimensions scr_width = $5 scr_height = $6 # status window print "window -minx 0 -miny 0 -dx", stat_width, "-dy", stat_height, "stats -lmisce" # cat clock cat_x = scr_width - cat_width print "window -minx", cat_x, "-miny 0 -dx", cat_width, "-dy", cat_height, "games/catclock" # acme editor acme_x = stat_width acme_width = scr_width - stat_width - cat_width acme_height = scr_height - com_height + acme_overlap print "window -minx", acme_x, "-miny 0 -dx", acme_width, "-dy", acme_height, "acme -a" # terminal window term_y = stat_height print "window -minx 0 -miny", term_y, "-dx", term_width, "-maxy", scr_height, "termwin" # commode chat com_x = term_width com_y = scr_height - com_height print "window -minx", com_x, "-miny", com_y, "-maxx", scr_width, "-maxy", scr_height, "-scroll comwin" # original terminal orig_x = cascade_size orig_y = stat_height + cascade_size print "window -minx", orig_x, "-miny", orig_y, "-dx", term_width, "-dy", term_height, "-hide /usr/sdf/lib/9legacy/first.window" }