# 9unit Copyright (C) 2023 Jonathan Lamothe This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ## Summary A simple unit testing framework for C programs in Plan9 This provides the library file `9unit.a` and the header `9unit.h`. The header is relatively well commented and can provide a fairly comprehensive breakdown of the API. This document will however provide a basic overview below. This library is used to test itself, consequently the `test` directory contains a relitively decent real-world (if somewhat confusing) example of how it can be used. ## `TestState` The entire testing framework is centred around the `TestState` data structure. As its name would imply, it contains the current state of the tests in progress, however it should almost never be necessary to interact with it directly. With the exception of `run_tests()` (described below), all functions provided by the library will take take a pointer to the current `TestState` value as their first argument. ## `run_tests()` This will typically be the first function called. It creates an initial `TestState` value, runs the tests, and displays a test log and summary at the end. If any of the tests fail, it will cause the test process to exit with a status of `"test(s) failed"`. Its prototype follows: ```C void run_tests(void (*)(TestState *)); ``` Its only argument is a pointer to a function which is then responsible for actually running the tests. A pointer to the newly created `TestState` value will be passed to this function. ## Simple Tests The simplest form of test can be represented by a function resembling the follwoing: ```C TestResult my_test(TestState *s) { // test code goes here... } ``` This function should return a `TestResult` value representing (perhaps unsurprisingly) the result of the test. The options are as follows: - `test_success`: the test was completed successfully - `test_failure`: the test failed - `test_pending`: the test is pending, and should be ignored for now Tests of this type can be run by passing a pointer to them to the `run_test()` function which has the following prototype: ```C void run_test( TestState *, TestResult (*)(TestState *) ) ``` This function will call the provided test function, and update the provided `TestState` to reflect the result. Thus, the above hypothetical test could by run as follows: ```C void tests(TestState *s) { run_test(s, my_test); } void main() { run_tests(tests); exits(0); } ``` Passing a null `TestState` pointer will cause nothing to happen. This is true of all functions in this library. (This behaviour might be reconsidered later, so don't count on it.) Passing a null function pointer to `run_test()` is interpreted as a pending test. ## Passing Values to Tests Since C supports neither lambdas nor closures, this would leave one with little choice but to come up with a unique name for each individual test function. This, while possible, would definitely be rather inconvenient. To combat this shortcoming, it is helpful to be able to pass data into a generic test function so that it can be reused multiple times. ### The `ptr` Value The `TestState` struct has a value called `ptr` which is a `void` pointer that can be set prior to calling `run_test()` (or any other function, really). This value can then be referenced by the test function, giving you the ability to essentially pass in (or out) *any* type of data you may need. While not ideal, it's *a* solution. The library does not perform any kind of validation or automatic memory management on the `ptr` value (this is C after all), so the responsibility for this falls to the programmer implementing the tests. ### Convenience Functions As the test suite becomes more and more complex, managing a single `ptr` value can become increasingly burdensome. For this reason, there are a few convenience functions that provide an alternate mechanism for passing data into a function without altering the `ptr` value. (They actually do alter it internally, but they restore the original value before passing the state on.) Two such functions are: `run_test_with()`, and `run_test_compare()`. `run_test_with()` has the following prototype: ```C void run_test_with( TestState *, TestResult (*)(TestState *, void *), void * ); ``` The first argument points to the current test state. The second points to a test function much like the simple test function described above, but that takes a void pointer as a second argument. Finally, the third argument is the pointer that gets passed into the test function. `run_test_compare()` is similar, but it allows *two* pointers to be passed into the test function. This is useful for comparing the actual output of a function to an expected value, for instance. The prototype for `run_test_compare()` follows: ```C void run_test_compare( TestState *, TestResult (*)(TestState *, void *, void *), void *, void * ); ``` The pointers will be passed into the test function in the same order they are passed into `run_test_compare()`. ## Test Contexts It is useful to document what your tests are doing. This can be achieved using contexts. Contexts are essentially labelled collections of related tests. Contexts can be nested to create hierarchies. This is useful both for organization purposes as well as creating reusable test code. There are several functions written for managing these contexts. Each of these functions takes as its first two arguments: a pointer to the current `TestState`, and a pointer to a string describing the context it defines. If the pointer to the string is null, the tests are run as a part of the existing context. ### `test_context()` ```C void test_context( TestState *, const char *, void (*)(TestState *) ); ``` This function takes a pointer to the current `TestState`, a string describing the context, and a function pointer that is used the same way as the one passed to `run_tests()`. This function will be called and its tests will be run within the newly defined context. Nothing prevents this function from being called again in a different context. ### `test_context_with()` ```C void test_context_with( TestState *, const char *, void (*)(TestState *, void *), void * ); ``` This funciton works similarly to `test_context()`, but allows for the passing of a `void` pointer into the test function in much the same way as the `run_test_with()` function. Its arguments are (in order), a pointer to the current state, the context description, a pointer to the test function, and the pointer to be passed into that function. ### `test_context_compare()` ```C void test_context_compare( TestState *, const char *, void (*)(TestState *, void *, void *), void *, void * ); ``` This funciton allows the passing to two `void` pointers into a context in a manner similar to `run_test_compare()`. ### `single_test_context()` ```C void single_test_context( TestState *, const char *, TestState (*)(TestState *) ); ``` This function applies the context label to a *single* test. The function passed in is expected to operate in the same way as the one passed to `run_test()`. ### `single_test_context_with()` ```C void single_test_context_with( TestState *, const char *, TestState (*)(TestState *, void *), void * ); ``` This is similar to `single_test_context()` but allows a `void` pointer to be passed as in `run_test_with()`. ### `single_test_context_compare()` ```C void single_test_context_compare( TestState *, const char *, TestResult (*)(TestState *, void *, void *), void *, void * ); ``` I assume you get the idea at this point. ## Logging When `run_tests()` finishes running the tests, it displays a log and summary. The summary is simply a tally of the number of tests run, passed, failed, and pending. While this is useful (and probably all you need to know when all the tests pass) it is likely desirable to have more detail when something goes wrong. To facilitate this, tests can append to the test log, which is automatically displayed just before the summary. There are two functions for doing this. ### `append_test_log()` ```C void append_test_log( TestState *, const char * ); ``` This appends an arbitrary string to the end of the test log. The contents of the string are copied into the log, so the value pointed to by the second argument does not need to persist in memory beyond the end of the call to the function. Log entries are expected to be single lines. No trailing newline should be present (but the trailing NUL character should (obviously)). ### `log_test_context()` ```C void log_test_context(TestState *); ``` This function appends an entry to the log indicating the test's current *full* context. If no context is defined, the log entry will be `""`. If the test is inside of a context labeled `"foo"` which is inside of another context labeled `"bar"`, the resulting log entry will read `"bar: foo"`.